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Rain World |OT| Concrete Jungle


Thinking about it, not leveling down on death might make it too easy to progress. Maybe way to solve that would be to spread "level up" items across the map and don't level up on hibernation/don't level down on death. That encourages exploration over just doing multiple eat/hibernation loops.

oh trust me, it wouldn't. Especially later on.


Going to stop for a bit now. I like what I've played but there are irritations.

- The rain keeps killing me. I'm either out in the open and get battered or underground and I drown in the flood. When it starts hinting at rain I'm too far from the previous safe room and have no idea where to go for another one. So essentially when it rains I die. I need to perhaps get a handle on how often it rains and time my exploration accordingly.

- Controls are a bit fussy, having to hold up to grab pipes and poles etc has let to a lot of missed catches

- It's very cryptic. I have no idea what the symbols are, I don't know what rank I am, I only know of the existence of ranks thanks to this thread. I found myself in a room and a symbol came up in the corner flashing red, presumably telling me something but there didn't appear to be any way to progress further in that room, so no idea what it meant. I ate a yellow flower and there was lots of stuff happening in the bottom left but no clue what it all meant.

There are loads of positives though, I love the aesthetic, the animation are superb, the weight and heft of the animals as they thump about. There has been some very cool AI moments. I like the lack of hand holding, even if some of the stuff is getting lost on casuals like me.

Will play more soon.


Going to stop for a bit now. I like what I've played but there are irritations.

- The rain keeps killing me. I'm either out in the open and get battered or underground and I drown in the flood. When it starts hunting at rain I'm too far from the previous safe room and have no idea where to go for another one. So essentially when it rains I die. I need to perhaps get a handle on how often it rains and time my exploration accordingly.

- Controls are a bit fussy, having to hold up to grab pipes and poles etc has let to a lot of missed catches

- It's very cryptic. I have no idea what the symbols are, I don't know what rank I am, I only know of the existence of ranks thanks to this thread. I found myself in a room and a symbol came up in the corner flashing red, presumably telling me something but there didn't appear to be any way to progress further in that room, so no idea what it meant.

There are loads of positives though, I love the aesthetic, the animation are superb, the weight and heft of the animals as they thump about. There has been some very cool AI moments. I like the lack of hand holding, even if some of the stuff is getting lost on casuals like me.

Will play more soon.

I think the dots around the "level" symbol that show up when you open the map is a countdown till the next time it rains.
Going to stop for a bit now. I like what I've played but there are irritations.

- The rain keeps killing me. I'm either out in the open and get battered or underground and I drown in the flood. When it starts hinting at rain I'm too far from the previous safe room and have no idea where to go for another one. So essentially when it rains I die. I need to perhaps get a handle on how often it rains and time my exploration accordingly.
The little circle of dots in the bottom left corner is the rain timer


The little circle of dots in the bottom left corner is the rain timer

Ah, thanks all. I'll keep an eye on that.

I strayed into what looked like a patch of grass which suddenly became a load of grasping tentacles, clawing all over poor old slugcat. Just got away. The horror!

I love how you can keep watching when you die, red lizard got me so I just watched him drag my corpse about, then he ran into other lizards and was killed and another one ran off with my body...
Thinking about it, not leveling down on death might make it too easy to progress.

This would only be true if the game wasn't dynamic, to the point that you can find yourself in completely unwinnable scenarios. Not resetting the rank on death is about fixing the problem of having to grind it back up to where you already were. The individual runs will remain as difficult or easy as the game's systems call for. Even as it is, I've had runs that are super hostile and filled with enemies, then when I die and get back to the same place... nothing happens.
I love how you can keep watching when you die, red lizard got me so I just watched him drag my corpse about, then he ran into other lizards and was killed and another one ran off with my body...
That was one of the best things about the alpha. I'm glad they kept it in. You really get to appreciate the AI and interactions when you see the world move on without you

The devs have plans for a sandbox mode where you'll be to able to throw together creatures you've encountered to see how they interact


I think I, and many others, have discussed our criticisms of that. Hell, I was probably the loudest voice about the game on GAF and yet...

That system feels completely at odds with the game, gameplay, and atmosphere.

Thankfully the devs are very responsive to criticisms and on improving the game for the better

Hopefully the devs are willing to actually change some aspects of the game's design because this game just feels unnecessarily punitive and frustrating. I really fail to understand the point of the ranking/gate system.

