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Batman Arkham City |OT| Smashin' Faces, Glidin' Places

Chris R

So I bought the game back when it was $5 at Best Buy, but only recently started to play it. Liking it so far, nice mix of stealthy/planning room clearing and brawling bits (my least favorite part of the game really). I just have a few questions about the game. The green domes, when exactly will I be able to crack those open? Just an hour or so into the game (trying to shut down the Penguin's jammers) and seeing all those collectables that I can't even get to yet stinks. Also, did I miss much by not playing AA?


Liking it so far, nice mix of stealthy/planning room clearing and brawling bits (my least favorite part of the game really).

WHAT? :)

I just have a few questions about the game. The green domes, when exactly will I be able to crack those open? Just an hour or so into the game (trying to shut down the Penguin's jammers) and seeing all those collectables that I can't even get to yet stinks.

I can give you a hint but I'll put it under spoiler tag, since it's spoiler-ish
enter detective mode when you see one of those green domes

Also, did I miss much by not playing AA?

If you consider yourself a Batman fan, yes. There's a ton of easter-eggs, voice acting is top notch, there's Scarecrow and a truly memorable version of Killer-croc: I mean, that's one of the most campy Bat-villain in the comic book and yet they managed to make him more creepy and menacing than Bane (who, to tell you the truth, was totally diminished into a character who acted and looked like it would have fit into Resident Evil 4). Agarra ello!
In terms of gameplay, absolutely not! especially if the combat system doesn't do it for you.

Chris R

WHAT? :)

I can give you a hint but I'll put it under spoiler tag, since it's spoiler-ish
enter detective mode when you see one of those green domes

If you consider yourself a Batman fan, yes. There's a ton of easter-eggs, voice acting is top notch, there's Scarecrow and a truly memorable version of Killer-croc: I mean, that's one of the most campy Bat-villain in the comic book and yet they managed to make him more creepy and menacing than Bane (who, to tell you the truth, was totally diminished into a character who acted and looked like it would have fit into Resident Evil 4). Agarra ello!
In terms of gameplay, absolutely not! especially if the combat system doesn't do it for you.

I just prefer the calculated sneaking around, scaring the thugs shitless Batman to the counter brawling Batman :p And I'll try that tip later tonight when I'm playing.

And I'm a Batman fan, but probably the only fan who prefers the 60s TV show above everything else.


Started my first play-through yesterday. I don't know how far through the game I am
(I just beat up on Mr.Freeze in the GCPD)
, but I can already tell I don't like this game nearly as much as the original AA. I find It to be a step backward in several areas, but I'll hold my final verdict until I'm done with my first play through.


I just prefer the calculated sneaking around, scaring the thugs shitless Batman to the counter brawling Batman :p And I'll try that tip later tonight when I'm playing.

You should give a shot to Batman Begins tie-in from EA then. It had the entire cast of the movie, Batmobile chases, and the combat was a mixture of predator and fighting techniques. Xbox version is backward compatible with 360.

And I'm a Batman fan, but probably the only fan who prefers the 60s TV show above everything else.

A friend of mine is very much the same. Everytime we gather to watch some movie he starts asking "have you guys seen the shark attack in the Batman tv-movie?" and he pops up the dvd. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? ^____^


Just beat the game. Some thoughts...

Pros: First of all, the presentation is top-notch; the game looks and sounds amazing. Voice acting is spot-on and the atmosphere of Arkham City is perfectly presented. Also, at least at face value (as I haven't really delved into it yet), the game looks to have a truckload of replay value which is always awesome. Combat is fun...for the most part.

Cons: The plot seems strung together in a way to provide more fan service than a good story. I was sometimes confused by why I needed to do things - or why a character was in the game at all - and overall, I thought it was kind of poor. Also, while basic combat is fun, pulling off advanced moves can be confusing since there are numerous attacks that I kept losing track of. I don't think I did more than half my move set in my initial run. Finally, and maybe it reflects my overall feelings of sandbox games, I found it hard to remember locations and difficult to find waypoints due to all the shit in the city. Sure its presented beautifully, but I MUCH preferred the tighter, more linear setting of Arkham Asylum to Arkham City.

