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The RTS thread |OT| Build, command, expand, conquer, annihilate!


Welcome back commander


Welcome to the OT of Real Time Strategy games of NeoGAF. This thread was created in the spirit of bringing the RTS lovers, enthusiasts, casuals, or anyone that's curious about RTS games, together. Discuss all RTS related games, news and communities. Be old, new, past, present or future. Strategies, the industry, development, knows and hows around these games. There's always an RTS game around the corner. New games, new communities, new trailers, etc. I hope for all the people that like RTS games to take over this thread and participate actively to mantain the spirit alive, this is yours.

NOTE: This is a community thread, and as such it should go to the respective forum, but I'd like to ask the mod team if you could leave this thread some time in the gaming section just for the sake of visibility, thanks.


Real-time strategy (RTS) is a sub-genre of strategy video games in which the game does not progress incrementally in turns. Real-time strategy games allow for all players to simultaneously play the game in "real-time". This is contrasted by turn-based strategy (TBS) games, where players must take turns to play. The term "real-time strategy" was coined by Brett Sperry to market Dune II in the early 1990s.

Please NOTE: RTS =/= TBS

In a real-time strategy game, each individual participant positions structures and maneuvers multiple units under their indirect control to secure areas of the map and/or destroy their opponents' assets. In a typical RTS game, it is possible to create additional units and structures during the course of a game. This is generally limited by a requirement to expend accumulated resources. These resources are in turn garnered by controlling special points on the map and/or possessing certain types of units and structures devoted to this purpose. More specifically, the typical game in the RTS genre features: resource-gathering, base-building, in-game technological development, and indirect control of units.

So before all. Please take in mind that this is an RTS (Real-time strategy) games focused thread. NOT a TBS (Turn-based strategy) thread.
There is a plethora of RTS types of games. Some are focused on base building, some on troops management, some on micro, others on macro, the ones that are high APM (actions per minute) powerhouses, and others that almost touch the TBS slowness.
For any RTS type of player, there's a game that cater to his/her preferred playstyle.

So please, even knowing that some games might mix TBS with RTS and the lines between them are blurred in such games, this thread is based around RTS and not pure hard TBS.


As I said before, there are a ton of RTS games with a tons of different focused mechanics. Ranging from base building to troop management, and situated from the Dark ages of human history, going through High Medieval Fantasy, up to futuristic science fiction games. Here are some remarkable exponents:


Age of Mythology is THE go to game if you like Gods Mythology from the Age of Empires creators.

Where can I find it?


Massive scale real-time strategy war with a sci-fi setting. When I say massive, I mean it.

Where can I find it?

Any alive community?


Command & Conquer series. One of the fathers of the Real-Time Strategy games. Different setting through this series.

Where can I find it?

Any alive community?

Company of Heroes franchise. One of the greatest RTS games based on the World War II. More tactic and unit micro-management than base building.

Where can I find it?

Any alive community?


One of the greatest RTS. Set in the Warhammer: 40,000 world. Base building, tactic troops management and a plethora of races to choose from with all its expantions packs.
The second installment focuses only on troops micromanagement and tactics, with little to no basebuilding.

Where can I find it?

Any alive community?

An RTS set in the Halo universe. Great graphics and a 'lite' RTS gameplay that makes it possible to play with a Gamepad.

Where can I find it?
Steam (Halo Wars 1)
MS Store (Halo Wars 2)
Both are available in Gamepass.

Any alive community?


Homeworld is an RTS that's totally done in 3D. It's set in a sci-fi setting in space where big ships battle across the galaxy.

Where can I find it?

Any alive community?


A sublime RTS set in the Lord of the Rings universe. Here you can do base building and command the most iconic races in this franchise, such a Dwarfs, Elfs, Humans, Orcs, Ents, etc. Also you get to command great heroes, like Gollum, Frodo, Gandalf, Aragorn, Saruman, Sauron, etc.

Where can I find it?

Any alive community?

From the God genre and the iconic company Bullfrog comes a unique take on the RTS genre. One of the firsts 3D RTS and maybe the only one where land forging and deformation is a core gameplay aspect.

Where can I find it?

Any alive community?


Another iconic RTS game. Similar to Age of Empires series, althought with a lot of differences, like going from the ancient times to the modern era, and having more of a focus on macro than micro management.

Where can I find it?

Any alive community?


The Starcraft series might easily be regarded as the best RTS games of all times. Set in a futuristic sci-fi universe with 3 really different races between each other, this game focuses on micro and macro, base building and troops management equally, making it the APM powerhouse that only few people can master to be the top of the top.