Frustrations aside, I think I also had different expectations. I thought it was gonna be some sort of puzzle-platformer game. Not some stealth/survival game. Maybe I didn't read enough about it and was content with the cool gifs you've been posting for years. :p For me the problem with the stealth portion of the game is that too much is random. Enemy placement is pure RNG. Which enemies appear on each screen seems entirely randomized. There's no way to read the room and prepare yourself. Enemies can and will show up out of nowhere. Dying without any fault of your own seems to be purposefully done by design.

This would only be true if the game wasn't dynamic, to the point that you can find yourself in completely unwinnable scenarios. Not resetting the rank on death is about fixing the problem of having to grind it back up to where you already were. The individual runs will remain as difficult or easy as the game's system call for. Even as it is, I've had runs that are super hostile and filled with enemies, then when I die and get back to the same place... nothing happens.

RNG up the ass.
Hopefully the devs are willing to actually change the design of the game because this game just feels unnecessarily punitive and frustrating. I really fail to understand the point of the ranking/gate system.

I'm kinda disappointed with the game, frustrations aside. I thought it was gonna be some sort of puzzle platformer game. Not some pseudo stealth/survival game. For me the problem with the stealth portion of the game is that too much is random. Enemy placement is pure RNG. Which enemies appear on each screen seems entirely randomized. There's no way to read the room and prepare yourself. Enemies can and will show up out of nowhere. Dying without any fault of your own seems to be purposefully done by design.
Funnily enough, the game was originally envisioned as more of an aggressive action platformer. But then as Joar started developing the AI, stealth became more and more effective, and the game morphed into having a stealth focus.

It's not exactly random. It's more like how in STALKER, you might go to a mission objective only to find that the item was already taken by another stalker. The world moves on without you, lizards have dens, bats migrate, etc.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. contains a world full of wildlife, and these creatures are more than just window dressing. In fact, GSC tells us that their behavior is just as important as that of the NPCs and humanoid enemies. Every creature considers its environment, considers you, and considers the situation based on how you're equipped. From there, it decides on the "fight or flight" we hear so much about on the Discovery Channel. GSC says it's reached a point where the game world is living and dynamic, instead of just waiting for you to appear to trigger specific, scripted events.

Not sure why you thought it would be a puzzle game though, Puzzles were never mentioned on the Kickstarter page or Steam, and it's described as a "survival platformer" with "fast-paced sneaking" on store pages


Regret my purchase. Game is miles too hard.

Feels like it's designed for people who are okay with losing oodles of time with naff all to show for it, of which I am not one.

Looks lovely though.


Just got a bunch further and made it to survivor rank. Loving this game. It's hard as nails but it's damn cool and again, the controls are fine.
RNG up the ass.

Yeah pretty much, but I'm okay with it because it reinforces that "nature documentary" thing. Is it RNG, or it is just a predator wandering into your path? Or maybe it's you wandering into their hunting grounds? Like when you go outside- that's vulture territory, baby. Expect them to dive bomb your ass every time, and be happy when it doesn't happen or they go for a lizard instead.





There's actually a short warning about vultures. Their shadow swoops across the background

Did you
ever get to use the vulture mask

holy shit you can do that??

Does it change the creatures behaviour towards you? Cause i'm pretty sure the Vulture is near the top of the food chain
One possible solution to the rank loss would be for deaths to still drain your resources, but in a lesser amount.

Instead of losing one rank, you could lose 2 points of food.

So if you die with rank 3, and 4 points of food (of seven), you would reappear as rank 3 and 2 points of food on your stomach.

If you die with rank 3 and only 1 point of food, you would reappear with rank 2 and 3 points of food. Etc. So still would be possible to lose rank, but not always and with being easier to recover yourself.


There's actually a short warning about vultures. Their shadow swoops across the background

Did you
ever get to use the vulture mask

holy shit you can do that??

Does it change the creatures behaviour towards you? Cause i'm pretty sure the Vulture is near the top of the food chain

I never got to use one too, but now that Badass mentions it, this line on the review code notes makes way more sense:
Creatures know to fear the vultures by the masks they wear.


Alright, almost played one hour and a half, and I sincerely don't understand why that many people think controls make the game more difficult. I love 'em.

