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NPD Sales Results for February 2013 [Up5: Dead Space 3, Crysis 3, Official PS3/WiiU]


I have no faith in NoA to do this, but I think a Bayonetta 2 bundle and some TV spots would result in good sales.

advertising is extremely powerful. if Nintendo wanted to turn a game like B2 into a system seller they could. look at a game like Dishonered. it came out of nowhere (just like B2 will for 99% of the pop.) and would have been completely lost in the shuffle if not for a strong advertising campaign.

Uh Sega put a shit ton of advertisement on TV for Bayo and look how that turned out.

99% of population will think - lol game for perverted weeboos when they see Bayo
Dishonored is extremely easy to market dark gritty game that appeals to typical core audience extremly well.

Also this.

big youth

Yeah, that would be a desperation move. And a waste of money. Bayonetta will never be a system seller. It's aesthetic is way too sexualised (and ridiculous) to succeed in the West. It'd be perceived more creepy than anything else. You can't just throw money at something and think it will sell. You need to know your audience, and the audience for a title like Bayonetta is very small.

but again, they can emphasize or de-emphasize the sexuality as much as they see fit. I think sex and violence sells, but they could market it otherwise.

Money thrown at B2 would mostly come back, given that Nintendo is the publisher and would benefit from increased hardware sales and brand awareness.

for as much as Nintendo idolizes Apple, it's unfortunate they haven't realized the full potential of TV spots. even if your product is overpriced or poorly received by critics, a prominent ad campaign that makes the product seem cool will sell. B2 is no exception.
WiiU will have spikes like any other platform.

The issue with these numbers is they show us how low the floor is to demand. And given how new the platform is these numbers appearing this early are no good sign. I won't say either way what that means for the lifetime of the system. It's just not a good start in the slightest.
I think the floor can get lower.


Also, noticed with this:
Wii U 66k (70% Deluxe)
Wii U ~ 66k, ZombiU bundle ~ 11%
Assuming the Deluxe doesn't include the ZombiU bundles, we can determine a breakdown of Wii U sales.

46.2K Deluxe ($350)
7.3K Zombi U bundle ($390)
12.5K Basic ($300)

Also, gives us an ASP of $345.

all consoles have this illusion of support prior to launch. the Wii had it, the Wii U had it, the Vita had it. shutting others down for fanboyism over this is ridiculous. we don't have anything until we see the titles.
I really can't see how it's an illusion when it comes to the PS4 and Durango. It's essentially the industries worst kept secret that publishers are all already on-board. Where else does one exactly expect them to go?


but again, they can emphasize or de-emphasize the sexuality as much as they see fit. I think sex and violence sells, but they could market it otherwise

Bayonetta without the sexualization wouldn't really be Bayonetta. It'd also bring back memories of Momma Nintendo and Mortal Kombat sweat. It'd be easier to just go with a new IP at that point.

It bombing would probably hurt Platinum more than Nintendo seeing as they probably picked it up cheap.


I really can't see how it's an illusion when it comes to the PS4 and Durango. It's essentially the industries worst kept secret that publishers are all already on-board. Where else does one exactly expect them to go?

Apple TV
Android TV
Mobile devices connecting to TV
Wii U

Acting like there's zero competing forces here is a total joke of an attitude. Apple is entering new markets as their current ones begin to dry up. They could release a console in '14. None of these are scary in the short-term. They seem like jokes now. We don't know how long customers will want to stay into the PS3/360 ecosystem, and by the time '15 comes these might not be such a big joke. We do know that right now, most major developers are still on the PS3/360 and scalability in engines is the it thing. They can and will jump ship on the Durango/PS4 any moment the market tells them to, as it should be.
Crysis 3 deserves better sales IMO. The game has a lot of flaws but it is still a very enjoyable experience and is truly jawdropping visually on PC. I need Crytek to stay around for this kind of stuff. I keep waiting for them to get the formula just right and until they do I am more than entertained enough to keep supporting them.

but again, they can emphasize or de-emphasize the sexuality as much as they see fit. I think sex and violence sells, but they could market it otherwise.

Money thrown at B2 would mostly come back, given that Nintendo is the publisher and would benefit from increased hardware sales and brand awareness.

for as much as Nintendo idolizes Apple, it's unfortunate they haven't realized the full potential of TV spots. even if your product is overpriced or poorly received by critics, a prominent ad campaign that makes the product seem cool will sell. B2 is no exception.

