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LTTP: Gears 5 - So pretty.... So boring.


Too long; Didn't read: The game feels weightless and bland. Gears 1, 2 and 3 are way better!

I just uninstalled Gears 5 and I have some opinions about it.....


The last time that I played Gears was on the 360, Gears of War 3 to be more precise, while I didn't enjoy the story mode as much as the first two games, the multiplayer was awesome, so now getting a new Xbox made me extremely hyped about the latest game in the series.

And DAMN the graphics are incredible and the game runs perfectly on the Series S, at 60 frames, only Forza Horizon 4 has the same level of quality that is presented on Gears 5 on the Series S.

However... The game is quite boring on the gameplay side. My memory of Gears is that it is a brutal game, were the player must take cover while shooting carefully at long range, trying to advance and eviscerating enemies at close range with chainsaws and shotguns, every movement had impact, simply getting in to cover felt heavy, the weapons and enemies sounds made everything tense.

But on Gears 5, everything feels weightless, from aiming to movement, the weapons "feels" way worse and taking cover lacks any of the older games "impact", the characters get out of cover quite fast...Too fast and sprinting feels... meh? The AI seems a lot worse, specially on the horde mode... Which is my biggest issue! It pains my heart to say, but DAMN the horde mode is bad! The horde (survival) mode on the 360 games gave me reasons to buy the console. They are extremely fun, the maps are amazing and the enemies are quite to battle. In Gears 5 it's the opposite, I tried so hard to enjoy it, but it's just different... It reminded me more of Inversion than Gears of War.

Gears 5 is my biggest disappointment on the Series S so far... It just feels too different from the Gears that I loved on the 360. Seems like a game that wanted to be Gears of War, but failed quite hard to get the whole point of it... Maybe that's the reason that they named it only Gears 5.

Anyway, am I alone on this opinion?
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For me Gears 3 is my favorite of the franchise. I can't blame Microsoft alone because part of the problem are the game reviewers. They gave Uncharted 4 a so damn high score that give the impression of cutting parts of the gameplay and focus on the story is a better ideia for a game.

I find Uncharted 4 boring as fuck as well, but Lost Legacy is pretty decent. I can't say about Gears 5 because I stop on Gears 3, but looks like is pretty much the problem people have been reporting.
I loved Gears 1 at time of release and Gears 2 took a few days for me to realize it was disappointing... I still play each entry but only in co-op for some lulz, the first game aged poorly and everything since hass no interest in advancing anything forward so it's like playing a game that has no idea its competitors have flown by it.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Not alone. I loved Gears 1 and even borrowed a friend's 360 to play 2. Great games.

The newer ones tho... I played though a nice chunk of 4 and find it boring and lacking in difficulty. And 5 bored me in a few hours.


Not alone. I loved Gears 1 and even borrowed a friend's 360 to play 2. Great games.

The newer ones tho... I played though a nice chunk of 4 and find it boring and lacking in difficulty. And 5 bored me in a few hours.

I finished 4 on insane. It was a bit boring but doable. 5 on the other hand is really boring for me. It doesn't help that I really hate kate or whatever her name is.

Yeah yeah "toxic masculinity" ftw 💪💪🤣🤣


Me and my wife when we first met used to play Gears horde mode and then played each one through campaign coop and loved them.

That was until Gears 4, we never finished it and and progressed even less in 5, something was lost from the original trilogy. I miss the dark and gritty tone of the og trilogy, after seeing the WWE New Day tie in with Gears 5 it really reminded me how far the Gears franchise has fallen from being a top franchise (and I actually enjoy wrestling).
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The setting of the original trilogy, the "end of the world" vibe, and how you felt like the human species might just go under, permeated every story, setting, and character of the original trilogy.

This time, the story around Kate and the Queen, the re-hashing of old characters and old enemies (can't believe they brought back the same old Locusts again), felt uninspired and put the new Gears games behind the eight ball compared to where they were in the previous generation.


The open world sections were really annoying, the protagonist is forgettable and so are her new friends. I let Del (i think that was his name) die just because he was stupid and annoying. It will totally not be the canon choice tho. It tried to be something Gears is not and you could feel it.
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Yeah, it was really nice to look at but I just don't get that feeling gears 1 and 3 had for me. The coalition trying to be ND and they have yet been able to hit that spot with their last two games.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I managed to make it through 4, which I also found to be pretty damn boring, but I couldn't play more than 3 hours of 5 before dropping it. Looked great and played fine, but I just had zero desire to continue and was not enjoying the moment to moment gameplay.
It's really sad to see what both this series and Epic became after they parted ways. "Kait" is now Gears leading character, and Epic went onto making a kiddies game.

It's probably more about Cliffy B leaving than Epic, Lawbreakers was a flop but it made more sense as the "next" game from the Gears guy I'd argue than Fortnite or Gears 4. Not sure what happened to him, other people seem more clued in but I think he lost his mind a bit. Epic is more about their store (thanks for the free games!) and in that sense they're sorta like Bungie where leaving Microsoft has been very profitable.


