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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided |OT| We Asked For This


GMG the best deal going for the PC version currently? Gonna go ahead and buy it now and pre-load it.

Holy shit how was I not aware of this Breach mode, the graphics style in that looks insanely gorgeous

Oh wow i didn't even know there was a MP mode (i assume this is MP) looks absolutely gorgeous.


Excellent OT!

I need help with sidemission SM00, it's really starting to piss me off.

It's the
Neon Nights
sidemission. How do I get into the
rave? I searched the dealer's fancy apartment and found the pocket secretary directing me to the rave. But the door is locked and I need a keycard I don't have. I can punch a hole in the wall a little to the left but the floor behind it is electrified.

I've been running around the place for an hour now.


How many bosses in this one and can you let me know if
Malik or Pritchard appear at all?
One story boss and one optional boss (two if your definition of a boss is a bit laxed), HR only had three bosses in main game and they all get killed, here you can take them down non lethally and the game and characters acknowledge that. Keep in mind I haven't tested out all the permutations so there might be more optional bosses that you can fight but also avoid via conversations. Pritchard gets a mention and we are told his life hasn't changed much and he is still in Detroit. No mention of Malik at all which is weird because they knew fans liked her.


Holy shit how was I not aware of this Breach mode, the graphics style in that looks insanely gorgeous



Been interested in this game for a while and had no clue whatsoever about that. I'm such a sucker for trials modes in games with good mechanics. I went fucking crazy on MGS2 VR missions and Dishonored's Dunwall Cory Trials, so I hope Breach mode can deliver the goods.
GMG the best deal going for the PC version currently? Gonna go ahead and buy it now and pre-load it.

Oh wow i didn't even know there was a MP mode (i assume this is MP) looks absolutely gorgeous.

No, it's a SP "arcade/challenge mode with MP-lite elements that lets you challenge friends/yourself/world and wager credits. It's separate from the main game and apparently has microtransactions. I'm hoping someone can tell me if the microtransactions are imposing or not.


Excellent OT!

I need help with sidemission SM00, it's really starting to piss me off.

It's the
Neon Nights
sidemission. How do I get into the
rave? I searched the dealer's fancy apartment and found the pocket secretary directing me to the rave. But the door is locked and I need a keycard I don't have. I can punch a hole in the wall a little to the left but the floor behind it is electrified.

I've been running around the place for an hour now.
More details on which mission this is and maybe I can help.


No, it's a SP "arcade/challenge mode with MP-lite elements that lets you challenge friends and wager credits. It's separate from the main game and apparently has microtransactions. I'm hoping someone can tell me if the microtransactions are imposing or not.
This makes me even more excited.

This makes me worried.
GMG the best deal going for the PC version currently? Gonna go ahead and buy it now and pre-load it.

Oh wow i didn't even know there was a MP mode (i assume this is MP) looks absolutely gorgeous.

better deals can be found in the buy/sell thread on here.
One story boss and one optional boss (two if your definition of a boss is a bit laxed), HR only had three bosses in main game and they all get killed, here you can take them down non lethally and the game and characters acknowledge that. Keep in mind I haven't tested out all the permutations so there might be more optional bosses that you can fight but also avoid via conversations. Pritchard gets a mention and we are told his life hasn't changed much and he is still in Detroit. No mention of Malik at all which is weird because they knew fans liked her.

Much less boss battles than HR then, surprising.

About Malik: Smells of DLC.


What should we do while waiting for this? I am on vacation currently, and I can't muster the concenration to do anything except waiting for the game and reading about it. I would like to go to sleep, but my circadian rhythm is kind of fucked up, so that is not possible. I am thinking about doing something completely brain dead like a reality TV marathon just to pass the time. Any other suggestions?


Much less boss battles than HR then, surprising.

About Malik: Smells of DLC.
It's not much less, HR only had 3 in main game and all get killed. You can take them down non lethally here and the game acknowledges that. And like I said there might be 1-2 more that I could have avoided via conversations..I can't tell until I try different things.
It's not much less, HR only had 3 in main game and all get killed. You can take them down non lethally here and the game acknowledges that. And like I said there might be 1-2 more that I could have avoided via conversations..I can't tell until I try different things.

Well that's certainly interesting to hear. I take it you think you missed some side quests then? There's quite a bit of them?
Excellent OT!

I need help with sidemission SM00, it's really starting to piss me off.

It's the
Neon Nights
sidemission. How do I get into the
rave? I searched the dealer's fancy apartment and found the pocket secretary directing me to the rave. But the door is locked and I need a keycard I don't have. I can punch a hole in the wall a little to the left but the floor behind it is electrified.

I've been running around the place for an hour now.

So this one did my head in. Couldn't find the key from the apartment. Didnt have the means to get in, so blew the door down with my shotgun and made my way in. I later found the card
at the apartment you find out about the rave, on the pc there was an option for apartment cleaning. I intiated that. Fast foward to coming back later. Apartment was cleaned and on the bed was a swant looking towel. I searched it and bam. Card revealed, even though I had no use for it by then


Well that's certainly interesting to hear. I take it you think you missed some side quests then? There's quite a bit of them?
No not missed side quests but situations where you meet a key character but have to talk your way through and if you can't then you end up fighting them. It is certainly possible in this game and as such I don't know how many of them exist.

I also think I did all side quests but again I can't confirm this because if you missed out on some quests because you never talked to some character then you would never know they existed in the first place. The least I can say is that I did all of them that I could find.

There is also a point in main story where you have to choose between two missions, so if you do one you miss the other and depending on this the last level gets affected. I don't know what happens in the one I missed or its repercussions in final level.


What should we do while waiting for this? I am on vacation currently, and I can't muster the concenration to do anything except waiting for the game and reading about it. I would like to go to sleep, but my circadian rhythm is kind of fucked up, so that is not possible. I am thinking about doing something completely brain dead like a reality TV marathon just to pass the time. Any other suggestions?

Spend time and read everything at http://deusex.wikia.com/wiki/Deus_Ex_Wiki.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Ugh, still can't get over the dumbassery that is the Steam unlock time.

Ah, well. Good OT, at any rate.


Man, despite HR being one of my favorite games of last gen I'm nowhere near as hyped for this as I was some other games. It looks good, great even, but it's like my mind hasn't realized that a new Deus Ex game is coming out tomorrow.

Frankly, after both Fallout 4 and MGSV disappointing me somewhat in the end I think this actually bodes well.

Oh, and fuck that release time. Might as well just release on the 24th if it's going to be that late.
Just started up Human Revolution for the first time in anticipation for this.

Worth playing the other two or whatever games that released before this as well?


Loading times after death;
  • PS4 - 28sec
  • XBO - 42sec

Yay for external HDD on Xbox One.

About to start this. Just finished getting all 5 praxis kits on Deus Ex Go so I'm good to go. Deus Ex Go was pretty good btw. You guys should give it a go.


Is it confirmed that the PC version unlocks at 6pm CEST?

Because fuck this shit and it's the last time i preorder a game on steam.


Nice OT, can't wait to dig into this...loved HR last gen and this looks like the formula cranked to 10. Sucks about the ps4 unlock times though, i was really looking forward to spending a couple hours with it tonight. Now i'll have to bear the torment of another full day at work
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