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Coming Out On Top (An Adult Gay Dating Sim) |OT| I'm gay, high five!


Is this CG in the game? (Just one of the ones on the website, but I haven't seen it ingame)
I haven't come across it. It would match Ian in the towel though.

Question about the Alex route:

Is it possible to have sex with him and get the full ending or are we stuck with that stupid kiss?
Not that I'm aware of. I hope I'm wrong because it's a shame. He's the only one without a route that gets you both the sexy scene and the full ending (not including dream).
I find it a bit tough to reconcile the hilarious /great writing with the hardcore porn sometimes. Which is weird, because both elements are great. It's so weird. It's like we've all been conditioned to have terrible writing go hand in hand with anything featuring hardcore sexual content. So it's taking getting used to. Even though it's excellent and basically the way life goes (complex characterization + actual sex, uncensored)

Japan's been doing it for a while now in the VN/ADV scene.


Question about the Alex route:

Is it possible to have sex with him and get the full ending or are we stuck with that stupid kiss?

It annoys me too but I don't think so. It's so unfair. I actually find him the most attractive after Brad but his H-scene path is so messed up. We need a patch that adds an extra H-scene before the happy ending. And without glasses option.


Not that I'm aware of. I hope I'm wrong because it's a shame. He's the only one without a route that gets you both the sexy scene and the full ending (not including dream).

It annoys me too but I don't think so. It's so unfair. I actually find him the most attractive after Brad but his H-scene path is so messed up. We need a patch that adds an extra H-scene before the happy ending. And without glasses option.

Damn. No H-scene with full ending AND no bottoming. I guess he gets to join Brad on my short list of disappointments.
Damn. No H-scene with full ending AND no bottoming. I guess he gets to join Brad on my short list of disappointments.

You can get a full ending with
(including sex). it's just really hard to get. It triggers at the very end of the game.

Handy Fake

As a straight man, I'm howling laughing at this thread. Sort of oscillating between:




EDIT: In a good way! Before anyone starts! Great fun, haha.


For Brad

Tutor him and don't help him cheat. I think you need to study on the weekends too.

I don't think you need to
study on the weekends. I had middling marks and still got his ending. Way I did it was to only focus on the academic options, push him to try his best (don't do the dad/coach guilt trip thing) and to just be subtle around the flirtation. Leave your knee but don't make overt passes. When the girl sends her video, politely "watch" and whatnot. I didn't take any alcohol either, not sure if that matters or not

My overall impressions was the game was fine. Writing's entertaining and some of the stories are better than others. Some of my biggest gripes are that there's seemingly no point in worrying about your friendship status with Ian or Penny so hanging out with them on the weekend is pointless barring "fluff" reasons. Also, each path is incredibly short so you're apt to play through the game for each guy except the opening two week "tutorial" doesn't change. The fast forward feature is necessary since the stuff is so repetitive.

For me, the story path rankings are: Ian>Brad>Alex>Phil>Jed.

Alex, as others have noted, has really bad pay-off if you decide to get the good ending for him. Which is odd to me since he seems like he was the primary story with how much he's integrated in the mandatory beginning two weeks (at the bar, you have his class, you're pushed to meet him by the secondary characters). Really wanted to like his story but between the goofy conflict
really hard to get into all the academic politics with how light-hearted everything is
and how unrewarding the finale is, I thought it just didn't work. Plus, who ever does the cutscene art really does not do Alex well. While every character looks off, Alex looks like a completely different person.

Ian I thought would be really stupid, corny and cliched. However, it was the only one with consequence and so there was actual investment for his path so the conclusion feels more rewarding.

Brad's a goof-ball but it works in the game's goof-ball way.

Phil kind of falls flat since it revolves around a tertiary character that is so shallow and unimportant that you're not really having a relationship with Phil so much as you're just babysitting.

Jed was... meh. Not my kind of story. It's fine that it exists but it's what you expect given the introduction. No real investment, no real pay-off and couldn't help but share the roommate's opinions of "why are you doing this?" the entire time.

I feel the game would actually be better with greater game play elements. Track the main character's mood, academics, health and whatnot on top of trying to juggle the relationships. That way, decisions are less binary and the player has to decide between keeping themselves in good order or spending their time having fun. Course, this adds a greater layer of complexity and given this is essentially a single programming project, I don't really know how much you can expect from it.

It's cute but I'm not sure it's worth its asking price. Given that it's basically the only thing in its market, however, it gets a pass.


Holy crap the fish can talk and he wants me to kill Penny and Ian

and i can't get the prof to sleep with me :(
Holy crap the fish can talk and he wants me to kill Penny and Ian

and i can't get the prof to sleep with me :(
Regarding your spoiler, you should see what happens when you go down that path...