This is going to sound ridiculous I am sure but I couldn't keep playing the first one because of how ridiculously sexual it was. Stuff was just embarrassing for me to have on my tv. The average Nintendo family definitely isn't going to pick this up.


With FE:A selling 63K digitally in Feb, kinda gives a baseline of how other games sold on the eShop. Currently it's ranked #17 on the all time purchase-download chart in USA.
Acceptable compared to what?

Acceptable level of sales

I'm talking about the holiday season. Not right now, obviously.

Vita had great sales
in its first month

Don't know what the point of this was, I agreed with you.

a) It's only been two months, OK?
b) Consoles don't operate like your home PC. Saying the games run "better" says little of the hardware and more to do with the fact that the ports were rushed. Ubisoft's garbage PC port of Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition ran WORSE than the PS2 version. Does that mean my PC couldn't keep up with the PS2?

Denial. Beautiful. Next step is anger.

You don't know what I mean, because you don't understand anything about stocks and investors. When investors bail, it means they sell off all of their shares.




Also, there's no money in the tablet/smart phone market for developers. Going in that route would be suicide for a lot of these companies.

I have just been investing for 10 years and have made good money on the stock market, but sure, I don't know anything. Sony would not be a developer they would be a provider of an ecosystem for developers. Had you read the news around that time you would see most analysts talking about exactly that, tablets.

That's a sign of trouble.

That's a sign they needed the cash.

You're not denying these things....

No shit, I agreed with you

Means nothing if you're still laying off workers and shutting down development studios.

Merging studios and trimming unnecessary overhead does not necessarily equal a bad thing.

It has more to do than just taxes, and taxes isn't even the major problem here. Taxes are actually the least of the problems Sony had.

Read up on Sony's financials for the past 2-3 years, it's available on the IR segment of their site

Goddamn it do you know what an ADR is? Do you know what YTD is?

SNE closing price on 03/15 = 17.26
SNE closing price on 12/31 = 11.02

Do the math

Never said it wasn't necessary. However, it's clear you got my point and you agree with it.

Sony's financial situation is dire, no shit. You just don't really know what you're talking about though.

Ok. Then I think we're done here.

You're new here, you'll get it eventually.

No point in continuing this convo though, I see you don't really have much of a clue about certain things in the stock market. Best of luck in your analysis.
Apple TV
Android TV
Mobile devices connecting to TV
I thought we were referring to the console space; but yes, I full expect publishers to continue with their support of PC (included within that Steambox, which is a PC). Also, yes, it's been discussed before and yes, big publishers like EA and Square-Enix have their fingers in many pies including mobile platforms.

But again, we're talking about the console space. Unless you're saying that publishers intend to collectively exit the console space in the foreseeable future - which is frankly nonsense. They are clearly on-board with Gen 4 systems in a way they never were with the Wii U (and Vita; and with regard to Western publishers dedicated handhelds in general).

Acting like there's zero competing forces here is a total joke of an attitude.
Yes, there are competing forces, and yes publishers are exploring them. But pretending publishers are simply feigning interest in the PS4 and Durango is wishful thinking.
Apple is entering new markets as their current ones begin to dry up. They could release a console in '14. None of these are scary in the short-term. They seem like jokes now.
There is literally no point in Apple moving from their high margin, high volume products to the console game space with negative-to-low margins and comparatively small volumes. Could it happen, sure, I guess anything can happen. Does it enter into a discussion on the plausibility of publisher support for the PS4 and Durango - I don't see how.
We don't know how long customers will want to stay into the PS3/360 ecosystem, and by the time '15 comes these might not be such a big joke. We do know that right now, most major developers are still on the PS3/360 and scalability in engines is the it thing. They can and will jump ship on the Durango/PS4 any moment the market tells them to, as it should be.
So in 2015 when Android TV sweeps the market publishers will abandon ship on the XBOX and PS4. Okay.

You're comparing released platforms like the Wii U, to just announced platforms like the PS4, to the unannounced platform that is Durango and comparing support.

The situation as it is now is that, beyond Ubisoft, the Wii U isn't getting support. And even they've had their confidence shaken.

The situation as it is now is that publishers are investing in next gen, they're simply not putting their eggs in Nintendo's basket.