Arkham City and Arkham Asylum are two unique experiences. I found that the former had much more of the "action comic" Batman and I completely understand why someone would prefer it over Arkham Asylum. But because I prefer the "detective comic" atmosphere, the focus of stalking prey rather than outright combat, the way other characters in Batman lore are featured, and, most importantly, the focus on telling a smart story, I vastly prefer Arkham Asylum.


I haven't beaten the game yet. My biggest disappointment of last year because I LOVED Arkham Asylum.
I feel the same way. In fact, this is my second attempt at beating the game. The first time I played it, it was for a few hours and I just couldn't get into it. Arkham Asylum is, to me, a more complete, tighter package.
Finished the game yesterday on my PC. 23hrs at around ~55% completion. An amazing game. Truly. Superb visuals, beautiful controls, engaging story. Overall a great experience.

BUT...I had a few problems with it:

The thing that bothered me in Arkham Asylum is present here, too. Why does it take so long to do a "combat finish move"? The one when the guy's on the floor and you're finishing him off. It's nonsensical. You're completely vulnerable to other attacks, even though you can unlock that move to counter that it rarely works, especially when there's two or three of them. I'm afraid of Hard playthrough.

The game is open world and I loved it, but I did feel the story (which was great) suffered a little because of it. In some way it broke the pacing. Sure, you can "storm through" the story, but that's not the point, right? I still found it enjoyable (very), but I guess most open world games with heavy stories suffer because of this.

I think I'll go for 100% completion (1500/1500G). Wish me luck. Any tips? ;)


So Rocksteady says there 3 more secrets we gamers havent found yet. Someone up for the challenge?

The problem is. How do we find them? Arkham Asylum's big secret was pretty much impossible to find. It was on a random wall (albeit in a relatively important person's room) that no one could have gotten without knowing since who would have done that?

Arkham City is bigger. So now what? It's nearly impossible. You'll have to think of "important" rooms in the game and spray explosive gel on a random wall?

I dunno. There's also that radio message no one has deciphered...right?
Finished the story yesterday and felt it was just as good as Akham Asylum. Decided to play AA a little today to make sure my memory wasn't just playing around. Like any sequel (should) AC improves on some pretty basic levels that make going back a little rough. AA still feels pretty damn good, though. I definitely like the world of AC more than AA. I didn't think I would but the size and detail added with the improved traveling abilities make it more fun to be in that world. Gliding, diving and boosting around the City is really fun. Asylum feel so noticeably sectioned off now. Obviously a gamer more inclined to linear gameplay will prefer AA but AC just feels more successful creating it's world and that's probably from all they learned with AA.

Definitely want a sequel, but I wonder where they can go. Just going bigger won't be enough and it's going to be hard not feeling like a retread. The story structure and integration of villains is very similar between games. There are hints that a sequel would take place many years in the future so maybe that will make it feel fresh enough.


IvanI said:
I think I'll go for 100% completion (1500/1500G). Wish me luck. Any tips? ;)

Spend plenty of time getting good at the combat/traversal mechanics. Once you've got them properly mastered you'll feel so much more powerful and in-character as the Bat.

Combat flows a lot better than in AA, and once you have a handle on the best techniques you really get the feeling that the goons are locked in with YOU, as opposed to the other way around.
Four hours in and I'm really struggling to enjoy myself. The stealth bits where you're fucking with guards is as great as ever, but everything outside of the core mechanics are SO much worse than Asylum.

Although I can realise it's not a bad game, I really don't like it. It doesn't click with me. So many things just annoy me and are a step backwards.

I want to keep on but this is the second time I've started it and I feel the same way I quit the first time. Really frustrating.


