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Dark Souls II |OT++| Bearer of...Seek...Seek...Lest


I would recommend Dark Souls.

I played Dark Souls, followed by Demon's Souls and I think playing Demon's first would have soured my Dark Souls experience. Dark Souls felt absolutely groundbreaking, wholly unique, and incredibly refreshing. Had I played Demon's first, I would have already experience a lot of stuff in the first game that was done again, but better in the second.

Dark borrows a few great moments from Demon's but I think is more successful with it.

Basically, my view on it is if you want one, really impactful experience followed by two really great ones, play Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, then Dark Souls II.

If you're comfortable with dampening what is potentially a really revelatory game experience, then play in release order. Demon's, Dark, Dark II.

It is very true that whichever iteration you play first, and you are smitten with the souls format, you will likely figure that is the best. the Virgin expereience rules. I have even heard a few who played DS2 first say that it was the best of the series for them. Most seem to agree that its between DeS and Da1 for the more polished experience. THe open world in Dark with the collision map overlapping back on itself was genius, something that was an unexpected surprise, despite many DeS fans clamouring for an open world, no one expected THIS. Still the art direction and taughtness of Demons' is slightly better, despite other minor flaws that were corrected in Dark, while others were reverted to in DS2. Obviously many details are personal preference.

I guess another reason I liked the Demons' experience so much was the fact that no one had "done it" yet and the community was helping build the wikis etc. because each is game is so rich in tricks and traps and detail, I had the pleasure of uncovering a few things myslef and blowing minds of fellow gaffers....this was over the top fun as I love detective work, and figuring out lore etc was yet another nouveau thing for the community at Demons' launch. It would be very hard to re-create this, but perhaps there should be a thread started here for Demons' and/or Dark1 first timers who take and oath to media ban and see what they can figure out as a tight knit community. Select wisely my friends...dont allow poeple in who would cheat and spoil it by looking things up! ;)

I agree with Alo81's appraisal as well though and you really cant go wrong with whatever you choose to do first.


It is very true that whichever iteration you play first, and you are smitten with the souls format, you will likely figure that is the best. the Virgin expereience rules. I have even heard a few who played DS2 first say that it was the best of the series for them. Most seem to agree that its between DeS and Da1 for the more polished experience. THe open world in Dark with the collision map overlapping back on itself was genius, something that was an unexpected surprise, despite many DeS fans clamouring for an open world, no one expected THIS. Still the art direction and taughtness of Demons' is slightly better, despite other minor flaws that were corrected in Dark, while others were reverted to in DS2. Obviously many details are personal preference.

Art direction is subjective, personally I think it was better in Dark Soul. Though like you said it might be because I finished it first.

Another thing I would like to give to Dark is that it's more fair and not as easy to cheese. I feel that there were too many ways to abuse the system of Demons in comparison to Dark in a bad way. Infinite healing items and magic make the game a cakewalk. Anyone who wants to enjoy it should avoid the Royal class.
Im sitting here in the ps3 version waiting to see if i get summoned for the dlc i do not have. Is it common for people to summon or no? I know it's one optional part. Doesnt seem like anyone is playing it.
There will be plenty of people playing the DLC, but since it's been out a long time they might not be summoning people from that 'outside' summon area to play with them through the whole area, and are just summoning for bosses at the usual bonfire/fog door hotspots. Also soul memory dependent of course.


So the director of the first DS is the director of Bloodborne, but only a supervisor on DS2.

I wonder if he will be back for DS3.

This is almost a Resident Evil situation.

Resident Evil 4 / Dark Souls = Great

Resident Evil 5 / Dark Souls 2 = Okay

So maybe Bloodborne / Dark Souls 3 = Great? :D


So the director of the first DS is the director of Bloodborne, but only a supervisor on DS2.

I wonder if he will be back for DS3.

This is almost a Resident Evil situation.

Resident Evil 4 / Dark Souls = Great

Resident Evil 5 / Dark Souls 2 = Okay

So maybe Bloodborne / Dark Souls 3 = Great? :D

Kinda funny Miyazaki has never commented on his truthful opinion of the totality of DS2, I just want to hear that!

Like after a couple shots of strong Sake at the local bar and just let him go!


Kinda funny Miyazaki has never commented on his truthful opinion of the totality of DS2, I just want to hear that!

Like after a couple shots of strong Sake at the local bar and just let him go!

I highly doubt he dislikes it as much as gaf does...i will never understand that myself. I personally hope he doesn't return to DS I doubt he wants to. I'm looking forward to bloodborne. He will probably make a new game or work on BB2 if it sales good which it will.
I really wish they would release an demo or an open beta for a weekend or something for bloodborne I really wanta play it.


I highly doubt he dislikes it as much as gaf does...i will never understand that myself. I personally hope he doesn't return to DS I doubt he wants to. I'm looking forward to bloodborne. He will probably make a new game or work on BB2 if it sales good which it will.
I really wish they would release an demo or an open beta for a weekend or something for bloodborne I really wanta play it.

