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Come 2to buttocks. i welcom thee

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how are people getting "whisper of kinectless sku? from "nocahcnce of kniectlses sku."

it blatantly reads NO CHANCE of kinectless sku.


Hope the Platinum exclusive isn't MGR2, that would definitely be an announcement that would ruffle feathers.

Well they have to moneyhat Konami too if they want MGR2.

If its Vanguish 2, then its good for me since i hated the first game. lol

If its Bayo 3 then it doesnt make sense, but it will be a big fuck you to Nintendo if it is.

It will be a new IP.


Yeah, I remember that. She told me that LA Noire was having difficulties in development and wasn't exclusive like 2 years before the GI blowout.

What happened to that?

I think she was getting too much attention and people were figuring out who she/he was.....they are out of the industry regardless
Why would people be upset over a new IP though?

Why would he mention Kamiya if it's Vanquish?

in fact why would he mention kamiya at all if it isn't twitter related

twitter the video game confirmed for x1 made by platinum directed by kamiya

He's just using 'Kamiyatown' as a funny name for Platinum, not saying it's going to be a Kamiya game.


Given that Sony managed to turn the PS3's commercial viability around, why are MS so mad keen to release this year? I don't really understand it.

That's what I don't get.

I thought MS should have stuck to their guns from day one and looked at the long term view rather than purely launch.

I think once people got their hands on the original One, word of mouth combined with good games (plus some marketing muscle) would have done the rest.

Now they're just fucked.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
how are people getting "whisper of kinectless sku? from "nocahcnce of kniectlses sku."

it blatantly reads NO CHANCE of kinectless sku.

He said

agpolise ina dvnce. verythign I ssaw over last 24 monts was thats
nocahcnce of kniectlses sku. soldidconetcrete decsionfirm as

Notice the "was".


Wow, dropping Kinect. MSFT is just completely abandoning whatever stated vision they had for the console.

No more vision or leadership for them this gen...just doing what they can to get as many sales as possible and they'll try afresh next gen if they do next gen. Right now, however, they're just trying to prevent an absolute disaster with the X1 and I think they did.

Quote from an honest MS employee

Are we altering our vision or losing faith? No.

All is well.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I think she was getting too much attention and people were figuring out who she/he was.....they are out of the industry regardless

I see.

I'm glad CBOAT writes how he writes. Must be a nightmare to even try and analyse who wrote like that.


how are people getting "whisper of kinectless sku? from "nocahcnce of kniectlses sku."

it blatantly reads NO CHANCE of kinectless sku.

The very next thing he says was that's what he had been hearing for the last 24 months but that is beginning to change and sales will decide what they do.


bish gets all the credit :)
how are people getting "whisper of kinectless sku? from "nocahcnce of kniectlses sku."

it blatantly reads NO CHANCE of kinectless sku.

That is preceded by "everything I saw in the past 24 months was no chance of a Kinect-less SKU, but that has changed."
The kinectless sku makes too much sense. MS needs to be within price parity with Sony and quick. I still don't much of a difference between kinect 2.0 and the previous one besides voice commands and controlling the UI. There not giving any reason to pay $100 more.

Rebel Leader

Quote from an honest MS employee

All is well.

You need to have faith to lose it


It'll depend on sales. Honestly, I would have thought that March is to early to assess that. Preorders and other analysis must be really dire for them to consider that. After all, so much of the non-gaming stuff seems to be based on Kinect. Then again, it's still only a rumor.

Nevertheless, I wouldn't shed much tears over mandatory Kinect...

Well, the head of Xbox got run out of town. It's entirely possible that the people who are running things now think the old strategy was a mistake. Without a champion, things like kinect can become yesterday's news quickly.
Is there any chance the Platinum game might be a licensed title? That'd make it pretty clearly "for Japan" without necessarily being platform exclusive or super niche

Then again most any Japanese IP you could name has it's licensed tied up somewhere, but I don't think Bandai would object too strongly to a Dragonball/One Piece/Kamen Rider/Toriko/Ultraman/Naruto/Sazae-san/Heyheyhey Music Champ/Takeshi Kitano/Whatever game being an Xbone exclusive if MS gave them a sack full of yens


Master of the Google Search
Arthur Gies having a one way argument trying to refute someone called crazy buttocks is pretty descriptive of his career so far.
Thinking Atlas and From Software

lol what? Atlus wouldn't dare make an exclusive for a system that everyone knows is dead in Japan. From is in a kinda similar position.

