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Bloodborne: The Old Hunters |OT| Old Hunters. New Tricks, Bells & Whistles.


anyone know best build for the blood mace thing?

50 Bloodtinge and Str at minimum requirement for using it since the Bloodmode which is way more useful doesn't scale with Str AFAIK and the non transformed mode is pretty bad. If you don't care about PVP 'caps' then the build would be 50/40/50/50 Vit/End/Str/BT.


Finished up the game over the weekend. Really stellar throughout, both the main game and the DLC. I've pretty much gotten all the trophies, but it looks like I'll need a NG+ to finish it off. Which is fine because I'm sure I'll be back.
Amygdala in the cursed chalice is giving me problems right now anyway.
Orphan of Kos was probably my favorite boss fight of the bunch, such a crazy moveset, and the last 3rd or so of the fight is ridiculous. Really gets your heart pounding with how aggressive he is.

I ended up only using the Threaded Cane throughout the game. It's really a blast, particularly since I never go for a strength builds in these games anyway. It was nice to have a such a neat weapon to go with.
Amygdala in the cursed chalice is giving me problems right now anyway.
Tail strats? It doesn't take much damage but if you stick to her tail she will jump - if you stand still it will always miss you as she lands, so whilst she's in the air charge up an R2 (lock off) and as she lands aim towards her head - a few of those will give you a visceral then run/roll back through her legs or around to her tail again. Rinse and repeat.


Cheers dude.

I just did the final boss with two people helping! I really didn't think two would turn up, incredible! Never had that in BB before, just Dark Souls.

Anyway, I may or may not attempt the Chalice Dungeons from the expansion. I did all of them in the Base game, and never actually came across another Rock. Oops, must of missed it.

My Blood Tinge is only 22 or something, should it be higher to make the Bowblade worth it? My STR is 30 and SKILL is 25. I concentrated on STR for the Holy Blade.

Chalice has decent drop rate on Rocks from final layer bosses if your Discovery is high enough (Eye runes + Milkweed). Also, every area (Pthumeru, Isz and Loran) has a free blood rock in the first layer chests if you search for the glyphs on google. Which is a total of 3 non RNG rocks per character.


Tail strats? It doesn't take much damage but if you stick to her tail she will jump - if you stand still it will always miss you as she lands, so whilst she's in the air charge up an R2 (lock off) and as she lands aim towards her head - a few of those will give you a visceral then run/roll back through her legs or around to her tail again. Rinse and repeat.

Yeah that's how I ended up doing it in the main game, the half health in that chalice is throwing me off a bit though. One hit from her is basically near death for me. I figure I can just handle it later rather than putting in a bunch of attempts right now.
Whats a good weapon to complement my +10 Whirlgig Saw? I'm doing a strength build, not much arcane or bloodtinge (both under 10 points).

Just something fast and nasty for PVP
I love the music to Living Failures boss fight, but I don't think it goes with the boss fight itself. I might've expected/wanted something more like Pinwheel or Adjudactor.

/Random thought.


Has anyone done a playthrough with milkweed + parasite? Doesn't seem to get mentioned a lot so I'm wondering if it's any good.


Whats a good weapon to complement my +10 Whirlgig Saw? I'm doing a strength build, not much arcane or bloodtinge (both under 10 points).

Just something fast and nasty for PVP
The Stake Driver is super fun, the charged transformed R2 is the most satisfying attack in the game. Its a quality weapon though but i use it on my STR build to complement my Wheel and it works great imo, very fast R1 attacks in normal mode
Has anyone done a playthrough with milkweed + parasite? Doesn't seem to get mentioned a lot so I'm wondering if it's any good.
I started but I really don't like the parasites slow moveset. I wanted to do a full arcane run with it but between the slow moveset and limited spells it was a bit anticlimatic and I gave up. I wouldn't be surprised if they made the parasites moveset as such to discourage too many people picking it so online play wasn't cluttered with brocolli-headed squid men!
I love the music to Living Failures boss fight, but I don't think it goes with the boss fight itself. I might've expected/wanted something more like Pinwheel or Adjudactor.

/Random thought.

The last part is orgasmic, it really syncs when the Boss open the void veil and summon MAGIC (OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEET)
I can try, but yeah, Ludwig is no pushover even at high level, I can't imagine trying him at level 32...

It's really selfish of me to ask, since I can literally be of no assistance. I do piss poor damage and will get mauled in one hit if I get too close. I've been trying to summon randoms to help me and they almost killed him once but got swiped by Ludwig's Blade at the last second.

Are there any NPC's for this fight?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Yeah, there's an NPC summon just outside where the crows hang out (Valtr, but you might need to be wearing his rune) and an NPC outside of the Nightmare church, to the left before you chase that crystal lizard. I don't know if they're worth anything though.
Yeah, there's an NPC summon just outside where the crows hang out (Valtr, but you might need to be wearing his rune) and an NPC outside of the Nightmare church, to the left before you chase that crystal lizard. I don't know if they're worth anything though.

Found the one by the church, but I've not progressed far enough for Valtr. If you still want to help out then my password is "johns", I'm just chillin outside of the boss area.

No worries either way.

Yeah this might be too ambitious lol

I can't get close or I'm fucked, and I can't help you out.

