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Divinity: Original Sin |OT| Sandbox RPG. Co-Op friendly. Bread.


Before you need to leave the city, you already have access to a hall of heroes, so you can get any kind of hires you like, although the two companions in the city are perfectly fine. There are two overpowered hirelings available in the hall - fighter Cain and witch Elessa. You need to be level 6 to hire Elessa

Wait, what? I'll need to look into this. Nothing against the two NPCs I have but I don't need mirror images of my main characters.

Crushing weapons in the game suck. The penalty for not using a crushing weapon against skeletons is really quite small. And you can boost the other melee weapons with a whetstone while crushing weapons require a consumable rare item.

Oh. I assumed with the game telling me over and over to use crushing weapons, that was why skeletons were giving me so much trouble. Thinking about it now, maybe it's just that I don't have good weapons period.

You're supposed to be getting fun out of positioning your characters and other preparations for battle. If you're not, you can always turn down the difficulty for any battle

I like the game's combat. I've had some great moments like using telekinesis to drop the lighthouse ghoul on top of an exploding skeleton, then using it to blow up the boss as well as his minions. I just don't like invincible zombie boars eating up hours and hours of my gaming time while I make zero progress. Hopefully once I get some fire and figure out how the hell crafting works it'll end up better, but I might not have time again until the weekend.

And I don't turn down difficulty in anything.
The poison thing can definitely be annoying if you don't have fire. Luckily, fire is fairly easy to come by(1pt pyro obviously but also anyone equipping a bow with fire arrows) and it then goes the other way where the mobs actively lose health every turn/every time they "bleed".

I think the only crushing weapons early game are 1H maces, but they don't make much of a difference. You do want to avoid piercing weapons though, as those do reduced damage. Slashing is fine. Melees tend to start a bit crappy damage wise, put Oath of Desecration on them to boost them to acceptable level. Eventually they do insane damage but yeah early on it sucks.


Man, sounds like you have it even worse than I did Mupod! lol And I actually did contemplate turning down the difficulty there for a while. I think if you were able to beat the lighthouse boss, you're gonna be ok.

I still swear the hit percentages are totally bullshit, though. Anything less than 70% and I miss about 75% of the time. Do enemies have some evade stat or something that effects my chance to hit?


Just getting back into my new game again. Have just barely breached lvl 3 on my two mains, picked up Jahan and Madora while I was still halfway through lvl 2.

Not left the city yet, been doing some robbing, the graveyard/underground etc. Only place I've not been into yet is Evelyn, I saved last night just outside ready to go in.

Having Petpal is nice, a few extra little quests and stuff and helpful tips here and there. Though a few more "goodbye" voices would have been nice!

I've found Crushing Fist to be most useful too, as is the Spider Summon.

I feel much better equipped to leave the city now than I was on my first attempt.


Love playing both sides against the other. At
Hunter's Edge
and I just waited for both sides to attack each other, got caught in the middle of the fight, killed all of the
orcs (and some barbarians, but their whole side didn't turn hostile, just the ones in the first skirmish)
, then found the rest of the
over by the crypt, collected their XP for helping them, and then murdered the rest of them.

Yay XP!


Kind of confused where to go. Just killed the lighthouse boss and now it just remains for me to explore what happened to the people that went to the church. Everywhere I go seems to be tough opponents. At the beach there's that hard orc boss. Elsewhere Level 8 enemies seem to be covering whatever that lava place is.


Kind of confused where to go. Just killed the lighthouse boss and now it just remains for me to explore what happened to the people that went to the church. Everywhere I go seems to be tough opponents. At the beach there's that hard orc boss. Elsewhere Level 8 enemies seem to be covering whatever that lava place is.

How far have you progressed in the murder mystery storyline?


How far have you progressed in the murder mystery storyline?

Well next thing would be
uncovering Evelyn's (I'm pretty sure that's the name) secret lair but I have no idea how to get there. I'm guessing I need to get past the orc boss on the beach but it seems hard to manage.


Well next thing would be
uncovering Evelyn's (I'm pretty sure that's the name) secret lair but I have no idea how to get there. I'm guessing I need to get past the orc boss on the beach but it seems hard to manage.

