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Castlevania Lords Of Shadow Ultimate Edition |OT| Now at 60 FPS!

Spoilers: it runs very well.


I had played this game on 360 when it came out - but despite the amazing production and artwork, the game itself (as well as the technical issues) just didn't grab me and I put it down after a few hours. I'm hoping the PC version can respark my interest, because I could tell there was a great game in there somewhere.


Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. Fuck this shitty game, guys, I'm out.



On that note, does the game have a spanish language track? Might be fun to play this through in Espanol this time. It reminds me imagerywise of Del Toro anyway, not sure why it hadn't occurred before.

Sadly, no :(
Konami told us spaniards (and the spanish developer) that there was no money for a spanish localisation

EDIT: btw, Del Toro is Mexican, but the Art Direction in Pan's Labyrinth (hello Castlevania's faun) is from a spanish team
Sadly, no :(
Konami told us spaniards (and the spanish developer) that there was no money for a spanish localisation

EDIT: btw, Del Toro is Mexican, but the Art Direction in Pan's Labyrinth (hello Castlevania's faun) is from a spanish team

Haha, not only did I know that man, I actually went and double checked before I made that last post, so I didn't make myself look stupid haha. I love Pan's Labyrinth, I remember when my bluray player was still new and snazzy, the art direction blew me away. Looknig forward to this doing the same for my PC haha. That really sucks though, you can feel the culture seep through. Would be a good way to experience it.


Damn you steam remote install. Why is your functionality so limited!

Guess I'm installing after I get home. No playing for me tonight. Sigh.


I think GoW 2 has better puzzles. The platforming suck, both here and GoW, Dante's... that if you can really call that platforming...
LoS beats any GoW game as far as puzzles go. Hell, even as far as combat mechanics go.

But yeah, the platforming is probably the weakest part (in any of those games).


LoS beats any GoW game as far as puzzles go. Hell, even as far as combat mechanics go.

But yeah, the platforming is probably the weakest part (in any of those games).

I don't think any GoW game has as bad hitboxes/hit detection as LoS. That's a pretty big part of combat right there.


benevolent sexism
I don't think any GoW game has as bad hitboxes/hit detection as LoS. That's a pretty big part of combat right there.

Yeah. Maybe if we're comparing ambition, LoS has a better combat system, but if you factor in implementation, it's not a clear victory. LoS has lots of small issues that are presumably the result of inexperience in the genre and those issues absolutely extend to combat.


I don't think any GoW game has as bad hitboxes/hit detection as LoS. That's a pretty big part of combat right there.
Can you cite specific examples? I played through LoS five times (on all difficulties, did all trophies) and I can't remember encountering any hitbox/hit detection problems. It was all pretty spot on.
Hnnng. Would of been done downloading by now, but we're rewatching all of Breaking Bad on Netflix before we watch the new episodes, had to limit the steam download to 1 mb a sec :( getting myself psyched though. How far have the diehards that have been waiting weeks for this got then?


benevolent sexism
Can you cite specific examples? I played through LoS five times (on all difficulties, did all trophies) and I can't remember encountering any hitbox/hit detection problems. It was all pretty spot on.

Some enemies' basic attack animations don't sync up with when their hitbox intersects with the player character. Because the timed block is so important in the game, this is especially problematic. I haven't played it in 3 years so I can't be more specific, unfortunately.

Another major complaint I had was that too many of the enemies are hard to read against the background, and their "tells" are also not very clear. I couldn't help but compare it to Bayonetta, which I think is the genre-standard for clearly communicating what the enemies are going to do.

Lords of Shadow felt as much like a test of my vision as a test of my reflexes. I don't see that complaint from others very often, but I know it's not just an issue with my vision, which is 20/20.


LoS beats any GoW game as far as puzzles go. Hell, even as far as combat mechanics go.

But yeah, the platforming is probably the weakest part (in any of those games).

All the ledge climbing in LoS is fucking terrible.

That said I'm excited to play this on PC.
Random, likely unfeasable quesiton: I really like that banner the OP used, it's great. Would love a steam icon shaped version of it to set as the custom icon - anyone able to do that/would the guy who did the banner for OP be ok with this? I not only have no photo skillz at all, I also don't know the etiquette


Some enemies' basic attack animations don't sync up with when their hitbox intersects with the player character. Because the timed block is so important in the game, this is especially problematic. I haven't played it in 3 years so I can't be more specific, unfortunately.

Another major complaint I had was that too many of the enemies are hard to read against the background, and their "tells" are also not very clear. I couldn't help but compare it to Bayonetta, which I think is the genre-standard for clearly communicating what the enemies are going to do.

Lords of Shadow felt as much like a test of my vision as a test of my reflexes. I don't see that complaint from others very often, but I know it's not just an issue with my vision, which is 20/20.
As I said, I played through LoS five times (and on all difficulties) and I never had such issues. I thought the tells were all pretty clear, especially unblockables with the white flash. I even think the game gets even more fun on higher difficulties when you really have to block and counter stuff ... and it worked perfectly (for me).

Bayonetta is cool, too. Never grabbed as much as LoS though.

And I'm not saying LoS is perfect btw. It has flaws, just as the other brawlers out there. But there's something special about it that elevates it above those for me (narrative tone, art and combat).

All the ledge climbing in LoS is fucking terrible.

That said I'm excited to play this on PC.
It's dull, sure, because there is almost no way to mess up. But it's not terrible.


I loved this game when I played it back when it came out on the PS3 but never played the DLC. How are the included DLC lenght and quality wise?
Yeah, what's up with that? One of those screenshots above almost looks like it has a cartoon filter. Weird...



The roots on the left look terrible.
Looks like a screen captured while a depth of field effect was active which blurred the root out. Haven't played the game on PC so I can't say for sure but I remember DOF being used generously in the console game.

EDIT: Oh nevermind, you're talking about the Ambient Occlusion effect.:)
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