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FRIDAYTON MK II: 5.5 million bears and salmon create unholy allliance to sack SONY HQ


This is Eurogamer though, I'm not willing to believe them yet. Just a few days ago we had the "seven" being confused for "several" debacle, and the arrogance in how they corrected themselves afterwards.


Even if true, it hardly constitutes the disaster people are making it sound like.


Junior Member
I think is pure logic.

It's naive to think a SO could handle with only 512MB all what PS4 promised (background downloads, chat, share function, change apps on the go, etc).
This thread sure has gotten kooky.

If Naughty Dog can pull off The Last of Us with the PS3's RAM set up, I'm sure whatever they have available to them now will be more than enough to blow minds once again.


Quantic Dream don't make games though. But whatever they decide to make it will look nice.

Though true that their game can pull off more graphical flare due to not requiring resources to be spent on a lot of stuff that other games would have to. Their tech demos get surpassed by other developers. Just look at their initial heavy rain tech demo (that everyone was so hyped up about at the time). Has been surpassed by other developers who make "games" on the ps3.
i remember when i purchased my first sony system. it was after christmas and i had finally gathered enough money with my sibling to plunk down $299.99 (plus tax) at a gamestop. we bought final fantasy vii and final fantasy x. ffx was the most technologically advanced thing i had ever seen. i cried when they cried. i laughed when they laughed. it was a true experience that touched me deeply. there were many more experiences on the ps2 like this that made me the person i am today.

flash forward to ps3. the $599.99 announcement stung, but i knew in my heart of hearts that i would come back to the worlds sony had made so dear. years later in 2009, i purchased one, and only a few months later i experienced the tour de force that was david cage's heavy rain. uncharted 2 and the last of us followed (with beyond still on the way). these were experiences that not only further shaped me as a person, but changed the gaming landscape as we knew it.

just a month ago i reserved a ps4. the promise of 8gb gddr5 meant exciting new worlds, new heights in storytelling, new frontiers to be experienced. now i'm not sure if that will be possible. and i don't know with this betrayal how i could ever trust sony again.

I think we have our "Square just shot themselves in the foot" post of the generation and the generation hasn't even started.
Game Informer: Report: PlayStation 4 Reserves Nearly Half Of RAM For OS

Our Take:
Those supposed advantages that the PS4 was set to enjoy over the Xbox One sure seem to be dropping like flies, don’t they? I’m no fan of the unbearable wait to bring up the Xbox Guide or the somewhat more manageable delay in calling up the PS3 XMB, but reducing your system’s available memory by 43 percent is a high price to pay. RAM is the most important resource for many new modes of gameplay and other innovations that developers are looking to create on next-gen consoles. I’m all for my friends list instantly popping up on screen when called for, but do I want that at the cost of another 20 AI-driven characters active in the world? That’s a much harder question.

4.5GB of GDDR5 is still a huge bonanza of high-speed memory for developers to work with in 2013, but will we still be saying that in five years when Nvidia is rolling out unified CPU/GPU architecture with 16GB of similarly fast RAM for $200 tablets? As sexy as the PS4/XB1 tech specs are today, remember that they’re broadly similar to mid/high-end PCs available right now and that technology gets faster and cheaper every day. Ten years is a long time to lock in a hardware spec for, and I question the wisdom of both Sony and Microsoft cutting their systems off at the knees like this.

OH WOW! So now we can't complain about MS using up 3GB of their 8GB on 3 different OSes because Sony uses up 3.5GB! Evidence again that Sony can't code, but they sure make sweet hardware. This might mean that EVENTUALLY Xbox One will have a free RAM advantage.
Holy shit, you guys are serious? You actually thought you'd have close to 8gigs of ram for games? I was assuming under 4 at most. And NO X1 is not 5-6 for games... Perhaps 2 for one part of the OS, but there are other functions that use it and even kinect uses a lot.

I had no idea people assumed this...


Hahaha I love that guy.
Luck in engineering, bwahahaha.

SONY didn't engineer or design the manufacturing process of GDDR5 RAM. That was Samsung and/or hynix.

Right before the PS4 reveal, Samsung or hynix probably found a way to create high density GDDR5 modules and made 8 GB of GDDR5 a possibility. I highly doubt SONY expected GDDR5 RAM manufacturing to improve drastically back when in 2009/2010.


