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David Jaffe to Phil Spencer: 'You suck...... get some therapy.'

The Fartist

Reminder that Jaffe put a helicopter in a car combat game.
Yeah, that was awesome. I played the shit out of Twisted Metal Online on PS3 with my customized SLAYER soundtrack, it was...

I do think Zenimax was a bargain, it was only twice what Sony paid for Bungie and with it you get ID, Tango, Bethesda, Machinegames etc and a goldmine of IP. If Phil is responsible for this acquisition, he did a good job.

Acquisitions are not judged just on the size and extent of the purchase. Having many studios raises the operating cost.

It's simply a different objective. Higher cashflows with less developers (Bungie) may be preferable to higher operating costs with much lower cashflows (Bethesda). Both acquisitions can make sense, Microsoft needed more content and Bethesda has that. It's just the content they generally have isn't very popular with the exception of mainline Bethesda studios.


Yeah, that was awesome. I played the shit out of Twisted Metal Online on PS3 with my customized SLAYER soundtrack, it was...


The game was awesome when you weren't trying to connect to a match for 30 minutes, genuinely the best controlling game in the series.

Helicopter in car combat might be the single worst design choice ever though, hilariously bad.


You still can't go to store and buy Series X, so only way it will hurt Microsoft is "we are not growing Game Pass fast enough."
Off topic but I have been able to buy a Series X for next day delivery for about a week here in the UK. There is stock that has been available for a week. They even throw in a free Tshirt so that I can advertise for them. Anyway point being I'm sure there will still be sales spikes with compelling software. It will not hurt MS either way unless people start unsubscribing to GP though.

That to me is part of the problem in the managment and delivery mentioned in the other thread where people had deluded high hopes that MS will be delivering 1 AAA game per month to GP. These delays don't matter because the delays mean very little to the studio and to MS. Halo delayed for a year and nothing on XSeries launch? who cares, not like the studio needed software sales to stay afloat, and not like MS needed it to grow GP. In fact it's in MS' and the studio's interest to play a game of "how long can I milk the monthly subs before I need to drop a big budget game". Less games and longer times == more profit. That's why I'm fairly confident Starfield will be replaced with some surprise release announcement come June if and only if they feel people will unsubscribe and they don't hit their targets. Maybe they are banking on marketing CoD on GP instead.
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Phil Spencer has done a crazy good job with the Xbox revival. The brand is alive and well and selling more console than any other generation at the same time period, in an era of Chip shortages where they could have sold millions more if they could of made them.
They have gone from having like four internal studios to what it is now and Activision as well.
Since he has taken over MS has released two brilliant consoles in the Xbox One X and the Xbox Series X.
They have put together Gamepass which is value plus. They are leading with game streaming. They have been as open with the customers as they can be. Compare then to Sony in that regard.
Just last year Xbox Game Studios was voted publisher of the year, and Bethesda just behind them.
To then say he should step down because a couple of games were delayed to make sure they are quality releases is stupid.

Everyone makes fun of Bethesda because they release buggy games. Well now they have the backing of one of the most wealthy companies to take their time and release it in the best possible condition, and again people are thinking this is the wrong direction to take.

Now is Phil too soft on his studios? Firstly we don't know what is said behind closed doors, and if anyone thinks that Phil and MS were happy with 343 and the condition Halo was and is in you are kidding yourself.
The delay of infinate blew their whole marketing of the XSX out of the water. Halo all over the box but no Halo to play. Getting laughed at by the industry with memes like Craig. Yeah, he loved that I'm sure.
The delay of Halo would have cost MS tens of millions. Just the extra 12 months of wages for the 500 people working on it alone would be staggering.

However, for Xbox to have weathered that, still be selling out everywhere it drops, and being their most successful console launch ever tells you just how strong a brand Phil has created.

Cutty Flam

I was posting the gif as a way to agree with you. Like Halo is Reverse Flash to Mario's Flash.
Hmm, I still don't get it. But yea Halo should be way better off than it currently is. At least it wasn't butchered though. I thought it would have been a MCC release all over again. Fans were worried for a long while

Idk, as a huge fan of the Halo games and the first two Gears of War games I feel like as soon as Phil started making his way up the ladder getting closer to CEO of Xbox that's the time when they dropped off the face of the earth. Completely lost me as a fan and both my favorite franchises (which are both powerhouse franchises to Xbox) plummeted in quality imo. These companies working for him are dancing around and fucking up yet he does not intervene and clean up anything. I find it odd on his part; he and his superiors let 343 Industries somewhat disgrace the legendary Halo's name imo. I thought Craig was hilarious, but the state they were thinking they could release Halo: Infinite in was a joke
Calls him out for his comments on the delay. Compares his own struggles producing a game and says Phil simply might not be good at producing games. That this isnt a one off. See more below:

