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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online

I can't help but think that this is Microsoft building there customers up for bad news just to surprise them with an offline working console and have hugely positive press. No one can really be as stupid as that guy... can they?

They should have told people that the console would kill them in their sleep, then when we find out it doesn't we'll be so happy we'll buy 2.

noone is going to be excited when they find out it does the same thing that every console on the market does, play games without the Internet!


The pluses in this are exposing thus guy as the douche he seems to be and the almost certain side effect of MS speeding up the timetable for the reveal


His tweets discounting the snark are just a reflection of the internal indoctrination to justify the always online measure. Microsoft directly or indirectly through proxy mouthpieces will use the exact same arguments to justify their position going forward. This is just a small sample of what's to come.
I just wondered... what about the fratboys and their shoddy campus internet that needs authentication and usually doesn´t like stuff other than PCs? No one thought about them? How are they supposed to play Halo and Madden now?
If you're serious about gaming, you should drop out.
Pc gaming should improve a shitload next gen.
Because the next gen consoles are just castrated gaming rigs.

Eh, PC gaming still has it's problems. Not as many unreliable aspects as back in the day, but I prefer the streamlined experience of playing games on a console. Use my PC for work and gaming is taxing in a way which I can do without.

Anyway, the evidence is mounting, but I am still slightly sceptical. Lack of choice in this situation will not expand their market potential...Although, it will enable a more invasive presence
Thing is, despite their claims to the contrary, I can see Sony forming an industry-wide cabal and going online-only too, if Microsoft goes first.

After all, the publishers want it, and they're deep in their pockets.

just like Sony went for the pay for multiplayer model?


Typical GAF. Always online is going to Doom MS. It's right up there with no BC on PS4.

I know a lot of folk are pouncing on you for this but, actually, I don't think it will "doom" MS. If this is the stick it makes sense that they'll have to have a carrot too. And with a subscription based, low cost of entry, pricing plan I'm sure there'll be an uptake. Or I hope there is for MS' sake!

With that said the reactions in here are justified IMO. The bigger danger is always online is the thin end of an insidious wedge.


It was never confirmed he worked with it.
But since he knew exactly about it, and was legally forced to stay put, even though he gave the hint, is a clear indicator that his studio got a dev kit.
Besides they just announced they're developing for the PS4 and the Job listings are usually multiplattform, which also indicates that his studio got their hands on thoose dev kits and now what's up.


This was his posting.
And we found out who he was, since we didn't know who was behind Mr.Lake at first.

thanks a lot. I read previously a recap which said "Detective-GAF then finds an alleged dev on a separate forum claiming one should keep up with their ISP bills (implying some truth to the rumor).[*]Detective-GAF then confirms that alleged dev to be an actual developer working on next-gen games.[*] " and thought what it could mean. I didn't know they were developing on PS4, that definitely adds up more credibility.

If Billy's wasn't enough


is now taking requests
Thing is, despite their claims to the contrary, I can see Sony forming an industry-wide cabal and going online-only too, if Microsoft goes first.

After all, the publishers want it, and they're deep in their pockets.

This is the most important reason the "dude, this is total overreaction, nothing is confirmed"-crowd is so wrong. It's important to react strongly. Make it a difficult decision for Sony (i do think this is a done deal in regards to MS already)

I'd rather have Sony reaming MS with cheap shots over this than having them go the same way.


Manhunt 3? I thought you were going to say Kane and Lynch 2.....man that demo made me think my Launch PHAT was finally dying.

Maybe I was blessed as I played the PC version of Dog Days. You could disable so much of that stuff, which I did. That stuff on consoles hurt the fuck out of my visual senses.
Oh boy, imagine if anonymous would attack the nextbox like they did with the ps3?

Oh it's already funny in my head.

Best part is, they wouldn't even have to do any REAL hacking... Just do a couple DDoS attacks a month on the primary servers during prime time (bonus, it's easiest to accomplish then) and you'll have a LOT of very unhappy customers.
The smoke from the Durango always online rumours is getting mighty thick. If they go through with it this will be like the 599USD moment on Steroids. Microsoft could be in for a rude awakening.



Funniest parody account ever.


Unconfirmed Member
Have MS responded yet? Since this rumour is all over the internet now...
We don't comment on rumors and speculation.
There might be a comment coming from them soon, but I think the best way to get something from this is through the Q&A for Microsoft Fiscal Year 2013 Third Quarter Earnings Conference Call on April 18. I hope Goldman Sachs and all the other investment firms are notified about this.



you can add another to the list


Yitch may also be put on the long list who are spreading the news.
This is the most important reason the "dude, this is total overreaction, nothing is confirmed"-crowd is so wrong. It's important to react strongly. Make it a difficult decision for Sony (i do think this is a done deal in regards to MS already)

I'd rather have Sony reaming MS with cheap shots over this than having them go the same way.

Everything Sony has done thus far makes me think they are keeping an eye on what the community is saying about things. I think they will see the backlash and use it as an opportunity to bash Microsoft and further their new image as the console for gamers.
If Apple was worrying about those people then iPhone and iPad would never have got off the ground. How the hell do you download an app from the App Store without Internet?

That's the thing, though. Of course you need an internet connection to download a game. The difference is, once they're downloaded I can play most of the games on my iPhone even if I don't have connectivity.

Of course my 360 is online, but on the odd occasion that I can't connect to Live I can still play offline single player games - which is 99.9% of what I play anyway. I've played online exactly one time. It's just not my thing.

If the rumors turn out to be true, this would no longer be the case. Therefore, I'm not interested.
Well fuck you @Orthy.

Even if you think your potential customers are fuckwits you don't ridicule them to their face, not if you want them to actually become your customers.

If this is how they see their customer base then they are due for a fall.

This just reeks of the arrogance that Sony displayed at launch of PS3 (Get two jobs, you'll buy it even if there's no games etc) and I skipped purchasing a PS3 because of it.

It looks like I could very well be skipping Xbox this coming generation if they put another foot wrong.

Miles X

I'd say it's more likely than not now, why else would he be so defending of it.

I would however laugh if all along MS are the ones who have been leaking all this and it turns out they're not going with always online ect.
My internet connection is pretty good, especially for being "out in the boonies" (still manage a 40mbits connection) but often it's the SERVERS that are down, or there is a storm, etc. That said, the first time I go to play a single player game when a server is down and I can't play multiplayer, only to find out that I've lost the single player server, I'll be done with that company's products. Period.


I would say it's funny that people actually believe this is real but this is gaf, any negative MS news gaf believes.
There's enough proof that it could turn out true. It also wouldn't be that weird if Microsoft decides to do it.

Not saying it's happening (and I don't hope it will), but I'd say there's a slim chance at least.


ironic that the SixthAxis is the one with the most non damaging title.

"Microsoft Studio’s Creative Director Speaks About An Always-On Requirement"


Junior Member
I'd say it's more likely than not now, why else would he be so defending of it.

I would however laugh if all along MS are the ones who have been leaking all this and it turns out they're not going with always online ect.

Because all PR is good PR, and they haven't lost customers to people thinking they're being even more screwed over by MS' new console?
Everything Sony has done thus far makes me think they are keeping an eye on what the community is saying about things. I think they will see the backlash and use it as an opportunity to bash Microsoft and further their new image as the console for gamers.

Sony is selling tons of consoles in developing countries - going always on would be even more suicidal then MS.
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