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PewDiePie Responds after using racial slur

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Good apology. Hopefully he learns from this and grows as a person.

he needed 2 days to write a minute and a half apology?
Yep. It's not like he has a life outside of YouTube and spends every waking second of his life on the internet where all of his time was spent writing that apology.

The thing that makes me think he's sincere is his tone. Other times he's apologized he's never broken character. Yes, he puts on an act in his videos that he feels his fans find entertaining. Even when have a real serious video, he still puts on a little pewdiepie show.

Yes, you can sit Back and dissect every little word. Or get mad he wouldn't apologize if no one cared about what he said. But reslity is, before he gets to those points, he talks about his own feelings on the word and the he ends by admitting to his many mistakes and how he basically admits himself its hypocritical to apologize but then keep making mistakes.

He's never done that before. Never admitted that his apologies mean nothing if keeps messing up. What matters for him personally is how he handles himself moving forward. After an apology like this, he's kinda put himself on a cliff barely holding on and he seems to recognize that.

I hope for his sake, he uses this as a moment to grow and become a better person.

But extremists on all side simply won't care.

"Extremists on all sides" Fuck outta here with this transparent bullsht. Literally quoting Trump. Thinking it's not cool to call someone a nigger is extreme now? That's where we are according to you?
This is where my brain is frying. Sitting back and saying let's see what happens now is one thing... we were already long beyond the period of sitting back seeing what happened already. We saw what happened... again.

I'm sure trying to explain in this thread the many times PDP has been caught doing abhorrent shit, get flack for it but never punished by his fanbase, his employers, or the companies of the games he play on, and finally deliver an unsincere apology would maybe open up the eyes of the peopl....

Wow, he actually seemed really sincere compared to his precious apologies. I think he knows what he did was completely unacceptable, and I hope he learns from this and changes for the better.



Deep down PDP knows that it doesn´t matter what he says or doesn´t say, which is unfortunate. Worst case scenario he opens up a Patreon, gets at least 100k per month from his loyal fans and keep doing what he does. He honestly doesn´t care... maybe he even likes to be the center of attention with the racial slurs to see how impactful he still is in the medium.
It's a shame we live in time when someone can be an outed racist and continue to be a popular success and continue to make money spreading their hate and stupidity.


um what ? he just read the donation message here, he shouldn't have read it out loud, but it's not like it came from him.

He's an adult - he can choose to not read something aloud. He's also very wealthy, so its not like he "needs" to read donation messages to keep them coming and make rent.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Good apology. Hopefully he learns from this and grows as a person.

Yep. It's not like has a life outside of YouTube and spends every waking second of his life on the internet where all of his time was spent writing that apology.


You are the problem. enabling repeat offenders and then getting mad at the people who are not giving him a free pass.
They know once they punish one they will have to do the other and given all the personality defenders we have had from this that's going to hurt their platforms a lot.

See I don't think that will hold up. Voat isn't some massive site after the overt racist Reddits were removed. These alt-right sites barely last a few months on their own. The only place they have a voice are platforms like YouTube/Twitter/Facebook etc. Shit, how many game sites before Reddit were as big as GAF?

These platforms hold more power over this stuff but hide behind excuses rather than take action.
Good apology. Hopefully he learns from this and grows as a person.

Yep. It's not like has a life outside of YouTube and spends every waking second of his life on the internet where all of his time was spent writing that apology.


Whether the apology was "good" or "sincere" is impossible to know and honestly sort of irrelevant. His actions will tell us if he is sincere. Will he continue to use that word or other forms of hate speech? Will he clap back at some of his hateful supporters? Will he work to curate his legion of followers and ban/reject the ones that engage in this kind of hateful rhetoric in his chats? Because if he doesn't, than this is all bullshit lip service, regardless of what platitudes you want to shower him with because he made a really convincing 2 minute youtube video. It's not the job of the people who found his actions abhorrent to give him the benefit of the doubt, or wait for an apology. It's his job to prove that he's not really the person his actions made him out to be. He needs to go out of his way to prove that, if he really cares, which I strongly suspect he doesn't.