Will try to play more tomorrow, as I've only found 3 shelters until now. Stronger enemies might make me change my mind about controls, so I'll hold off on a definitive judgement until then.

Freakin amazing so far!

Edit: Few things I wouldn't mind seeing changed though : being able to aim diagonally / vertically for throwing would be more than welcome, and maybe don't have the rain fall as soon as it does
The Dark Souls of 2d survival platformers?

Imagine a Dark Souls where controls are animations are less clear-cut and defined because the nature of procedural animations despite being even more important because everything will kill you in one hit, and then imagine it doesn't save when you quit the game but only in bonfires, but then add you only can use bonfires using up a resource, and sometimes they are kind of hidden.
Oh yeah and every 20 minutes you will be insta-killed without remedy, the only way to avoid is to reach a bonfire as that will reset the timer.

edit: devs, you can't even go to the options menu to change the volume while in the game.


This game is starting to sound like IWTBTG and that's making me excited to jump in

edit - it also sounds like there are maybe items later-game that make the player's quality of life a little better. We'll see.
I feel like it's pretty rare that you lose a lot of progress on Souls games. At most you lose your Souls, but they can generally be recouped pretty quickly.

Yeah, all you lose from death in Souls is the lose souls on hand and even that you can reclaim if you get back to your death spot. You keep all items found as well as any other progress (like bosses defeated & shortcuts opened). As long as you make sure to spend them regularly (especially right after bosses), you rarely lose much of any progress.

The only time Souls really made you lose progress was with the Curse status ailment in Dark Souls 1 which was so crushing they ended up reducing the effect in a patch.


Yeah I'm shelving this for now, though I trust that the developers will tighten things up a bit at some point.

The difficulty coupled with the complete and total lack of direction is, like I said earlier, just too discouraging right now. I would be fine having no clue where to go if the game weren't so brutal, and conversely I'd have no problem with the brutality if the game were more linear. Both at once though? Too much for me to deal with.
Hm, this annoys me a bit. Not just the surprise at the end, but the fact that green doesnt stick around to nom on red after it has accomplished the feat. Its attraction to it seems to last only for as long as red's got a pulse.
To be fair, I had seen the other lizard go there and blend, but I had forgotten about it

And the green lizard wasn't hunting, they don't eat reds.
That's optional stuff. It's lore and achievement related, sometimes. The doors only have the normal symbols.
Yeah I figured this out just now. I disabled trophy popups on PS4, otherwise I might have realized this sooner. From just in the game itself I might have never figured it out. I don't think this should be displayed next to the karma/rank system with symbols when it has nothing to do with it.
You did go the hard way, tho. Going through the industrial complex is much easier (and also a much more obvious route)
I just realized this too, but the "obvious" door was closed when I first went there and the other one was open. I went deep down into the drainage system (until it got basically pitch black), took me three hours to get back out. Way forward was locked by a high karma gate with literally no food near me. Way back was through a 10 mile long tunnel filled with water. Wasn't fun.

At this point I think the game has potential though and could be fixed with a few tweaks. I do want to continue plaiyng and see more, but it's like the game absolutely doesn't want me to. It just feels designed to be a little bit too difficult, a little bit too cryptic and a little bit too unforgiving in every single aspect. Tone down a few and it should be good.


Neo Member
Currently playing on the PS4 Pro, and I'm noticing a lot of purple color mixed amongst the black areas of the level. It could possibly be the art direction of the game, but the purple just seems to overpowering. Anyone else getting this as well?
Also probably should mention this, I had audio issues once, like static every few seconds and the game crashed on me just as some garbage monster with 5 legs ate me. PS4 amateur.

Could use some QA


That was the plan when it was first teased in the devlog, but I haven't been able to try it yet

I never got to use one too, but now that Badass mentions it, this line on the review code notes makes way more sense:
Creatures know to fear the vultures by the masks they wear.


Oh man, i want to try that now.

Yeah I figured this out just now. I disabled trophy popups on PS4, otherwise I might have realized this sooner. From just in the game itself I might have never figured it out. I don't think this should be displayed next to the karma/rank system with symbols when it has nothing to do with it.

I just realized this too, but the "obvious" door was closed when I first went there and the other one was open. I went deep down into the drainage system (until it got basically pitch black), took me three hours to get back out. Way forward was locked by a high karma gate with literally no food near me. Way back was through a 10 mile long tunnel filled with water. Wasn't fun.

yeah i imagine that being really frustrating (going that way)

but the rank thing i never imagined it had anything to do with the progression itself, even without seeing the achievements :p

Question for people with some time in the game: is rain ALWAYS death, or is it possible to survive?