Finished SP campaign alone and enjoyed it as much as I usually enjoy Gears games. Neither of them are all-timers, but they are pretty fun. Then went through the campaign again with my friends (I chose to play with Jack) and it was even better. All the upgrade options made the game feel a bit more fresh.
I have to agree OP, a wonderfully developed game but just not one I cared to play. I only got through the first chapter, around 30% of the campaign and found myself not going back to it. I would have never purchased it and installed the game as part of Gamepass, so that was nice to play what I did. The only Gears campaign I finished was 2.


The formula has just worn out its welcome. Its like Uncharted and God of War. After too many entries of the same mechanics, a major shake up is needed.

The clunky cover system and same enemy encounter design over and over again can't sustain 5 damn entries.

The Skull

I struggled to get through it and I was a massive Gears head back in the day. Spent thousands of hours playing 1-3 multiplayer. Favourite campaign is 2.

Gears 4 and 5 don't have anywhere near the same level of feeling that the original trilogy had and that could be down to Cliffy B's direction for the games. For me Gears is best when it is an over the top ridiculous Michael Bay-esque romp. Trying to ground it too much has rid it entirely of what made it enjoyable in the first place.
I struggled to get through it and I was a massive Gears head back in the day. Spent thousands of hours playing 1-3 multiplayer. Favourite campaign is 2.

Gears 4 and 5 don't have anywhere near the same level of feeling that the original trilogy had and that could be down to Cliffy B's direction for the games. For me Gears is best when it is an over the top ridiculous Michael Bay-esque romp. Trying to ground it too much has rid it entirely of what made it enjoyable in the first place.

Bingo you hit the nail on the head.

They shouldn't even have brought Gears back, it's watered down soft reboot.

Iced Arcade

It's just the new kids.... I play gears, I want to play as Marcus and some other brutes.

Still enjoyed but that skiff felt forced and dragged the game imo


I had a lot of fun, and consider this and Gears 4 to be among the best Xbox has to offer. Controls feel tight, and the action is quick and explosive. Loved the little side quests and everything as well. Super pretty game with top tier sound design. Not sure what's not to like here, but I respect your disagreement.


°Temp. member
I had Gears 1 on both PC and x360, and really enjoyed it. Later I got Gears 2 on x360 and really enjoyed it as well. I’ve always wanted to play the third one but never got a chance to and currently don’t own any Xbox hardware.

I saw that Gears 5 came to Steam and is on sale for $10, and came super close to buying it but didn’t think it would be the same based on reviews and what people were saying. It sounds like I made the right decision to skip it.

I had a chance to play the Gears 1 remake on PC and enjoyed it. Hopefully they’ll bring it to Steam and also remake the 2nd and 3rd games as well (or at least release them on PC so I can finally finish the original trilogy.

The Alien

It's ok to not like everything. At least u played it before making comments on it.

The games not without its problems.
...and yeah, the original trilogy is great.

Im a big Gears fan. Mostly horde and versus.
Its the most fluid movement ever in any Gears. I still have loads of fun with it.


I enjoyed the game and played the whole campaign with my friend. I liked how Jack added gameplay options and some world traversal added in some variety. Not everyone likes every game. Sorry you disliked it. I also think it was one of best looking games I've ever played. I'm ready for the next installment.


I struggled to get through it and I was a massive Gears head back in the day. Spent thousands of hours playing 1-3 multiplayer. Favourite campaign is 2.

Gears 4 and 5 don't have anywhere near the same level of feeling that the original trilogy had and that could be down to Cliffy B's direction for the games. For me Gears is best when it is an over the top ridiculous Michael Bay-esque romp. Trying to ground it too much has rid it entirely of what made it enjoyable in the first place.
Huh? usually what I hear is that most old school Gears fans are angry that it's not grounded enough, the first game had some horror elements and a larger focus on close combat, all the other Gears games are a lot more bombastic and silly compared to that one.
Huh? usually what I hear is that most old school Gears fans are angry that it's not grounded enough, the first game had some horror elements and a larger focus on close combat, all the other Gears games are a lot more bombastic and silly compared to that one.

If you asked me, the series went wrong at entry 2 when they put so much variety crap in like the worm level, driving levels, flying levels, etc. most of it seemed fine first play but playing on Insane it became the bane of my goddamn existence because it was clear they didn't know how to balance those "cinematic" segments properly. The series should have evolved from the first in terms of co-op combat instead the combat became a secondary focus, if you want combat play our Horde and MP modes, we're not going to bother for our campaign.
Can't prove me wrong
Proving my point

After the 3rd it's all downhill

What do you mean prove you wrong? It's opinions. Most people think God of War 2018 is the best entry, most people like Uncharted 4 better than 3 and 1 (it's the best, tbh). Plenty of people think ODST and Reach are at least in the same league as the original trilogy. Deal with it.


What do you mean prove you wrong? It's opinions. Most people think God of War 2018 is the best entry, most people like Uncharted 4 better than 3 and 1 (it's the best, tbh). Plenty of people think ODST and Reach are at least in the same league as the original trilogy. Deal with it.

Nothing to deal with
GOW 2018 was bloated crap compared to the tight corridor slasher it was
UC 4 was aight. Peaked at 2
Can't speak on Halo as I missed the 2 you mentioned
But 5's campaign did nothing for me
Gears 4 and 5 were turds compared to the 1st and 3rd
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