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Joe Rogan's Podcast |OT|


Neighbours from Hell
Joe said when he went to Spotify he lost 50% of his listeners, but now he has more than he’s ever had and he said perhaps facetiously “thanks CNN” implying them going after him for the ivermectin stuff brought a whole new set of viewers.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Joe said when he went to Spotify he lost 50% of his listeners, but now he has more than he’s ever had and he said perhaps facetiously “thanks CNN” implying them going after him for the ivermectin stuff brought a whole new set of viewers.
I am surprised he recouped so many. Good for him. I'm still not going to listen on Spotify though.


Joe said when he went to Spotify he lost 50% of his listeners, but now he has more than he’s ever had and he said perhaps facetiously “thanks CNN” implying them going after him for the ivermectin stuff brought a whole new set of viewers.

I signed up for Spotify the moment he went off YouTube and it's been great based on my experience. I don't really use it for music so much but I listen to about 20 podcasts via there and I can't believe I went without it prior. His podcast is still video if I feel like watching it and the updates are usually timely and on schedule. Granted... I'm like 30 episodes behind on his show due to listening to so many shows now but I've discovered so many other shows thanks to Rogan, so I don't mind the variety.

I'm up to December 7th in terms of his episodes haha. I'll get there.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Joe has completely lost it. He used to regularly affirm that he was a meathead and a dumbass, that he was an expert in combat sports and not intellectual disciplines—because he isn’t. Living in that space worked well for him since he focused on being a great listener who people could relax and open up with.

This space he occupies now is a disaster of aggressive ignorance, misinformation, confirmation bias, and cognitive dissonance.


Joe has completely lost it. He used to regularly affirm that he was a meathead and a dumbass, that he was an expert in combat sports and not intellectual disciplines—because he isn’t. Living in that space worked well for him since he focused on being a great listener who people could relax and open up with.

This space he occupies now is a disaster of aggressive ignorance, misinformation, confirmation bias, and cognitive dissonance.

Let me gently disagree. I think some of his chapters are still awesome, and one of the few places where other voices -like Dr. Malone- have a platform. Also bringing Gupta from CNN was great and a good conversation to see different ideas / understanding of reality face to face.


He’s always had his occasional meat head moments for as long as I watched it. I remember once he had John Mackey, the former ceo of Whole Foods on, where they had a really tense exchange that got very uncomfortable to watch. John was insisting that the research suggests a whole food, plant based diet, is the best diet for longevity and heart health, and Joe got very angry and defensive because I think at the time he was doing carnivore.

If you’re just looking at video clips it’s easy to come to the conclusion that he’s some kind of loon, but he’s human, and so naturally he falters at times. Short clips really don’t give you the full picture and can paint anybody in the worst light if that’s all you see of them. I’m not going to let one mistake or bad take ruin my whole opinion of the show and man. A majority of the time there’s really interesting guests and the long form makes for the types of conversations you really don’t see many other places. He’s not an expert and never claims to. He doesn’t have to reiterate it every episode. But he still does do so at times, again, you just don’t see it in 30 second clips.

The recent Jim Gaffigan episode was great. He really is the best version of himself when talking to other comedians.
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I personally know people who have taken the vax/booster and their health has been destroyed.

It’s been termed “safe and effective” because of the way the data is manipulated.

For example, the CDC’s original definition of vaxxed when this started was “14 days after the final shot.”

For everyone that died immediately of stroke, heart attack, etc in that fourteen day window following the final shot, they were listed as an “unvaccinated death.”

That’s 100% deceptive bullshit.
Seems like the transition to Spotify was a good time to jump off the program. :messenger_grimmacing_

Get a load of that goalposts shifting wtf haha. Typically he would say something stupid, acknowledge that what he's saying may be inaccurate, get Jamie to look it up and go from there.

I'm noticing more and more that he will get Jamie to look something up and either double down kn what he's saying or move the goalposts in the most cowardly way possible.


Joe has completely lost it. He used to regularly affirm that he was a meathead and a dumbass, that he was an expert in combat sports and not intellectual disciplines—because he isn’t. Living in that space worked well for him since he focused on being a great listener who people could relax and open up with.

This space he occupies now is a disaster of aggressive ignorance, misinformation, confirmation bias, and cognitive dissonance.

This space he occupies now is a disaster of aggressive ignorance, misinformation, confirmation bias, and cognitive dissonance.
That sounds like all modern mainstream media these days, from CNN to Fox News. But at least Rogan doesn't want you to hate and fear your neighbors.

With all that said, I do see your point, and I hope Rogan comes to see it as well. Were I in Rogan's shoes, with the same people telling me to trust the science in one breath and then accusing me of taking horse medicine in the next, I can't honestly say that I'd be doing a better of job of handling the situation. Maybe you feel otherwise, but I think it would be hard to imagine without having experienced everything he's gone through.
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Dont know much about James Lindsay, but he was probably one of my least favorite guests in recent memory. Just came across as arrogant and a bit of an edgelord.


Lol, looks like Young has significantly less monthly listeners than Joe, looks like an easy decision for Spotify. The fact that companies are increasingly expected to have something as debatable as “misinformation policies” is terrifying. This seems to have become an accepted thing practically overnight.
I personally know people who have taken the vax/booster and their health has been destroyed.

It’s been termed “safe and effective” because of the way the data is manipulated.

For example, the CDC’s original definition of vaxxed when this started was “14 days after the final shot.”

