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Final Fantasy XVI - your expectations after the great success of Final Fantasy XV

Hype for Final Fantasy XVI

  • 99999

    Votes: 11 25.6%
  • 9999

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • 7777

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • 4956

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 1111

    Votes: 17 39.5%

  • Total voters



After the great and incredible game that is Final Fantasy XV,


after Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers,


and after the imminent release of another announced masterpiece that will be Final Fantasy VII Remake, what are your expectations on the future chapter of this splendid saga?


Mine are very high :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:
Hype over 9999 x 15 = Omnislash :messenger_smiling_hearts:


I have hope for 7 remake it's remaking something that was already great. the characters, the plot, the world, all that was already present, but i don't trust in Square when it comes to making a new Final Fantasy from Scratch. If we dont count the reboot of XIV, in these past 11 years, the series has been at best mediocre, at worst, complete trash.
the XIII trilogy is better be forgoten, and XV had so much potential but couldnt do anything with it. The combat was decent, the graphics and art were amazing, same for the soundtrack, the issue was everything else.


0 hype and I don’t know based on what you said “great success” .. Oh I remember, based on being biased and looking like a fool everytime there’s Square Enix mentioned

I mean do you not see yourself at all? I mean I’m sure you’re doing this on purpose everytime. This is very funny

Back on topic, 0 hype until they change my mind. Other than that I wouldn’t get hyped for another 10-15 years for a new FF
Considering 13 was bad and 15 was terrible my hype is 0 and expect another miss from SE.

Odds OP gets banned from his own thread again?

15 actually sold very well. Something like top five in the series if I remember correctly.
15, worse than 13? What are you smoking bud?
I wouldn't call FFXV a "great success" but I don't know sales numbers so maybe it was?

Anyway, I enjoyed FFXV, but that was that - at this point in time I'm more hyped for whatever Falcom has to offer.

As I'm one of the normies that think FFVII is the GOAT, though, I'm quite hyped for the remake.


I loved FF15, hope more of the same as in no random encounters, beautiful huge worlds and keep it mature. I dont wanna play cartoonish characters.

Me too. And an actually great open world game :messenger_smiling_hearts:
Final Fantasy XV is one of the most enjoyable and great game I've played in this generation. A fantastic great game, that deserves every penny that gained.


that is terrible news indeed. Shit game doesn't deserve good sales.

It doesn't mean much. Games in general sell more now and FFXV's budget was much higher.

I think Resident Evil 5 and 6 are among the best selling entries and they are among the worst in the series.

Capcom still understood people didn't like those. I like to believe SE knows that FFXV is crap too.
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It doesn't mean much. Games in general sell more now and FFXV's budget was much higher.

I think Resident Evil 5 and 6 are among the best selling entries and they are among the worst in the series.
Exactly. A Few friends of mine that got the game even had to force themselves to finish it, and they never spoke of it again.


But prepare to hear lots of differing opinions pal. And you better make sure to not overreact.

I for instance deeply hate that videogame. I consider myself more of a rational guy who doesn't get emotional over "vidyagaims". But FFXV truly made me mad when I played it haha. It's so terrible imo

Overreact? Like this?

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I can't wait to see what Final Fantasy XVI will look like, since I loved Final Fantasy XV, that I found one of the best Final Fantasy ever made :messenger_smiling_hearts:
(and I say that from longtime fans of the saga)

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XV sales is impressive...but it not 'great success' in term of reception and quality though...that game should not represent hype for XVI..infact, i believe lot of people would worry again...

but yes, i excited for XVI...but because of GREAT SUCCESS of XIV especially Heavensward and Shadowbringers

XIV should be future Final Fantasy benchmark, any bar they need to suprass is either HW or SHB
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I can't wait to see what Final Fantasy XVI will look like, since I loved Final Fantasy XV, that I found one of the best Final Fantasy ever made :messenger_smiling_hearts:
(and I say that from longtime fans of the saga)

Yes. You said that several times now.

Are you trying to do that thing they do in shows where you change your voice so it sounds like a lot of different people are agreeing with you?


Yes. You said that several times now.

Are you trying to do that thing they do in shows where you change your voice so it sounds like a lot of different people are agreeing with you?

This is a discussion I created to find out if you have confidence and expectations towards the future
Final Fantasy XVI.
Regardless of the reason (FF XIV, FFXV, or FF VII Remake) , and regardless of how it will end up.
(so not a conversation about what is better or worse, but only about what you expect)
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After the great and incredible game that is Final Fantasy XV,


after Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers,


and after the imminent release of another announced masterpiece that will be Final Fantasy VII Remake, what are your expectations on the future chapter of this splendid saga?


