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Borderlands 2 |OT2| You missed the Conference Call, next time don't Bee late.


Can someone PM me an answer to this question:

I am a Gunserker level 11. I have 5 skill points (I haven't spent any). Shouldn't I have 7? If we star gaining from level 5, I feel like the game glitched and didn't give me my skill points. My friend who I am playing with is the same lv, he's an assassin, and has 7 skill points.


Can someone PM me an answer to this question:

I am a Gunserker level 11. I have 5 skill points (I haven't spent any). Shouldn't I have 7? If we star gaining from level 5, I feel like the game glitched and didn't give me my skill points. My friend who I am playing with is the same lv, he's an assassin, and has 7 skill points.
Try spending your 5 skill points, then save and quit. When you load the game, you might see your 2 missing skill points.
Finally got the platinum. I think everyone is right, the drop rate in tvhm is fucked. I was getting garbage loot the whole time and even the warrior dropped janky shit. I did however get a level 48 bee and solo'd terramorphous haha.

Please ignore my big long post from before. Is it possible to solo hyperius or master gee? I definitely need to farm some better weapons first, but I'm just curious.

Edit just saw it on YouTube. I don't really think I'm too terribly interested in that at this point in time. Maybe wait for the level cap to rise, we will see.

Also for anyone who is interested on ps3 side, I found a purple vladof allegiance relic. Any gunzerkers interested let me know, this thing would be beast.


Neo Member
Game doesn't work on my PC. Game just won't start. Same with Borderlands 1...
Guess it's because I gave Windows 8.. :(


After killing Hunter Hellquist over 50 times, I finally got the Bee.
Shit's overpowered for sure, now I can cut like butter loader's arms. :p

I'm looking forward to killing Terramorphous solo, but I was killed like 10 or 15 yesterday. He just wipes me out of the platform.
Any tips?


After killing Hunter Hellquist over 50 times, I finally got the Bee.
Shit's overpowered for sure, now I can cut like butter loader's arms. :p

I'm looking forward to killing Terramorphous solo, but I was killed like 10 or 15 yesterday. He just wipes me out of the platform.
Any tips?
After sounding the horn, run towards the exit and stay near that area.


Did you guys on the 360 have to re download the Compatibility Pack recently...? it just asked me that this morning....


Did you guys on the 360 have to re download the Compatibility Pack recently...? it just asked me that this morning....
Weirdly enough I did have problems with the Compatibility Pack this weekend. I was asked to redownload it after I had copied the Captain Scarlett DLC from a USB drive so I wouldn't have to download it again. I was using another console but had already bought the season pass. It was a bit more complicated than I thought but ultimately the problem probably was that I forgot to download the season pass to the new console before copying the DLC from the USB drive.

All this time it said I needed to download the Compatibility Pack again, though. Even after I had done that it kept asking me to download it again.
Oh fuck. I saw this thread had only four pages. Checked the first post. Said what a poor thread. Only four pages of posts for Borderlands 2? The game had huge hype. WTF? Then saw that this is OT2, i am still laughing at myself.

Just got the game guys. Gonna start soon. Any advices or anything i should know before i start the game?


check out these sick halloween costumes





Wow at the Handsome Jack costume!

Anyways, finally finished the main campaign - level 36 and 65 hours played. I enjoyed everything more than the first Borderlands. I still have the last round in the Ore Chasm (what a pain!) and the level 50 mission from Tannis.


As in "Heathcliff"
Just got Conference Call by helping friend to complete PT2, and the stats seem not impressive to me.

if people want to know how many tries I got it. I got it on 4th. I still have one more friend to help out.


Just got Conference Call by helping friend to complete PT2, and the stats seem not impressive to me.

if people want to know how many tries I got it. I got it on 4th. I still have one more friend to help out.

I think its strength comes from the fact that the pellets split up and in turn also causes damage. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Plus the reload and fire rate is insane, especially with the gunzerker.

I just got it yesterday on my first try with gunzerker believe it or not. It sucks that it's level 30 though even though I was 34 when I killed the warrior. Its got a corrosive effect which is nice but my new game plus enemies are at level 34-35 with resistance to corrosion. :/. I'll try to farm it on the new game plus mode.

But I'll save it for my commando and zero runs. They should beast through with it.

totally forgot to farm the bee. :/


As in "Heathcliff"
I think it's strength comes from the fact that the pellets split up and in turn also causes damage. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Plus the reload and fire rate is insane, especially with the gunzerker.

I just got it yesterday on my first try with gunzerker believe it or not. It sucks that its level 30 though even though I was 34 when I killed warrior. It's got a corrosive effect which is nice but my new game plus enemies are at level 34-35 with resistance to corrosion. :/. I'll try to farm it on the new game plus mode.

But I'll save it for my commando and zero runs. They should beast through with it.

totally forgot to farm the bee. :/

Hmm, I guess i am going to do test on that soon. I'm not sure if I should farm for The Bee since I have a hutch that patch will be update tmw/wed along with DLC. (For Consoles)


As in "Heathcliff"
I heard it got gimped for the steam version. What did they change?