Just got the game last weekend, finally.

Haven't beaten the game yet, just fought with
Solomon Grundy
, but when the game made the freed
GCPD officers
initiate a patrol routine in the museum, complete with dialogue about the various museum items on display, INSTEAD of just fucking standing there like most games would; or when that huge
one-armed guy
grabbed you through the wall right before meeting
, INSTEAD of just waiting for you in some hallway for a normal encounter like most games would do, man, you can tell this game is a labor of love. I was playing with a JamesFrancoSoGood.gif expression on my face that whole time.

Also, I'm really, really pleased with how well this game runs on my PS3! The cutscene gfx and in-game gfx are almost indiscernible in my eyes. I'd be perfectly happy if all games next gen looked like this. :D I love how snow flakes land and melt on batman's shoulder, I love how the streets look wet and slippery. God, small details like these make the game a cut above the rest.

The Riddler stuff are a bit too much, though. But other than that, bravo Rocksteady. This game is worth more than $60. Can't wait for Batman Gotham City! :D

P.S. Are all the DLCs worth it? I couldnt wait for the fugly GOTY version.
I decided to play this again after I beat the main story. I finished
recovering Catwoman's stolen loot.
After that I did the achievement where you glide for a minute. Then I did the
phone killer side mission.
I still have a few more side missions to complete, Easter Eggs to find, trophies to get, Challenge rooms to conquer...damn, why is this game so good? THANK YOU BASED ROCKSTEADY!!!

Okay, so I finished it and I know what I don't like about it, besides the open world/lack of focus in the design.

It feels too much like a comic book. The story was too crazy, too convoluted, with too many characters. It was probably pretty great fan service, but as someone who only likes the Nolan films and Arkham Asylum it was too much. AA worked because it dipped into the Batman characters and lore but it didn't feel like a crazy comic book game, this however did.

I know, I know, complaining about a comic book game being too comic book-y is pretty dumb, but that was my issue with it.

I'm glad I went back to it and finished it, my overall opinion is higher now, although I still think it's not worthy of licking the boots of Arkham Asylum.

Oh, and the Catwoman bits fucking sucked and ruined the pacing.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
They've actually had a series of comic books based on the game. Think it's up to 30 issues, and I think they're about to wrap it up, there's a 1 of 6 book out there titled "End Game" that seemingly takes place after the games ending (where as the other issues are either before the game, or kind of concurrent with the game).

They're alright for what they are.


Is there something wrong with me GAF?

been playing this for the past 3 days and for the life of me I cant get into it. I really want to like this game but it isnt clicking with me :(

I find the animations jerky and stiff, the voice acting gets on my nerves and comes across as cheesy. maybe I am nitpicking but I cant pin point exactly why I dont like it.

I read a couple of pages back that people compared this to christopher nolans masterpieces... O_O

blasphemy I say!
Is there something wrong with me GAF?

been playing this for the past 3 days and for the life of me I cant get into it. I really want to like this game but it isnt clicking with me :(

I find the animations jerky and stiff, the voice acting gets on my nerves and comes across as cheesy. maybe I am nitpicking but I cant pin point exactly why I dont like it.

I read a couple of pages back that people compared this to christopher nolans masterpieces... O_O

blasphemy I say!

dafuq? have you ever watched Batman: TAS? Kevin Conroy & Mark Hamill are THE voices (and personas) of Batman & Joker. And they get on your nerves? Cheesy? Damn, I don't have anything to add to this, sorry. :/
Is there something wrong with me GAF?

been playing this for the past 3 days and for the life of me I cant get into it. I really want to like this game but it isnt clicking with me :(

I find the animations jerky and stiff, the voice acting gets on my nerves and comes across as cheesy. maybe I am nitpicking but I cant pin point exactly why I dont like it.

I read a couple of pages back that people compared this to christopher nolans masterpieces... O_O

blasphemy I say!

If anything, you're being the blasphemous one here.