Harsh words, but I get it. This isn't something new with Xbox studios. It's not just about the delays, it's about the constant BS PR that accompanies any bad news but things never really truly improve. He took over from Don Matrick as CEO in June of 2013. 9 years and $85 billion later, and it's the same song and dance when it comes to missed first party expectations. Not to mention, he had been head of Xbox game studios since 2008. Maybe he's good at acquisitions but not actually managing these studios? Despite a good year last year, Xbox is set to end the first two years of next gen without any next gen games so Jaffe calling him out on this 'We get it' PR is completely understandable. It's like 'Do you really?', 'Do you really get it?'

Link to full stream here:

Only people who need help are people like Jaffe.

He look like a toxic homeless dude with mental issues. Jaffe already blocked by multiple executives including Sony executives. Yoshida and Niel have him blocked.


Not surprised you’re playing this up. You were claiming Fable was in ‘development hell’ the other day.

Delays like this aren’t that unusual even with decently managed productions. Especially when coming off pandemic related disruption.

FF16 was delayed six months, possibly about the same length of time Starfield’s getting delayed. Hogwarts Legacy was delayed from 2021 to late 2022.
BOTW 2 got delayed from 2022 to 2023. Horizon Forbidden West was announced as a ‘launch window’ game, then shifted to late 2021 then finally delayed to Feb 2022.

And yet we never saw a firestorm of posts complaining about ‘mismanagement’.

To reiterate, delays like this aren’t that unusual, and often don’t mean the game was mismanaged.
This guy gets it.


The Fucking MAN.
Only people who need help are people like Jaffe.

He look like a toxic homeless dude with mental issues. Jaffe already blocked by multiple executives including Sony executives. Yoshida and Niel have him blocked.
#1- Please stop lying.

#2- Learn to spell.

Ps. Don't respond. I know how this works. Now you get all, 'Oh, ha! I was just teasing to see if you'd show up! I love your games Jaffe- just having some fun! Yeah, Phil may need some therapy! HA!'


Instead, how about this: don't post horseshit that you KNOW isn't true.

In a better universe, INTENTIONALLY posting lies would get you kicked off the net for a few weeks.


advanced basic bitch
Not surprised you’re playing this up. You were claiming Fable was in ‘development hell’ the other day.

Delays like this aren’t that unusual even with decently managed productions. Especially when coming off pandemic related disruption.

FF16 was delayed six months, possibly about the same length of time Starfield’s getting delayed. Hogwarts Legacy was delayed from 2021 to late 2022.
BOTW 2 got delayed from 2022 to 2023. Horizon Forbidden West was announced as a ‘launch window’ game, then shifted to late 2021 then finally delayed to Feb 2022.

And yet we never saw a firestorm of posts complaining about ‘mismanagement’.

To reiterate, delays like this aren’t that unusual, and often don’t mean the game was mismanaged.
I think you missed the point entirely of why people are upset. The difference is that those other companies have other games lined up. MS has no first-party output left now for this year in the triple-A space besides maybe Forza. The Forza nobody cares about.
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This guy gets it.
Neither of you get it.

11.11.22 that's a pretty exact date.
Dude goes and buys 1 year of GPU, let's say he is a unicorn 180$ paying subscriber and is waiting for 11.11.22 and that redfall game(don't remember if it had a release date) to play day 1 on GP.

That's a commitment from MSFT to deliver on that date for which he is paying for monthly.

MSFT says "Haha delayed, buy one more year"

I'm not a GP subscriber but this would be a deal-breaker for me if I was.

Day 1 retail only games do not have this kind commitment. Game buyer doesn't have any money in on the game if it gets delayed, but subscription customer probably has.
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Neither of you get it.

11.11.22 that's a pretty exact date.
Dude goes and buys 1 year of GPU, let's say he is a unicorn 180$ paying subscriber and is waiting for 11.11.22 and that redfall game(don't remember if it had a release date) to play day 1 on GP.

That's a commitment from MSFT to deliver on that date for which he is paying for monthly.

MSFT says "Haha delayed, buy one more year"

I'm not a GP subscriber but this would be a deal-breaker for me if I was.

Day 1 retail only games do not have this kind commitment. Game buyer doesn't have any money in on the game if it gets delayed, but subscription customer probably has.

You know, there is not a singular date on which you can buy GP.. You could simply, and this might come as a shock to you, buy GP on the day the game releases! Extreme. Concept i know.

In all honesty, if someone buys GP a year in advance and tries to excuse it by saying "but the game i really wanted to play releases some when in this time frame!!" then he didn't buy GP for that singular game.


