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Evolve |OT| Leaving Monsters 4 Dead


Still active on the xb1? Had to delete it off the hdd to make room. Figured out battlefield hardline isn't for me. Haven't really played evolve since march.


Decided to try playing as monster a bit in skirmish yesterday. Boy did I get chopped up. They were all rank 15+ hunters though

I find it strange the monster can understand the human language. I think the game would've felt a tiny more polished if all the monster heard was gibberish.

Was sort of thinking Skirmish might be better to play as the monster too. Because you enjoy constant action as you evade the hunters and feed while all the hunters do is run around in circles looking for the monster (worse case scenario though). Some wildlife give hunters a buff when killed but only a handful I think

Also, game could still use a bit more variety of modes. Being a dedicated multiplayer game I'd expect as many modes as one can find in BF4 or CoD: AW. Could use some sort of Hunter vs Hunter mode. But guess that would totally break the game. Which sort of leads one to conclude this game's concept is a bit shallow in that regard. Cant really build upon it to add lots of variety


did they ever add the promised Nvidia GameWorks features into the game?...Turtle Rock announced in late February they would be doing it later via a patch


Neo Member
So how are people couping with the Behemoth? I have gotten a kind of OCD where I have to play Behemoth when I play the monster just because I am so bad with him. He is a really hard monster to play and more often than I like to admit I get ripped apart by the Hunters. I usually have no problem playing as Goliath or Kraken though. It was so long since I played Wraith so I am not sure how I would fair with her at the moment.
So how are people couping with the Behemoth? I have gotten a kind of OCD where I have to play Behemoth when I play the monster just because I am so bad with him. He is a really hard monster to play and more often than I like to admit I get ripped apart by the Hunters. I usually have no problem playing as Goliath or Kraken though. It was so long since I played Wraith so I am not sure how I would fair with her at the moment.

I'm not really a good monster player but I always play Behemoth if I get monster. I don't think he's the best or anything I just find it more fun because he's new and somewhat fresh. I do think he is quite strong at stage 1 with armor and for someone like me that gets caught at stage 1 a lot that helps. If I get to stage 2 I get some armor and just go fighting, because I don't really enjoy playing monster that much so a quicker game is better for me.

I like to put 2 in lava bomb for damage dealing and 1 in tongue grab. I used to use rock wall but it's so inconsistent that I stopped, it sucked planning out a good combo and then the wall having a giant hole in it. Tongue grab is really useful though especially if you can aim it well, it makes focusing one person so much easier. You can also use it to grab mammoth birds so that they are under a cave and won't spawn birds.

He's so slow at just general traversal that I HAVE to stealth when stage 1, which obviously is useless if they have Maggie. But them going off in the wrong direction and me getting a lot of armor in the other is really the only chance I have of surviving any half decent hunter team.

Edit: also the weekend event's stretch goal was reached for once!


No point in me buying that as it'll only be locked to my US account anyway so I'm screwed.

I need to wait and hope they fix this content locked to an account issue.


$15 is half the price of that Hunter pack. Huh, I'm tempted. I'd love to tryout the new characters. $30 was just too much to swing
Just like when GTAV came out I'm sure TW3 will take a huge chunk of the playerbase that won't return. Hope TRS and 2K are working on some promotional stuff!


Just like when GTAV came out I'm sure TW3 will take a huge chunk of the playerbase that won't return. Hope TRS and 2K are working on some promotional stuff!

I was waiting for that new matchmaking system but now that Witcher 3 is out and Batman is on the horizon, I probably won't return even if they release it.
I was waiting for that new matchmaking system but now that Witcher 3 is out and Batman is on the horizon, I probably won't return even if they release it.

I see a lot of people asking for a ranked matchmaking but I really don't think it's a good idea with a player count this low. It already matches via levels but if it truly tries to match via skill groups it's going to lead to people just endlessly searching. Beggers can't be choosers and all that.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman
No weekend challenge this week?

If you want you to play your game and you don't incentive to play it,you expect a lot of people in your dead game?


No weekend challenge this week?

If you want you to play your game and you don't incentive to play it,you expect a lot of people in your dead game?

