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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]


They also have a CEO that actively thinks the division and brand is a complete waste of resources. Why build a new arm when they're likely to amputate it in a few years anyway?

Sorry not Editing this in an earlier but later post since I think this needs addressing.
If to Off topic please tell me and I'll let it go.

Wait a second, didn't Satya Nadella(I hope I spelled that right, if not sorry) say that they were not even considering it at this point? That he even went so far to say that he was "committed" to it by now?(Around summer/fall)


The salt is real.

Also, have you looked up what "pyrrhic victory" means yet?

im not salty at all. The fanboyism is shinning through in this thread. MS wont "win". They know this. They care about their brand being healthy which it is. Thats all that matters to them.
wii u will be lucky to sell 30 million ltd.

bro, 20 million would be a damn miracle. They launched Smash and Mario Kart this year and their November NPD was sub-270k.

maybe 15 million mark once the successor comes out in 2017. Maybe

they can't even lower the price on this thing because of the damn Gamepad they occasionally figures into their core games.


I dont believe cboat. Has he been wrong before?

He's been more right than wrong by quite a bit. Although it's pretty clear what type of XB1 related news he's willing to reveal - but that doesn't change the fact that it's generally truthful.


People all month were saying Sony should drop the price. I mean, over and over and over again. They were 100% wrong. Sony nailed it by staying put.

noone with business sense would say that. Do you see apple discounting iphone to half price ?? No, not while they sell well, maybe if they lose enough marketshare later but not now... no way.
Never devalue your brand. You never come back from it... case in point XBox is now valued at 329 (however this doesn't mean xbox did the wrong thing here they may have had no choice or may feel they make up for it in software)

. (except skechers how the fuck they got out of Zellers/Kmart and back into shoestores is a miracle on 34th street!
I don't understand why you're looking at this just from the perspective of a console war. Yeah, if you're looking at this as Sony vs. Microsoft then you're right, but just in terms of sales Microsoft was likely extremely successful this holiday season. If Microsoft met their sales number goals than they're going to be happy, Sony vs. Microsoft doesn't matter in anything other than fanboy wars as long as Microsoft can still secure positive third-party relations and solid sales. If both the PS4 and the Xbox One sold over 1 million then both consoles "won".
Did you not read what you quoted? Microsoft made some hardcore deals to get that 1 million, you think they'll keep up the pace once the price goes back to normal?

People aren't going to buy 399 Xbones anymore. This is really, really bad if true.


If this is true, then what will MS have to do to actually start to make a meaningful dent in Sony's lead?

As someone who has been posting for a while that Sony has zero chance of winning November (even before the price cuts were announced), if that number is true MS is fucked and will probably never outsell the PS4 in the US.

I don't think they are real though, no way. I just can't believe it.


Unconfirmed Member
Damn this thread is moving too fast. Will check back in a few hours.



Also Assassin's Creed unity at that spot on the list

THANK the gaming lords.

Gamers, you did good.

Isn't judging retail sales of a current gen only title a bit senseless? I assume that current gen titles sell a lot of units on the online PS/XBOX Store?
Whats MS going to do now?

Didnt the Rise of the Tomb Raider deal come out of them losing the post kinect month and needed another "get"?

MS is going to buy Sony now. Thats the only way.


I don't understand at all what Nintendo is doing with regards to the price of the WiiU.

After this holiday all bets should be off. That console should be $150 and ride it out on software sales until the next generation.

It worked really well for the gamecube and they pulled out a lot of strong sales after they brought the price down significantly below PS2/Xbox.

The problem is that they can't afford to do this. Dem Gamepad manufacturing costs. And they don't seem to want/be able to drop the Gamepad (which is probably the biggest issue at hand).


On the one hand Wii U number is not good, if expected given the crappy deals.

On the other hand software and Amiibo numbers seem like a stark improvement, so they seem to have made a great deal of money.

If Amiibos do take off, the next months could see Wii U gaining a bit more popularity.

December will be interesting.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
I don't understand why you're looking at this just from the perspective of a console war. Yeah, if you're looking at this as Sony vs. Microsoft then you're right, but just in terms of sales Microsoft was likely extremely successful this holiday season. If Microsoft met their sales number goals than they're going to be happy, Sony vs. Microsoft doesn't matter in anything other than fanboy wars as long as Microsoft can still secure positive third-party relations and solid sales. If both the PS4 and the Xbox One sold over 1 million then both consoles "won".

Ricky Bobby business ethics all up in this bitch yo.


Meanwhile, Major Nelson fux wit some rainbows:


Major Nelson right now:

My division spent Millions of Dollars to outsell our primary competitor by a razor-thin margin, all my marketing colleagues are preparing to jump off the bridge.

However, I just saw a double rainbow just now so i've got this going for me which is nice.

sorry if bad joke, just wanted do spoof that Meme


Wait... Do you actually know what pyrrhic means? It means when something comes at too great a cost. That's pretty fitting here considering MS definitely lost money on each console sold for a marginal victory.

Pyrrhic: (of a victory) won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile for the victor.

He made me doubt my understanding of that word for a brief moment after I posted it.

Lol, it's absolutely an appropriate for the situation at hand.


There's a reason he's not permed. You probably shouldn't ignore that so you can feel better for microsoft.

When did I ever say I wanted to feel better for Microsoft? It's simply insane that everybody takes a vague quote from somebody who has been wrong before as fact.
Congratulations to MS for winning November.

Congratulations to Sony on making a butt load of money.

And now the ubiquitous. Next month will be interesting.

Pretty much this. Great MS was able to sell as well as they did, and great Sony was also able to sell as much as they did (without much price effort, too!).

I know people want to frame this as disaster for MS, but I think they (MS) have to be a bit happy with selling as much as they did. It sounds like basically both companies sold everything they shipped to stores in November. It probably came down to "who shipped more" more than really anything else. One can only sell what is in the stores, and if there's nothing to sell...well, you get the point.

Either way, it has to be pretty good for the industry to have two systems selling so well. Even if the PS4 continues to outsell it the rest of the generation, I think this month was an important statement by MS that the XB1 will continue to be a viable brand (something that I think people have been questioning this year).


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
So, what was the exact number of PS3 and 360 since launch in the same amount of time considered for PS4 and One?
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