Is there something wrong with me GAF?

been playing this for the past 3 days and for the life of me I cant get into it. I really want to like this game but it isnt clicking with me :(

I find the animations jerky and stiff, the voice acting gets on my nerves and comes across as cheesy. maybe I am nitpicking but I cant pin point exactly why I dont like it.

I read a couple of pages back that people compared this to christopher nolans masterpieces... O_O

blasphemy I say!

The voices are the same as Batman The Animated Series, but I don't think its the same VO Director, so the direction isn't there. Conroy feels like he's phoning it in, Hamil is fine, the rest of the cast is anywhere from good (Riddler) to horrible (Penguin).


In Australia the DLC is up on the marketplace! Discovered it while looking for ME3 DLC.

I'm not sure whether to take the plunge or not yet... apparently you can't explore as Robin..


I almost bought it before work this morning (US), but I decided to wait to see what reviews say today.

Really hoping for great things because the Robin they designed is great.
Is there no official thread for the new DLC? Is there even a single review yet?

I won't be able to play it until next week probably, I need something to hold me over!
I just finished Harley's Revenge and must say, it's worth the $10.

It does a good job capping the Arkham City story and establishes Batman is at a breaking point. There's also a great bit from Gordon at the beginning - "When you're done with this, we need to talk about that other mess I told you about."
I'm loving the hell out of Harley Quinn's Revenge. I can't believe Rocksteady crafted a universe where Robin is actually a badass.

I can't believe how rusty I am though! After 100%'ing all the challenge rooms (as Batman) back when the game first came out I assumed I would retain some of those skills, but nope. I was a joke last night trying to use varied and well thought-out combos in brawls, and I took out armed thugs like a stupid 8 year old just dropping on clusters of people, dropping smoke pellets, and trying to take a guy out before I got shot to death.

Oh well, re-Batmaning my skills will be fun all on its own


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Was hoping that getting this, would also open up the Robin character. I didn't get the character at release, and never bothered with any of the DLC (till this one).

I do like his moves, and was happy to part with $10, in hopes that maybe we'll get a couple more of these types of add ons in the future.

There does seem to be some connection with the Batman AC Comic series that's out there. I think I know what "that other situation" that Gordon's talking about.
I didn't really like it so much. It's a good couple of hours long, but there's only one new area and it's much smaller than any of the inside Metroidvania levels in the main game. You don't get to take Robin outside into Arkham City. It's pretty much just like any two hour chunk of the game only without any really interesting story hooks. It's set a few weeks after Arkham City ended but it doesn't really continue it in any way.
Batman's all torn up about Talia and Joker, that's pretty much it. There's something to do with Harley's pregnancy test in the Steel Mill; I think it's meant to imply that she wasn't pregnant at all but I could be wrong.
. There's some new background dialogue worth hanging around and listening in on, plenty of new Nolan North. I'm hoping someone will discover some cool hidden messages because honestly I was disappointed with the story.

Otherwise it's fine, another couple of hours of classic Batmanning. Robin doesn't really play very differently outside of combat, but there are a few neat things you can do with him. It's certainly not the worst $10 DLC out there, but I kind of expected more from something so far out from the game's launch.


I didn't like it either. The story is non-existent, and it's pretty much only a thug sneak'n'beat 'em up without any substance. To make matters worse, Harley Quinn is even more annoying than ever, which is somewhat an accomplishment. Disliked greatly the fact they had made the checkpoint system worse. Now many of the retries didn't start right before the encounters.
And why the fuck couldn't they put a checkpoint within the titan fight? I just love to beat a dozen smaller thugs again, to get to the titan thug. It's beyond me why the developers would think, "Hey, let's put the room full of baddies with different weapons and defenses. Boy, that'll be fun!". Quite the contrary.
I was actually wanting to play Batman again, either Arkham Asylum or City and noticed this DLC was up. Seems like it's getting a bit of a lukewarm reception, so I'll pass for now and maybe it'll turn up in a sale in the not too distant future. Which is a shame, because I want to support single player DLC that is released more than 6 months after launch. We need more large scale expansion packs.