You're comparing released platforms like the Wii U, to just announced platforms like the PS4, to the unannounced platform that is Durango and comparing support.

The situation as it is now is that, beyond Ubisoft, the Wii U isn't getting support. And even they've had their confidence shaken.

The situation as it is now is that publishers are investing in next gen, they're simply not putting their eggs in Nintendo's basket.

Did you see how much indie support the Wii U is getting? Or how about Nintendo trying to fix all relations with Japanese third party's and hopefully try to fix the big western devs (something went wrong between Nintendo and EA and I don't think Origin is the only reason for that)

Focusing only on PS4/720 will probably hurt the devs/pubs more than not supporting it, these days supporting all systems is a smarter idea, if one big third party game fails to sell on the PS4/720 than it could be over for that company, same with just supporting Wii U.

PS3/360 will most likely be supported for a long time as well.
Nintendo should be moneyhatting games that can help sell systems, not ultra niche games that bombed the first time around.

It's great for the handful of Bayonetta fans, but does nothing for Nintendo.
Well at the time when Nintendo acquired this they werent worried about system sellers. Nintendo simply want to add more to their catalog with this. People that are saying stuff like they shouldnt of done it sounds like some salt.


but again, they can emphasize or de-emphasize the sexuality as much as they see fit. I think sex and violence sells, but they could market it otherwise.

Not this kind.

99% of people watching television are going to see the character design or the general aesthetic and tune out.

it really depends on how much they are expecting to sell and how many Wii U's are out in the market at the time of release. As long as they don't go crazy I could see it not being "fucked" at the very least.

There's, what, 3 million Wii Us out right now? And only 4 third-party games that have cracked 100k?

Bayonetta isn't going to appeal to most of the low-install base.

It's fucked.
Nintendo should be moneyhatting games that can help sell systems, not ultra niche games that bombed the first time around.

It's great for the handful of Bayonetta fans, but does nothing for Nintendo.

Bayonetta hardly bombed. It sold over a million units as far as I know. Although, I would agree that Bayonetta 2 won't be a big system seller for them.
Did you see how much indie support the Wii U is getting? Or how about Nintendo trying to fix all relations with Japanese third party's and hopefully try to fix the big western devs (something went wrong between Nintendo and EA and I don't think Origin is the only reason for that)
What titles are slated for the Wii U in Japan, from Japanese third-parties after Dragon Quest? How many titles has Konami published for the Wii U?
Focusing only on PS4/720 will probably hurt the devs/pubs more than not supporting it, these days supporting all systems is a smarter idea, if one big third party game fails to sell on the PS4/720 than it could be over for that company, same with just supporting Wii U.
Focusing on platforms that you expect will generate an audience for your titles is better than throwing things at every wall and hoping one sticks. At least this appears to be the opinion of the major publishers, with EA, for example culling its number of releases. Platform decisions are calculated decisions.

Cross-generational titles are designed to leverage the built up installed bases and audience of the PS3 and 360 as a safety net, while the audience grows on the PS4/XBOX 3.

But, publishers do not expect a Wii U SKU to be the difference between a product's profitability or loss. Rightly so.
PS3/360 will most likely be supported for a long time as well.
Which really has no bearing on the Wii U. See Saints Row IV, just announced.
You beg to differ with what? My suggestion that the new platforms probably won't take the world by storm? Eh, we'll see. There's still a lot of blanks that need to be filled in if you ask me before we can really start to gauge what the interest-level is. However, I will say that YouTube hits doesn't strike me as a very meaningful metric for how interested people are in a console we don't even know the price of yet.

Not really. All of the current gen (Wii, DS, PSP, 360 and PS3) systems arrived during a time of HDTV, Bluray, widespread broadband Internet, social network, and smart device transition or upheaval.

*note: I count 3DS, PSV and WiiU as next gen.

The iPhone which released in 2007, became a phenomenon. Now, in 2013, touchscreen devices or phones have become the new normal, no longer limited as the status quo.

Apple changed the game, 3 years later, unveiling the iPad. The press or media at large, derided the device as being a giant iPod Touch...with a silly name. We now know, how that played out. The iPad became ubiquitous for ushering the tablet generation to consumers. Now those types of devices are in millions upon millions of homes around the world.

The tech world has spurred further growth innovation. Competition is no longer Apple domination. We've got Android, Windows 8, WebOS, Touchwiz from Samsung among others.

