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Classic Anime scenes that you'll always remember


What are some classic anime scenes that you'll always remember? I don't watch much anime anymore these days, but there are certain scenes from anime that I've seen years ago that I'll always remember because of how cool or impactful they were at the time.

What are some of yours?

1. Gohan turns SSJ 2

2. Macross SDF - Do you Remember Love?

3. One Piece - Robin I want to Live

4. Rurouni Kenshin - Kenshin vs Sojiro

5. Cowboy Bebop - Ballad of Fallen Angels

6. Hunter X Hunter - Gon vs Pitou

7. PLANETES - Epilogue
The first thing I was going to post when I came into the thread was gon vs pitou and cowboy bebop. Fuck you OP. Nice list.
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Akira... Hands down!!!! Watched it when I was way too young...

If it weren't for Akira I doubt anime would have evolved to its current point.

Your list is good. But leaving akira out is a sin.


First anime I ever saw was vampire hunter d and ninja scroll. Then guyver bio boost armor and dragon ball z.


Trigun when the priest finally opens up the cross, and when he talked about it being so heavy.
Love and Peace.



I don't watch too much anime today either (there are some gems). Back in the day though, oof, 80s/90s anime is on another level. Used to rent VHS movies from the store and watch with my bros.

I didn't link the last one because its spoilery.
However if you have a chance go and watch 'Jin Roh The Wolf Brigade'. The ending scene is one of my favourite pieces of film.
Funny thing is I only watched it for the first time last year. I'm glad I did, if I had watched it back then as a teen, don't think it would of hit me the same way.

I don't watch too much anime today either (there are some gems). Back in the day though, oof, 80s/90s anime is on another level. Used to rent VHS movies from the store and watch with my bros.

I didn't link the last one because its spoilery.
However if you have a chance go and watch 'Jin Roh The Wolf Brigade'. The ending scene is one of my favourite pieces of film.
Funny thing is I only watched it for the first time last year. I'm glad I did, if I had watched it back then as a teen, don't think it would of hit me the same way.

The bike parts in Akira literally changed my life...

I've ridden sport bikes my whole life... Would love to share pics.... I'm past it though...

Cancel culture has made me anonymous
.. Which is really sad...

Being white and not racist is not hip these days.
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I don't watch too much anime today either (there are some gems). Back in the day though, oof, 80s/90s anime is on another level. Used to rent VHS movies from the store and watch with my bros.

I didn't link the last one because its spoilery.
However if you have a chance go and watch 'Jin Roh The Wolf Brigade'. The ending scene is one of my favourite pieces of film.
Funny thing is I only watched it for the first time last year. I'm glad I did, if I had watched it back then as a teen, don't think it would of hit me the same way.

Came here to post that GITS scene. Magnificent.


The bike parts in Akira literally changed my life...

I've ridden sport bikes my whole life... Would love to share pics.... I'm past it though...

Cancel culture has made me anonymous
.. Which is really sad...

Being white and not racist is not hip these days.
Now you have me curious to see the pics and the story behind it.
I get it though, people are looking for anything to feel angry/righteous about.


I don't know if it is classic, but the near end episodes of the 90s JoJo's Bizarre Adventure when members of the team start dying. I wasn't too familiar with the series then, but it was different, and made me a fan.

The newer stuff.... I dunno yet.


This episode

This devastated me when I was young (in original show, better version from movie remaster):



Unconfirmed Member

mango drank

These two fight scenes from the Rurouni Kenshin OVAs / Samurai X / whatever it was called. One of the first anime I ever saw, spoiled me for anime in general after that.



Gay porn is where it's at.

with that fucking music, this scene will never leave my memory

EDIT: also this
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Well, when I was a kid, "death" felt such a foreign theme for anime.
Like a sitcom, I thought everything will be well again.

I was in elementary school when I watched Minky Momo - and her death, almost near the end of series was a shocker.
I mean, I should have noticed the whole "previously on..." digest episode before this episode.
Minky Momo was quite close achieving her goal, but lost some serious power.. and many viewers were expecting she would overcome somehow... but she got killed by a truck driver by accident.

There's a big story regarding her death - how the creators were pissed at toy makers and all, and it was meant to be some sort of protest - but as a kid, the scene was rather traumatic. Broadcast company that aired this episode, got many calls from angry parents.


My experience of Ashitano Joe is via VHS tape of the 2 movies that were released in 80s.
Loved them both - and his death/rest scene... really left quite some mark. This scene, is obviously was so powerful enough that's been re-used by many anime for homage/parody.


... and this.
Touch. Death of Kazuya Uesugi.
It's not exactly about this scene per se, but whole episode leading to the Minami crying.


More recently, though - this scene. Every time I watch this, I tear up. Not from sadness, but from the greatest grief & overcoming such in total hot-blood style. Gurren Laggan is definitely my favorite Gainax anime.
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The dropping of the atomic bomb in Barefoot Gen. I cannot imagine living through something so horrific.



Akira... Hands down!!!! Watched it when I was way too young...

If it weren't for Akira I doubt anime would have evolved to its current point.

Your list is good. But leaving akira out is a sin.

Akira is one that I need to revisit some day. The one time I watched it was in college and my friends & I were half drunk and not really paying full attention to the TV. So unfortunately, I don't remember much about the film.
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