Where can I find it?
All the series is available in Battle.net

Any alive community?
All over the place​

Yet another iconic medieval RTS franchise. First you'll have to manage your town, castles and of course strongholds, and then overcome your enemies with your military forces.

Where can I find it?

Any alive community?


This RTS is considered the spiritual successor of Total Annihilation. If you like big mechas and high scale wars, this game is for you.

Where can I find it?

Any alive community?


A classic is just a classic. Set in a futuristic setting, it is said that was the first 3D RTS game.

Where can I find it?

Any alive community?


Before Starcraft there was Warcraft. And this RTS series got to its Prime with Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion The Frozen Throne. One beloved and greatest RTS of all times.

Where can I find it?
Battle.net (Warning, only available through Reforged edition)

Any alive community?


With no base-building and only tactic troops management, this RTS set in a dystopic past, created unique gameplay mechanics that made wargames uniquely compelling.

Where can I find it?

Any alive community?


Another of the greatest franchises of all times. The Age of Empires franchise stood the test of time, and with its most popular and succesful game, Age of Empires II, they catapulted the RTS genre into these days and age making a sequel, the forth installment in the series, possible.

Where can I find it?
All the franchise is available in Game Pass

Any community alive?
All over the place​

A great RTS game set in a high fantasy medieval world. The last installment in this franchise, Spellforce III, might remind you of the old Warcraft III but with much realistic and present graphics.

Where can I find it?
Steam (there is a free multiplayer version of Spellforce III)

Any community alive?


Another iconic RTS that went into the vein of the Age of Empires franchise, but this time, you could really go through all ages, from the ancient times to the sci-fi future. Develop before your enemy and destroy his cavemen with your laser tanks.

Where can I find it?
GOG (Empire Earth I)
GOG (Empire Earth II)
GOG (Empire Earth III)

Any community alive?

Before making the heavy hitters FPS franchises of Halo and Destiny, the developer Bungie made RTS games, yeah. These games, the Myth franchise were unique in its kind.

Where can I find it?

Any community alive?

If you want to share any community for any game, do so by posting in this thread or contact me and I'll add them.

There are still great things to come to and for the RTS future. RTS is not dead, and as I said before, it's up to you to mantain the RTS spark and soul alive. Here are some future games to keep an eye out on, of course, Age of Empires IV being the top of them.

These are just some of all the RTS games coming our way. I invite you to share more and all the things RTS you're interested on.


Beautiful OT!

I used to be super into RTS games. Did anyone here play a game called Megalomania back in the day? I played it on either the Megadrive or the Amiga (can't remember which):


I still remember the advisor excitedly telling me "We've nuked them!"

I played a ton of Command and Conquer on the Saturn. A PC capable of running that well was several times the price of a Saturn (I think the price difference between PC and console was much greater back then), so it was the only way for me to play it (it was a pretty good port, iirc):


I did eventually get a Windows 95 PC and had a lot of fun with many of the games listed in the OP (Age of Empires/Mythology, Total Annihilation, Red Alert...).

I haven't played an RTS in a long time, but did receive Company of Heroes for free a while back, so maybe I should give that a try. The new Age of Empires could tempt me back into the RTS fold too.
Cool OT.

I've played roughly half of the titles mentioned here, almost always the singleplayer campaigns though so no community contribution.

Wasn't there a Homeworld remaster or Sequel announced a few years ago?


Almost positive there's already an RTS Community, but I'll never turn down an opportunity to chat about the genre.

How is the Total War franchise not on the list? Anyone else looking forward to the Rome Total War remaster (out today) as I?


Great thread!

My favorites are Company of Heroes and Total War series although Dawn of War is also a game I enjoyed a lot. After Relic's games I couldn't go back to the classic RTS style of Starcraft...

Almost positive there's already an RTS Community, but I'll never turn down an opportunity to chat about the genre.

How is the Total War franchise not on the list? Anyone else looking forward to the Rome Total War remaster (out today) as I?

I'm tempted but I have such a huge amount of games that I need to get around to play... Plus, whenever I start playing a TW game time flies. It's just super engrossing.


Great thread!

My favorites are Company of Heroes and Total War series although Dawn of War is also a game I enjoyed a lot. After Relic's games I couldn't go back to the classic RTS style of Starcraft...

I'm tempted but I have such a huge amount of games that I need to get around to play... Plus, whenever I start playing a TW game time flies. It's just super engrossing.
Nice, CoH is another great one. Had a friend talk me into Dawn of War and it was fun but I don't have the same desire to go back and play again like I do with the TW games.