As for Alex, he is the hardest guy to get with. The answers that you need to select are very specific. Hint:
Be a gentleman.


Regarding your spoiler, you should see what happens when you go down that path...

As for Alex, he is the hardest guy to get with. The answers that you need to select are very specific. Hint:
Be a gentleman.

I did, lube doesn't explode apparently. lol maybe I should have not let Penny flush the fish.


I think the games biggest fault is its length. Before any sequels are put into motion, I would like to see an expanded version released giving more time to each of the guys as well as more interactions between the characters.
I think the games biggest fault is its length. Before any sequels are put into motion, I would like to see an expanded version released giving more time to each of the guys as well as more interactions between the characters.
Well, more content for this version is coming next year, all for free. (A new secret route, and seven stand alone mini-dates.) I don't think any extra content for the established routes is planned though, at least not to my knowledge.

We gotta remember that this game (besides some of the assets) was basically made entirely by one person, and as her very first game too, so I think what she's accomplished is amazing. Of course I'd love the game to be longer and more in depth, but I think what we have now is quite satisfying.


Well, more content for this version is coming next year, all for free. (A new secret route, and seven stand alone mini-dates.) I don't think any extra content for the established routes is planned though, at least not to my knowledge.

We gotta remember that this game (besides some of the assets) was basically made entirely by one person, and as her very first game too, so I think what she's accomplished is amazing. Of course I'd love the game to be longer and more in depth, but I think what we have now is quite satisfying.

For all my complaining, I am very glad that this game was mad and I am very impressed by what she made, on her first game nonetheless. I'm just hoping she somehow further develops the characters she's created before moving on to new ones.
For all my complaining, I am very glad that this game was mad and I am very impressed by what she made, on her first game nonetheless. I'm just hoping she somehow further develops the characters she's created before moving on to new ones.
That would be cool for sure. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

As I mentioned before, the seven mini-dates are supposed to be sort of a test for new characters for possible future games.


That would be cool for sure. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

As I mentioned before, the seven mini-dates are supposed to be sort of a test for new characters too for possible future games.

I like the sound of that. I can't wait to see them.
Writing a branching narrative with different dialogue options (and like all of them witty) has to be pretty arduous. I'm sort of a writer and I don't think I'd ever want to do it to be honest.


For me, the story path rankings are: Ian>Brad>Alex>Phil>Jed.

Alex, as others have noted, has really bad pay-off if you decide to get the good ending for him. Which is odd to me since he seems like he was the primary story with how much he's integrated in the mandatory beginning two weeks (at the bar, you have his class, you're pushed to meet him by the secondary characters). Really wanted to like his story but between the goofy conflict
really hard to get into all the academic politics with how light-hearted everything is
and how unrewarding the finale is, I thought it just didn't work. Plus, who ever does the cutscene art really does not do Alex well. While every character looks off, Alex looks like a completely different person.

Ian I thought would be really stupid, corny and cliched. However, it was the only one with consequence and so there was actual investment for his path so the conclusion feels more rewarding.

Brad's a goof-ball but it works in the game's goof-ball way.

Phil kind of falls flat since it revolves around a tertiary character that is so shallow and unimportant that you're not really having a relationship with Phil so much as you're just babysitting.

Jed was... meh. Not my kind of story. It's fine that it exists but it's what you expect given the introduction. No real investment, no real pay-off and couldn't help but share the roommate's opinions of "why are you doing this?" the entire time.

I feel the game would actually be better with greater game play elements. Track the main character's mood, academics, health and whatnot on top of trying to juggle the relationships. That way, decisions are less binary and the player has to decide between keeping themselves in good order or spending their time having fun. Course, this adds a greater layer of complexity and given this is essentially a single programming project, I don't really know how much you can expect from it.

It's cute but I'm not sure it's worth its asking price. Given that it's basically the only thing in its market, however, it gets a pass.

Yeah, Brad and Ian are great because the whole thing is about the tension between you two. The rest kind of got sidetracked to their own little problem.

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
That would be cool for sure. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

As I mentioned before, the seven mini-dates are supposed to be sort of a test for new characters for possible future games.

I hope she can make a longer game the next time, possibly with a more involving overarching story. As much as I enjoyed this game, this plot about the final semester before graduation isn't that interesting.

Also, I rarely play other Japanese BL visual novels but with my minimal experience and reading on BL visual novels, I'm glad that COOT manages to avoid Japanese BL tropes like rape, the whole uke seme power dynamics thing and random twisted moments. Japanese BL visual novels are weirddd...
Writing a branching narrative with different dialogue options (and like all of them witty) has to be pretty arduous. I'm sort of a writer and I don't think I'd ever want to do it to be honest.
Yeah, it's gotta be a heck of a lot of work.