Consumers have become more tech conscious - informed. These simple devices tout processors and apps, ease of use and communication.

Buzz words like:

Quad core, Ghz, NFC, Capacitive, RAM, 4G, WiFi, Gigabytes, HD, screens resolutions, Retina, SD cards, USB, Bluetooth, FaceTime, sleep, home button, App, multitasking, data speed/limits, jailbreak, root, etc.

Are no longer known by just tech geeks or nerdy (informed) types. These are common words becoming more and more familiar, everyday to millions of consumers. We are now ushered into an era of people who are enthused by everyday technology.

I think the WiiU's struggle is simple:

It's dated in its appeal. The tablet like controller, is still larger and bulkier in plastic, than it is the screen. The device doesn't seem updated in its power - compared with the informed consumer who has had and 360 or PS3 for years. A lot of the games are also available on a system they have, why spend 300$+ for those?

The PS4 and '720' will succeed, I'm confident - I'm confident that the public will understand a difference, because they now understand technology in a digital era, better than they did in 2005-2006. I believe they believe its a better investment of $400 for a future proof system, than $300+ for a more-dated system.

Everyone likes the new iPads and iPhones, I'm sure they'll be all over the top tech next gen consoles.

Just my opinions though

- Other factors: people follow their friends, many play CoD PS3/360 - they'll migrate within that ecosystem to the next.

-The newest handhelds are carried by gamers. The casuals have migrated to smart devices (phone/tablets) for all in one devices, cheap games and apps. GBA era numbers are more realistic to the current time.


Some of this may have come off as very anti WiiU, it's not meant as such. I trailed off in my thoughts, Bill Maher (which we watch every Fri) was starting lol.

I'd add: WiiU seemed attractive, until I saw how limited its tech innards are/were. 2GB of RAM is just not enough. Not when my iPhone5 has 1GB of RAM. My phone.

With the PS4 promising 8GB of GDDR5 RAM, it seems like a better value proposition - considering the system will probably have a life cycle of 7 yrs+. That's the thing, as the tech world and iOS/Android gamers (like those on TouchArcade), tout advancements in mobile games surpassing Wii's and moving closer to 360 every year - I don't want a system that will be surpassed by a phone in a couple years.

I'm sure other consumers might feel the same.

I will for sure own a WiiU at some point. When Nintendo and other third parties deliver games I want, and after I've bought one of the other 2 (leaning PS4, over 720) first.
What titles are slated for the Wii U in Japan, from Japanese third-parties after Dragon Quest? How many titles has Konami published for the Wii U?Focusing on platforms that you expect will generate an audience for your titles is better than throwing things at every wall and hoping one sticks. At least this appears to be the opinion of the major publishers, with EA, for example culling its number of releases. Platform decisions are calculated decisions.

Cross-generational titles are designed to leverage the built up installed bases and audience of the PS3 and 360 as a safety net, while the audience grows on the PS4/XBOX 3.

But, publishers do not expect a Wii U SKU to be the difference between a product's profitability or loss. Rightly so.
Which really has no bearing on the Wii U. See Saints Row IV, just announced.

Saints Row 4 started as an expansion to Saints Row 3, which was only on PS3/360/PC. Started development before they even got Wii U kits most likely.


There's, what, 3 million Wii Us out right now? And only 4 third-party games that have cracked 100k?

Bayonetta isn't going to appeal to most of the low-install base.

It's fucked.

Bayonetta 2 probably isn't coming out until the second half of 2014 and it could do decent numbers if handled correctly.


I thought we were referring to the console space; but yes, I full expect publishers to continue with their support of PC (included within that Steambox, which is a PC)...

I don't even know what to respond to here, you took all of the arguments and broke them up into so many pieces. My point is just that developer comments mean absolutely nothing. Look at EA and the Nintendo Wii U press conference. As for the Wii U third party support, they're really the only major player missing. Take-Two might be, not really any evidence behind that one. There's no knowing how consumers are going to react going into this next launch of consoles, either. I really don't think publishers are going to go into it with the blind-faith that you're suggesting, which harmed them so much during the Wii days.


What titles are slated for the Wii U in Japan, from Japanese third-parties after Dragon Quest? How many titles has Konami published for the Wii U?Focusing on platforms that you expect will generate an audience for your titles is better than throwing things at every wall and hoping one sticks. Platform decisions are calculated decisions.