You don't. You have to go north-ish into the forest.
It'll be the exit where some undead are feasting on a dead cow.


You don't. You have to go north-ish into the forest.
It'll be the exit where some undead are feasting on a dead cow.

Oooh thank you very much. I probably didn't search that area carefully enough. I like how this game rewards exploration by the way.


I still swear the hit percentages are totally bullshit, though. Anything less than 70% and I miss about 75% of the time. Do enemies have some evade stat or something that effects my chance to hit?

Are you using a ranger? Moving closer to the target will increase your hit chance. Also crossbows are stronger and more accurate than regular bows but use extra AP. Also get that toggleable skill which increases your hit by 30% at the cost of only one additional AP.

If you're missing on melee, I dunno, maybe grab that earth magic buff (Bless?) that increases hit by 30%?


Hey guys, I have a fairly crappy laptop but its surprised me with what it can handle so far so I was wondering how it would handle this game.

CPU: i5-2410M 2.30 GHz
GPU: GeForce GT 525M

I don't need to play on high settings, medium would be fine. I'm not expecting OS to be particularly demanding considering what it is, but I'd rather know before I drop 40 clams on it.


Are you using a ranger? Moving closer to the target will increase your hit chance. Also crossbows are stronger and more accurate than regular bows but use extra AP. Also get that toggleable skill which increases your hit by 30% at the cost of only one additional AP.

If you're missing on melee, I dunno, maybe grab that earth magic buff (Bless?) that increases hit by 30%?
Yea, I've got a bowman(woman). My problem is the advertised percent to hit while in combat doesnt seem to be accurate. It means my decision making can be shit because I'm making choices based on faulty data.

Anyways, what are the future plans for this game in terms of updates/DLC/expansions or whatever?


Well, uh. This happened when I was trying to move a barrel over those stairs.


I ended up being able to drag it around, but obviously I couldn't put it down. It was still funny though.
Well, uh. This happened when I was trying to move a barrel over those stairs.


I ended up being able to drag it around, but obviously I couldn't put it down. It was still funny though.

Wow, that's great. Of all the errors that could have happened this is among the best.

I assume it's just some odd display bug? :/


I think i'm doing it wrong. Finding the game extremely difficult.

made a thief and a cleric without realising until level 3 you could have any build you want.

my thief can do damage from behind but can be a glass cannon. My cleric is slow and always has her turn last even though speed is 7. I gave her a point in fire magic too but her 1 hand attack isn't too bad.

the other 2 NPCs are ok, I find the 2 hander NPC useful.

but one large battle north of the camp just above the fire pits took awhile, I had to escape and then return to rez someone after I killed the 2 casters and 2 archers.

on my return I had to kite 2 enemies with the thief lol.


Funky, if your lvl is lower than you're enemy, you're in the wrong area. Go East from the city at lvl 3.

At lvl 7 now, just beaten
. Finding it quite easy with my squad since I restarted.

It's definitely a game that rewards playing for a few hours to gain a grasp and then restarting.


It's my first time playing a game like this and it shows. I have a problem with skill points.

For fire mage, I want to invest in

For melee guy, I think I will be fine with:
-perception (?)

But when it comes to those stats on the right side, I'm really clueless. Skills? Defence? Personality? Which should I choose? I have no idea :lol: Can anybody help me with that?


Funky, if your lvl is lower than you're enemy, you're in the wrong area. Go East from the city at lvl 3.

At lvl 7 now, just beaten
. Finding it quite easy with my squad since I restarted.

It's definitely a game that rewards playing for a few hours to gain a grasp and then restarting.

Yeah I did that to level up. The level 3 area was still quite hard. Burning through pots and At least one revive every large fight. I'm level 5 now. Thought about rerolling but want to stick with it. Undead enemies spewing poison when hit is a bitch.
But when it comes to those stats on the right side, I'm really clueless. Skills? Defence? Personality? Which should I choose? I have no idea :lol: Can anybody help me with that?