Yep. It's not like has a life outside of YouTube and spends every waking second of his life on the internet where all of his time was spent writing that apology.

It's not after saying "i don't mean it in a bad way", going on to repeat it few minutes later then saying people watching don't care. Yh really a sign of everyday life getting in the way of an apology /s.


so if hes sorry like he said he is, why did he after saying the word in stream agree with his friend he doesnt care about any bkaclash from it or losing sponsors, your live stream where u said this word completey invalidates what hes now saying in this "apology video"


When someone apologizes are we just expected to accept it on the basis that they said sorry? Because really, all your argument is is he "really meant it guys".

Okay and? Is that all you require when someone does somethig wrong?

Uploading a video to his 47 million fanbase which consist mostly of young idiots who're willing to go with him to hell if he asked them, to tell them that saying the word is not ok is worth something right? we didn't see his youtube channel getting affected for 2 days either when it comes to subs or ads after the incidence. He could've acted like nothing happened but he decided he needed to apologize for that. White supremacist or racist don't tend to do that most of the time. Didn't he already lost all of his partnerships anyway?


Doesn't feel sincere, especially since he's had another video (the one where he goes "what a fucking ni..... ninja! ninja! yeah that's it tee hee") where he shows he clearly doesn't give a fuck.

Fuck this guy. He doesn't get the benefit of doubt.

I'm not surprised, once a racist always a racist.
While it's nice that he apologized, it'll be nicer if he can keep from using slurs on his channel and streams for longer than a few months at a time. (It'd be great if he also stopped using them in private/personal life situations, but one step at a time)


After he dropped the word. He laughed about it and said “but really what the fuck”

Showed no remorse whatsoever


Good apology. Hopefully he learns from this and grows as a person.

Yep. It's not like has a life outside of YouTube and spends every waking second of his life on the internet where all of his time was spent writing that apology.


Can someone just go about their life over two days after saying something like that? Under similar circumstances, I'd come out immediately.


See I don't think that will hold up. Voat isn't some massive site after the overt racist Reddits were removed. These alt-right sites barely last a few months on their own. The only place they have a voice are platforms like YouTube/Twitter/Facebook etc. Shit, how many game sites before Reddit were as big as GAF?

These platforms hold more power over this stuff but hide behind excuses rather than take action.
True i guess part of the problem is unlike in real life there are established rules and consequences that are more easily enforced unlike the internet but ultimately it's the $££ that speaks.
Good apology. Hopefully he learns from this and grows as a person.

Yep. It's not like has a life outside of YouTube and spends every waking second of his life on the internet where all of his time was spent writing that apology.


Except like, it's his job and brand that is tarnished by this. It's not like he had to go to work and couldn't find the time to deal with this giant scandal effecting his livelihood.

The message was crafted very carefully, most likely not by him, and it's naive to think it's anything close to earnest.


Maturity, bitches.
Well Boogie did say we should all be in the middle, so with half of the audience thinking it's a good apology and the other half thinking it's a bad apology, it looks like PDP has followed the instructions half way and given us half an apology.
Uploading a video to his 47 million fanbase which consist mostly of young idiots who're willing to go with him to hell if he asked them, to tell them that saying the word is not ok is worth something right?

No, because if you watch the original stream its obvious he thinks the whole thing was a joke. It's not sincere.

we didn't see his youtube channel getting affected for 2 days either when it comes to subs or ads after the incidence. He could've acted like nothing happened but he decided he needed to apologize for that. White supremacist or racist don't tend to do that most of the time. Didn't he already lost all of his partnerships already anyway?

1. He is a racist. Just so we're perfectly clear
2. This story made it to fucking BBC. Even if he doesn't lose viewers dude still knows that calling someone a fucking nigger then going on with life will tank his brand no matter what. He had to say something

But again, he said sorry. Am I required to forgive him now? Like is that what will make this not a both sides thing? He apologizes for saying fucking nigger and I sweep it under the rug because "hey they are just words right?"


He thought the worst word that he could think of so that means the word is still in his vocabulary which means he uses the word in private. I don't even know how you would even think of using the word otherwise.

He's apologizing because he got caught not because he shouldn't have used the word.