Mine are very high :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:
Hype over 9999 x 15 = Omnislash :messenger_smiling_hearts:
my expectation is high, not because of XV...that game mediocre...had potential though..but lacking in execution..sales number doesnt represent quality..dont forget some of worst gameplay game nowdays sold alot due to casuals..and dont easier get fooled by flashy presentation...

my expectation is high due to Heavensward and Shadowbringers....XV just make my expectation going down...so thanks to Yoshi-P and his XIV team, i had faith in square again...and those 2 expansion is the benchmark they must atleast tackled on including upcoming FFVII Remake..thats pretty high bar though..and if the rumors HW staff handled XVI is true, then my hype gonna soar higher

other team at square must not lose to BD5 team..they even suprassed Heavensward who people dont believed the success will get repeated and toppled again with Shadowbringers..any team including those VII Tokyo team, Osaka, Luminous Production need to suprass, is those team managed by Yoshida..there lot of talent there..they even got excelent replacement for departure of HW key staff with SHB

oh yes, dont get wrong..i enjoyed XV and i love that game...but that game not a benchmark a FF game should aim for....i worry if they did.... i wont call it huge success either...nothing it had to stand tall among top rpg in this decade either, unlike XIV ...quite a shame though..best FF in this decade is mmo, not even single player
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I couldn't bring myself to finish 15. 13 might not be good but I at least finished it. Neither are worth playing.
More like forced yourself to, FFXV is a longer game I believe. Doesn't matter, I was just giving you crap.

Hell no. 13 is in no way better than 15

15 was a good game, 13 wasn’t at all.

Edit: Corrected myself
I must be the only one here who actually felt something for the story and characters, and I'm surprised that nobody expected J-pop looking characters after Versus XIII was originally revealed.

It may even be a better game than 12 but I haven't made it all that far in 12 TBF.
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I must be the only one here who actually felt something for the story and characters, and I'm surprised that nobody expected J-pop looking characters after Versus XIII was originally revealed.
I enjoyed the characters. I think the friendship between the 4 party members was well done, i liked Ardyn, i loved Aranea, the issue was everything around those characters. I didnt feel anything about Luna. We barely saw her and it was mostly on flashbacks, and when noctis finally meets up with her, she dies. Why should i care? Why should their romance have any emotional impact on meif we didnt see any proper romance between them? It was just a big mess.


Final Fantasy XV is one of my biggest gaming disappointments besides MGS5. I bought into the hype and got this super expensive collectors edition, just to be fucked over. This almost non existing story + movie+anime +dlc and its probably still unfinished. The game had so much promise and I thought SE knew what's at stake, but well it seems like they were still financial successful, so I guess they didn't learn a lesson. So my hype at the moment is non existent, they have to prove that they still can make a FF in less than 10years without any major dev. hickups.


my expectation is high due

This is exactly the core of the discussion that I want created.
Everyone's haves different expectations, and every expectation can born from different motivation.
In my case is because I love Final Fantasy XV to the point to consider it one of my favorite of the saga, in your case is because you love Final Fantasy XIV, and in orther case is because of Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Everyone haves their motivation, and is that what I want from this discussion.
(and so not things like what is good and what is bad, but more like what you love and what you wish for the future)


15 was the first one I've played in the series that made me say I am 100% taking a wait and see approach to their next game. OPs obsession with this turd is baffling.

Like I understand they've apparently made it better since launch, but that's not my experience. I don't generally play RPGs twice. I was playing it on launch day, and my experience was terrible. Hate the game and the shitty movie that was supposed to be the story that they forgot to put into the actual game.
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This is exactly the core of the discussion that I want created.
Everyone's haves different expectations, and every expectation can born from different motivation.
In my case is because I love Final Fantasy XV to the point to consider it one of my favorite of the saga, in your case is because you love Final Fantasy XIV, and in orther case is because of Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Everyone haves their motivation, and is that what I want from this discussion.
(and so not things like what is good and what is bad, but more like what you love and what you wish for the future)
i respect other opinion..dont worry...i respect yours too

but here, my stance is not due to which one i love..i love XV and XIV...but here i pick which one i see most suite, and reach the quality needed...and here, i choose XIV


After the huge FFXV failure to delivery a FF game I expect FFXVI to not be anything like XV and be a FF game.

BTW after FFXV the franchise is not something I look forward anymore so it could be very easy to surprise me now if they can make a good FF game again.
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day 1 preorder special edition with the art book and cd for sure!

