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Resident Evil 4: Chainsaw Demo will be available today for download (No Time Limit)


Neo Member
I like the combat but I think the shotgun isn't satisfying at all like in the original. The recoil is wrong and the pumping action is weak.
The original's shotgun somehow feels way more punchy and satisfying, and yes I've shot a real 12 gauge I know how it feels like. Even though the animation is exaggerated in OG RE4 at least it captured the FEEL very well.

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Played thru the demo twice on Series X, resolution mode. Probably give it another go on performance mode.

The Good

Leon's movements for the most part feel fluid. The combat rhythms from the original are still here. It's a bit faster paced due to the more natural running and traditional camera controls.

The changes to the knife are for the most part for the better, it adds a nice little layer to the combat. Swiping while running is great.

Things are definitely not quite the same, but feel familiar. Running around the village for supplies, I could tell the layout was mostly the same with a few twists here and there.

The... I'm not sure about this...

I'm not sure if the changes in tone, pacing, or environments are necessarily for the better. I can't say this demo grabbed me like the one way back in 2004 on the GameCube.

I played that thing for months eagerly waiting for the full game, I learned every secret I could.

But this one? I might play a couple more times... That's about it. Because..

The Not so Good

This is not polished. RE4 on the Cube was a mesmerizing game, one that pushed the system to it's limits. It also felt superbly natural to play.

This... does not look that impressive on Series X. It does not feel... quite right. There is some kind of lag or something when it comes to aiming. Not just the reticule, the time it takes for Leon to pick up his gun to aim.

There is not a lot of oomph to the guns. The melee hits don't connect as powerfully as they used to. Honestly... It's like they just went and nerf'd Leon.

It just kind of reeks of a lack of polish. Everything is there, kinda.


There is a significant difference on performance mode when you turn all the special effects off. Feels a lot more polished.

More like a finished game, so I guess resolution mode just is not optimized well on Series X.

The issues with Leon and his attacks being nerf'd are still present. But it may just be because they went the more horrorish route this time.

Also, if the demo is any indication of the final game... Seems like there are less tricks you can pull off.

Example: Back when Chainsaw man comes to chop down the door... If you had a grenade on you and tossed it the door would blow open and everyone would fly back and path would be cleared.

In this game, you cannot stop the animation of him cutting the door. He is unharmed, and the door remains there until he chainsaws it down.
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Played it on PC maxed out at 1440p. 5900x @ 4.7ghz, 3090ti, game used about 14GB of VRAM according to the menu. Why would you include ray tracing then not have it used on the lanterns and torches? There is also something that looks off with the lighting of the Leon model compared to the rest of the game world, like its being lit a different way, and skin looks flat. I rechecked all of my settings once I got into the game, it looked so off, like settings didn't take effect.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
really ? i dont remember it at all
Yeah, it might be different in the new version, and in videos it can be hard to tell what's player movement and what's the inbuilt sway, but you can see it in this clip - the player movements are quite large and jerky, but you can also see that the aim is constantly moving.

I think the only version that didn't have it was the Wii version - but given that Capcom sold a new port of RE4 every time they could, it might be that I've not seen all of them! Certainly, it was present on the GameCube original though.

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Installed the demo on Steam this morning, played for ten seconds before leaving for work just to see how it runs.

4K/60 fps, AmD fidelity fx2 at quality. 2080ti gpu. Rt on, everything on high/ultra, 1GB textures.

Runs pretty well, tiny stutters, looks great.

More impressions later on as I actually play.


Did you try a different proton?
Stock Proton has problems launching the game into crash.

Experimental has severe graphical bugs, artifacts all over the screen.

Hot fix is the same as Experimental.

Didn’t try GE yet, as I just got a new SD from RMA.


4k@120hz everything on maximum, I was getting between 90 and 120fps.

I'm actually considering 4k@60fps with a 130% resolution as resident evil games don't need loads of frames to play well.



I now played all 3 versions, PC, Xbox SX, PS5.

the deadzone is way bigger on Xbox for some reason.
I am literally sitting on my TV changing outputs from PC, to Xbox, to PS5, to compare the different versions.

on PC it seems like a 5% deadzone, on PS5 it seems slightly bigger, like maybe 7%....
ON XBOX HOWEVER... 10% minimum if not 15%

and this feels exponentially worse due to the weird reaction curve.
it's a reaction curve that ramps up really slowly and then suddenly shoots to high speed at about 80% stick movement.

so you have a really slow moving aim at the center half of your stick, you barely notice it moving until 20% in, in combination with a deadzone that is not great at best and really bad at worst (on xbox)

to fix this entirely they would need to
A: give different reaction curve options like Linear and 2 different precision ones (best would be a slider but barely anyone does that)
B: add a deadzone setting that I can turn all the way to 0 if I want to
C: give options for how big the outer circle is where the camera suddenly shoots into overdrive.

I highly doubt that A and C will ever happen, but there is hope for B
For me the Xbox version played OK.


i jumped through a window while some dude was banging on the glass and i noclipped right through the model.

still needs some work


Yeah it’s really awful looking on ps5, WTF?