ONe person posted in OT1

Bolded a few of the more noticeable fixes. Shame that the Tediore reload method was fixed. I'll miss doing 25 Million points of damage with a single reload. And FWIW, I checked the Alkaline The Bee already in my inventory to see how significant the nerf was. Went from 16K/26K/3.80/57K prior to the patch to 16K/16K/6.20/45K afterwards.

EDIT: Just tested out the Tediore reload and wow, it got nerfed alright. That 25 million points of damage is down to 1.5 million

Edited: I just gave in and farmed for the bee. I got it in 45 minutes or so. Any recommendation on next legendary weapons that I should form on.

I planned to save mods for leviathans' treasure room.


So I just finished up Data Mining, one of the last quest lines in TVHM...turned it in to Mordecai and then it asked if I wanted to skip missions I've already played. For some reason I hit yes, and now I guess I've beaten TVHM? I don't have the option to pick Talon of God as a mission and Tannis is now offering me the raid boss quest. Not really sure why this happened, I guess maybe because I played Talon in someone else's game before doing it in mine?


Just got Conference Call by helping friend to complete PT2, and the stats seem not impressive to me.

if people want to know how many tries I got it. I got it on 4th. I still have one more friend to help out.
I still haven't found a conference call. :/


After sounding the horn, run towards the exit and stay near that area.

I tried 3 things, none of them worked for me to kill Terramorphous.

- Hiding behind the rock in the middle area. He will wipe me out when I strafe to shoot him.

- Staying by the exit. I avoid being wiped, but then he approaches me and I'm dead with a couple of hits.

- Hiding in that spot in which Terramorphous can't hit you (SW corner?), but the rocks thrown by the tentacles can hit me, they do, and I fall out of the platform to my certain... respawn.

Lack of hype is most likely the result of initial impressions making it seem like new DLC was like the Moxie DLC from the first game. Also, the level cap hasn't been raised. I did read some good impressions of the DLC on Kotaku this morning, so I am semi-excited. But nothing like if this DLC raised the level cap. I think general interest in the game on this board is waning until that happens.


Can he swing from a thread? Take a look overhead / Hey, there, there goes the Spider-Man
Thought the Mac version was out today. Loaded up steam and nothing yet...
i'll play it because i love some Borderlands....but this one is a meh right now. no lvl cap raise, seems like only torgue weapons are sold (shocking i know, but i don't use them). Would've been something to add an arena at the end, but oh well.

supposed to release 4 before june. guess it might be a while before the next 2 drop.


I'm not going to lie, the opening video thing for the new DLC is pretty good.

Edit: Wait, they still haven't put out the patch for 360 that lets your reset your Challenges once you've completed 85% (or whatever it is) of them? Laaaaaame. I got prompted for an update today, but I haven't been on in a good few weeks, so I'm not sure if this is the patch that it looks like went out on 10/22 for 360 or if it's a new one.

Okay, I'm going to wait to play this later tonight with friends or something. It's at least partially due to me being an idiot and being easily amused, but Mr. Torgue has made me laugh out loud pretty hard 3 times in the first 5 minutes of the DLC. So good. We'll have to see if the arena combat stuff in this is worthwhile or not though.


Bah,I thought it would be something like the Scarlet DLC,if it's only arena stuff and some PvP stuff,I will pass on this one...they say there's some sidequests with Tina and Moxxi though in the description so it might not all be Arena stuff?...waiting for some impressions on lenght and sidequests before grabbing this...
Bah,I thought it would be something like the Scarlet DLC,if it's only arena stuff and some PvP stuff,I will pass on this one...they say there's some sidequests with Tina and Moxxi though in the description so it might not all be Arena stuff?...waiting for some impressions on lenght and sidequests before grabbing this...

Played a little over a hour and only did one thing related to the arena, and if you watch the trailer there are a bunch of sidequests not related to arena.


Bah,I thought it would be something like the Scarlet DLC,if it's only arena stuff and some PvP stuff,I will pass on this one...they say there's some sidequests with Tina and Moxxi though in the description so it might not all be Arena stuff?...waiting for some impressions on lenght and sidequests before grabbing this...
I played 2 hours of the DLC, and only spent 5 minutes in the arena. The rest have been quests spread across the new dlc- area (which is quite sizeable)
Bee patch incoming :(
They already nerfed The Bee.

E: On PC that is, did you refer to consoles? I'm unaware if they've received the nerf- patch.
Yep, but they include torgue-based grenades too. I forget if I saw any shields.

Alright, thanks for the heads up. Are there any legendary Torgue grenade mods other than the Bonus Package? The only Torgue legendaries I can think of are the BP, Flakker, KerBlaster, and Harold. Not much of a selection, but it'll be nice to have an easier way to obtain a Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold.


Alright, thanks for the heads up. Are there any Torgue grenade mods other than the Bonus Package?
There's Rolling Thunder. It's a MIRV just like BP, cept that it seems to be always rubberized, with each bounce leaving an explosion behind.

To add up on the list of Torgue- legendaries, Nukem is a noteworthy- mention.

They also appear to be (at least according to early reports) level 48 only.

The level is randomly set between 48-50, just like when farming them in a regular fashion.


Ugh. Stupid racing missions. Every little bump in the road makes my car do a 180.

EDIT: I think I may have regretted selling my afterburner relic.
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