Honestly I liked final fantasy 15 enough that when you combine it with the absolute joy I got from FF 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10... it's enough for me to still pay $60 for FF16, just in case it's half as good as ff9.
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15, worse than 13? What are you smoking bud?
Both are bad.
But I give the edge to FFXIII too... it have better battle system and overall is a FF game even if bad... FFXV is an unfinished bad game and a bad FF game with narrative/story issues... what saves it?

That doesn’t means much of course... I could perfectly pass both due their quality... it is not something worthy to buy/play.
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I haven't play all the FF (only VI, VII, X, X-2 and XV) but this series is kind of "magic" for me and I can't resist to be hype for each new FF.

I was really hyped for XV (I mean Versus XIII), got a bit disappointed but enjoy it quite a bit in the end (but yes the story is a bit fuck up). I even think doing another play through this year to see the changes they made (and I'll probably enjoy a bit more because now I know what to expect).


The problem with XV was that there wasn't real strategy involved. That's something I'm a bit worried about in FFVII Remake too, but to a lesser degree since it seems battle strat has been at least factored into the system.

With that said, XIV will be the best FF game in the modern games. Period.

I'll always be hyped for a new Final Fantasy. It's my favorite series for a reason.
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I couldn't be arsed to finish XIII so I didn't bother buying XV until recently.

I enjoyed XV. Yeah it had it's problems but it was a lot more enjoyable than XIII was.

If I hadn't played XV I probably wouldn't be considering getting the next game but as it is I'll probably see how well it is received before deciding.


With that said, XIV will be the best FF game in the modern games. Period.

I heard that quite often. It got me really hype to try it. Always wanted to be a MMO fan but those I have try could not keep me interested long enough.

Does it really feel like a "single player" adventure (MMO combat aside)


I haven't play all the FF (only VI, VII, X, X-2 and XV) but this series is kind of "magic" for me and I can't resist to be hype for each new FF.

I was really hyped for XV (I mean Versus XIII), got a bit disappointed but enjoy it quite a bit in the end (but yes the story is a bit fuck up). I even think doing another play through this year to see the changes they made (and I'll probably enjoy a bit more because now I know what to expect).

Final Fantasy XV improves a lot thanks to the many contents of the many free updates of the game, and also thanks to the addition of all the DLC.
The Royal Edition and the Windows Edition are the most complete versions of the game, with the only difference that I don't understand Episode Ardyn which must be purchased separately. But once you have tasted the whole Final Fantasy XV narrative universe, you will fall in love with it.

I heard that quite often. It got me really hype to try it. Always wanted to be a MMO fan but those I have try could not keep me interested long enough.

Does it really feel like a "single player" adventure (MMO combat aside)

Final Fantasy XIV is an MMO and an excellent Final Fantasy. But it also requires a lot of patience, above all also because of the many very banal fetch quests that interlude the events of the very multifaceted and very rich and complex history.
For the gameplay you can play safely even alone, but you will have much more difficulty finding groups that help you in the dungeons and who also have the patience you need to complete them.

I, for example, the first time I finished Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, in the last dungeon, I was so far behind in the dungeon that the whole group already knew it by heart, and I not only could not do anything but I couldn't even see or fight the final Boss for this.
Because they had already gone all their way, and they had already beaten all the stages of the final Boss
(then they corrected by adding a preparation barrier, but before it was not there and I had this experience)
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Abrasive, but well-meaning
Final Fantasy VI and IX are the best 2 Final Fantasy games. Square should look at them for some inspiration
I'll always play mainline FF games. They put so much effort and creativity into it. Even if I dont like some entries, the next one may be completely different. I'm always pretty hyped for it. More hyped than for VII. I just want something new.


Any move in the FFXV direction is a bad move.

Any move in the FFXIV direction is a good move.

It's this easy.


The Royal Edition and the Windows Edition are the most complete versions of the game,
Regarding that point. I will not buy any new version. With yhe standard version of the game, will I get all the changes (aside from DLC of course) ?

Regarding the story, it was ok but not amazing so except they rewrote a big part of it, I will probably not change my vision of it (anyway I am not so picky for stories, so it did the job for me without being amazing)
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Regarding that point. I will not buy any new version. With yhe standard version of the game, will I get all the changes (aside from DLC of course) ?

Regarding the story, it was ok but not amazing so except they rewrote a big part of it, I will probably not change my vision of it (anyway I am not so picky for stories, so it did the job for me without being amazing)

You can get all the free-update change maked to the game. That includes the shitch whit the charachters


Ok thanks. I was really lost with all the "special edition"

However, in the future, maybe take a little thought and buy one of the full versions of Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition and Windows Edition.
(that the DLCs are nice to play, and add interesting stuff)
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