#1- Please stop lying.

#2- Learn to spell.

Ps. Don't respond. I know how this works. Now you get all, 'Oh, ha! I was just teasing to see if you'd show up! I love your games Jaffe- just having some fun! Yeah, Phil may need some therapy! HA!'


Instead, how about this: don't post horseshit that you KNOW isn't true.

In a better universe, INTENTIONALLY posting lies would get you kicked off the net for a few weeks.
I’m not a fan of bans, but baseless slander against members should be reprimanded.

You shouldn’t bother defending yourself against trolls, beneath you.
You know, there is not a singular date on which you can buy GP.. You could simply, and this might come as a shock to you, buy GP on the day the game releases! Extreme. Concept i know.

In all honesty, if someone buys GP a year in advance and tries to excuse it by saying "but the game i really wanted to play releases some when in this time frame!!" then he didn't buy GP for that singular game.
Then MSFT should refrain setting a specific release dates on anything if they cannot deliver.


The reason this cements old Laffy Jaffa as a clown is becaise saying someone needs therapy is a call that only people that have worked with the person or knows the real person can make that call. Phil is a mascot, the persona we see isn’t who he is, he’s “on” whenever we see him, Jaffa included. At the best he’s trying to say “the guy needs help” and genuinely cares, at worst he’s making light of mental health which isn’t his place, he isn’t a trained psychologist.

Congrats Laffy Jaffe(Laffy taffy)

Mr Rogers Clown GIF


Then MSFT should refrain setting a specific release dates on anything if they cannot deliver.

Lots of games delayed because of the pandemic, across major publishers like Sony, MS and WB. But apparently it’s only Microsoft that should never announce release dates, because reasons.

‘If they cannot deliver’, meanwhile they delivered quite a decent number of games last year. You think publishers and developers deliberately set out to get delays?
Lots of games delayed because of the pandemic, across major publishers like Sony, MS and WB. But apparently it’s only Microsoft that should never announce release dates, because reasons.

‘If they cannot deliver’, meanwhile they delivered quite a decent number of games last year. You think publishers and developers deliberately set out to get delays?
I haven't paid or subscribed to get Sony or WB games day 1. If they delay then they delay.
But when games and the subs are marketed with available on 11.11.22 on GP.
There is a big difference.
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The Contrarian
Only people who need help are people like Jaffe.

He look like a toxic homeless dude with mental issues. Jaffe already blocked by multiple executives including Sony executives. Yoshida and Niel have him blocked.
#1- Please stop lying.

#2- Learn to spell.

Ps. Don't respond. I know how this works. Now you get all, 'Oh, ha! I was just teasing to see if you'd show up! I love your games Jaffe- just having some fun! Yeah, Phil may need some therapy! HA!'


Instead, how about this: don't post horseshit that you KNOW isn't true.

In a better universe, INTENTIONALLY posting lies would get you kicked off the net for a few weeks.
Owned like it's 2005.


I haven't paid or subscribed to get Sony or WB games day 1. If they delay then they delay.
But when games and the subs are marketed with available on 11.11.22 on GP.
There is a big difference.

There’s no big difference, because people can preorder games too. Forgot that?

If someone was going to buy Gamepass for Starfield, why would you think it logical that they’d go off and pay for Gamepass over a year before release? 😂
There’s no big difference, because people can preorder games too. Forgot that?

If someone was going to buy Gamepass for Starfield, why would you think it logical that they’d go off and pay for Gamepass over a year before release? 😂
Never ever pre-order digital games. (Thank me later)

Maybe to get it cheaper, but they could be on "Rent to own all access" BS too.:lollipop_anxious_sweat:
$25-35/month for 2 years, try to weasel out of that deal, when you don't get games that were promised.
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Never ever pre-order digital games. (Thank me later)

Maybe to get it cheaper, but they could be on "Rent to own all access" BS too.:lollipop_anxious_sweat:
$25-35/month for 2 years, try to weasel out of that deal, when you don't get games that were promised.

But anyone who got an Xbox on All Access when Starfield was announced at E3 last year would still get the game. Still under two years.

Try again?
People forget that when Phil took over, Xbox had basically nothing. The meme that Xbox was just Halo, Gears and Forza was 100% true. Check out the wiki page for MS Studios. They only bought up studios starting in 2018, and obviously they'd need to wrap up production on current projects before they could start making Xbox exclusives. So call it a 2019 start really. Then we had a global pandemic delaying everything and the fact that games now often need 4+ year dev cycles. People have extremely unreasonable expectations about how quickly these studios can turnaround content (which some already have btw).