Platinum's games, Resident Evil, and I'm sure more that I can't think off, but this is why I said Nintendo trying to fix Japanese relation's, to make sure they get future Japanese support, getting Final Fantasy would be good, and Metal Gear was on the Wii U Miiverse list.

Nintendo paying Capcom for Monster Hunter 4 on Wii U as well would also be a good thing me thinks.

Cross-generational titles are designed to leverage the built up installed bases and audience of the PS3 and 360 as a safety net, while the audience grows on the PS4/XBOX 3.

You could say the same for Wii U couldn't you?

But, publishers do not expect a Wii U SKU to be the difference between a product's profitability or loss. Rightly so.
Which really has no bearing on the Wii U. See Saints Row IV, just announced.

And that's why I also said Nintendo to fix Western relations as well, Deep Silver confirmed they are supporting Wii U and will make games for it, I guess we'll have to wait and see what comes out of it.

I'm not going to stay here and defend the Wii U but I'm just stating my point.
Finally caught up with the thread. I don't understand the "Crysis 3 = bomba" posts. It's selling at least as well or better than Crysis 2, which shipped several million copies. It's not going to do Gears or Halo numbers, but it seems to be doing okay here and in the PAL charts.
What titles are slated for the Wii U in Japan, from Japanese third-parties after Dragon Quest? How many titles has Konami published for the Wii U?Focusing on platforms that you expect will generate an audience for your titles is better than throwing things at every wall and hoping one sticks. At least this appears to be the opinion of the major publishers, with EA, for example culling its number of releases. Platform decisions are calculated decisions.

Cross-generational titles are designed to leverage the built up installed bases and audience of the PS3 and 360 as a safety net, while the audience grows on the PS4/XBOX 3.

But, publishers do not expect a Wii U SKU to be the difference between a product's profitability or loss. Rightly so.
Which really has no bearing on the Wii U. See Saints Row IV, just announced.
Do collaboration titles count? Along with SMTXFE there are possibly be 2-3 more collabs or *Nintendo Published* titles we dont know about as stated buy Iwata in the 1/23 Nintendo direct. Alot of this Nintendo dont have this yet is premature. Id say wait till E3 to get a full grasp of what they have. Even a recent interview with Gt.tv Miyamoto said there is more games that we dont know about that could be shown during E3. And as far as saints row ps4/720 dont have it either when comparing Next Gen. A better argument would be to say Wii U doesnt have destiny or something. For the most part Wii U will be getting big 3rd party games its not all bad. Madden, Fifa, COD, Watch_Dogs, Assassins creed and who knows what else E3 may hold.
Madden NFL 25 has had press releases omitting the Wii U multiple times now. And no, titles published by Nintendo aren't considered third party as far as I'm aware.
Saints Row 4 started as an expansion to Saints Row 3, which was only on PS3/360/PC. Started development before they even got Wii U kits most likely.
See Destiny. See Madden NFL 25. See Tomb Raider. See Bioshock Infinite. See Dark Souls 2. See GTAV. See Crysis 3. See Metro: Last Light. See Castlevania. See Lightning Returns. See Reveangeance.
Platinum's games, Resident Evil, and I'm sure more that I can't think off, but this is why I said Nintendo trying to fix Japanese relation's, to make sure they get future Japanese support, getting Final Fantasy would be good, and Metal Gear was on the Wii U Miiverse list.

Nintendo paying Capcom for Monster Hunter 4 on Wii U as well would also be a good thing me thinks.

You could say the same for Wii U couldn't you?

And that's why I also said Nintendo to fix Western relations as well, Deep Silver confirmed they are supporting Wii U and will make games for it, I guess we'll have to wait and see what comes out of it.
Platinum Games titles are being bank-rolled by Nintendo. That's not third party support.

Regarding the bolded. No. A safety net should be large enough to catch you.
I don't even know what to respond to here, you took all of the arguments and broke them up into so many pieces. My point is just that developer comments mean absolutely nothing. Look at EA and the Nintendo Wii U press conference. As for the Wii U third party support, they're really the only major player missing. Take-Two might be, not really any evidence behind that one. There's no knowing how consumers are going to react going into this next launch of consoles, either. I really don't think publishers are going to go into it with the blind-faith that you're suggesting, which harmed them so much during the Wii days.
There's no history to suggest false overtures for the entirety of third party towards the PS4 and XBOX3 in the same way there is for Nintendo. The expectation of third party support is built upon quite the opposite, a strong history of these publishers efforts on the PlayStation and XBOX.