Also kinda agree with the "classic" RTS games but maybe for different reasons. After playing some of the deeper ones we have today that combine grand strategy and tactics, it's a bit droll for me to just play the 'gather resources, create units from a limited class/type selection, fight, rinse, repeat' games that feel like it's more a simple war of attrition than anything to do with tactics or strategy. I know I'm being overly simplistic when I talk about the Starcrafts/Warcrafts, AoE, C&C, etc but I've kinda grown out of them. Not saying they aren't still fun, I think I just prefer something a bit... more.

That said, my experience is limited to single player and co-op (when available). Maybe the bigger appeal is in vs?


Nice, CoH is another great one. Had a friend talk me into Dawn of War and it was fun but I don't have the same desire to go back and play again like I do with the TW games.

Also kinda agree with the "classic" RTS games but maybe for different reasons. After playing some of the deeper ones we have today that combine grand strategy and tactics, it's a bit droll for me to just play the 'gather resources, create units from a limited class/type selection, fight, rinse, repeat' games that feel like it's more a simple war of attrition than anything to do with tactics or strategy. I know I'm being overly simplistic when I talk about the Starcrafts/Warcrafts, AoE, C&C, etc but I've kinda grown out of them. Not saying they aren't still fun, I think I just prefer something a bit... more.

That said, my experience is limited to single player and co-op (when available). Maybe the bigger appeal is in vs?

They are very different. The way high level Starcraft games play is totally different from TW. I also prefer an approach based on strategy regarding what sections of the map to capture, deal with diplomatic issues, etc. Classic RTS has some tactical gameplay together with how quick to identify things and react you can be. I remember seeing someone plan his moves based on the time and pretty much using shortcuts to build and direct troops because how fast he needed to be competitive.

I prefer take my time, think it over. If a battle is lost there are always ways to recover.

Company of Heroes feels almost like an action game with some tactical gameplay built in. I like it looks cinematic and the setting is amazing. Very well done.


Beautiful OT!

I used to be super into RTS games. Did anyone here play a game called Megalomania back in the day? I played it on either the Megadrive or the Amiga (can't remember which):
It was on the megadrive. That game was nuts. You could get to the later stages where everyone starts in an advanced epoch, and if you started on a good part of the map, that shit was over before you could count to 5

I lost lots of time because of this:
I spawn, look at where I am, then suddenly "weve been nuked!". Of for fuck sake...


And again...

Haha great game 👍


It was on the megadrive. That game was nuts. You could get to the later stages where everyone starts in an advanced epoch, and if you started on a good part of the map, that shit was over before you could count to 5

I lost lots of time because of this:
I spawn, look at where I am, then suddenly "weve been nuked!". Of for fuck sake...


And again...

Haha great game 👍

Yeah, it was pretty fast paced for a strategy game.

Bringing up that game brought back a memory:
My house was very close to our school, so I would often invite some classmates over at the lunch break for some Megadrive action. FIFA was a favourite as it was 2 player (plus people love football in the UK, especially my friends), but one day I made my friends play Megalomania instead as I had recently really gotten into it, but they didn't like it at all and demanded to play FIFA again instead. I remember being really pissed off about it and telling my friends that they were just to dumb to appreciate it :messenger_tears_of_joy: .

In my defence, I was only 12/13 years old, but then again looking at this forum sometimes it seems that there are plenty of full grown adults who still don't understand how people can like different things from you and not be bad people!


Great thread. One of my favourite genres of all time, despite never being particularly great at them. I had forgotten about Stronghold, pretty sure I downloaded that of Kazaa (maybe Limewire by then?) back in the day. Also my favourite genre from an observer/eSports perspective. The first couple years of SCII were amazing, watching GSL every day after work.

Shame that Moba's have taken a lot of steam from the genre.

Funnily enough my first experience with the genre was when I rented SC64 on a whim. Tried to buy it at Walmart immediately after returning it...they didn't have it so I had to "settle" for the PC version.
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Where the FOOK is Iron Harvest?

Thread is full of classic games and classic-adjacents, but Iron Harvest is an actual original RTS that was released in the past year. Give it some love!

They Are Billions is also great. I poured 100s of hours into this game. (Make sure to save the campaign until AFTER you have beaten survival several times; the campaign is flawed, and you can make the wrong choices that can screw over your run).



Where the FOOK is Iron Harvest?

Thread is full of classic games and classic-adjacents, but Iron Harvest is an actual original RTS that was released in the past year. Give it some love!