I think necrophilia is illegal in most countries, so they don't want to encourage people to play Evolve.

No, I am not bitter at all and do not regret buying this on release day.



A lot of people are going to play The Witcher this weekend (I know I am!), so perhaps they thought participation would be too low for a challenge this week?
Not sure what to think about an Arena mode. Will probably curb a lot of the 'running simulator' complaints but I mean Hunting is the game. Only combat would get boring to me. However the other modes are done pretty well so I should give them the benefit of the doubt.

It's crazy how bad a rep the game got from the pre-launch cosmetic DLC shenanigans though, already got two free maps, observer mode, and now a new mode and probably more maps and you don't see any proportional amount of positive response compared to what they got before.


Purchased the Hunter pass a few minutes before sale ended (I really debated did I really need/want the new content). Felt pressured to buy before it went back up to $24.99 though. Will have to checkout the new hunters. This is the only dlc I purchased for this game so far

Looking forward to details on the new Arena mode. This game could use a slightly different mode. Heck, I don't care if it's Hunter vs Hunter lol
Well this is a bit shit. I bought the hunter pass too in the sale but they've changed the way DLC works. I had Behemoth on my US account and I was using a UK disc and I could play as him and use him. However, now, although I own Behemoth and the hunters on my US account I can no longer use any of that DLC with a UK disc. This wasn't the case before, and it was why I purchased the hunting pass - because I knew Behemoth who was US DLC worked on my disc.

Well this is a bit shit. I bought the hunter pass too in the sale but they've changed the way DLC works. I had Behemoth on my US account and I was using a UK disc and I could play as him and use him. However, now, although I own Behemoth and the hunters on my US account I can no longer use any of that DLC with a UK disc. This wasn't the case before, and it was why I purchased the hunting pass - because I knew Behemoth who was US DLC worked on my disc.


You should contact 2k with proof of purchase, they've been good about enabling the DLCs for people who had issues like yours in the past.
I'm impressed they went back and did changes to the maps to fix some annoying spots. Here's a rundown with a dev showcasing the map changes.

Yeah I watched the debut stream and it seems like they put a lot of work into the update. I also dig that they killed the snap-to autoaim abuse.

Anyone played some arena and have any thoughts on it? My worry is it splits the already low playerbase.


Barely anyone wants to play as a monster compared to the hunters causing terrible matchmaking issues and people to desert the game, so they added a mode where the monster can't escape.
I picked this up a few days ago and am really impressed. I was one of those who was turned off early by the DLC pricing stuff and dismissed it, but after buying the game and Hunter Season Pass for around $45 (fair price), I'm really loving it. Just behind Witcher III as my GotY so far.

Add me if you are playing on PS4: Kool-Hand_Luke (I'm focusing on medic and monster)
Community is starting to get really entrenched and toxic :/ Haven't heard as many assholes prior to tonight as I did in tonight's sessions. People are just really good now and have such a short fuse for people not doing their job right, also saw a guy deliberately throwing which was a first. Turning into a moba situation but without the huge player numbers to soften the impact making it so there's always a fresh pool to try.

I guess that's the issue with such a high teamwork required game, people who are good just feel frustrated and like their having their time wasted by someone else not playing right as they alone cannot carry the game. And newer players just say fuck this I didn't buy this game to get yelled at and quit.


Community is starting to get really entrenched and toxic :/ Haven't heard as many assholes prior to tonight as I did in tonight's sessions. People are just really good now and have such a short fuse for people not doing their job right, also saw a guy deliberately throwing which was a first. Turning into a moba situation but without the huge player numbers to soften the impact making it so there's always a fresh pool to try.

I guess that's the issue with such a high teamwork required game, people who are good just feel frustrated and like their having their time wasted by someone else not playing right as they alone cannot carry the game. And newer players just say fuck this I didn't buy this game to get yelled at and quit.

Do they have ranks or anything? Or can new players be thrown in with experienced players?
Do they have ranks or anything? Or can new players be thrown in with experienced players?

There is ranks, and the matchmaking does take that into account. I'm level 35 and it's rare I get into games with people outside of the 30-40 range.