RE8 looks so much better, this makes no sense

Even the sound mix was low quality crap. The music that plays during the chainsaw scene is muffled garbage

I have this pre ordered but I’m gonna wait for some serious patching because this is pretty unacceptable, this game should have been delayed

My theory is that RE4R is basically PS4 game. PS5 version is probably based on PS4 pro settings, while Series X is based on Xbox One X.



It's hilarious to me that the ganado-style enemies they've forced on us the last dozen games are finally appropriately aggressive. Considering how pathetic the werewolves were in RE8 I had given up hope that Capcom would ever get it right.


Neo Member
Played on a rtx3070ti laptop at 1440p. Looks amazing, just 2 or 3 minor stutters. I'm very happy with this version, especially after the shit that was hogwarts legacy. RE4 is back.
Any Steam Deck impressions? I got my SD back, but I’ve got this demo loaded on my PS5 for later. Ill I’m seeing are comments about dead zones. 🤔
It has issues on SteamOS. Deck Wizard has a video with a fix. Here's some gameplay after implementing it...

I've only played on Deck in Windows 10. After getting it into 1280x800, Fullscreen, FSR2 'Performance', and Lowest settings I played for about 20min. When I first started it felt like it stuttered hard for about 30secs. Afterwards it ran fine. In the opening sequence in the house it was ~30fps in the main rooms, ~50fps in the basement, and dropped to mid-20s in the blue-lit hallway. Performance got better outside and largely stayed above 30fps with only a rare stutter up to the point I got to the town and was swarmed by a bunch of villagers and murdered after running around like a bitch for a few minutes. It was 16:9 letterbox even at 1200x800. Given that the game is sluggish to begin with I'd say it's playable and looks ok on Deck even at low res and low settings.
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But how? It’s coming out 2.5 years after the launch of current gen consoles

Makes zero sense

Yeah. Perhaps development started way before PS5 was launched. It's easy to assume that Ps4 version is down ported from PS5. What I'm speculating is, what if its other way around. Just thoughts.


I gotta say, I'm underwhelmed.

Aside from its brilliant gameplay, the original game on Gamecube 18 years ago was straight up the best looking game I'd ever seen. It pushed the hardware to new heights.

This remake doesn't. Not even close. The materials, lighting and IQ feel last gen, which is really disappointing.

That said, it's a new RE4, so of course I'm gonna play the shit out of it. I just wish Capcom had given this legendary game the special treatment it deserves.

The mad chainsaw difficulty is definitely a nice extra in this demo. Pity it's randomly triggered.
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I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
I gotta say, I'm underwhelmed.

Aside from its brilliant gameplay, the original game on Gamecube 18 years ago was straight up the best looking game I'd ever seen. It pushed the hardware to new heights.

This remake doesn't. Not even close. The materials, lighting and IQ feel last gen, which is really disappointing.

That said, it's a new RE4, so of course I'm gonna play the shit out of it. I just wish Capcom had given this legendary game the special treatment it deserves.

The mad chainsaw difficulty is definitely a nice extra in this demo. Pity it's randomly triggered.
did you play on ps5? heard it look like ass compraed to Series X due to shimmering and blurry texture
Im sweating now, yet to try the demo
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Kev Kev

They fixed the one thing that I hated about RE4 back in the day, the controls.
It feels 100% better. My only minor complaint is walking feels a little wobbly, like Leon is a bit tipsy lol, but running felt spot-on perfect and that's what I'm doing 99% of the time anyway so no big deal. I also could have done without the aiming wobble but I was getting used to that by the end of the demo.


did you play on ps5? heard it look like ass compraed to Series X due to shimmering and blurry texture
I did play on PS5, but it wasn't shimmer or blurry textures that let me down. It was the overall package of assets, IQ and most of all lighting. The lighting looks flat and unnatural. It's all painfully cross-gen.
I've played the demo multiple times on PS5 and liked it a lot. As with all RE Engine Resident Evil games, I had to change some settings. I don't know why I never like the default settings Capcom ships these games with.
In case anyone else finds it useful on PS5:

Visuals: Frame Rate.
Ray Tracing: Off.
Lens Distortion: Off.
Depth of Field: Off.

Camera Acceleration Normal Gameplay: Max.
Camera Acceleration When Aiming: Max.
Field of View: Max.
Camera Wobble: Off.
Motion Blur: Off.

Control Type: B-1.
Let me guess, by default they basically set the game with the worst IQ, lowest FOV, worst controls ever?


This is amazing! So much better than the original. I love all the animations and gore. The graphics are awesome on PC. Sucks that they messed up the console versions which is what I think people must be speaking of when they say it feels bad to play. It's responsive on PC. I turned up maximum camera speed and camera acceleration and it feels great. I like the vibration when you quickly change direction when running. Also, the knife stabbing and slashing feels really good. Shame about the durability.
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There's something wrong with the aiming settings in this game. Deadzones were an issue and I had to bump it all the way up to max. It's not even funny how sluggish it felt compared to the original, although I like the revamped knife combat and enemies being more aggressive.