I shall replay AA first.


Been playing with this as well on Xbox 360:

I don't mind the Titan fight....just let him damage almost all the enemies for you, knock them out, then fight him. But I really hate the countdown timer to defuse the bombs....for whatever reason I freeze up with any sort of countdowns like that.

My thoughts on 'the other situation'

More than likely, it has to do with Hush/Thomas Elliot or possibly Azrael, but that's just my best guess. I'm going by the side missions from Arkham City.
DLC: I'm so disappointed. Then again, the last $10 Single-Player DLC I bought was Minvera's Den from Bioshock 2 so I had high hopes. It continues the story quite well, hooked within seconds of playing.

Problem is, there's next to nothing new here. At ALL. There's
Robin of course, then the robots at the end? That's it! I admit I wasn't expecting new gadgets but new enemy types would of gone a long way.

It just felt like I was playing campaign again but not a new campaign. One layered on top of existing levels. It was short, surprisingly short even and left me with countless lingering questions. Especially that hidden
Pregnancy test
that seems imply she had a miscarriage and went (even more) insane to make herself look like a joke.

While I like the idea of this DLC, it doesn't translate into a good video game story for you to play through and that's exactly what you see here.
The pregnancy test kit in Harley's Revenge is different to the one in the main game. I just did some Googling, and the one you find the first time around looks like this, whereas the one in Revenge says 'WARNING: Test may result in false positives' and the result is negative. I think it's the Scarface doll sitting in the crib painted like a baby Joker. I guess it means that Harley wasn't pregnant in the first place, she just got a false positive result, and she went a little crazier at not having a baby to remember Joker by and decided to kill Batman.


Beat the DLC in an hour and a half I really hope Robin is fully playable in the next Arkham game. I enjoyed it and wouldn't mind if they put out a few more 'episodes' like this. Give me a Nightwing mission!


Strap on your hooker ...
Public Service Announcement: The Batman AA GOTY editions sold by Walmart also include a free download voucher for Gotham City Impostors.

PSA #2: Gotham City Impostors is fuckin' awesome.


Do save files from the original AC work with the GOTY edition. I haven't picked up any of the DLC so I'm thinking of grabbing the GOTY when I can find it for $30. I really hate that boxart, though.


Maybe someone can help me out here.

I recently rebuild my new PC, and have been playing Batman: AC w/ no problems whatsoever. Yesterday, I went to load up the game, and it just hangs after the initial launcher. Can't even get into PC settings, the whole bootup screen on Steam just hangs.

I deleted and reinstalled the game, and am still getting the same issue. Anyone run into this?


Got it, beat it same day. It wasn't bad but my hopes were set way to high. Nothing really new,
no set real set ups for the next game, other then batman is really messed up about what happened. They undid Harley's pregnancy which was disappointing.
It was missing the little touches that made AC and AA so good.
Im hoping they announce Arkham 3 at E3 or the VGAs.
after the small amount of DLC and the fact that AC lends itself to reusable assets more than the average game I have a feeling they are already a good ways into development.


Done with Harley's dlc.

-thugs banter is still funny as hell
-difficulty seems set on hard
-Harley's guys look AMAZING. Rocksteady, give me a combat map with these fellas NOW
-Robin's voice actor: I kinda needed to get used to it at first, but he grew on me. Not bad.

-feels like one of the side quests
-story is nothing to rave about. That trailer got me really hyped: I was expecting a dark mood, some deeply disturbing dialogue, more Harley crazyness, but it ended up being sort of uneventful
-kinda ruins the awesomeness of the ending in the main game.
Seven months to give me this? tsk, tsk, tsk


I finally received something from WB for the lack of Bluray etc..they sent me a Gotham Knight DVD..after all this time, lol.
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