Why does it feel like Eurogamer UK just threw it out there yesterday to get hype for an article coming today under the guise of going to Sony for a statement?

This whole thing seems super shady in source and build up. After DF string of misinformation in the last few months, I'm not sure why anyone would buy this at face value.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I don't see what the big deal is. They have to set arbitrary lines for ram use. You've got devs working from one end and os teams working from the other conceptually. Theorectically nobody is using 4 gigs of ram at this point...its the early days with launch titles. From either the games end or the os end, no one has optimized code. Given how they were restrained with ps3 for cross game chat, it makes sense that they would reserve some ram for growth for services we may not even know we want yet...but may years from now demand or expect because the competition has it.
development is all about optimizing with limited resources. Give them 4 they'll optimize to four. Until they absolutely need more, keep he arbitrary line in the sand just in case gamers demand some type of ingame video chat or who knows what and suddenly u need it. Get a feel for what gamers need or demand.


Now I don't believe this rumour is true but since Sony announced they upped the memory to 8Gb we've heard nothing but praise from the development community. There has not even been the slightest hint that the OS would require nearly half the memory.
I still believe that devs will have access to around 7Gb of memory. I bet there are a lot of devs out there that if they could, they would ask for more.


MS's software engineers are fantastic. Best in the business, or in the top percentile anyway.

Their products sure don't seem like they have the best engineers in the business. Other IT companies seem to be pushing smarter, more innovative and better technology.


I see people tossing around "future proof" a lot in here. You can't future proof a console, PC, etc. :x

Microsoft has $80 billion in the bank and can easily afford the best computer engineers.
Microsoft's policies are the problem. Their hardware would have easily destroyed SONY's if it weren't for SONY's dumb luck with high-density GDDR5 modules.
Microsoft's hardware easily destroys itself.


Neo Member
Link to current PS3 OS Ram usage.

If PS3 uses 50 MB for OS and PS4 uses 2500 MB minimum then thats a 5000% increase for OS. While at the same time the games had 462 MB on PS3 to PS4's 4500 MB guaranteed which is only a 975% increase?

I call shenanigans. Using that much GDDR5 for OS function would be a waste. Am I right?


The RROD was due to rushing and it's a thing of the past now.
The XONE and PS4 size is due to the eSRAM (1.6 trillion transistors), which microsoft had to include so their GPU wasn't bandwidth-starved.

SONY got lucky. That's what happened.
Dude, you should stop posting about stuff you don't understand.
It's pretty sad (for you)!


Cornbread78 said:
start to hit those hard. Enough traffic has to get them to wake up and respond somehow...

How are they supposed to respond? Make public a lot of low-level technical information to folk who are overreacting based on their abject ignorance of the actual meaning of the information!


Not sure when people will realize that it's the GAMES and services that should be the draw, and not the ram. It's weird watching people turn their back on what they call a cool looking game simply because the other machine has (had) more ram (but never mention a game). I don't play ram, I play fun games.

This thread is a hoot. Cant wait for the yay or nay from Sony.

I can't imagine their worldview. I am a gamer to play games, not to collect powerful technology.


Junior Member
OH WOW! So now we can't complain about MS using up 3GB of their 8GB on 3 different OSes because Sony uses up 3.5GB! Evidence again that Sony can't code, but they sure make sweet hardware. This might mean that EVENTUALLY Xbox One will have a free RAM advantage.

Sony uses 2.5GB for SO... and this is a "flexible" amount according to DF.
The XONE and PS4 size is due to the eSRAM (1.6 trillion transistors), which microsoft had to include so their GPU wasn't bandwidth-starved.

Are you trying to say the eSRAM is generating more heat then the GDDR5 in the PS4 and consequently the XB1 needs to be much larger and have an external power brick, while the PS4 manages to have an internal PSU and is considerably smaller?

Or are you trying to say that you think the eSRAM is literally the reason for the size disparity because they need to physically fit in all those "trillion" transistors?



I think is pure logic.

It's naive to think a SO could handle with only 512MB all what PS4 promised (background downloads, chat, share function, change apps on the go, etc).
Except that the system is supposed to have dedicated hardware that offsets RAM usage for those features. Or at least, that was how it sounded in the hardware talks.
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