They Are Billions is also great. I poured 100s of hours into this game. (Make sure to save the campaign until AFTER you have beaten survival several times; the campaign is flawed, and you can make the wrong choices that can screw over your run).

They are both good games, Iron Harvest goes way to much to the CoH side imho, and makes it suffer from the "why play the copycat when I can play the original" axioma.

They are billions is amazing, such a great twist into the city builder games. I'd like the devs to take a shot at a sequel with co-op and some polishing around other ideas that fell short.

Would gladly put them in the OP, just like a lot more of other games, I just made a comprehensive list, wouldn't be able to list them all.
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Build, command, expand, conquer, annihilate!

I feel a huge part of the decline of RTS is the death of the "build" part of your post title.

When COH came out and everyone cheered the death of base building, I knew it was the end of an era.
They are both good games, Iron Harvest goes way to much to the CoH side imho, and makes it suffer from the "why play the copycat when I can play the original" axioma.

They are billions is amazing, such a great twist into the city builder games. I'd like the devs to take a shot at a sequel with co-op and some polishing around other ideas that fell short.

Would gladly put them in the OP, just like a lot more of other games, I just made a comprehensive list, wouldn't be able to list them all.

That's a fair assessment with Iron Harvest.

And with TAB, yeah, the campaign was a disappointment, but wow did I put 100s of hours in those randomly-generated survival maps!


Great thread. I love RTS, but often don't sit down to play these types of games. Stellar Warfare looks interesting. I may have to grab that when it comes out.


Where the FOOK is Iron Harvest?

Thread is full of classic games and classic-adjacents, but Iron Harvest is an actual original RTS that was released in the past year. Give it some love!

They Are Billions is also great. I poured 100s of hours into this game. (Make sure to save the campaign until AFTER you have beaten survival several times; the campaign is flawed, and you can make the wrong choices that can screw over your run).

Oh wow, Iron Harvest looks pretty good. Is discounted and free to play this weekend too. Thanks!


They Are Billions is also great. I poured 100s of hours into this game. (Make sure to save the campaign until AFTER you have beaten survival several times; the campaign is flawed, and you can make the wrong choices that can screw over your run).

Agreed! Amazing RTS, it really suits my style of play, build a big base, manage resources, and defend from the enemy. I would love a part 2.

Build, command, expand, conquer, annihilate!

I feel a huge part of the decline of RTS is the death of the "build" part of your post title.

When COH came out and everyone cheered the death of base building, I knew it was the end of an era.
This hurts so much, I love base building, it adds so much to the "strategy" part of RTS.
Hopefully AoE 4 sells well for other publishers to notice, and from what I understand C&C remastered sold well, so I am hoping for a Red Alert 2 and Tiberian sun remaster!


I dont know about you, but i'm a sucker for Grand Strategies. Right now playing Stellaris which always gets me in a immersive mood.



Build, command, expand, conquer, annihilate!

I feel a huge part of the decline of RTS is the death of the "build" part of your post title.

When COH came out and everyone cheered the death of base building, I knew it was the end of an era.

TBF, Coh still have base building and upgrades which can picked with accumulated resources.

Dow3 on the other hand...

Yes still playing Coh2 mp over free weekends. 🤞
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Hey! Here's some info on getting World in Conflict and play online for anyone interested. I'll update it in the OP later



Awesome OT !

I didn't know Manor Lords, looks good. Can't wait to play Age IV and Age of Mythology 2 (yeah I'm sure this one is coming next after AOE IV)
Also let's not forget Generals 2, fallen into battle against EA...



Both Homeworld games are 90% off at the moment (93% off if you get the bundle containing both):

For those interested, Iron Harvest is currently being given away for free at Steam

It says "free" in the search bar but when I go to the page it's the usual price. Am I missing something?
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Age of Empires IV info has leaked (someone pushed the button too soon and updated info on its Steam page, Steam page now removed).

Some key takes are:

  • 4 campaigns with 35 missions
  • Joan of Arc campaign
  • Genghis Khan campaign
  • 8 player pvp

This almost confirms that we'll get new footage this sunday at MS' E3 show.


  • Praise the Sun
Reactions: GHG


Age of Empires IV info has leaked (someone pushed the button too soon and updated info on its Steam page, Steam page now removed).

Some key takes are:

  • 4 campaigns with 35 missions
  • Joan of Arc campaign
  • Genghis Khan campaign
  • 8 player pvp

This almost confirms that we'll get new footage this sunday at MS' E3 show.




It's nice that it looks like we will be getting a meaty campaign with this game along with mod support.

Really looking forward to seeing more of this.
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