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Castlevania Community Thread | What is a man?!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I don't know if she actually wrote I Am the Wind, but I like to pretend that she didn't, so that her perfect score is unmarred by this abomination imperfection.

Also, while Curse of Darkness is a mediocre game, the soundtrack is fantastic, often at SotN quality. I bought it a few years ago and never regretted it. Michiru <3


I don't know if she actually wrote I Am the Wind, but I like to pretend that she didn't, so that her perfect score is unmarred by this abomination imperfection.

She had nothing to do with it;

"I am the Wind"
Produced by
Rika Muranaka
Music Written by
Rika Muranaka
Tony Haynes
Jeff Lorber
-Arranged by-
Rika Muranaka
Jeff Lorber
-Recorded by-
Jeff Lorber
Robert Chinelli
Eric Greedy at JHL Studio
Larry Mah at Mad Hatter Recording Studio
-Mixed by-
Al Schmitt at Capital Recording Studio
Cynthia Harrel
(Lead Vocal/Back Chorus)
Jeff Lorber (Keyboards)
Rika Muranaka (Keyboards)
Nate Phillips (Bass)
John Robinson (Drums)
Michael Thompson (Guitar)
Gerald Albright (Sax)
Louis Conte (Percussion)

She didn't even cough in the booth, otherwise it might have turned out a lot better.

Just arrived in the mail cant wait to play! (By the way those green dots are from marker on the case, wiped it off with a cloth in no time)


Michiru Yamane's first Castlevania score. Like SotN, there isn't really a bad track in the whole bunch (well, unless you count "I am the Wind").


Dat Cynthia Harrel is....i like it!



Dat Cynthia Harrel is....i like it!

Whether it's a good song or not is kind of irrelevant; somebody threw some sax-heavy AM Jazz track at the end of a Castlevania game and it just doesn't really mesh with the rest of the soundtrack's classical / gothic rock / metal soundtrack. And yes, I know that SotN's soundtrack shines because it's so eclectic, and that a few tracks (Crystal Teardrops), most noticeably) are even heavy on the jazz sound.

It's just never really fit with me and I don't think I'm alone in that sentiment, especially considering some of the great ending themes in the series;Ending Theme (SCIV), Requiem for the Nameless Victim (Bloodlines), Voyager (Castlevania) and, of course, Ever Green (CVIII, New Classic version). Even Simon's Quest's ends with the respectable "A Requiem".
Yeah' SoTN had a very weird ending theme that didn't fit it. Has there ever been another Castlevania game that has had this problem aswell or is it just a one time incident in Symphony?


Yeah' SoTN had a very weird ending theme that didn't fit it. Has there ever been another Castlevania game that has had this problem aswell or is it just a one time incident in Symphony?

I believe it was an isolated incident, but I haven't beaten Curse of Darkness or the fighting game so I can't say with 100% certainty.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I have the Curse of Darkness OST. There's one weird song with vocals near the end, yes, but it's nowhere near as bad or ill-fitting or skipworthy as I Am the Wind.


Wow I had no idea Cynthia Harrell sang "I Am the Wind" (SNAAAAAKEE EAAAATERRR heh). Of course, I never really paid attention to that song when it came on. I agree completely that it is the most out of place song on that soundtrack too. It reminds of the ending song to some 90s kids movie or something like that. Definitely doesn't fit well.
I don't know if she actually wrote I Am the Wind, but I like to pretend that she didn't, so that her perfect score is unmarred by this abomination imperfection.

Also, while Curse of Darkness is a mediocre game, the soundtrack is fantastic, often at SotN quality. I bought it a few years ago and never regretted it. Michiru <3
It is.

I love the Baljhet Mountains theme.

Kind of crazy, but I remember really enjoying Curse of Darkness. I would spend hours and all night with it. I even eventually completed it. It had a ton of secrets and hidden weapons if I remember correctly. I don't think it would hold up as much today but I love the amount of exploration and locations. Nowadays, it might be too bland.

Completed MoF today. Great game! Wouldn't mind seeing more 2.5D type of Castlevania games. Only thing I would suggest is they brighten it up. It was so dark in some spots, I couldn't tell where to go.
I couldn't find the specific song so I used a playthrough:

Also turns out the PSP version has a different ending song as well.

It's this song.

Castlevania: Lament of Innocence Music: Admiration of a Clan

It's gud stuff. 360 version is the definitive version of SOTN. Slowdowns removed, everything great about the PS1 one.
It's telling that they both composed something new and swiped a track from another game entirely to avoid using I am the Wind, it was the right choice.

I played the PSP and XBLA versions of SotN before the PS1, I've got to say, the lack of that dated unskippable CGI after the prologue is another point in favour of the XBLA version for me.

Despite the fact it holds up well and I'd rather have new games SotN seems like prime remake material. Fix the difficulty balance, refine some of the controls and add some visual polish here and there (HD done well or could also look great in 3D, the visual effect that is). Leave in the old voice acting that sounds like it's recorded in some kind of echo chamber though, I'd miss that if it were replaced like in the PSP version.
It's telling that they both composed something new and swiped a track from another game entirely to avoid using I am the Wind, it was the right choice.

I played the PSP and XBLA versions of SotN before the PS1, I've got to say, the lack of that dated unskippable CGI after the prologue is another point in favour of the XBLA version for me.