That NPC was trash tho

kk I wont

EDIT: Ringing!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Shit sorry. I forgot about the downscaling. My HP is cut by half lol... and I guess that's why my damage is so low. -_-

I'll ring again and be more careful.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Welp, sorry. Guess I'm not of much use after all. :( We can still try if you want but this is harder than I thought. The downscaling really has a strong effect haha. I feel so gimped.
Welp, sorry. Guess I'm not of much use after all. :( We can still try if you want but this is harder than I thought. The downscaling really has a strong effect haha. I feel so gimped.

I feel horrible lol, I literally can't get close or I'm done for.

Don't feel good making you do this for me dude, but thanks anyway. No worries :)

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Nah it's fine. I get wanting the weapon for your build asap. I'm gonna hit the same wall on my Rakuyo build I just know it. just wish I were more useful.

Ring again, or forget it for now?


I took down two more bosses last night after a long break. They were so good! Both in the Research Hall.

I'm still incredibly annoyed that I'm getting all these new goodies in my NG+ run, that I'll never use because I don't have enough stuff to upgrade anything. Oh well, Reiterpallasch is still the coolest looking and best feeling weapon in the game. Plus it has the best name ever.

The hunter boss of the DLC was great fun. I had that age old Souls style try where, on my first attempt, I got them down to a tiny sliver of health, then in my adrenaline riddled state got greedy and they killed me. Only to be followed by 3 more completely unsuccessful attempts where the hunter killed me before I did even 1/4 damage. 5th attempt was a beauty though. Stun locks followed by parries followed by perfect dodges. I think I only used two blood vials. Fantastic fight.


Christ those hulking enemies are annoying. The one at the top of the stairs before Laurence's room was giving me trouble on my new character run so I just avoided him altogether. Ludwig was even easier for me as I almost killed him on the first attempt a few minutes later.


I've had Bloodborne since launch, but just now finally got around to purchasing The Old Hunters tonight.


Thread bookmarked for reference. I know I'll need it!


Neo Member
Hey guys, have a question for you.

I just beat Orphan of Kos and noticed that I am unable to use the beckoning bell. Which is odd, I had someone help me for the battle however upon reloading the game, I'm unable to use it. Anywhere.

I do have insight!

I was hoping to receive some help with Laurence.

Anyone have any ideas on why I'm not able to use it? Thanks.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
You can't beckon when the boss is dead. The Fishing Hamlet coop area is therefore locked for summoning since you killed its boss.

To summon for Laurence you can beckon at the Hunter's Nightmare lamp.


Damn. I dunno why I'm having such a hard time with beating the Cane-using NPC hunter in the Research Hall on NG+. I lost +200k echoes there a while ago, and today she's keeping my +400k echoes for ransom. Every single time, when I'm close to victory, I'm defeated by a single parry & visceral combo. Eventhough I'm at level 212, with 50 on most stats. It's infuriating, and puzzling because I breezed through the fight on the first try before. I even can't parry her properly anymore.
Bloodborne noob here with a question or two.

I've finally beaten the first two bosses and just when I thought I'd broken the "repeat the same shit over and over again" thing, I'm back to having to repeat the same bits over and over to get to the third boss as I learn the best way to take it down. Does the entire game follow this same loop? Just when I start to enjoy myself, I get dragged back into tedious repetition.

And why sometimes, can I not use the lamp to get back to hunters dream? I had 30K in blood echoes, and the lamp wouldn't work (no option to press X on it). Naturally seeing as I had to plough on, I got to the third boss and lost all those echoes.

I guess right now, I'm really struggling to see what's so good about BB? I'm finding myself getting irritated by it and given my gaming time is limited these days, I'm not sure I want to spend what little time I have being irritated.

Thanks in advance.


And why sometimes, can I not use the lamp to get back to hunters dream? I had 30K in blood echoes, and the lamp wouldn't work (no option to press X on it). Naturally seeing as I had to plough on, I got to the third boss and lost all those echoes.

Were you accompanied by a co-op NPC hunter? If so, you can't return to the dream while they're present.
Bloodborne noob here with a question or two.

I've finally beaten the first two bosses and just when I thought I'd broken the "repeat the same shit over and over again" thing, I'm back to having to repeat the same bits over and over to get to the third boss as I learn the best way to take it down. Does the entire game follow this same loop? Just when I start to enjoy myself, I get dragged back into tedious repetition.

And why sometimes, can I not use the lamp to get back to hunters dream? I had 30K in blood echoes, and the lamp wouldn't work (no option to press X on it). Naturally seeing as I had to plough on, I got to the third boss and lost all those echoes.

I guess right now, I'm really struggling to see what's so good about BB? I'm finding myself getting irritated by it and given my gaming time is limited these days, I'm not sure I want to spend what little time I have being irritated.

Thanks in advance.

Well, yes you have to explore, kill things, get to boss. if you want to resume the whole gameplay like that then yes the game is that simple.

If you can use the lamp then you got invaded by another player or just summoned a NPC
First time in this thread, been playing bloodborne pvp for most of the its cycle though recently more and more times that I've been getting dropped connections. Has this been occurring to anyone?

Just want to play pvp man.
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