I'd like to get into it some day, but imagining the amount of work involved is very daunting. (Though that weirdly makes me want to do it even more.)


and i can't get the prof to sleep with me :(

If you want a walkthrough (by my shoddy memory):

1. Order whiskey at the bar (not sure if important). For dialogue I went with honesty (first day coming out, kind of nervous and out of my element, will take your phone number).
2. After class when he calls you into his office: say you understand but somehow you'll manage to get through the semester.
3. At the gym: Focus on beating him in racquette ball instead of checking him out.
4. Second gym visit: look for a racquette player. When you get to the lockerroom, answer his question [Contusion].
5. When called into his office after being photographed: Tell him you understand. [I can't remember if this scene is the possible sex scene. If it is, you can cheat a little and kiss him but you have to then get flustered and excuse yourself. You know you're on the right track if, when he's discussing to leave, you tell him he can't give up so easily and that you know you're just another student and he smiles and says you are more than just a student.]
6. Tell Penny to investigate the situation further.
7. When confronting Edwina and Prof. Baldy: say you'll drop this if the Prof gets off Alex's back.
8. Alex after the final class: I don't think the answers here matter. I said I had to talk to him about what happened and then I dropped it after he said he'll only discuss class related things.
9. When he calls to give you your grad after final exams: text him back.

This should do it.

Brad >>>>> everyone, I could reply again and again just for him

Team Ian.

Yeah, Brad and Ian are great because the whole thing is about the tension between you two. The rest kind of got sidetracked to their own little problem.

Yeah, they are the ones that follow the clearest arc. I think the others could work if there was intersection in the stories since they could function as "filler" but that you are sidelined into one arc at the exclusion of all others kind of makes Phil and Jed in particular really uninspiring choices.

What I'm most surprised is that Phil didn't follow a Pride and Prejudice set-up. From my understanding, it's a fairly common trope in romance fiction and his whole introduction sets up immediate tension between the protagonist and Phil. But... no, you're just stuck babysitting Viola who doesn't even have any further impact or development once the relationship ends.

And Jed is Jed.

Yeah, it's gotta be a heck of a lot of work.

I'd like to get into it some day, but imagining the amount of work involved is very daunting. (Though that weirdly makes me want to do it even more.)

I think this is why these sort of stories often have multiple writers. I'm pretty certain that Katawa Shoujo had a handful of people to do the different characters. Also, doing the writing and coding seems like it would be an enormous time sink. Props to her for what she did. This being her first game, I think she should have a better idea of how to properly pace future stories if she decides to continue with these.

If you have any interest in it, though, I would encourage you to try. As I always say to my sister, if writing were easy then everyone would do it. However, nothing is as rewarding as getting it done.


Soooo... I tried to "not" come out to Ian and Penny. Repeatidly.
Let's just say it was a very bad idea.

Was kind of funny though lol.

I'm guilty of using the scroll-up option and testing multiple paths or pushing people's buttons to see what happens. Fun little Easter egg bits everywhere.
If you want a walkthrough (by my shoddy memory):

1. Order whiskey at the bar (not sure if important). For dialogue I went with honesty (first day coming out, kind of nervous and out of my element, will take your phone number).
2. After class when he calls you into his office: say you understand but somehow you'll manage to get through the semester.
3. At the gym: Focus on beating him in racquette ball instead of checking him out.
4. Second gym visit: look for a racquette player. When you get to the lockerroom, answer his question [Contusion].
5. When called into his office after being photographed: Tell him you understand. [I can't remember if this scene is the possible sex scene. If it is, you can cheat a little and kiss him but you have to then get flustered and excuse yourself. You know you're on the right track if, when he's discussing to leave, you tell him he can't give up so easily and that you know you're just another student and he smiles and says you are more than just a student.]
6. Tell Penny to investigate the situation further.
7. When confronting Edwina and Prof. Baldy: say you'll drop this if the Prof gets off Alex's back.
8. Alex after the final class: I don't think the answers here matter. I said I had to talk to him about what happened and then I dropped it after he said he'll only discuss class related things.
9. When he calls to give you your grad after final exams: text him back.

This should do it.

Team Ian.

Yeah, they are the ones that follow the clearest arc. I think the others could work if there was intersection in the stories since they could function as "filler" but that you are sidelined into one arc at the exclusion of all others kind of makes Phil and Jed in particular really uninspiring choices.

What I'm most surprised is that Phil didn't follow a Pride and Prejudice set-up. From my understanding, it's a fairly common trope in romance fiction and his whole introduction sets up immediate tension between the protagonist and Phil. But... no, you're just stuck babysitting Viola who doesn't even have any further impact or development once the relationship ends.

And Jed is Jed.