I am sure he would not be proud of the shoddy hitboxes, although he may understand why they got in the game somehow...I doubt he would tell us....even with a keg of Sake in him. ;)

Agreed on BB, I am less starved than I was waiting for Ds2, but dat fast combat and the real esatate on the back steps...fuck it looks like you can fly in this game. I can already see me getting addicted to the speed and not being able to go back to souls...at least without a re-acclimatization period.


So the director of the first DS is the director of Bloodborne, but only a supervisor on DS2.

I wonder if he will be back for DS3.

This is almost a Resident Evil situation.

Resident Evil 4 / Dark Souls = Great

Resident Evil 5 / Dark Souls 2 = Okay

So maybe Bloodborne / Dark Souls 3 = Great? :D

hopefully they won't go RE6 with either of those lol
regardless I know I'll end up playing them

I wonder what was your reaction to that xD


I now have 1.7 million soul memory and about to get King's Ring in Undead Crypt. I'm like lv 135 too. Still surprisingly seeing plenty of summons.

Also, don't think I realized it before. But oh god. Is The Demon of Song the easiest boss fight. Such a push over...


so with the new DX11 versions being on different servers or whatnot I hope the regular version wont die.

I wish they would keep them on the same.


I now have 1.7 million soul memory and about to get King's Ring in Undead Crypt. I'm like lv 135 too. Still surprisingly seeing plenty of summons.

Also, don't think I realized it before. But oh god. Is The Demon of Song the easiest boss fight. Such a push over...

It's a glass cannon for sure, just make sure you don't get hit.


Ok, one thing I have noticed since I started playing again is how the "burn human effigy" effect keeps automatically occurring...

The common event seems to be that when I summon someone for a boss and after boss is done, it becomes active. Thus making it harder for me to do co-op for next 30 minutes unless I'm at a bonfire and cancel it.

Seriously, why is that there? I really don't think this occurred during early patches..

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Ok, one thing I have noticed since I started playing again is how the "burn human effigy" effect keeps automatically occurring...

The common event seems to be that when I summon someone for a boss and after boss is done, it becomes active. Thus making it harder for me to do co-op for next 30 minutes unless I'm at a bonfire and cancel it.

Seriously, why is that there? I really don't think this occurred during early patches..
It's to prevent being invaded after killing a boss. A bit annoying that it occurs by default since the patch.


Ok, one thing I have noticed since I started playing again is how the "burn human effigy" effect keeps automatically occurring...

The common event seems to be that when I summon someone for a boss and after boss is done, it becomes active. Thus making it harder for me to do co-op for next 30 minutes unless I'm at a bonfire and cancel it.

Seriously, why is that there? I really don't think this occurred during early patches..
They added this in the last update. I believe the reasoning was so you wouldn't be invaded right after beating a boss. In DS1 you couldn't be invaded at all if the boss was dead in the area. it was one of the better changes they made for 2 IMO and it's strange that they kind of reverted it.


Well... That's just sad. Did they forget this is suppose to be a Souls game? One of the thrills is not knowing if you will be invaded or not. Disappointing.

What's weird is that this only happens for me if I summon for a boss. If I don't summon, it doesn't go into effect. But perhaps it's only for bigger bosses.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Well... That's just sad. Did they forget this is suppose to be a Souls game? One of the thrills is not knowing if you will be invaded or not. Disappointing.

What's weird is that this only happens for me if I summon for a boss. If I don't summon, it doesn't go into effect. But perhaps it's only for bigger bosses.
It always happens, you must be mistaken.

Also, in all previous Souls games you couldn't be invaded at all if you had defeated the boss. At least now you can be, if you nullify the effect.
I for one like the change, when trying to be summoned or farm it's annoying to be invaded - BUT I know I'm in the minority and most people keep playing primarily FOR pvp and invading. I would've preferred they keep it as it was, invasions after boss is defeated, but have a way to turn it off (not just short-term temorarily with an effigy) - maybe by joining the same covenant as turning off enemy despawns. I like the idea of losing something to gain something in Souls.


In all of my experiences, that boss hits like a truck.
Really? I've only seen people be killed by the slam attack along with being clipped to the side of the charge and mullered against a wall. Anyway if it hits like a truck what about bosses that are far more aggressive and damaging?


Really? I've only seen people be killed by the slam attack along with being clipped to the side of the charge and mullered against a wall. Anyway if it hits like a truck what about bosses that are far more aggressive and damaging?

These bosses hit like freight trains :p


So I found a DS2 Collector's Edition (PC) near me for $40. Should I get it? Did Namco ever mention an upgrade plan for exisiting owners, or am I going to have to pay another $40-60 dollars for SotFS if I buy the CE now?


So I found a DS2 Collector's Edition (PC) near me for $40. Should I get it? Did Namco ever mention an upgrade plan for exisiting owners, or am I going to have to pay another $40-60 dollars for SotFS if I buy the CE now?
You're going to have to get it again most likely.


Low Poly Gynecologist

RE5 is Capcom's best-seller of all time, RE4 barely scratched the top 20.

RE4 PS2 + Wii + GC (this is more fair as RE5 was released on PS3, 360, and PC and all those sales are lumped together).