It is.

There are places
where it doesn't rain, though.
In the industrial zone. Must have died and restarted and died and restarted a dozen or more times now, have been rock bottom status for what seems like forever. But I'm really not bothered, am very happy getting continually knocked back here, despite no material progress being made at all.

I'll also say I'm one of those for whom the art style really, really works. I can't get enough, some of these screens are sublime.


Just made it to the Garbage Wastes and I finally am starting to see the creatures I've been looking for,
the Scavengers. Totally am going to see if I can befriend them in some way. I think I saw something on that once in the devlog.


Luv the look of the game but the impressions about rather unforgiving difficulty are making me cautious.

How are saves handled in this game? Are they manual by user (ie: quicksaving possible), manual by in-game save spots, or are they auto checkpoints? Wondering how tedious retracing steps will be.


Seek victory, not fairness
All right, I'm finally getting a chance to dive in. Time to see if I can get that 120 fps OBS capture to work for slow motion GIFs.


Luv the look of the game but the impressions about rather unforgiving difficulty are making me cautious.

How are saves handled in this game? Are they manual by user (ie: quicksaving possible), manual by in-game save spots, or are they auto checkpoints? Wondering how tedious retracing steps will be.

in-game save spots (called shelters and you need to have eaten a certain amount of food to actually sleep and save the game)
Hmm. Traveled what seems a really long way east and found another shelter (only my third, to be clear). So far shelters haven't given me any gyp for being bottom rank. Or is it just gates that work that way, and shelters just require a certain amount of food? Anyway this is so cool. Fuck knows where I am. Just got to keep on surviving (and dying, horribly and often).


At this point I think the game has potential though and could be fixed with a few tweaks. I do want to continue plaiyng and see more, but it's like the game absolutely doesn't want me to. It just feels designed to be a little bit too difficult, a little bit too cryptic and a little bit too unforgiving in every single aspect. Tone down a few and it should be good.

Sometimes super-tough games need some breathing room and work better for players when there's some proof out there (in video form, hopefully) that there's a way to do things that just don't agree with how you've been trying to play it.

I've seen Rain World at fan shows, and enjoyed it but there were things I was trying and trying and not getting right, and the rep would be behind me and say, "Okay, you gotta do this..." and I'd know what he was saying but I couldn't, and then I'd hand it to him and he'd try two or three times and get it. I could see how he eventually got it, but the solution would require moves counter to my gaming reflexes, and it wasn't necessarily something I could just learn by trial and error until I could see what it was that I was neglecting to try.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Before release I remember asking a dev about 120hz+ support and they said yep, in fact they were developing on a 120hz monitor.

Does anyone know how to uncap the framerate then so I can play at 120fps?


So, I played for the first time right now for a few minutes. It didn't seemed so brutal to me, but I just died for the rain. The controls aren't bad per se, but sometimes the slugcat gets stuck in small holes instead of doing other things. Oh, and It seemed to me that the holofriend were pointing to a pipe that I can't reach? Is that right?
Finally made some progress and OMG


Just count how many times I got incredibly lucky right there. Seriously, right up until the end it's close call after close call. Risking everything in an area I've never been in, using an "item" I've never used, just so my rating wouldn't drop again. Jesus christ. These moments are the game at its best, music and all.

My heart
ok guys this game is really good

- At first i was like FUCK this shit what do i do, I only paid attention to the devs blogs when it came to AI.

- The longer I played the more I understood that eating/hibernating open new areas for you.

- once you pass the first place where you spawn in the game pics up, it's almost like Pacman on steroid but with an ecosystem where everything is vulnerable to the environment or other predators.

- I learned when it says "Press select to start over" that isn't really true if you keep watching interesting things happen and your life doesn't necessarily end if some sort of random events start happening :p

this game is boss.
Finally made some progress and OMG


Just count how many times I got incredibly lucky right there. Seriously, right up until the end it's close call after close call. Risking everything in an area I've never been in, using an "item" I've never used, just so my rating wouldn't drop again. Jesus christ. These moments are the game at its best, music and all.

My heart
Nice. I loved that area in the alpha. So hectic

From 2015
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