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| DOOM Eternal OT | : Dragged Ripping & Tearing Into The New Decade!


Because story threads don't have to immediately explain themselves. One of the lines is specifically made for you to become obvious later in the game when you have to kill the Icon of Sin. You can put 2 and 2 together if you want to. Or you can read the codex if you want a more detailed explanation which obviously you do but you actually don't.
The story isn't the most amazing thing ever put into media, but it's not "star wars fanfic tier" as you lke to exaggerate.
And if you want a simple story, that's fine. But you have to realize that at some point DOOM has to move past "We on mars, we kill demons." if you want them to keep churning out sequels that aren't just rehashes.

[Hold R to Skip] may be your solution then. And the options that changes the "rainbow" UI/dropouts. Just saying.
Exactly. Personally, I think the story in both games is awesome. It only shows so much to you directly. Then you can get more from logs, and somethings you catch in a second or third playthrough. It doesn't hold your hand and shove everything in your face and I love that. There's ambiguity, and there are questions that the community talks about for days, week, months. Hell, years.

They're creating a DOOM universe, and I think they're doing a phenomenal job. It's a step no one wanted to take, but they did, and personally, I feel they should be applauded for it. It's something they said they were going to do with Eternal and they did.

The opinions of stories can be subjective and that's more than fine. But it's definitely clear that a lot of people are into it, and big time.

But if you don't care about the story, just ignore it, and shooty shooty boom boom.


NEVER play this game drunk ..took me over an hour to beat a particular arena last night on nightmare while downing a 6 pack , got up this morning sobered with some coffee got it first try . Rewatched what I did last night and it was amazing the stupid mistakes I was making . It's like I was moving so fast that I actually was dashing into enemies and making the worst decisions possible .


Alright so I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the best at shooters (My specialty is more Character Action games), but I just finished my second playthrough NG+ Ultra-Violence. My initial playthrough was just Hurt Me Plenty.

I got through most of the game no problem but hot damn Final Sin is a clusterfuck. I had 26 lives and by the time I killed IoS I was down to 9. Has me debating with myself as to whether I want to do Nightmare or take a break. I feel like doing Nightmare I'd have to grind Sentinal Prime for Extra Lives every other level or something, which isn't too appealing.

Tbh I've always been of the opinion that remixing enemy sets is more interesting than changing damage/health values when it comes to difficulty options, so maybe I'll just play Master Levels and take break before I get burnt out.

Also anyone else wish they would patch in the Unmayker it's own ammo? I haven't used it since my first playthrough. If it had seperate ammo from the BFG at least it could be used more.
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You can also BFG cheese the Marauder. It is risky though since you waste bfg ammo, if you fuck up.
When he throws his weapon and runs at you, place a granade in his way and fire the bfg. The grenade staggers him and the BFG does the oneshot kill.
Doesn't help vs the first one of course.


It's interesting seeing all the different approaches to killing those guys. I can't believe I was even having any trouble with them on HMP, they're not even hard on Nightmare they just take a lot of shots sometimes it seems.

Nightmare is a fucking chore on console though, I concede that KB&M is superior lol, particularly after seeing those gifs from 12Goblins 12Goblins , weapon switching that fast is simply not possible on a controller and that seriously limits your combo abilities. Still having a blast but I can see how high the skill ceiling is now and it's crazy.
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One thing I really like in DE is the environmental weapons, I wish they would have done a little bit more of that sort of thing. It's fun and rewarding to maneuver 2 pinkys under a giant spiked block I can drop with a bullet.


It's interesting seeing all the different approaches to killing those guys. I can't believe I was even having any trouble with them on HMP, they're not even hard on Nightmare they just take a lot of shots sometimes it seems.

Nightmare is a fucking chore on console though, I concede that KB&M is superior lol, particularly after seeing those gifs from 12Goblins 12Goblins , weapon switching that fast is simply not possible on a controller and that seriously limits your combo abilities. Still having a blast but I can see how high the skill ceiling is now and it's crazy.

One thing that would be really cool is if there's a Next Gen version, or maybe just the X1 version BC on XSX that gets patched, that has KB&M support. DOOM 1, 2, and 64 have the option on Xbox (and maybe PS4 too, I'm not sure), so maybe that's something that could be added later on for current or even next gen or something.


I'm loving the game but does anyone else feel like the levels are too big for their own good? The pacing just seems off compared to DOOM 2016. I'm really only able to do one level per day, I feel goddamn exhausted after finishing one.
NEVER play this game drunk ..took me over an hour to beat a particular arena last night on nightmare while downing a 6 pack , got up this morning sobered with some coffee got it first try . Rewatched what I did last night and it was amazing the stupid mistakes I was making . It's like I was moving so fast that I actually was dashing into enemies and making the worst decisions possible .

I played on launch pretty drunk and the rest of the times I had a decent buzz going. Whiskey is my aggressive drunk and I never touch the shit, but figured it would be good for Doom.

