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Alien: Isolation |OT| 1 Alien. 1 Ripley. No Jonesy.


Was it ever confirmed if the embargo is up on Friday? And has there been any word on Steam pre-load?
The way reviewers have been hinting at their opinions of this game, it's either really, really good or really, really bad.

The anticipation is killing me.
What have they been saying?
What have they been saying?

Really vague things such as Ryan McCaffrey saying "I have a LOT to say about the game I'm reviewing", not long after saying he would be the one reviewing Isolation. But the VideoGamerUK podcast guy said that the "space hide-n'-seek-'em-up" he's been playing is "really fucking good."

I'm remaining hopeful, but still know to be wary.


Been watching the Alien series in preparation for the game. As much as I love Alien, Veronica Cartwright is TERRIBLE in this film.

Pick up all the crafting supplies early in the game. They come in handy later and are easy to ignore until you need them. Wish the game put more emphasis on picking them up before the mechanic to use them arrives.

I find it very fitting that they don't put any emphasis on picking up supplies as they don't much emphasis on anything gameplay related. Also for anyone who is getting it, play it on hard.
Hmm. Well, I found one site that sells it as a steam gift for 36 bucks. No region restrictions.

Still gonna hold out for reviews though.
god I hope this is good. im hoping that since reviews release on Friday that means there is some good confidence behind this and its not just sega trying to make up for the Colonial Marines disaster.

Evry thing aside from some janky animations looks fantastic.

For anybody thats playing it now:
How many difficulty levels are there?
Is the checkpoint system auto or manual?
Dont need to answer but if you do SpolierTag this but how long into it do you meet the alien?


I find it very fitting that they don't put any emphasis on picking up supplies as they don't much emphasis on anything gameplay related. Also for anyone who is getting it, play it on hard.

Agreed on bolded. Luckily they do suggest that in-game when selecting difficulty.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Why hard? Aside from the thrill and all of that.


is a goddamn bear
The way reviewers have been hinting at their opinions of this game, it's either really, really good or really, really bad.

The anticipation is killing me.

Yeah I noticed this too. Seems the reviewers are anxious to give their opinions. Most can't contain themselves when they like something so we might be in for a real treat! :D
For anyone that has the game, have they hinted at going to LV426 at all? Also, how is the Alien AI?

Any facehuggers or eggs?
Why hard? Aside from the thrill and all of that.

god I hope this is good. im hoping that since reviews release on Friday that means there is some good confidence behind this and its not just sega trying to make up for the Colonial Marines disaster.

Evry thing aside from some janky animations looks fantastic.

For anybody thats playing it now:
How many difficulty levels are there?
Is the checkpoint system auto or manual?
Dont need to answer but if you do SpolierTag this but how long into it do you meet the alien?

3 difficulty levels Easy, Medium, Hard
I am honestly not sure, you can manually save at save stations but also when you die you have 3 options to start from. One from your save, one from auto checkpoint and one from whatever I don't remember as far as I recall.
1.5 hours I would say, give or take a half
3 difficulty levels Easy, Medium, Hard
I am honestly not sure, you can manually save at save stations but also when you die you have 3 options to start from. One from your save, one from auto checkpoint and one from whatever I don't remember as far as I recall.
1.5 hours I would say, give or take a half

Sweet!! Thanks for answering! hype levels rising!


Yes hard is recommended in game. I too am about 2 hours in. Death in this game is done just like in the first movie- sudden and unexpected. Really starting to get great. 360 version fyi.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
why do people assume that everyone likes to play games on hard? :/


Is the Alien AI as good as it's been hyped up to be?

Unsure. Just dealing with non-aliens so far. I will say this game does do that one stupid game trope of having guns you can't pick up until it wants you to. Which is irritating.

Stealth is very well done so far. The AI is almost too smart.

For people asking about hard- that is the default difficulty. The other 2 lower levels are listed as not recommended. There is nothing above hard.

Edit: not sure what the difficulty differences are. But death by gun is VERY swift at hard.


For people asking about hard- that is the default difficulty. The other 2 lower levels are listed as not recommended. There is nothing above hard.

Edit: not sure what the difficulty differences are. But death by gun is VERY swift at hard.

Unsure. Just dealing with non-aliens so far. I will say this game does do that one stupid game trope of having guns you can't pick up until it wants you to. Which is irritating.

Ouch. I can't stand that. If you don't want the player picking up guns, just don't have guns.


I can understand why some people hate Aliens.

But don't get me wrong, Aliens is a good action movie, but a terrible Alien movie.

Aliens is such a perfect companion piece to Alien it's not even funny. The two films complement each other so well.

You want a terrible Alien movie, look no further than Prometheus. What a piece of shit.


The 35th Anniversary Blu Ray of Alien is coming out day-and-date with this game. Can't wait to test my speakers and new headphones.
Don't forget. Too much flares. And.....oh fuck what is thaaaaaaaaaa!@#!@$!@#$%#$.............................................................................................................


Wait.... did that Alien just teleported?

Pick up all the crafting supplies early in the game. They come in handy later and are easy to ignore until you need them. Wish the game put more emphasis on picking them up before the mechanic to use them arrives.

Why would anyone not pick up things in a video game? Unless there is weight limit, there is no reason to not do it! Every gamer knows that if a game lets you pick up stuff, it will have a use later.


Sorry if this has been asked, but is there any info about the XB1 version regarding resolution/framerate?

You don't see it? When you see him readying its arm to grab, the Alien was a good few feet right before going towards the player instantly.

It's entering the room through the door, then leaps at the player.
This and driveclub will tip me into buying a PS4 this month, just waiting for the right deal.

Can't wait to play this in the dark with the surround sound turned up!

Jack cw

Sorry if this has been asked, but is there any info about the XB1 version regarding resolution/framerate?

No solid information. Sega only send out PS4 review copies as far as I know and there is talk about xbone running only in 900p. It's all unconfirmed of course.
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