With regard to the bolded, they aren't the only ones missing in action. It's the opposite case where really the only one seemingly supporting the platform in any substantial manner is Ubisoft.


With regard to the bolded, they aren't the only ones missing in action. It's the opposite case where really the only one seemingly supporting the platform in any substantial manner is Ubisoft.

Capcom, Activision, Namco, Warner Bros, and Ubisoft are all pretty present. SEGA hasn't had a whole lot of releases lately, but they've shown some early support with good results. No reason to suggest they wouldn't be on there. Square-Enix we haven't heard much about, but it looks like they're both backing it as well.

It's really just EA and Take-Two that are the big deals.
Madden NFL 25 has had press releases omitting the Wii U multiple times now. And no, titles published by Nintendo aren't considered third party as far as I'm aware.
See Destiny. See Madden NFL 25. See Tomb Raider. See Bioshock Infinite. See Dark Souls 2. See GTAV. See Crysis 3. See Metro: Last Light. See Castlevania. See Lightning Returns. See Reveangeance.Platinum Games titles are being bank-rolled by Nintendo. That's not third party support.

Regarding the bolded. No. A safety net should be large enough to catch you.
There's no history to suggest false overtures for the entirety of third party towards the PS4 and XBOX3 in the same way there is for Nintendo. The expectation of third party support is built upon quite the opposite, a strong history of these publishers efforts on the PlayStation and XBOX.

With regard to the bolded, they aren't the only ones missing in action. It's the opposite case where really the only one seemingly supporting the platform in any substantial manner is Ubisoft.

I dont understand. Why are you telling me to "see" a bunch of games that had their development preclude Wii U devkits?

Why not tell me to see Watch Dogs? Assassins Creed IV?


Capcom, Activision, Namco, Warner Bros, and Ubisoft are all pretty present. SEGA hasn't had a whole lot of releases lately, but they've shown some early support with good results. No reason to suggest they wouldn't be on there. Square-Enix we haven't heard much about, but it looks like they're both backing it as well.

It's really just EA and Take-Two that are the big deals.

And it's going to be hard to see if they are supporting the Wii U or not, they said they will confirm there support for mature titles if Aliens on Wii U sells well enough, but since that game never released on Wii U (yet but I doubt it will now), they'll have to look at another core title.

If Take Two is not willing to give the Wii U a version of GTAV than Nintendo show them the checkbook.
Madden 25 will be released for Wii U. The developers of 13 for the Wii U version said plenty of time in videos that there are some features that they couldnt put in 13 that will get a chance in next years iteration.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Madden 25 will be released for Wii U. The developers of 13 for the Wii U version said plenty of time in videos that there are some features that they couldnt put in 13 that will get a chance in next years iteration.

Every single press release piece released by EA advertises the game as PS3 / 360 only. Retailers are only taking preorders on the PS3 / 360 versions.

Could it exist on the Wii U (and other current platforms)? Maybe. But it doesn't look likely at all.
We are already seeing some games announced as PC PS4 and 720 with no current gen versions such as Theif and Witcher 3.

Many current gen multiplats are missing WiiU versions or are coming too latte to be any big effect. Even some sports stuff thats usually on everything seems to be missing the U this year so far with Madden and Tiger Woods not mentioning the platform.

Something unrelated from this I was wondering about is that rumored October nextgen launch. Looking at release schedules it seems that multiplats with no next gen versions are avoiding Oct and later as release dates and the only game coming to nextgen that has a set in stone date is AC and it's late October.

It's probably a little bit early to try and speculate for that but with PAX and GDC in he next few weeks we should be getting some more meaty info and it will be interesting to keep an eye on whatever release dates we get at least.


We are already seeing some games announced as PC PS4 and 720 with no current gen versions such as Theif and Witcher 3.

Many current gen multiplats are missing WiiU versions or are coming too latte to be any big effect. Even some sports stuff thats usually on everything seems to be missing the U this year so far with Madden and Tiger Woods not mentioning the platform.