The really important thing to remember is that the cost to buy up any given skill goes up with each rank, but the benefits tend to be fairly linear. It's almost never a problem to buy a skill to level 1 since it only burns one point, but it starts to burn through your resources faster after that. For many skills, the best thing to do is get them from equipment -- most important non-combat skills can be boosted pretty high just through armor selection.

In terms of individual skills, my own personal breakdown by category:

  • Weapons: These exist mostly to give you a damage boost. It definitely doesn't hurt to put a point or two in your main weapon, but later on you'll unlock what's basically a magical weapon ability that you'll probably want to buy up instead. Mostly not worth the boost after a couple levels either way.
  • Defence: I never boosted anything in this category on anyone. Offense is the best defense in this game, followed by armor and skills.
  • Skills: The most important category. Most of your characters' power comes from your skills; these abilities determine how many skills you can learn and how many action points they cost. Most characters will have one or two categories they focus in, which you'll (at least eventually) want to buy up to 5, which gives you the ability to learn unlimited skills of that type.
  • Personality: Everything here you should be using equipment for after the first couple points. Bartering makes you a lot of money on the margins over the course of the game; whoever initiates the conversation where you ask to trade determines what Bartering level is applied, so you only ever need this on one character. Charisma is worth a couple points on one character only to let you win social challenges more easily. Leadership isn't that important and you'll get it from traits/equipment. Lucky Find isn't worth it.
  • Craftsmanship: Blacksmithing lets you improve your equipment and forge new pieces; I didn't bother with it but others have found it valuable. Crafting is needed to make potions and spellbooks, which is pretty useful; one of the companions starts with some so I just had him focus on it. Loremaster is vital for field-identifying equipment, but there's tons of stuff that grants it (including most rings and necklaces), so maybe buy one point to bootstrap then get the rest from equipment. Telekinesis you'll get from equipment and should probably never buy.
  • Nasty Deeds: Lockpicking is unfortunately almost entirely useless. Pickpocketing is less useless but still pretty useless. Sneaking is the least useless but the payoff for buying it is still pretty minimal, and it's easy to get invisibility effects that are much more useful for the same purpose.


Just started playing this over the weekend. I got a copy for a friend and she had an extra day off so she's already well ahead of me, but we've jumped into each other's games a few times and had some fun.

But I've got a question.

To raise a skill (from the right, specifically thinking of archery) to level two, do I have to have the left side stats up to a certain level or just need more than one point to raise it so that's why it hasn't been an option yet?


Just started playing this over the weekend. I got a copy for a friend and she had an extra day off so she's already well ahead of me, but we've jumped into each other's games a few times and had some fun.

But I've got a question.

To raise a skill (from the right, specifically thinking of archery) to level two, do I have to have the left side stats up to a certain level or just need more than one point to raise it so that's why it hasn't been an option yet?

More than one point. To raise it to level 2 you need to spend two skill point, to raise it to level 3 you need 3 and so on.


Yep. So it means for a level or two you might have unused points because you'll need to save them up.

My points go all in Str/Int at the moment (currently at about 11/12 in each) until I get to 15,then I'll add some to others. My skills it's all going on the 4 wizard options and man at arms.


Just got to the madman in the
. I remember from my first short play what happened when you speak to him, one fireball and one strategically placed teleport and boom, down to one enemy!


i'm level 5 now and have clearled the lighthouse and all the north parts.

all that is left is the orc boss on the beach who is 7 and the wolfs, skeletons etc to the east which are 7.

orc boss is impossible but I got no where else to level up. I tried the level 7 stuff at the east but that is too difficult as well.


There is a bunch of stuff to do to get you between 5 and 7.

I'm assuming you've been back to town to report that these things have been cleared?

Where are you on the death of Jake?

Just finished Cyseal today, lvl 10 feeling like a boss. lol.
Spoilers from near the end of the game. Need help from those who have finished it.

I'm in the phantom forest and came across an enemy named the source tainted knight. Tried fighting him for almost half an hour but I couldn't drop his health to lower than 80% before something would happen and he'd heal back to full health. Tried all the various elemental types of damage but nothing seems to stick. Is there some trick to defeating him?


There is a bunch of stuff to do to get you between 5 and 7.

I'm assuming you've been back to town to report that these things have been cleared?