Despite the fact it holds up well and I'd rather have new games SotN seems like prime remake material. Fix the difficulty balance, refine some of the controls and add some visual polish here and there (HD done well or could also look great in 3D, the visual effect that is). Leave in the old voice acting that sounds like it's recorded in some kind of echo chamber though, I'd miss that if it were replaced like in the PSP version.
I could've sworn that stuff is skippable after you beat the game once.
I could've sworn that stuff is skippable after you beat the game once.

Oh, well I've only beaten the PS1 version once.
It doesn't help that each time I replay SotN I end up on a different console, next time it's the Vita's turn, maybe I can copy the PS1 save data off the PS3 to the Vita and actually play Richter mode for a change.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Ohh you're in for a treat, Richter is really fun to play. You can play a surprising amount of the castle too, with the flying uppercut he can reach high places. I think the only places he can't reach are those blocked by spikes.


Kinda surprising that people are enjoying MoF. That is one of the worst games I've ever played and the frame rate is atrocious.


Hmm. I have some PSN credit. Maybe I'll grab MoF with that when I am back home. Even if only out of some misplaced obligation to play it before LoS 2 :p
Ohh you're in for a treat, Richter is really fun to play. You can play a surprising amount of the castle too, with the flying uppercut he can reach high places. I think the only places he can't reach are those blocked by spikes.
You can get to those areas if you abuse the invincibility that Richter has when you crash with certain subweapons.
100% map completion though :(

I was by no means originally planning on 100% clearing DoS, and rather just wanted to plow through the DS games, but now I'm so close I just want to get it done so I can say I did.

What's even considered total completion? Getting all the souls? 100% map completion in normal and Julius mode?

... I should probably just move on to PoR...


100% map completion though :(

I was by no means originally planning on 100% clearing DoS, and rather just wanted to plow through the DS games, but now I'm so close I just want to get it done so I can say I did.

What's even considered total completion? Getting all the souls? 100% map completion in normal and Julius mode?

... I should probably just move on to PoR...

All the souls, all the weapons and armor, 100% map.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Man you have to really love grinding to put yourself through that lol some of those take forever to get.

I have a Level 99. Save on Aria of Sorrow, and almost started going for 9 souls on everything (including bosses) but petered out before I got very far.
I ended up ordering Dawn of Sorrow from a fellow gaffer the other day. Always wanted to play this one, and now I have a 2DS that became a possibility. I'm pretty hyped for it to arrive
This might be an obvious question, but how do you start an actual new game in Lords of Shadow (the PC version if that makes any difference) and not replay already finished levels with all your upgrades and perks you got from finishing the game once ?
This might be an obvious question, but how do you start an actual new game in Lords of Shadow (the PC version if that makes any difference) and not replay already finished levels with all your upgrades and perks you got from finishing the game once ?

Is it not like the console versions that just let you replay levels by chose them on the chapter select screen?


He touched the black heart of a mod
Is it not like the console versions that just let you replay levels by chose them on the chapter select screen?

The Thunder wants to know how to do that without keeping the stuff he's/she's earned from the later stages of the game. A full reset.

If I recall, the only way to do it on consoles was to delete the existing saved data or use a different profile.
The Thunder wants to know how to do that without keeping the stuff he's/she's earned from the later stages of the game. A full reset.

If I recall, the only way to do it on consoles was to delete the existing saved data or use a different profile.

Opps, didn't see the "not" in his post heh

and many more in Harmony of Despair.

oh god do they yell other characters's names in HoD? i pretty much exclusively used richter. if so that's amazing.

also in other news I finished PoR and I actually liked it quite a bit. Think I might try to do a write-up of my general impressions because I have a lot of thoughts about it that I want to put down somewhere before I move on to OoE.


oh god do they yell other characters's names in HoD? i pretty much exclusively used richter. if so that's amazing.

also in other news I finished PoR and I actually liked it quite a bit. Think I might try to do a write-up of my general impressions because I have a lot of thoughts about it that I want to put down somewhere before I move on to OoE.

If you hit L or whichever button you can do a special with one other person so it says that to whoever you did it near.

lol Why do you have Chets avy???

He actually took mine. lol
Simon not talking in game always made using dual crushes with him funny to me, like the other character is awkwardly waiting for him to yell their name lol. I've legit never seen anyone use Getsu but I can only assume it's the same deal there.

They just say some catch phrase with him for some reason. They never say Fuma's name


Chronicles is Vita compatible but must be transfered from a PS3. Last i played it, it ran really good on dat OLED.
Looks like I'll have to test that out at some point, kinda curious what all the catch phrases are
I believe they say the same thing they would with a doppelganger. Like Soma's "Lets do this" or Julius "Lets go".
Chronicles is Vita compatible but must be transfered from a PS3. Last i played it, it ran really good on dat OLED.
That sucks. Well, that's good to know of I ever put it on my Vita though.


So what's the best of the GBA titles? My roommate has all three and I'm eventually going to play them all. Is their a certain one I should start with? I've played all the Metroidvania's except for the GBA ones so I'm excited.
So what's the best of the GBA titles? My roommate has all three and I'm eventually going to play them all. Is their a certain one I should start with? I've played all the Metroidvania's except for the GBA ones so I'm excited.
I believe the consensus is that Circle of The Moon and Aria of Sorrow are both really good. Harmony of Dissonance is...well not so good.
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