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Do you play video games as an escape?

Hey GAF. I am in such a dark place right now that I can't entertain playing games because I typically don't buy into the video games as an escape mentality. I like to play when I'm happy or in good company usually...which gets me curious about GAF's take on this subject. What say you GAF, do you or do you not play games as an escape?
Kinda depends. I remember when my wife had a miscarriage it was right around the time Skyrim came out, and I put it on her PC and mine and we both played quite a bit, it was a nice escape to get away and live in this "fantasy" world for a bit. I'd say it helped.

That said, you do have to eventually put it down and deal with reality and in my experience it's better to deal with that sooner than later so you can heal and grow.
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Well I think you could call a lot of things an "escape from reality" such as even just watching a TV show or reading a book, you become engrossed in another narrative and aren't thinking about your normal day to day life for a while. I think that's part of the appeal of any fun/leisure activity.


I use to play for fun, but something horrible happened and I use them to escape my own misery now
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Hells yeah! Real life goals are hard and take a lot of work and patience, so it’s fun to take a break and quickly accomplish some goal a game hands you, like clearing a level or moving the story forward. It’s like movies, but more rewarding bc you actively made it happen.

If that doesn’t help, I suggest reading a book. A real book with a story, where you turn the pages. If you like fantasy, I suggest the Chronicles of Amber or the Book of Swords. I am personally going to get the Elric saga soon, been wanting to read that again.

Good luck to you!


I hope you feel better.
I also cannot play games if for some reason I feel down. What helps me is going active, go out for a walk etc.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Not really, but I suppose they are anyhow.
And yes we hope you feel better, time ussualy heals and new good things will emerge.


Play Chronicles of Riddick. Youll embrace the darkness but want to escape at the same time.
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TV, movies, games they are all an escape from reality in a way, but that is OK. It is important to get away and relax sometimes. The important thing is to realize that they are an escape and not let it take over your life. I have had dark periods where I put off dealing with my issues by escaping full time into entertainment and it doesn't lead to happiness, only guilt and shame for not doing the things I knew I needed to do or not dealing with the things I needed to. In everything balance


When I moved to China GTA IV helped me when I needed to surround myself with familiar things when I'd sometimes be homesick. China disappeared and I was back in (Fake) familiar lands on my TV screen. Just watching The Wire didn't do that for me.


"I have claimed that Escape is one of the main functions of fairy-stories, and since I do not disapprove of them, it is plain that I do not accept the tone of scorn or pity with which 'Escape' is now so often used. Why should a man be scorned if, finding himself in prison, he tries to get out and go home? Or if he cannot do so, he thinks and talks about other topics than jailers and prison-walls?" ― J.R.R. Tolkien


Hey GAF. I am in such a dark place right now that I can't entertain playing games because I typically don't buy into the video games as an escape mentality. I like to play when I'm happy or in good company usually...which gets me curious about GAF's take on this subject. What say you GAF, do you or do you not play games as an escape?

I don't, but sometimes escaping is the right thing to do when you're dealing with shit. We all play games to feel something, in the end.

Just make sure to use that escape in a healthy way, while actively trying to solve your real life problems.


Hey GAF. I am in such a dark place right now that I can't entertain playing games because I typically don't buy into the video games as an escape mentality. I like to play when I'm happy or in good company usually...which gets me curious about GAF's take on this subject. What say you GAF, do you or do you not play games as an escape?
Not always, but i am currently dealing with alot of bullshit in life, and diving in to cyberpunk is really helping to get my head out of this world. Its been a great distraction. (Not a distraction from my responsibilities mind)


Yes I do for sure. Playing a videogame is a wonderful feeling especially if it's a classic one. I get totally into the game like buying novels, artbooks, and custom swag.
I guess? Basically all forms of entertainment are a form of escape at some level. It's nice to concentrate on enjoyable things for a period of time and put away the stresses of life for a time.

And there's nothing wrong with that. As with all things, it's moderation that is important.


I play games to enjoy them. I don't really need an escape. I find them relaxing and I like the story for the most part in games. If you are in a dark place don't use a game to get you out talk some people that genuinely care about you...get counseling.


Not primarily, but I have found them helpful when going through rough times.

With that said, when I use them as an "escape" from bad stuff I usually do so with some multiplayer games or replaying an older one. When I play a new game that I'm excited about I try to do so when I'm actually in the mood and able to fully enjoy them.
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
I play games because I am a video game junkie - totally addicted and love it. But I sometimes also use them as an escape if I'm feeling down or have some problem I'd like to forget about for a while.


There was a time when I did. But my life doesn't suck now like it sucked then so now I just play because I enjoy it.


I play them for one form of indoor entertainment and to generate adrenaline. It's a great tool for those who have sleep conditions such as narcolepsy. Games with one shot kill bosses are particularly good at generating adrenaline.


When I got depressed over ten years ago I really couldn't enjoy gaming, or pretty much any kind of leisure activity for that matter. In my case I couldn't use gaming to escape even if I wanted to.

Then by chance I stumbled upon the Hatsune Miku: Project Diva games on PSP and to this day I am not afraid to admit those games played a big part in me getting out of depression, I didn't even know what a Vocaloid was at the time. 🤣
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If by escape you mean escape not having anything to do, then yes.

I don't play video games to self-insert into fantasy land, I just play because I find video games fun. If a game isn't fun I'll do something else that is.


I play them for one form of indoor entertainment and to generate adrenaline. It's a great tool for those who have sleep conditions such as narcolepsy. Games with one shot kill bosses are particularly good at generating adrenaline.
This is why I enjoy shoot 'em ups so much, weaving through curtains of bullets with my tiny ship gives me such a rush every time I pull it off.
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Reverse groomer.
Not really, i don't think i have much to escape from. even excluding video games, i'm very happy with what little i have. I play video games to have a lot of fun and to get engrossed into art and the creativity found in said video game
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