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Anyone ever given up Trophies/Achievements?


Neo Member
I too generally don't care about them unless the game is good.

One thing that ticks me off however is the silly trophies like "completed introduction"....these kinda make me think the rest of the game is gonna suck if it's an achievement to complete the intro or a specific section of the game.


Neo Member
I still trophy hunt but I have slow down due to lack of time. Still feels great whenever I pop that plat.


- Ruins artistic impact of a scene when trophy "pops".
On PS4 it's a non-intrusive notification imo as long as the devs plan it wisely and prevent it from popping during important cut-scenes or the outro (it's best to have it pop during/after credits). On the Xbox the achievement pop ups are way more annoying now. It's an entire process that takes a few seconds instead of a short message with a simple sound. I wouldn't mind special notifications for a platinum, but other than that PS4 covers the topic perfectly.
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The only time I even bother to go for a Platinum is if A: the game doesnt require online influence of other people to get an achievement and B: if they dont require multiple playthroughs on each difficulty. I love The Witcher 3 and spent 80 hrs in, im not gonna replay it again 2 more times. I get what I geth through my first playthrough, for me its more about visual completition in game than the trophy. If I see all marks are checked in game, thats fine.


I go for them when I really like a game. Though, some of them did burn me out.

Terrraria has the worst trophies. Imagine low-chance events that have low-chance enemies who have low-chance drops. That's the pet trophy. And it's one pet out of a huge list of them. You can tell the developer hates achievements and the people who go for them.


I didn't understand what was fun about them when they were introduced and i don't understand it now. I simply ignore them unless there is a tangible in-game reward for doing them
I haven't. But I treat them as an afterthought.

I'll never look at the trophies until I've completed my first playthrough. After that, I'll look to see how difficult the platinum is to achieve and decide whether to go for it.

My most recent platinum was Gravity Rush. Pretty fun to get it, if a bit frustrating in places.


Abrasive, but well-meaning
The only trophy / achievement that almost put me off was Nier : Gestalt. I nearly gave up on the platinum. The rng was made to fuck you ever single second of grinding it was made to fuck you so bad, without lube or anything. I still have flashbacks of grinding for the forlorn necklace and black pearls. But I persisted and finally got the platinum. I'd rather platinum DMC5 and Star Ocean 4 again than get the platinum for Nier Gestalt again. I try to get the platinum on every game I play. But Nier Gestalt nearly was the end of me. I have the plat but fuck that platinum.

I like achievements on Xbox and Steam as well. Until you have 1000/1000 on Xbox and dlc fucks your game score to something like 1000 / 1350. Platinums just feel nicer to get
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I have a phase when I care about my statistics on how well or how much I played a game based on it, then toher times when I give no craps about it.

Proud of my Valkyria Chronicles 1 and 4 Trophies though. They took skill to beat!
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Unconfirmed Member
I never cared about em. I play a game (maybe) finish it and if I like it enough I play it again.
I gave them up in 2019. I had 75 platinum trophies. Gaming is not as fun anymore and I play many less games than before. I also noticed I give up on games much easier and earlier now.

Hmm, interesting. I might make it my New Year's resolution to give them up. I'm playing Life Is Strange 2 and the collectables are actually pretty challenging to find - I haven't found a single one, and I'm not bad at games and it's a walking Sim lol. This coupled with me getting old and wondering why I play games in the first place (Life Is Strange 2 is probably for tweens), I'm probably happier to not care for the emotional commitment of popping that first cheevo in a game, and just finding the right game for my age.
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Years ago If I liked a game I'd try and get every trophy even if a few of them were a boring grind. For years now though, I'd only look at the trophy list after I finish the game, I look at it just to have an idea of what else is there to do in the game if any, and would only do the ones that seem enjoyable or provide an interesting challenge. Basically if I'm not enjoying myself moment to moment then screw that.

I think part of the problem with trophies is more what a lot of developers consider an "achievement", rather than the concept itself. As they are now though, I wouldn't miss them if they were to disappear.
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I like achievements that are given when exploring game in some unusual way, but if it's just "Finished chapter X" or "Killed X monsters Y" then it's quite boring. But I haven't really completed any game or rarely go achievement hunting.


I think the trophy system
Is garbage tbh, achievements work better with the gamerscore that’s attached to it. Only just of PS4 but that’s one of my gripes


My opinion didn't change much about them, I'm happy to get some kind of reward to add to the pile of Gamerpoints, but wouldn't go out of my way to earn a specific achievement (unless it seems fun to do, or it's easily attainable). I do miss them when playing older games though, like OG Xbox through BC.


It's quite surprising how many of us dont bother with them given were the enthusiast end of the market. Maybe there not as big a thing as I thought they were.


Depends on the game. If I think 100% isn't going to be too much of a chore then I'll commit. Otherwise, I might just focus on getting some rare achievements. Anything that requires several playthroughs can get fucked. Ain't no one got time for that sort of BS these days.


I though it was an original idea back in the early Xbox 360 days and comparing gamere scores with friends was fun for a while but I quickly grew tired of it.

Haven't really cared about them for years. You end up doing boring, repetitive or annoying stuff for pretty much nothing return. It's like doing the annoying shit in FFX to get the ultimate weapons...except you don't get anything.
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