Oddly enough I found myself playing a lot better under the influence. Made me get creative with how I was going to tackle rooms and how much damage I could inflict.


I've been going DEEP on Battlemode for the last few days.

There are some really annoying bugs and some games are incredibly laggy but overall it's pretty great.

Currently aiming to complete the Triumphs, 50 games for each character.


Just finished, loved it.

Ps is the controller meant to rumble though the whole end credits? The game is trying to drain my battery so I cant cheat on it with another.
I'm loving the game but does anyone else feel like the levels are too big for their own good? The pacing just seems off compared to DOOM 2016. I'm really only able to do one level per day, I feel goddamn exhausted after finishing one.
I wish they offered the ability to do quick saves. There's really cool arenas I'd enjoy playing over and over, and regretfully they're buried in the levels and I don't always have the patience to go back through to get to them.

*Update to avoid double-posting*
How the fuck is it possible that until now I've never seen the Mythbusters episode where they see what it would be like if DOOM Slayer really had to carry all his weapons and ammo?

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So I just defeated

Khan Mayker. I thought there would be more to this fight but it still took me 2 lives to kill her. The biggest pain is those damn drones and when she plays "floor is lava"

How much further to go?

Also, how much of a pain in the ass is...

Icon of Sin?


So I just defeated

Khan Mayker. I thought there would be more to this fight but it still took me 2 lives to kill her. The biggest pain is those damn drones and when she plays "floor is lava"

How much further to go?

Also, how much of a pain in the ass is...

Icon of Sin?
1. Not much further at all. An hour or two depending on your play style.
2. Definitely pretty tough, but there are things that make it more tolerable.
CrustyBritches CrustyBritches that slo-mo on landing trick you showed me is really helping me deal with those makyr drones that you have to headshot (y)
After we were discussing the weapon switch on controller, I went looking for a solution. Thanks to Razer only supporting their Wolverine pad in their own proprietary software, I couldn't initially achieve my goal of using the face buttons and start to store 5 weapons of choice. However, using a DOOM Eternal custom scheme, Razer Synapse, and ReWASD I was able to use the Left-analog button press as a "shift-modifier" that when held the face buttons and start become 5 keyboard number keys. Swapping is so fast now, still getting used to it in gameplay, but I never miss a swap now and it's much faster. Example:

I won't go into it too deep, but you can do some real funny/cheap bullshit using macros. Helps put some of the "god-tier" vids I've seen into perspective. :pie_thinking: :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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That's crazy lol, nice work
Thanks! It was a pain in the ass since, according to ReWASD devs, you can't access the back 6 buttons on the Wolverine except via Razer's Synapse app. Synapse only let's you clone/swap buttons. It was totally convoluted to get it to work, and without Eternal having custom control option built-in, it wouldn't have worked at all. I don't use the face buttons normally, so hopefully ReWASD will figure out a way around it eventually and the left-analog push can be pulled from the equation.

If I were to customize the controller, I'd put buttons on the inside of the handles(?) of the controller, 2 on each side, where you could get at them with your pinky(demon) fingers. So 10 extra buttons accessed by fingers on the back, thumbs run the sticks only. 💁‍♂️

I'm supposed to be recording a collab vid right now with my buddy who's on PS4. We're gonna do the same arenas on Nightmare using controllers. He actually plays instead of tinkering, so I think he'll be better, but I'll be...fancier?💃


On thing I noticed last night that very few games seem to do, is that when you remap the controls, the loading screen tips will reflect your button assignments, which is really nice.

I reassigned buttons in DBFZ, and when you do the tutorials, it still gives you the instructions in the original scheme, making it confusing as fuck.


I played on launch pretty drunk and the rest of the times I had a decent buzz going. Whiskey is my aggressive drunk and I never touch the shit, but figured it would be good for Doom.

Oddly enough I found myself playing a lot better under the influence. Made me get creative with how I was going to tackle rooms and how much damage I could inflict.
At first it was like that . When I started it was great . I remember reading that drinking focuses you and I believe it . I was completely focused , doing things I normally wouldn't do and having it work but as I drank more I can literally see where it started to go down hill , I could see what I wanted to do but my motor functions were in their way out and was missing easy shots and jumps and forgetting where I was on a map and cornering myself or dashing into a wall.

Being able to record your gameplay really is a great thing as you pick apart what is going on , If you're so inclined
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I'm just about done Nightmare but stuck on the fucking Flying boss fight, it's stupid how many times they make you do the cycle, it's like 6 times. It's really an odd duck of a fight, feels out of place somewhat for this game.

Can't use your chainsaw for ammo refills, and it's tough headshotting those guys every single time in the heat of the moment on nightmare, so I've been Rune swapping between the air mobility for taking on the boss, and the air slow mo which lets you headshot with ease. Sort of a pain in the ass., but if I don't do the swapping, I run out of slo mo for the drones because I'm doing jumping Rocket lock ons for the big guy. Fuck I hate this fight.
I'm just about done Nightmare but stuck on the fucking Flying boss fight, it's stupid how many times they make you do the cycle, it's like 6 times. It's really an odd duck of a fight, feels out of place somewhat for this game.

