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Battlefield 1 |OT2| "All Quiet on the GAF Front"

Does this game have no concept of backfill? The two games I've played today my team is constantly 8-10 players down while the enemy team is at a full 32 for the whole match.
Idk I feel like since the spring update, matchmaking is fucked up. I get put in empty operations matches on PS4.
Spent more time using the Martini sniper, and it's definitely shit compared to the infantry version. The effective distance is very similar so at long ranges, you can't even get a kill on body shots. The number of times I got 70 to 90 damage and had to reload because of the 1 bullet mag was so frustrating. Add in the fact that the sniper scope makes for a slow as shit ADS for medium and close ranges. Ugh, why have a sniper variant that can't be used at long ranges??


I can vouch for the quality of the statue; It's also huge, so make sure you have room for it somewhere.

The 1911 skin it comes with is also really nice, if that helps
I can vouch for the quality of the statue; It's also huge, so make sure you have room for it somewhere.

The 1911 skin it comes with is also really nice, if that helps

indeed, it's a really nice statue.

the box is extra huge. and that box itself comes inside another massive box.


I guess I should mention this. Everyone should have stick aiming acceleration on 0 in the advanced control settings on console. This was added in the latest patch and it makes the game feel pretty close to Battlefield 4, ie way more responsive. You'll likely have to turn your in-game sensitivity down after you do that. Anything other than 0 for acceleration is a huge mistake.
I agree that 0 stick acceleration is the way to go, loved BF4's controls. Problem with me though is that after months playing BF1 that my damn muscle memory won't let me play with 0 acceleration. Usually I do turn acceleration to 0 in games that let you but like I said I got so used to playing with it on (at 10%) and 90% sensitivity for both soldier and zoom aim that I can't play any other way.

Plus 1 for wishing that the map packs were free for everyone, and I'm speaking as someone who paid for Premium. I've probably played Rush on the new maps maybe 8 times total. Also, I wish that with every patch the framerate wouldn't get worse. Like I said before even in smaller modes like Rush the framerate gets pretty choppy sometimes. I hope Dice do some optimizations and smooth that framerate out. Rush was pretty smooth at launch, even with tons of stuff happening onscreen.


Hi! I added myself to the GAF username list (ps4), and requested to join the community. All of my friends abandoned this game after a couple weeks, and I played with a few friends I met in-game, but they have all quit. The game isn't nearly as fun solo, and I mostly stopped playing for a while but started shaking the rust back off again after the first DLC dropped, so it'd be great to squad up with some GAF people if you're all still active on PS4 at all!

I play mostly assault lately, but have no problem healing or support, or whatever is needed. I'm a big team & squad player and I don't think I'm awful. :)


The Contrarian
So after nearly 200 hours of operations, i finally decided to give war pigeons a try and man it's even more frantic than Operations. i mean i dont like the awful spawns and dying every five seconds but its insane how it basically creates these clusterfucks thanks to people chasing after that pigeon all game. If operations reminded me of MAG, this mode reminds me of KZ2's clusterfucks. Dozens of players all converging in one location, dropping like flies, and sometimes flying like flies thanks to all the grenade spam which still affects this mode because how often you respawn in this game. but i guess that's ok. I finished a 15 minute round with 50 kills last night. Pure insanity.

Anyway, this is as close to matching the intensity of Saving Private Ryan as i've ever seen in a video game. Took a 10 second clip from my phone because it looked like the normandy landing.


played almost 10 hours of it this weekend mostly because i couldnt find a fucking operations game on Monte Grappa and Kasiershlat. I found one game on Argonne forrest but that's about it. Six tries and every time it put me in a game by myself or with one other person. waited like five minutes one time and it couldnt find anyone else. i guess everyone is playing the DLC maps?

This is so bad. I almost made a gaf thread yesterday to shed some more light into this issue. 100k concurrent players and no one is playing the best mode in the game.

Hi! I added myself to the GAF username list (ps4), and requested to join the community.

Same here. But i requested to join the clan/platoon and i dont think i have been accepted yet.


The matchmaking seems to struggle since the last patch. And man, auto-balancing a team (play 2 vs 7 domination yesterday late night) was a feature back then in CS 1.X or even 0.X days. Why is it so hard to kick some people over to the other team after 1 minute of miss balance. And it didn't seem that the other team consisted only of party players. (PS4)


So after nearly 200 hours of operations, i finally decided to give war pigeons a try and man it's even more frantic than Operations. i mean i dont like the awful spawns and dying every five seconds but its insane how it basically creates these clusterfucks thanks to people chasing after that pigeon all game. If operations reminded me of MAG, this mode reminds me of KZ2's clusterfucks. Dozens of players all converging in one location, dropping like flies, and sometimes flying like flies thanks to all the grenade spam which still affects this mode because how often you respawn in this game. but i guess that's ok. I finished a 15 minute round with 50 kills last night. Pure insanity.

Anyway, this is as close to matching the intensity of Saving Private Ryan as i've ever seen in a video game. Took a 10 second clip from my phone because it looked like the normandy landing.


played almost 10 hours of it this weekend mostly because i couldnt find a fucking operations game on Monte Grappa and Kasiershlat. I found one game on Argonne forrest but that's about it. Six tries and every time it put me in a game by myself or with one other person. waited like five minutes one time and it couldnt find anyone else. i guess everyone is playing the DLC maps?

This is so bad. I almost made a gaf thread yesterday to shed some more light into this issue. 100k concurrent players and no one is playing the best mode in the game.

Same here. But i requested to join the clan/platoon and i dont think i have been accepted yet.