Evolve finally on a deep Steam sale today, wonder how it'll pan out. The game is a lot better than it was on release and Arena mode should help with people having trouble with hunt. Hopefully it retains more players from than it did at release.
Community is starting to get really entrenched and toxic :/ Haven't heard as many assholes prior to tonight as I did in tonight's sessions. People are just really good now and have such a short fuse for people not doing their job right, also saw a guy deliberately throwing which was a first. Turning into a moba situation but without the huge player numbers to soften the impact making it so there's always a fresh pool to try.

I guess that's the issue with such a high teamwork required game, people who are good just feel frustrated and like their having their time wasted by someone else not playing right as they alone cannot carry the game. And newer players just say fuck this I didn't buy this game to get yelled at and quit.

Oh good. Wraith. And the trapper has no idea what they're doing?


bail out


Community is starting to get really entrenched and toxic :/ Haven't heard as many assholes prior to tonight as I did in tonight's sessions. People are just really good now and have such a short fuse for people not doing their job right, also saw a guy deliberately throwing which was a first. Turning into a moba situation but without the huge player numbers to soften the impact making it so there's always a fresh pool to try.

I guess that's the issue with such a high teamwork required game, people who are good just feel frustrated and like their having their time wasted by someone else not playing right as they alone cannot carry the game. And newer players just say fuck this I didn't buy this game to get yelled at and quit.

This is disappointing to hear. I was thinking of getting it because it's on sale for $39.99 at Best buy this week. Not sure now. :/


did they ever add the promised Nvidia GameWorks features into the game?...Turtle Rock announced in late February they would be doing it later via a patch

so I'm guessing this will never be released like the promised Nvidia Advanced Tessellation patch for Assassin's Creed: Unity


Season pass is only 25% off...but it only has 4 hunters right (and some skins)?

Hunters are 40% off this weekend...guess ill grab it for the skins...I dunno, maybe I'll just skip again.

Are the new players in use a lot? Old characters still get play time? Hopefully they didn't make the DLC characters more OP...
Season pass is only 25% off...but it only has 4 hunters right (and some skins)?

Hunters are 40% off this weekend...guess ill grab it for the skins...I dunno, maybe I'll just skip again.

Are the new players in use a lot? Old characters still get play time? Hopefully they didn't make the DLC characters more OP...

People use the new chars enough, especially Sunny. I wouldn't say they are overly used though or OP. Sunny's shield drone can be a bit savage but TRS seems really committed to keeping them in line. I have all of them but I still play a lot of Hyde, Parnell, Griffin, etc just because I like playing those too.
In light of the news about Evolve being considered a 'permanent ip' by 2k I watched the 'lore stream' that they did a week and a half ago. The vod is here: http://www.twitch.tv/turtlerockstudios/v/5293320

It's weird but for me this is the most I've actually been into the fiction and characters in a purely multiplayer game. I usually don't care about that stuff at all, but I really like the characters they made. I think they did a great job fleshing out the universe with only small snippets of dialogue between characters on the dropship and in the hunt. If there is future Evolve games and they have a single player component I'd be really interested to see what direction they take it. If it's still about a team of people hunting one big bad or more of a traditional single player game with hordes of enemies to fight.
Wow. That means that this game made actual money. Which is a terrible signal to the games industry.
... it's a polished, fun, unique game that had a lot of content at launch and has been supported with free additional modes and maps while also featuring paid cosmetic items and then some proper paid DLC. How is that any worse than other games?

They fucked up the PR cycle with this game by talking about the DLC early on and they'll probably learn from that with Evolve 2. But the game itself is great.


... it's a polished, fun, unique game that had a lot of content at launch and has been supported with free additional modes and maps while also featuring paid cosmetic items and then some proper paid DLC. How is that any worse than other games?

They fucked up the PR cycle with this game by talking about the DLC early on and they'll probably learn from that with Evolve 2. But the game itself is great.