Where are you on the death of Jake?

Just finished Cyseal today, lvl 10 feeling like a boss. lol.

Yeah I reported And didn't get much for it. Well I got the trap spell from that woman's house who disappeard. I can't follow her because the enemies in the way are too high.


More than one point. To raise it to level 2 you need to spend two skill point, to raise it to level 3 you need 3 and so on.

Belated thanks. :) Played some more tonight. This game is so much fun and I really love jumping into my friend's game and seeing how differently she's approaching various scenarios. The system is really robust.

edit: The orc boss isn't so bad if you use a lot of elemental stuff on him and focus on getting rid of the shaman. Easier if you have archery.


Is there no level scaling in the game? I'm stuck at a boss in Act 2
where you get the vial of Death Knight blood
so I was hoping to grind for a bit before retrying for the 4th time.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
No respawning enemies = no grinding. You need to make do with what you're given, or find alternate sources for EXP.


Is there no level scaling in the game? I'm stuck at a boss in Act 2
where you get the vial of Death Knight blood
so I was hoping to grind for a bit before retrying for the 4th time.

I've no idea where you are as you're ahead of me, but what are your levels respective to the boss?
Ended up giving up halfway through. Put a lot of time into the game, really enjoyed the combat a lot but the plot was just too silly/whimsical for me. I prefer a darker, more serious tone I guess.

The plot isnt silly or whimsical, its terrible. I decided i couldnt give a fuck anymore probably also around halfway through (had to enter the mines). Did spent like 30 hours on it so i got my moneys worth, mechanics are fun but the story just gave me no reason to play.

Sneaking is the least useless but the payoff for buying it is still pretty minimal, and it's easy to get invisibility effects that are much more useful for the same purpose.
Sneaking is amazing on a character that can backstab. Also give that character glass canon for maximum fun.


I've no idea where you are as you're ahead of me, but what are your levels respective to the boss?

I was underleveled compared to the enemies. Since the game is so free-form, I skipped over tons of quests (map isn't fully explored yet) so I'm probably not supposed to be there yet. ;)
"I just haven't encountered a situation where you wouldn't rather just use one of the invisibility spells."

You can't get Guerilla bonus damage with (just) invisibility. Sneaking is mostly for the insane backstab+guerilla damage. And sneak at max rank costs 1AP with no cooldown.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Just started with a sneak build (forgot the class) and a knight build. I haven't ever played one of these games. Is there an in game GAF chat to join? Or a way to play with other noobs?


Anyone feel that archers go from underpowered to OP at lvl 13 with
Arrow Spray

Deals so much damage over a huge AOE, without friendly fire or needing to be in melee range. The insane single target DPS feels more in line with Barrage (which needs an slight buff to attack x4 like a ranged Flurry). Arrow Spray probably should be a ranged Whirlwind (hits enemies only once but with a big damage multiplier). Though I shouldn't really complain, love that skill. :)


I own Divine Divinity, Beyond Divinity, Divinity II, and would be willing to pick up Dragon Commander based on what GAF says the next best game in the series would be to play after loving the shit out of Original Sin.
Is there a respec NPC? I clicked the wrong skill. :(

You can respec near the end of the game, but it wipes out everything (stat points, skills, abilities, talents) and there are some things in the game that you can't get another copy of, so be careful with it.

What did you buy that you didn't mean to? Most of the things in the game aren't a big deal i you spend one point wrong....
You can respec near the end of the game, but it wipes out everything (stat points, skills, abilities, talents) and there are some things in the game that you can't get another copy of, so be careful with it.

What did you buy that you didn't mean to? Most of the things in the game aren't a big deal i you spend one point wrong....

Let's just say I have loremaster 2, bartering 2, leadership 2... :(


Let's just say I have loremaster 2, bartering 2, leadership 2... :(
That's not gonna kill ya. Leadership isn't a bad skill(although you can easily get it via items). Loremaster will be needed. Bartering is fairly useless unless you spend a lot of money. So a few points wasted at most. Not a huge deal. You'll have plenty more to play with. One of my guys has 15 points unused at the moment and I'm doing alright still.
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