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Castlevania: Harmony of Despair |OT|

vocab said:
R-E-C-Y-C-L-E recycle, C-O-N-S-E-R-V-E conserve.

That's what this game reminds me of. This is one big recycled assets game. You know, I don't mind they have been recycling sprites since Rondo, but this is just lazy shit.
At least they are trying something else other than making the same game for the 8th time. I know it's because of a very limited budget they've gone this route, but at least it's something else than just yet another Metroidvania. Let's just hope that it's fun...
AndyMoogle said:
At least they are trying something else other than making the same game for the 8th time. I know it's because of a very limited budget they've gone this route, but at least it's something else than just yet another Metroidvania. Let's just hope that it's fun...
I actually would've preferred another Metroidvania, at least a solid single player campaign with this multiplayer stuff.

It feels like I'd be buying just half of a DS game or the extra portions of it. That's what it really is when you think about it.


had it been another metroidvania in the style of symphony of the night or any of the DS games i'd been on board but like some others said this just seems like the bonus menu mini game of one of the full fledged releases.

also, wtf price?
bryehn said:
Literally looks like shit. And do I have to play muliplayer?


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
I think the game actually looks really good in the more zoomed-out shots. I've always had a distinct fondness for 2d games in which the playable character is tiny relative to the total size of the screen.


Anyone know if these are the assets from the DS Castlevanias?

Edit: nevermind, I should have read the OP more clearly


pretty sure im buying this day 1 unless the demo is really really bad. which i cant see happening. so, bought. probably.


I wont be getting this because, well, 1) price and 2) heavy multiplayer focus...


Q: Any hi-res character art released so far?


IGN's doing a gradual reveal of the levels. Nothing interesting beyond spoiling the bosses and parts of the layout (kind of lame), but here's something of note:

Summer of Arcade is in full swing and next week's big game is Castlevania: Harmony of Despair. Although it looks like every 2D Castlevania game since Symphony of the Night, this is actually a big departure for the series built around six-player cooperative play. Over the next few days we'll be revealing new levels and bosses -- leading up to the exclusive review this Friday, July 30.

So yeah, first review incoming. Hopefully we will at least get a little more concrete info on the game's nitty-gritty details, if nothing else.


Struct09 said:
So much for IGN's exclusive review yesterday?

Indeed. I'm quite shocked, given that IGN is a shining beacon of professional video ga-hahahahah! Okay, I'm sorry, I can't even joke about that.


Trucker Sexologist
The premise is solid and the gameplay is good. It's basically a sidescrolling Diablo. The only question is content. If they can continue to pump out free or reasonably priced DLC then I can see people playing this game for a long, long time.


Trucker Sexologist
Teppic said:
I don't think I will buy this if there's no local multiplayer.
The gamepage lists local "Multiplayer Versus," which is either the survival mode or another mode that's not mentioned.


SAB CA said:
All signs point to NO, sadly enough. Never saw the mode available in the trailers, the multiplayer mode stresses LIVE, and there seem to be no indication of "press start" or such in the single player mode.

Hrm. If they DO make a PSN version, and it doesn't require PSN+ or anything then I may wait for that, then.

Unfortunate. This strikes me as the kind of game that would be awesome with local multiplayer.

I wonder if it'll support system link.. seems unlikely.


bryehn said:
Literally looks like shit. And do I have to play muliplayer?

You, sir, have the most interesting looking shit in the universe. You should take pictures of it and post them online.


Minamu said:
So, where's the review? o_O

The embargo that I have to follow ends tomorrow at 9am PST. I'm not going to have a review ready by then, but you'll see reviews pop up at that time.


Shurs said:
The embargo that I have to follow ends tomorrow at 9am PST. I'm not going to have a review ready by then, but you'll see reviews pop up at that time.
Aah okay. I was thinking about the ign review :) Didn't see other had commented on it, doh.


Beezy said:
Is the music from the old Castlevania games? I'd love to hear them through my TV speakers.

Dunno, the last Castlevania game I played was SOTN, and that was a long time ago.
I think this looks awesome.

The only Summer of Arcade title I care about and am purchasing.

The premise looks insane. I can seriously zoom out and see the entire castle like that, with shit going on and my buddys down ten stories battling enemies. Co-Opvania? How can people not think this is awesome.

Very cool concept heres hoping the game is as interesting as it looks.
We had Igarashi demo this for us at E3 and I wasn't that impressed... maybe it'll be better when you actually play it with other people, but as of right now this is a pass for me.