Now work towards being better in the future...you fucked up TWICE on recording now.

He's fucked up more than twice. Hell, he fucked up twice in that stream if you count each time he said it separately.

um what ? he just read the donation message here, he shouldn't have read it out loud, but it's not like it came from him.

It came from his mouth though, he said it. Maybe he should tell his fans to stop being dipshits and saying that shit? Y'know, if maybe there was some point he could've used as a learning opportunity to tell his fans that this shit isn't okay... oh, wait...

This "apology" isn't for his fans, it's to quell the outrage. Like he said during the stream, no one actually watching the stream (AKA his "true" fans) will care that he said it.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Well Boogie did say we should all be in the middle, so with half of the audience thinking it's a good apology and the other half thinking it's a bad apology, it looks like PDP has followed the instructions half way and given us half an apology.

This is the type of apology that means nothing. It's just some words designed to protect his earning potential.

He's apologising for getting caught, nothing more. In the future he will only say the n-word off camera.


We'll have to wait and see if he'll stick to his word.

Stick to his word? He couldn't even stick to his word when he apologized the first time. That's why many of us can't take this apology seriously since he had backpedaled once already. Actions speak louder than words as they say; something to which he is going to need to do if he wants his words to actually be taken seriously this time.
I'm sick of this guy. All he does is fuck up, apologize, then fuck up again. He has no intention of learning or becoming a better person (he went from constantly making rape jokes to talking about how women are biologically dumber than men). He's just annoyed because he got caught. Anyone who defends this "apology" either is extremely naïve, doesn't know he's been doing this for years, or is complicit in racism.


Having to apologies to cover your ass means nothing when we'll be here again in a few weeks/months/whatever discussing how much of a piece of shit this guy is. Certain segment won't learn and the other will continue to outline the fuckery. rinse and repeat.


I just realized I hadn't seen the full clip, and watching him say "sometimes I forget I'm live streaming" adds meaningful context to the situation. So basically, he essentially affirms that he continually uses the word off-camera, all while saying he can't believe he slipped up after what "happened last time".

That's a little crazy. He's not trying to change and get better, he's just gonna try to not get caught. Yeah, there is just no value to this apology.
If he donated an undisclosed amount of money to BLM or Campaign Zero, spoke about why what he did was wrong and hurtful, and laid out steps for how he plans to better himself then I would believe him without a shed of doubt.

He is a repeat offender and his response was a non-apology. And most importantly he excused casual racism as being stupid. No, it is hate with a purpose.

Also, did some posters just get nuked--I was going to respond to Mr. Black male that quotes Wikipedia.
That was the most unapologetic response I have ever seen to blatant racism. At some point even his defenders have to see through his veil of racist rhetoric, right?


What I find incredibly disheartening is that YouTube, Twitch, and other streaming platforms seem to be quite tolerable to this type of behavior. There isn't enough done to punish behavior like this. Also, although they have little to do with PDP actions, where is the response from the PUBG devs against this speech? PDP basically advertises/profits off of their game, and as a dev, I wouldn't want to my product to be at all associated with this kind of behavior.


Junior Member


This is separate talk from all these Pdp talk, but LOL if you think that it's easy to get real money by just 'playing video games while others watch it' in YouTube, all the while cultivating and nurturing new audiences and subscribers...?

'Working like a normal person'.... What an outdated way of looking at things, really, sheesh.

In topic: it's kinda hard to believe he meant his apology, unfortunately :/
As I said previously the biggest achievement these YouTubers/streamers have ever made was convincing people that what they do requires talent and hard work.
There is nothing that PewDiePie does that 90% of the population couldn't do.
He simply got lucky and was in the right place at the right time.

"Cultivating new" audiences lmao...more like YouTube's algorithm shoving them in the faces of specific demographics.


Maybe he was sincere. It doesn't matter if he never puts forth the effort and the actions to actually back it up, and if he's genuine then he should know that we're right to criticize him until he does so and should take the suggestions on what he needs to do better to heart

And I agree. He deserves any and all criticism until he shoes and proves he has changed. And it's no overnight ordeal. It's going to take a lot of time prove he has learned. I think he knows that because even as he calls himself an idiot, I don't think he's unintelligent.