Any Japanese studios that team up with Microsoft would have to be ones that are big enough to appeal to western audiences (despite what CBOAT said) or small enough that they'd jump on any kind of deal.


I was just thinking how we hadn't heard from CBOAT in a while, and well -- this happened.

Good info. Although, I wonder just how advantageous an Oct release really is. The 360 had a year head start on PS3 and we saw the damage that did. Will a month or less really equate to anything significant?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Given that Sony managed to turn the PS3's commercial viability around, why are MS so mad keen to release this year? I don't really understand it.

It cost sony like $4B to turn the PS3 from a sinking ship into something respectable, and even then it really remains an unmitigated financial disaster for them.

Let's be honest-- Microsoft has bigger fish to fry than worry about some marginal home entertainment box for nerds. This is either going to be a massive, cohesive living room dominating monsterbox (they're already retreating from this vision) or they're not going to be willing to take that kind of hit.

If I'm looking at potential ROI on projects and I'm Steve Ballmer, I'm way more worried about Apple and Google than fighting a zombie electronics company that is subsisting by selling life insurance and that relic Nintendo.


Lol. Like the glorious PC games get hampered by inferior PS4180 hardware.

This argument, oh my god.

If I gamed on a PC, I'd say the same thing. No one wants their favourite franchise on a platform they don't own; much less a significantly inferior platform.


no live strm for real easons. xbone arcitectu re stil not fuly complet. laterst verson of SDK coupl of weeks ago edropeed d performeance by 15--20% acros teg board. NOW B4 YO^USG ET MAD AT ME XBOTTLES this hapens AL THE TIEM in tconsel dvelopmetn and ist wll evetnaly be fix but nochance for erly oct orelaese or...

i don't get it. what does xbox one not being ready yet have to do with them not streaming the press conference?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Also Sonyponies really shouldn't laugh too hard at the kinectless sku stuff. If MS gets a $399 box out there Sony could be in major trouble. Nervous laughter maybe.
Wow. A storm is coming is an understatement CBOAT.

There's not a better definition for catch 22 than this whole gen launch. If MS decides to launch a kinect-less SKU next year (which, with the rumored pre-order ratio being 4:1, you bet this will end up happening), this will alienate the consumers who paid extra at launch vs those post-launch. Not to mention, this will just show consumers who bought at launch, that they really didn't need Kinect in the first place. It's just a bad look anyway you look at it. But if they don't do it, there's no way in hell they'll compete with Sony throughout the year!

And if the PS4 does launch late October, then... damn.


An blind dancing ho
Doesn't Sega own the ip for Vanquish?

Seems like a trend with Platinum (Bayonetta, Wonderful 101, Vanquish) but I wonder if MS would require to own the IP if they are paying to make the game.

yes SEGA own both Bayonetta and Vanquish ips.

They (Microsoft) just need to throw money to fund game development and publishing the game to secure it on their system (like Nintendo with Bayo 2) they don't have to buy the ip.


Arthur Gies having a one way argument trying to refute someone called crazy buttocks is pretty descriptive of his career so far.
One person very clearly has ties to Microsoft in some form. The other reports things other people tell him for a living. Pretty much a no brainer who to believe.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Sounds to me like Platinum will make a new IP that'll be exclusive to Xbox One, which will make Platinum fans unhappy, in CBOAT's opinion.

It's nice to hear that there will be a Kinectless version coming, though.


Cboat let us meet up at GC I will buy you as many drinks as you like. You doing the good work.

Ps4 in october ist awesome.

Not getting the platinum thing because isn't the xbox one delayed for japan aswell?
I don't doubt the October PS4 release, but there's no way in hell Microsoft won't launch soon after. They're not going to let Sony have free reign on Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Assassin's Creed IV, and Watch Dogs - all of which hit late October or early November.


That has everything to do with Microsoft policies and initial arrogance. I agree that they could of got away with always online if they didn't treat consumers like idiots. Their messaging put people off and you only get one chance to make a first impression. How they didn't see this coming with the adam orth thing is beyond me.

Orth was probably just a reflection of the attitude of other MS higher ups, only he was dumb enough to go on Twitter with it.

I think about the rumors about inner turmoil within MS, about the "Suits vs engineers" thing, and I really hope that this is a sort of moment of triumph for those hypothetical engineers, who might finally be able to say "fuckin' told ya so!"


Thy based buttocks has spoken.

This shit is sugoi as fuck.
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