The atrocious way you have to get into Operations simply scared off most players. No one wants to wait 3 minutes for the game to load just to find out if they have been dropped into a working server or not. Without a server browser, the mode will stay dead.
The atrocious way you have to get into Operations simply scared off most players. No one wants to wait 3 minutes for the game to load just to find out if they have been dropped into a working server or not. Without a server browser, the mode will stay dead.

Which sucks as I just need a win on Devils Anvil to finish a medal and get 25k xp.

I also requested to join the PS4 GAF platoon but don't think I've been accepted yet.


The Contrarian
Last night, I looked at my PS4 Capture galary and had like 46 gigs of BF1 footage i never put on youtube. Compiled a vid of my favorite killstreaks, check it out below. i really dig the latest changes to the sharefactory editor. they have pan and zoom and some really fancy super slow mo features now.


I just love flanking in this game with the hellreigel, you can get 4-5 kills before you have to reload which makes a huge difference. the last clip where i enter like 5 assault guys lying prone with more spawning on them was the prime of the grenade spam era where they would just camp and chuck grenades all day.


The atrocious way you have to get into Operations simply scared off most players. No one wants to wait 3 minutes for the game to load just to find out if they have been dropped into a working server or not. Without a server browser, the mode will stay dead.

I'm the Operations Scout of our BF1 group because when we start an operations session, i load way faster into the map than my friends because of my SSD and i can tell if there are 2 ppl inside or 10, so they can abort.

Since we only play Operations and a bit Domination to get warm/cool off, we feel that Operations was populated way better 3/4 weeks ago. I'm not sure if that is only because of the dwindling player population or if that also has to do with bad matchmaking.


The Hellreigel is still way too good compared to other weapons in BF1. About 50 percent of my deaths all come from Hellreigels at the moment.


Persecution Complex
I love this game so much.

I have a set way of doing things on each map depending on whether I can get a Heavy Tank spawn, or Bomber or tearing it up by foot. But I've been going out of my comfort zone and trying different things.

Recently discovered how awesome the Tank Hunter kit is.

On Sinai Desert I'll rush to G spawn point at the start of the match by Horseback, grab Tank Hunter then gallop towards enemies spawn and camp in the rocks above picking off tanks or anyone who spawns in the vicinity. Before the tanks know where they're getting from its too late.

The loot system sucks, as does splitting the user base with paid DLC but BF1 is getting up there with BF1942 and BF2 as my favorite Battlefield. Hopefully DICE can fix these issues with the next BF.

The Hellreigel is still way too good compared to other weapons in BF1. About 50 percent of my deaths all come from Hellreigels at the moment.

Hellreigel is OP. Pretty much the only weapon I use since I play Assault 85% of the time.
is the dlc worth it if alls i plays is conquest andoperations?
It adds 2 new operations and Soissons is one of my favorite Conquest maps of the game. Rupture is OK too. Be prepared to play a lot on infantry only maps though because DICE decided to add map voting to a Playlist with only 4 maps.

It is cheaper to buy Premium though than to buy each DLC separately.

And yeah adding on to the hellreigel needs another nerf train. There's no reason to use any other automatic on the assault.


I mean...it constantly gets nerfed. So is it OP or are the other guns under powered?
Small nerfs haven't made much of a difference. It's just too fast/accurate/strong compared to the other weapons. Which is not surprising since it's an experimental weapon that never actually saw action in WW1.


It adds 2 new operations and Soissons is one of my favorite Conquest maps of the game. Rupture is OK too. Be prepared to play a lot on infantry only maps though because DICE decided to add map voting to a Playlist with only 4 maps.

It is cheaper to buy Premium though than to buy each DLC separately.

And yeah adding on to the hellreigel needs another nerf train. There's no reason to use any other automatic on the assault.

They need to stop making infantry only maps in Battlefield games. Why make maps that cut off half of the gameplay arbitrarily?

What's worse is in maps like the forest and the city, where they have fake airplanes flying over ahead in the skybox; as if DICE knows they should be there but lie to their playerbase to make it seem like it is a complete map.


I need more maps. LOL.

The next DLC can't come sooner.
Any info on them yet? Would like more vehicle (tanks, jeeps, etc) oriented maps since TSNP was mostly infantry.

Also did the 15 kills in a rd with the M97 Hunter shotty and it evidently didn't save. :/
Any info on them yet? Would like more vehicle (tanks, jeeps, etc) oriented maps since TSNP was mostly infantry.

Also did the 15 kills in a rd with the M97 Hunter shotty and it evidently didn't save. :/
Heard late summer for the dlc. No idea where from, do take it with a gram of salt.
Got 40 kills and 2 deaths in a game of Conquest on Amiens. Funny thing is I was just using an iron-sights bolt action rifle and a M1911. No vehicle combat at all. I kept shooting flares into doorways and enemies would just run over them. Easy pickings.
They seriously need to rework Operations so that it's just a continuous rolling set of maps. It's dumb that everyone has to quit at the end of an Operation. Why not just load the next one? It's such a great mode but I rarely get into a game these days and have yet to play the new Operations DLC.
Man I bought this like a month ago and I love playing it but I never have anyone to play with. Im decent, last bf i played I cant even remember but Im not retarded at the game. Where do you guys play or is there like a bf1 group on ps4 ? Id love to just jump in a real squad and play. All ive really been playing is conquest by myself lol
Is there double XP this weekend? A friend texted me saying there was double XP, but I can't find anything saying it's happening. He's a premium member, so I'm wondering if it's just a premium thing.


Persecution Complex
Ever since they added map voting before the match Amiens has been far and away the most voted map. To the point I've gotten sick of it and vote against it every time it comes up for vote.

I mean...it constantly gets nerfed. So is it OP or are the other guns under powered?

I haven't used enough of the weapons to give a concrete answer but out of all my main weapons all the other ones feel way underpowered.
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