Can't use your chainsaw for ammo refills, and it's tough headshotting those guys every single time in the heat of the moment on nightmare, so I've been Rune swapping between the air mobility for taking on the boss, and the air slow mo which lets you headshot with ease. Sort of a pain in the ass., but if I don't do the swapping, I run out of slo mo for the drones because I'm doing jumping Rocket lock ons for the big guy. Fuck I hate this fight.

Just did this last night, on UV though but my strategy was this:
- Chaingun w/Energy Shield mod to get the boss shield down
- meathook + blood punch.
- slow-mo + Precision Mod against the Drones for ammo

I saw some streamer using micro-missiles to burn the shield down and that did not work for me at all.
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The flying boss was fun except for the floor hazards. I felt like I was playing a god damned MMO. Such a bizarre handicap for the player imo.


I finally beat the encounter where you have to defeat a Marauder in 30 seconds (!?) That was something else lol. playing on Ultra violence.
I had BFG rounds but couldn't get any to actually land and ended up winning with a combo of super shot gun / ballista / frag grenades and timing (luck).
i tried battlemode 5 mins. ago and the first thing that happened to me is a god damn cheater flying around spamming rockets left and right. :messenger_unamused:


I finally beat the encounter where you have to defeat a Marauder in 30 seconds (!?) That was something else lol. playing on Ultra violence.
I had BFG rounds but couldn't get any to actually land and ended up winning with a combo of super shot gun / ballista / frag grenades and timing (luck).
The BFG is good to shoot over his head , he'll try to block it by lifting his shield up and as it passes by him he'll actually turn around and open his back up
The flying boss was fun except for the floor hazards. I felt like I was playing a god damned MMO. Such a bizarre handicap for the player imo.
The numerous floor hazards are pretty much the only things I hate about this game. Thankfully, there aren't many arenas with them but they still make some sections a pain in the ass. Especially on Nightmare where those damn tentacles can nearly one-shot you lol


Finally took down that fucking flying thing on Nightmare. It's brutal, after every cycle she fires the homing satellite fire beam which is pretty fast at tracking you and fucks the ground up, constant incoming maykr drone fire, the boss is always throwing the same very effective 2 long range attacks you have to be dodging and the purple one has a decent AOE, and you have to be near perfect at headshotting a maykr drone after each time you hit the boss, then on top of the satellite beam they fucking make the floor lava in apparently random formations so you can't memorize the layout and have to always be moving on the upper platforms that aren't on fire, plus if you don't take the shield down fast enough it recharges....


Finally finished this yesterday. I was not feeling it after the first couple of levels, but once the game gets past introducing all the various systems, it really ramps up on the fun factor. The final levels were great, with some crazy battles, but the boss fights were disappointing due to their repetitiveness. Repeating the same cycle 7 times on the flying boss is not fun. They make it seem like the final boss will have 2 phases to his fight, but instead you do basically the same thing just in a new area where the boss slowly rotates around.

Overall, I really enjoyed the music, art design variety, and the gameplay (especially once you start getting enough upgrades and weapons). I also appreciate that they were able to add more "in-between battle area" combat. In terms of the story, they left enough threads to drive a sequel, so I'm looking forward to whenever that drops.


Finally beat Nightmare. Every single encounter after the Flying boss took me tons of retries, it's absolutely relentless for that last stretch of the game.

Going through to finish off the collectibles on UV now and it feels like Kotaku mode lol.
I'm going back through on Nightmare now, and something I'm really starting to hone in on is Dash evades while reversing to shooting while escaping with jump/dash. The more I play, the more it feels like some twisted slaughterfest on ice skates or a skateboard. They should have let you do grinds/slides on certain edges. Would be hilarious. :messenger_winking_tongue:
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So taking a break from Eternal I just finished the entirety of DOOM 1 (including Sigil) for the first time, and I gotta say it's crazy how good/addicting it is for such an old game. Really the only parts I didn't like were the first two levels of Thy Flesh Consumed (honestly the second one is just bullshit and made me restart the episode on HMP instead of UV).

But man it's cool how the newer games have captured the same "keep moving/shooting or you're dead" gameplay loop.

To change things up though instead of going into DOOM 2 right away I think I'm going to try DOOM 3, since it's more of a reimagining of DOOM 1 and I don't want to get burned out in DOOM 2 with it being so similar to 1. Then after 2 I'll try 64, and then if I'm not tired of DOOM I'll replay 4 and Eternal again 😈


Am I the only one who had trouble getting through this wall? lol. I feel like they need to address it via patch as I was clearly landing the punches but it just didn't break most the time which causes you to fall for damage or death, theres a secret encounter behind it which took me a handful of retries to beat.

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