Sketchbook Picasso
For anyone with a Japanese 360 account, there is a video on their "inside Xbox" equivalent, that shows Iga playing with the people on that show... (Oh, and a Vampire.) They take on one of the bosses... which takes them a few tries, as they keep on dying! On the way to that tragedy, Iga had run off by himself, and opened a shortcut for his team mates, while they generally stuck together.

Also, I noticed in one of the videos I've seen, that the time to beat the stage was something like 30 min, not the "10 min or LOSE!" time mentioned in so many other previews. I like the idea of actually getting to explore and grind items some. These maps do look quite huge...


Eurogamer rape time:

One time, while enduring this forced meditation, I considered what a joy it would be to play a Symphony of the Night-type adventure with a few friends, exploring a castle that had untold hours of secrets to unlock, each of us developing our own fighting styles from an array of possible strategies.

That would be a fantastic journey. It's what this mess of half-ideas and compromises wanted to be. Harmony of Despair isn't a failure of concept but a failure of ambition, one that leaves Koji Igarashi still waiting for his next great discovery.



Edit: More reviews up by the looks of it:

In the end, Harmony of Despair is a paradox. Konami wants Castlevania fans, the gamers who are most likely to enjoy the game to its fullest, to pay for content they've already played. First-time players, on the other hand, will probably enjoy the game less, even though all of the content will be new to them. However, with a price tag of 1200 Microsoft points and the likelihood that future DLC won't be free, first-time Castlevania players would be better suited picking up Symphony of the Night for 800 points instead. Long time Castlevania fans, on the other hand…well, you probably already bought the game on principle (and I wouldn't blame you).



Harmony of Despair may include a single player mode, but it’s quite clearly meant to be a multiplayer-only experience. After playing with other people, going back to the single player is really rather lonely. It feels as though the single player was simply thrown in to give those who don’t play online something to do. Hence, a word of advice – if you don’t play games online, I definitely do not recommend buying this game. You will be frustrated to your very limits and enjoyment will most likely not be on the cards.

If however you’re looking for an interesting title to play with friends, this may well be what you’re looking for. If you can put up with the cheap deaths and somewhat fiddly gameplay, there are six levels to conquer, challenging achievements to unlock and plenty to see and do.


I'm a huge Castlevania fan, and I've got a friend ready to jump right into this with as soon as we get off work on Wednesday. I hope we're not disappointed.


Princess Skittles said:
Nothing this year has been, in my opinion.
Tomb Raider I guess, but only because it's a "AAA" (sigh) title with a high budget, similar to Shadow Complex.

The cancer that killed this SoA is the 1200 price tag on everything.
You know what Microsoft? I bought Limbo at 1200, I would have bought Hydro Thunder at 800 and I would have bought Castlevania at 800.



Nessus said:
Hrm. If they DO make a PSN version, and it doesn't require PSN+ or anything then I may wait for that, then.

Unfortunate. This strikes me as the kind of game that would be awesome with local multiplayer.

I wonder if it'll support system link.. seems unlikely.

What do PSN games have to do with PSN+? I would think IF this game, say does have some PSN+ initiative, it will be a discount for PSN+ members and thats it. I doubt Sony would hold back games for PSN+ members. Thats dumb. Demo on the other hand, could be PSN+ for a few days at most.

Anyhow, game looks awesome.


Rad- said:
Eurogamer rape time

This sounds a bit like "wah wah it's too hard and it's not a Metroidvania" to me. The game is clearly aimed at people who enjoyed stuff like Boss Rush Mode and speed runs in other Castlevanias, and I expect those people will enjoy this too.


Schlomo said:
This sounds a bit like "wah wah it's too hard and it's not a Metroidvania" to me. The game is clearly aimed at people who enjoyed stuff like Boss Rush Mode and speed runs in other Castlevanias, and I expect those people will enjoy this too.
But it is a metroidvania o_O Just without save points and a love affair with Demon's Souls/old hardcore games.

I must say, my interest has dropped quite a bit now as well :S This AND Fallout 3 GOTY at the same time as I'm moving to another city? Probably a bad idea.

Fantasmo said:
Phew :)
Will buy if I can play single player. Love the graphics.
You can, but as one review said, it's a lot easier in multiplayer coop. 6 times easier actually, since enemy damage and health do not scale one bit. Thus, it should be 6 times harder in solo :)


"Symphony of the Night is a romantic's idealisation of life: a cycle of mystery and discovery with no end in sight."

that is from the edge review, that guy needs to speak for himself.
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