He's also lead two successful Xbox console launches (One X and Series S/X) after the relative failure of the Xbox One, plus oversaw Game Pass. Xbox revenue has tripled so his overlords are happy too. Phil is doing an incredible job resurrecting a dying brand that MS even considered ending.

Sometimes shit just works out that way due to key games needing more time (and because of a pandemic) - it did for PS5 last year and I didn't see any sperg fits from Jaffe demanding Jim Ryan seek therapy.
The PS5 had Returnal, Ratchet, MLB, Destruction All Stars, Death Stranding Director's Cut, Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut, Deathloop, and more last year. What are you even talking about? Sony wasn't the one who went from November 2020 to July 2021 with no exclusive games for their next-gen console.
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The PS5 had Returnal, Ratchet, MLB, Destruction All Stars, Death Stranding Director's Cut, Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut, Deathloop, and more last year. What are you even talking about? Sony wasn't the one who went from November 2020 to July 2021 with no exclusive games for their next-gen console.
Lol MLB isn't exclusive at all and Deathloop is legit made by Microsoft. Two of those games are just ports. That's a terrible lineup to hang your hat on.


Lol MLB isn't exclusive at all and Deathloop is legit made by Microsoft. Two of those games are just ports. That's a terrible lineup to hang your hat on.
Agreed on MLB.

Deathloop is PS5 console exclusive as of today. Tho we all know its coming to Xbox.


Then MSFT should refrain setting a specific release dates on anything if they cannot deliver.

So you mean to tell me you never, in your whole life, arrived somewhere late because of unforeseen things happening or miscalculating the time something takes?
So you mean to tell me you never, in your whole life, arrived somewhere late because of unforeseen things happening or miscalculating the time something takes?
Do you think I'm a two trillion dollar company...
Blinking The Office GIF

That just says "Yoinks! See you next year!" and send you a new bill...
Michael Douglas High Quality GIF
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The PS5 had Returnal, Ratchet, MLB, Destruction All Stars, Death Stranding Director's Cut, Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut, Deathloop, and more last year. What are you even talking about? Sony wasn't the one who went from November 2020 to July 2021 with no exclusive games for their next-gen console.

Sony had an anemic second half. Their big holiday games like Horizon, God of War Ragnarok and GT7 all got delayed into 2022. There was a 6 month gap from September 2021 (Deathloop, Kena) all the way through to February 2022 (Horizon). In other words all their biggest games slipped into the next year and they let the holiday season go completely uncontested. It's an identical situation to what is going to happening to MS later this year. I'm sorry you failed to comprehend the comparison.

Also just lmao if that lineup impresses you. You have what, three new games in that list? Some enhanced PS4 ports? Why even list trash like Destruction All Stars? And who cares about a sports game which even launched earlier for Xbox Game Pass? Returnal, Kena and Deathloop also had delays of several months within the year - which only goes to show even more how common delays are for everyone in the industry. In fact, if Deathloop had arrived on time, the second half of 2021 would've been an even bigger shitshow for Sony.


Neo Member
I own a series S, an also a one X, being MS fan since forever, I’ve found myself playing more and more with PS5, and now im buying non exclusives and playing them on PS5. I don’t know, even with all studio acquiring, lineup for Xbox seems weak AF. They’ve fucked up with Halo big, when it was THE chance for redeeming.

I wonder where is Killer Instinct? Split Second? Top Spin? these were great games for Xbox.


I own a series S, an also a one X, being MS fan since forever, I’ve found myself playing more and more with PS5, and now im buying non exclusives and playing them on PS5. I don’t know, even with all studio acquiring, lineup for Xbox seems weak AF. They’ve fucked up with Halo big, when it was THE chance for redeeming.

I wonder where is Killer Instinct? Split Second? Top Spin? these were great games for Xbox.

You’ll get your answers June 12th.


Is Jaffe getting angry at Phil due to the delay of Starfield? Does he seriously think that Starfield would not be delayed if MS didn't own Bethesda? The game was always gong to be delayed. This delay has absolutely nothing to do with MS' leadership and everything to do with Bethesda only. I could understand if Jaffe was angry about Halo Infinite, delayed a year and still abysmal with it's content but not Starfield.


I'll say it again people- they have Gamepass and for many, that is all they want! So many (even here) don't seem to care about new games but are content posting about older games showing up on Gamepass like it's a saviour. What happened to all these 1st party exclusives that were coming to Gamepass to make Sony look like shit?

At the end of the day, Microsofts glory days were the 360 days when Phil wasn't in charge. He's more interested in he/him pronouns and all that shit. Focus on making great new games! They just purchased all these studios and we still have next to nothing to show for it!
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