I think this is why these sort of stories often have multiple writers. I'm pretty certain that Katawa Shoujo had a handful of people to do the different characters. Also, doing the writing and coding seems like it would be an enormous time sink. Props to her for what she did. This being her first game, I think she should have a better idea of how to properly pace future stories if she decides to continue with these.

If you have any interest in it, though, I would you to try. As I always say to my sister, if writing were easy then everyone would do it. However, nothing is as rewarding as getting it done.
It's definitely what I want to do (writing/directing), whether it be for games, movies, TV, etc.

What I really like about COOT is the consistent feel of all the writing. That's what makes each character so appealing, even if their individual story isn't as exciting as others. Just looking at each guy for themselves, I think they all are very engaging.


Nitpicking, there are a few moments where the writing is off. For Brad's path, you have words like "feign" and "unseemly" being used. I can't remember the last time I ever used the word "unseemly", and no musclehead frat bro is going to speak like that, especially one who was ready to kick your ass just seconds prior.

Brad is still best husbando. It is known.


The sexual tension between Brad and Mark (or Ian and Mark) are indeed what made the pairing the better one.

I wish the game had given a CG when Brad slyly checking out Mark. Description is good. But I kind of want to see Brad's lecherous look as he's salivating over his target.


Weird... I've gone through several Brad playthrough branches and it seems like no matter what you do if your legs touch, what kind of essay structuring advice you give him, or what you say to his brother,and no matter how much time you've spent studying,
Brad will always get a failing 69 score on his first paper and his whole route closes.

It seems like the only way the route continues is if you said to him,
"You're screwed if you get injured and your football career comes to a grinding halt. That's the point."
which is weird since
"You know, even if you're a jock, you can't limit your education to sports"
sounds like an acceptable response and there are many ways Brad and you can get distracted. But nope. His first paper score all hinged on that dialogue lol (I'm pretty sure).


Alright, I played the game. Didn't get anyone on my first playthrough (gee!) so I decided to follow a FAQ to get Brad (I found out I got stuck right at the beginning, I didn't think you had to
be so unwilling to help him at first
). I loved his story! The writing overall seems to be top notch. The art... well it's not my favourite style, and the CGs are clearly done by someone else too. I think it would have been better if they kept the same artist that did the actual game art.
I'll aim for Ian tomorrow since it's laaaate and I have to go to sleep.
Oh Brad should have been a tight end too btw.


Neo Member
I loved his story! The writing overall seems to be top notch. The art... well it's not my favourite style, and the CGs are clearly done by someone else too. I think it would have been better if they kept the same artist that did the actual game art.
I'll aim for Ian tomorrow since it's laaaate and I have to go to sleep.
Oh Brad should have been a tight end too btw.
The thing is, Obscura (the creator) also did the game art. So she was juggling coding, writing, and art creation all at the same time. I think doing the CG's would have either made her drop dead or release the game next year. :p


Funnily enough, Brad was the only character that I didn't use any guide whatsoever. I just followed my heart and said what I wanted to say to him and lo and behold, I got nailed by him. I seriously wanted to leave him after that girl being so pushy about being his tutor. Thankfully Brad seems to be gunning for Mark even right at the beginning. You can tell he made his decision to go after Mark easily and has been lusting after his tutor even before you made a move on him (his attempt at getting you drunk etc).


I emailed Obscura to congratulate her on a job well done and even inquired if she was considering drawing the sexy scenes herself in a future update since we can all agree that they're great... but totally look like different characters altogether. All she said was to expect 2015 DLC including the Kickstarter Brofinder dates and some added bells and whistles, so I doubt she'll fix what isn't broken considering she wants to move onto another project after the Brofinder stuff.

In addition to shamelessly professing my new faith to the temple that Brad built, I mentioned that GAF are willing to shell out a few extra bills for more of him, and she said that while she writes with instincts when crafting the story and pairings, it helps to know what the fans want to see. So yes, she's well aware the Brad drug is potent and will use that to her advantage. Dammit, I'm high on Brad again.


Alright, I played the game. Didn't get anyone on my first playthrough (gee!) so I decided to follow a FAQ to get Brad (I found out I got stuck right at the beginning, I didn't think you had to
be so unwilling to help him at first

I admit that I was a bit disappointed that path was a dead end. There is something hot about
being a complete sub in and out of the bedroom, morality be damned.


It's dumb but I'd actually like to know how each guy measures up down there. I'm guessing Brad and Ian are the biggest but the others are totally up in the air.


She should kickstart a Director's Cut with better CGs or something. I wish I could say I loved everything about the game but I didn't care for the sex scenes, major bummer for an eroge. :/
First time I tried hooking up with Brad I went
all supportive and "you can do it" but he failed his test. Made me sad. :(
Ian seems super cool too, I really liked the part his
ex-girlfriend goes on about how he loves sex toys
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