For everyone that died immediately of stroke, heart attack, etc in that fourteen day window following the final shot, they were listed as an “unvaccinated death.”

That’s 100% deceptive bullshit.
I’d dare to guess that those friends had some weird shit previous to this, such as undiagnosed conditions, ”electronic/5G sensititivity”, and that some of them are flat earthers.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Lol, looks like Young has significantly less monthly listeners than Joe, looks like an easy decision for Spotify. The fact that companies are increasingly expected to have something as debatable as “misinformation policies” is terrifying. This seems to have become an accepted thing practically overnight.
Young has thrown his 'clout' around before without much success. I suspect it will be the same here.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Looking forward to the Peterson interview. Looks like they did 4 and a half hours. Peterson has been rather spicy on the Twitters lately from what I've seen so it should be fun.
I'd love to watch but not until there's a better way to engage with the content. Spotify's video just sucks. Hopefully some clips go up on YT.


From what Ive listened to so far, Joe did a pretty great job of defending and espousing for progressive values against Peterson. Can't wait for the media to report on this......lol. This is always what pisses me off. You never hear about the “good” things about Joe, only the “bad”. It's so easy to take one out of context snippet from a 3 hour show and make him look horrible. He's got to be one of the most unfairly treated public figures in a long while.
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Man Rogan looks kinda terrible in this Peterson interview, dude looks like he hasn't slept in three days.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I don’t think he’s the devil, he’s just a cringe benzo fiend who seems to lack self awareness, but whose heart seems to be in the right place?
Yeah. He’s not the messiah, he’s not perfect, and usually I enjoy hearing his POV. I think nuance is lost when when public personalities are only allowed to be either all good or all bad. Peterson is definitely a mix like everyone. I do think his first book was a fantastic read, albeit somewhat disappointing to also see his fall juxtaposed. A good reminder to take more weight into who you allow to influence your own life.


Rodent Whores
Peterson's alright. He's got some good ideas mixed in with some kooky ones, but which internet celebrity doesn't, really. He does get hated on a lot and his words do get twisted by others on many occasions, but it's easy to do that when he speaks in such an overly complicated manner (I'm not saying that's a bad thing). I have a lot of sympathy for his recent ordeal with benzos, and I'm glad he's better, but it doesn't put his ability as a "self help guru" in a positive light. Possibly my biggest criticism of him is related to his over complicated manner of communication because while it's fine to do that, you need to make sure that people who listen to you are actually understanding what you say rather than assuming what you say and then putting their own thoughts in to replace them because they didn't actually understand what you said due to its overcomplicated nature. e.g. his numerous mentions of metaphorical vs literal truth.
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Neighbours from Hell
The thing is though, Peterson has helped a lot of people. And he's never claimed to be perfect. It's like a really knowledgeable and good doctor being overweight. Are you not going to take their medical advice seriously because they don't stay healthy themselves?

At the end of the day, he either helps people or he doesn't, and countless people have gotten something from his books or lectures and to me that's all that matters.

I just think he's an interesting guy with interesting thoughts. And he makes me think about stuff, and I like that.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
The thing is though, Peterson has helped a lot of people. And he's never claimed to be perfect. It's like a really knowledgeable and good doctor being overweight. Are you not going to take their medical advice seriously because they don't stay healthy themselves?

At the end of the day, he either helps people or he doesn't, and countless people have gotten something from his books or lectures and to me that's all that matters.

I just think he's an interesting guy with interesting thoughts. And he makes me think about stuff, and I like that.
I don’t think anyone here disagrees. For me, he’s an interesting personality but I don’t think what he’s saying is all that impactful or profound. Good on him for helping those that need it. I don’t give his opinions much weight outside of his area of expertise (Philosophy). I’ll still listen to him when something interesting pops up.
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advanced basic bitch
I don’t think anyone here disagrees. For me, he’s an interesting personality but I don’t think what he’s saying is all that impactful or profound. Good on him for helping those that need it. I don’t give his opinions much weight outside of his area of expertise (Philosophy). I’ll still listen to him when something interesting pops up.
Psychology would be his area of expertise. That's where his direct education lies anyway. I think he's said some pretty profound things in a sense that he's very good at taking simple messages and lessons and expanding on them in a logical way.

Clean your room. Makes sense. We all agree that's a good thing but then he'll explain why in great detail and cover things you might not have thought about.

Cool guy. Glad he's around. He's got some lectures coming up this year and I'd like to attend one but I don't think my girlfriend would have it.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Psychology would be his area of expertise. That's where his direct education lies anyway. I think he's said some pretty profound things in a sense that he's very good at taking simple messages and lessons and expanding on them in a logical way.

Clean your room. Makes sense. We all agree that's a good thing but then he'll explain why in great detail and cover things you might not have thought about.

Cool guy. Glad he's around. He's got some lectures coming up this year and I'd like to attend one but I don't think my girlfriend would have it.
Yeah his first book made a lot of sense. He’s well spoken and and good writer. But not much outside of that has kept my attention with him.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
About four minutes into this new JBP episode and going to bail out. Joe describing his climate science “research” is painful. Looking at partisan talking points and weighing them as if they are equally valid is not scientific research. Peterson acting as though you can’t draw any meaningful conclusions from statistical analysis without accounting for 100% of r squared is way off the mark.

If you aren’t scientifically trained, your best bet is to listen to scientists about science. Bro-research won’t get you there.
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