Until the most recent patch the game peaked out at about 900 players (now it's up to a neckbreaking 1500) on PC. So most people obviously don't think it's great. And polished, are you serious? Matchmaking on PC was never fixed afaik. And that in a multiplayer-focused game. That's just sad when you think about it.
This game had tons of potential but 2K really fucked up. Instead of supporting the game by actively working on balance and smoothing out bugs they focused on DLC and skins. It took them like 6 weeks to release the first balance patch.
Until the most recent patch the game peaked out at about 900 players (now it's up to a neckbreaking 1500) on PC. So most people obviously don't think it's great. And polished, are you serious? Matchmaking on PC was never fixed afaik. And that in a multiplayer-focused game. That's just sad when you think about it.
This game had tons of potential but 2K really fucked up. Instead of supporting the game by actively working on balance and smoothing out bugs they focused on DLC and skins. It took them like 6 weeks to release the first balance patch.
Generally people who work on balancing and bug fixes aren't the same people working on cosmetic DLC, last time I checked. Seeing as one group is programmers and designers while the other group consists of artists.

I have had no experience with the PC version so can't comment but I don't think I've run into any issues on the PS4. And popularity doesn't mean something is good or bad, and like I said, they fucked up the PR beforehand meaning that it turned a lot of people off the game in the first place.
I've got more value out of it than your average $60 8-12 hour campaign shooter so the 'terrible signal to the games industry' works for me. The only bad sign I'm thinking they will take away from the playerbase numbers is that people don't like new things and make them go towards a more traditional multiplayer model next time.

One thing they absolutely should realize is to never talk about your cosmetic DLC plans before the game is out and focus so much PR on it, because it will completely poison any and all discussion about the game for all time.


As much as I love Evolve polished is not a word I would attribute to it. The game shipped with significant balance problems that took them months to fix.

There are still a couple of glaring balance problems. Torvald does way too much burst damage, they need to increase the mortars' cooldown or limit it so you can't use it at close range anymore(which was how TRS said it was originally intended to work).

Another big problem is Abe's tracking dart lasting for 45 seconds. The current meta in mid-high tier play is to dart the monster with Abe then wait until the monster evolves to dome him so you can fight the monster when it has no armor; Hunters won 70% of their matches in the last ESL cup using this meta. TRS needs to lower Abe's tracking dart duration or lower the monster's evolve time to balance this meta.


Need to boot up this game. Purchased hunter pack when it was on sale but didn't get a chance to try them out. Game decided to make me the monster last time I played.

My advice to the devs for their next attempt. Drop the asymmetric concept. Go with a concept that allows the players to actually use the content they purchased lol

Granted I could just go select the 4 hunters vs 1 AI mode
As much as I love Evolve polished is not a word I would attribute to it. The game shipped with significant balance problems that took them months to fix.

There are still a couple of glaring balance problems. Torvald does way too much burst damage, they need to increase the mortars' cooldown or limit it so you can't use it at close range anymore(which was how TRS said it was originally intended to work).

Another big problem is Abe's tracking dart lasting for 45 seconds. The current meta in mid-high tier play is to dart the monster with Abe then wait until the monster evolves to dome him so you can fight the monster when it has no armor; Hunters won 70% of their matches in the last ESL cup using this meta. TRS needs to lower Abe's tracking dart duration or lower the monster's evolve time to balance this meta.

Wouldn't it be fast though to just start changing stuff because of a quick turn in the meta? That could lead to breaking other balances. Like look at how no one was picking Abe until this sudden turn and all of a sudden hes the most popular trapper in the tournaments, that same kind of wake up call could happen for a counter to it. I guess it would go slower with such a small community, but the meta needs some time to figure out counters and adjust before the devs should step in and make changes imo.

Abe to me has always been a double edged sword, he's really strong in domes and once you dart a monster there is no reason you should ever lose track of it for the rest of the game. But he has that weakness at stage 1 where he has no lead on the monster and no fallback like daisy. I guess with how smart hunter teams are now where they split off and intelligently sweep the map for a stealthing monster that is a lot less of a disadvantage.


Played arena for the first time there and I actually liked it more than I expected.

Nice quick games and won all the matches I think (might have lost 1)

Still my biggest issue is it's generally only me and another friend who play and I'm always medic as I can't trust the randoms.

I can't gaurantee I'll play a lot of Evolve as I do tend to play a lot of different games but if there were some EU based players (just due to the timezones) on PS4 who play, I'd be interested in joining every so often.
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