RT implementation feels like ASS and illumination is flat. Idk if this demo is an old build but I'll try the PC version later and it'll be graphically superior in all aspects when maxed out.

Still, PS5 felt like ass and undercooked. I wanted to play on it with my fiancée though since RE4 is a game from our childhood.


My god

I downloaded the demo on the PS5 after finishing it on PC, and it looks like absolute ass

It probably has the worst IQ that I have seen on a PS5 game so far.

Changed to resolution mode, and it still sucks. This is horrible.

Its blurried like hell, and still has artifacts on foliage. Its Horizon Forbiden West all over again.
Time to try stranger of paradise dude, that thing looked like 720p or lower:lollipop_grinning_sweat:


Neo Member
Oof does this game look bad on PS5 (res seems to be sub 1440p a lot of the time even on the ‘prioritize resolution’ mode). Also played on Series X and it does look like the res is substantially higher, but overall really isn’t that impressive.

Aiming controls are bad too. Deadzone is way too large too.
Wasn't all that blown away by this demo. Looks good and I dig the cool new animations etc but it felt clunky and ultimately didn't "wow" me. RE4 is one of my all-time favourites and I'm usually there day 1 for anything RE but having completed both Hogwarts and Atomic Heart this week I contemplated whether I should pick up Wo Long now or wait for RE4 and grab it later. After finishing the demo I bought Wo Long.
I'm glad that many users are enjoying this but, I'm also glad that many others noticed the gfx problems that the console versions have, it means that I'm not imagining things and that there's something wrong going on : how in the world do you mess up one of the most beloved franchises/titles out there ?
Like some other users already mentioned, RE4 on the GameCube was a sight to behold when it released, this one though not only doesn't do that but it actually looks mediocre /almost "bad", poly-count is low/straight lines on most models (even the friggin'rocks ffs), blurry textures, blurry IQ, low resolution, shimmering etc, I mean, how the fuck can you mess up such a legendary title up ? This - on consoles - looks like it was rushed, and unless we're talking about an older build...not that a newer one would have a higher poly count etc but, yeah...
RE7 looked fine and crisp as did RE8, same thing with RE2Re and RE3Re (minus the bad AO), again, why does this game look the way it does ? There's no friggin' excuse ffs, maybe on PC it looks fine but on consoles it's a whole different matter, color me extremely disappointed.

I don't have problem with the gameplay changes, in fact, I actually liked many of them, it's just those goddamn graphics that don't do the game justice, and to think that people had a problem with how the rain looked, oh my, the whole game looks "weird" and underdeveloped if I'm to be somewhat dramatic.

It's a damn shame - unless of course this is an older build were talking about/playing.

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Only tried PS5 but there is something wrong with the IQ. Maybe the horrible checkerboarding as it somehow looks lower than 1080p but I think someone pixel counted it at 1800p?

Controls aren't great but they never are in RE games it's just that this is quite fast paced compared to the other remakes. I never struggled with RDR2 but if you dropped John Marston into Doom he'd be completely fucked and while it's obviously not that bad here it's enough to be annoying.


Played on both Xbox and PS5, oh boy a storm is coming, if the demo is taken from final code.... With raytracing and good hair the game runs noticeable faster on ps5, on the other hand the picture and shadows are super aliased compared to Xbox.


Had to watch some Maximilian and Bawkbasoup to see others that matched my enthusiasm after all the Debbie Downers in here. I know, I know, they screwed up the console version and it can't be helped but damn.

Btw, first mod is going to be unbreakable knife. The parry and knife slashing/stabbing are way too fun to be limited.
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Setting everything to max, no motion blur, no chromatic aberration and no Depth of field, with FSR set to Quality, no RT, vram usage went up to 13GB, during the village fight. With RT it went to 14GB.
Ram usage was slightly under 10GB.

But without RT, I was getting around 125 fps in outside areas. And locked 144 fps inside houses.
For the most part, the game is very smooth. There were only a few drops when moving into new areas.
With RT performance dropped to around 100 fps outside. But frame pacing was much worse. And there were a few more stutters.

Some people here might be having crashes and graphics issues due to lack of vram. Especially when using RT.


Where exactly can you enable / disable ray tracing on the PS5 version? I'm not seeing the option for it. The IQ is pretty shit, loads of extremely low resolution textures and blurryness even with CA turned off.
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I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
i played the demo today on frame rate mode.
Yea the visuals a bit "blur" for me for some reason (on a 32 inch monitor, imagine that on a 4k tv) and i noticed some shimmering, other than that im fine but i understand why some people complain about PS5 visuals.
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I like the combat but I think the shotgun isn't satisfying at all like in the original. The recoil is wrong and the pumping action is weak.
The original's shotgun somehow feels way more punchy and satisfying, and yes I've shot a real 12 gauge I know how it feels like. Even though the animation is exaggerated in OG RE4 at least it captured the FEEL very well.

Yeah...I felt that the shothun lost all of its impact.
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