Fuck off with the both sides bullshit.

Not once did he admit that what he said was an act of racism. Not once did he say sorry for the act, instead he apologized for causing offence. That's not good enough.

As I stated before, he admits that this was the worst thing he could think of. His very worst conduct possible yet done it anyway. If he doesn't address why his "nuclear option" verbally is to use a racist epithet, his words mean nothing.

I mean, when I'm peacefully talking about this as best as I can and someone responds telling me to F off, it's so hard to hold any real conversation. I get how passionate this topic is and understand emotions are running high. And in many cases, it wouldn't matter what he said in response because it's not good enough. No apology makes up for what happened.

I personally don't think he needed to mention it was racist. That's a pretty big given, and I also don't think it's on him to educate his fan base. He's not a teacher, he's an entertainer.

I think he needs to work on self improvement. You can't begin to lead by example if you keep making yourself a bad example. Which is what he has done over and over. Hence my hope he can grow from this. It's going to take time. Maybe nothing changes, but this is about it for him ever being taken seriously.

what makes this situation as dire as you seem to think it is? last time he fucked up disney pulled out of their deal with him and his youtube show was canceled. and what happened? this.

The thing is, Disney should have never been affiliated with him. It was shocking to see that they were. A guy swearing all the time playing games doesn't fit their image.

The YouTube show getting canceled I also thought was a bit harsh for having media take his comedic sketches out of context. That doesn't mean those sketches should exist, but they were around even during the first season. Felt weird to have a retroactive pulling out because the media chose to go after him again.

A cliff barely holding onto what? There were never going to be any repercussions for what he said.

He was probably never losing his channel and would still have a huge following. But I think deep down he actually cares about being a good representative of the YouTube community and cares about being taken seriously when it matters.

And on that front, he was alresdy on the edge, he jumped right off after saying what he did, then reached out after making this apology.

His past behavior suggests he won't change, he let's go, and that's that. He's just another Jake Paul type that can never be taken seriously about anything.

But I like to believe we as people have a capacity for change. I don't even like pewdiepie'content, but beyond that I think the hardest thing to do in these times is to calm down and really talk about it.

It happens all the time in terms of extreme reactions that are warranted, but get in the way of talking about it. It doesn't even need to be about something this bad - for decades Zelda 2 was my favorite Zelda game and I had Zelda fans often get very vocal at me about how wrong I was. There was little conversation, just a lot of yelling.

I'm not interested in yelling at the wall. I don't want to change how anyone feels. I just hope that the person at the center of it all can become better.

And yes folks, there are two sides. Both of them can be pretty extreme. I never talked about what's right and wrong.

We all know what he said was wrong. We all know that termn is racialy charges, and it sucks this day, 30 years into my gaming life, I still hear people throwing around the N word while playing games online. It's been happening for a long time, and I don't know what needs to happen to make it stop.


Fuck off with the both sides bullshit.

Not once did he admit that what he said was an act of racism. Not once did he say sorry for the act, instead he apologized for causing offence. That's not good enough.

As I stated before, he admits that this was the worst thing he could think of. His very worst conduct possible yet done it anyway. If he doesn't address why his "nuclear option" verbally is to use a racist epithet, his words mean nothing.

Sure, but now if you want to bridge the gap in understanding in the nonzero amount of people who think it's incidental to racist beliefs in the same way "gay" and "fag" have been used and shrugged off as not intentional homophobic (much more frequently only a few years ago) there needs to be some engagement to show intention isn't a good defense, that the words can cause harm regardless and contribute to the perpetuation of racist attitudes and performative scripts by making them more safe (i.e. the "just kidding" or "just trying to get a rise out of you" defense). That's the missed opportunity here which PewDiePie can still correct with a follow up video if someone could find a way to get that message to him.
If you're gonna be a racist tool just own it and all the consequences that go with it. Don't do it, then swear it was a whoopsie, then do more of it...

It's hollow. But time will tell if his behavior changes. If he's not going to crawl under a rock I really hope it does. Because it's toxic to people that want to enjoy online gaming.
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