Something unrelated from this I was wondering about is that rumored October nextgen launch. Looking at release schedules it seems that multiplats with no next gen versions are avoiding Oct and later as release dates and the only game coming to nextgen that has a set in stone date is AC and it's late October.

It's probably a little bit early to try and speculate for that but with PAX and GDC in he next few weeks we should be getting some more meaty info and it will be interesting to keep an eye on whatever release dates we get at least.

If this isnt proof that the ps4 is at least launching early November I do not know what could be. 11-12-13. Mark it.
I guess that's why they decided not to announce it alongside the PS3 and 360 versions.

Every single press release piece released by EA advertises the game as PS3 / 360 only. Retailers are only taking preorders on the PS3 / 360 versions.

Could it exist on the Wii U (and other current platforms)? Maybe. But it doesn't look likely at all.
Do you guys follow madden? Do you remember last year early press releases for 13 talking about infinity engine and such with no mention of the Vita version? Do you remember how long it took well after E3 for madden 13 to be confirmed for Wii U? Do you also know no vita version is mentioned this year either? Also no ps4/720 version either? I guess its correct to go off press releases but with madden it doesnt routinely go like that.
Oops, I missed this. All true, but I honestly think that EA were the ones pushing for them to go multiplatform because that's what they know best. They're now in this awkward place where they have to create games which scale well enough that they can run on consoles but still have enough bells and whistles that the high end PC crowd will feel catered for. It's bananas.

At least we'll always have the first game.
Oh yes, i totally forgot about EA.
I dont understand. Why are you telling me to "see" a bunch of games that had their development preclude Wii U devkits?

Why not tell me to see Watch Dogs? Assassins Creed IV?
Because you seemed to imply that Saints Row was a poor example of publishers ignoring the Wii U and, as already noted, Ubisoft are seemingly an exception to this generality.

Dark Souls 2 was announced after the Wii U was released. As was Madden NFL 25.

Activision has Wii U devkits; and Bungie could have them if they wanted to for Destiny.

Crytek have Wii U devkits; but aren't releasing Crysis 3 because of a lack of business drive. Other games listed have similarly skipped the Wii U because of stated lack of business drive.

You want more examples? Thief 4. Witcher 3. Metal Gear: Ground Zeroes.

This idea that there's a slew of third party support waiting in the wings to rush in and surprise everyone is ridiculous. It's as bad as the "there must be stuff coming for Vita" idea.
already is. PS3 surpassed x360. However, it has been a successful console this gen nevertheless

No those reports were never officially validated and it still looks like the Xbox 360 is slightly ahead for now.

But when it is all said and done it took essentially the entire generation for the PlayStation to tie or sell a little bit more than the Xbox. Not exactly a pure win.


Because you seemed to imply that Saints Row was a poor example of publishers ignoring the Wii U and, as already noted, Ubisoft are seemingly an exception to this generality.

Dark Souls 2 was announced after the Wii U was released. As was Madden NFL 25.

Activision has Wii U devkits; and Bungie could have them if they wanted to for Destiny.

Crytek have Wii U devkits; but aren't releasing Crysis 3 because of a lack of business drive. Other games listed have similarly skipped the Wii U because of stated lack of business drive.

You want more examples? Thief 4. Witcher 3. Metal Gear: Ground Zeroes.

This idea that there's a slew of third party support waiting in the wings to rush in and surprise everyone is ridiculous. It's as bad as the "there must be stuff coming for Vita" idea.

just got to wait until their NDA's run out for all the 3rd party announcements to finally happen
Some people believe that Nintendo are holding back 3rd parties from announcing games. I might have bought that before the console released, but now that it's on the market i don't believe it one bit.

Game Guru

The PS4 and '720' will succeed, I'm confident - I'm confident that the public will understand a difference, because they now understand technology in a digital era, better than they did in 2005-2006. I believe they believe its a better investment of $400 for a future proof system, than $300+ for a more-dated system.

But how do you know the PS4 and '720' will succeed? For all we know, the OUYA, this Android console that came from out of nowhere, could succeed because it is a $100 Android device and will likely have the major video streaming services on it. It's very likely that OUYA ends up taking up the digital media receiver sales that stuff like Roku normally gets since it is around the same price.

Things could change from one generation to another, especially if PS4 and '720' both have to start from scratch in the digital realm, when most gamers, casual or otherwise, expect their digital purchases to transfer.
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