RE5: 6,700,000
RE4: 5,900,000

That would put RE4 around the 4th spot on their top 20. No need to sell RE4 short.


Just started a knight (melee) character and got to the Lost Bastille. Any tips for a fun weapon that I can upgrade? Maybe 2 handed but one handed is fine too. And where to get 'em would be great. Thanks!


Just started a knight (melee) character and got to the Lost Bastille. Any tips for a fun weapon that I can upgrade? Maybe 2 handed but one handed is fine too. And where to get 'em would be great. Thanks!

At this point just run with the Mace, Heide Knight Sword, or Blacksmith Hammer for upgrades until you get better options. The Longsword/Broadsword's in this game suck due to their move sets and the bad scaling.


Just started a knight (melee) character and got to the Lost Bastille. Any tips for a fun weapon that I can upgrade? Maybe 2 handed but one handed is fine too. And where to get 'em would be great. Thanks!
There's the morining star off the cliff in majula also there in the blacksmith is the mace for sale for 1000 souls. You can wield those two hand those right away without stat investment. If you want something bigger you can get the greatsword from no mans wharf which will require a 2 DEX investment to two hand it. There's also the basic broadsword and longsword, the broadsword is the better choice due to its STR scaling.
Booooo Namco, booooo. I really want that statue, but I want those damn DX11 features too.
If you really want a statue there's probably some being sold separate from the collectors editions.


This is to do with Dark Souls 1, but whatever.

I'm a bit proud at the moment. I went from giving up in the Darkroot Gardens in my first attempt at the game then giving up for over a year, to just beating Blighttown, ringing the second bell and opening the entrance to Sens Fortress this time, which I never expected to do.

The Bloodborne hype is real.


Low Poly Gynecologist
This is to do with Dark Souls 1, but whatever.

I'm a bit proud at the moment. I went from giving up in the Darkroot Gardens in my first attempt at the game then giving up for over a year, to just beating Blighttown, ringing the second bell and opening the entrance to Sens Fortress this time, which I never expected to do.

The Bloodborne hype is real.

As a heads up, the Dark Souls thread is still impressively active!


Just summoned a red invader who was away from controller..... That's a first.

Well. Thanks for the free kill! I actually waited a little bit for the guy to get back too.


Unconfirmed Member
The low SM
Agape Ring
character turned out to be boring, I don't find a lot of online activity at 30K+ SM range outside of the FoFG or Heide's Tower.

Found only ONE single green person with a club who summoned me a few times as a shade and that's it.


30k? Yeah, that is really really low. You won't much at that soul memory.

I'm currently at 2.5 million after beating the game. Finding a lot of summons everywhere for duels, etc. Will go for the rotten boss path and clear some things up as well as finish 1st dlc before moving onto NG+


I'm so tempted to click on that bloodborne boss spoiler thread... I need to stay strong though D:. Gotta go finish my SL1 playthrough instead.


Did a few invasions yesterday. Super fun! I am now a sinner. My win/lose ration is excellent when it comes to invading/being invaded.

I did a bunch of duels at Iron Keep bridge last night too. I mostly sucked there. Had like 2 or 3 wins, like 5 deaths that I consider god matches. A few lag matches loses. A few deaths due to me being an idiot. lol. A few loses due to people being assholes and trying to attack before I'm ready. I mean, it's a duel, don't be an asshole. Guess I need to stop being polite. Also was summoned into a gank party. How pathetic do you have to be to do that?

Think I'll likely stay away from duels at the moment. As my PS3 is now upstairs, so farther away from router and wireless now. So do expect some lag.
Is Fume Knight impossible to solo or what? The NPC summons are useless.

His attacks seems to eat through my shield as well.

Just gotta learn the exact timing to roll through everything he does. Took me a long time. I had better luck once I put my shield away TBH.


Just gotta learn the exact timing to roll through everything he does. Took me a long time. I had better luck once I put my shield away TBH.

Somehow I like hard bosses though, the sense of accomplishment once you beat them, feels good man.

Can you roll through that slow fire swing he does?


While in The Gutter & Black gulch, got invaded by the same arbiter each time. Killed the guy the 1st 3 times. But dumbly fell off at the end in Black Gulch against him. No longer a sinner sadly, and no cracked red eye orbs left either. Oh well, I'll kill an NPC or gather more later.

The 1st 3 matches were kinda funny and just sad. 1st time I was caught off guard, but I think he was too. Killed him quickly with my fire varangian sword + pyro. 2nd time I was climbing down near the bottom of The Gutter where those ladders are and killed him quickly with pyro again. Dropped down after he was nearly dead and finished him off. Last time I just got to the last bonfire in Black Gulch and waited for him and quickly shot off 2 Forbidden Suns at him and down he went.

The 4th and final time, he got smart and waited by the boss entrance and didn't play my game. Got close a few times, but he used Warmth and healed himself. Got close again. Bu decided to pull back and heal. So tried going to the place where 2 giants all, but in my rush i fell off wrong place and died....

Oh well, that was fun!
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