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Fallout New Vegas |OT| Obsidian does what Bethesdon't

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I put 20+ hours into it near launch and was enjoying it quite a bit but I was having some really annoying performance issues so I put it on hold and never ended up coming back to it until now. I'm really looking forward to getting back into it especially now that I have all the DLC.
Ha that's exactly what happened with me and same number of hoursish too.


Just got back into this game after several months and a new PC. Holy moly does this game looks stunning with NMC's large textures and some ENB. And it's not even to the credit of them so much as it is to Obsidian's fantastic world design (well the textures and balanced lighting really do help, but mod authors didn't design the world). The houses in this game ooze life. They've got a eye touch for detail.

I started a new character to commemorate this event. My first character was specced toward speech rather than confrontation but I didn't even try to role play. With this character, I've decided to be an gritty lone wolf. I try as best as possible to choose dialogue choices that fit with what I'm going for and so far it's a good mix of self-serving and semi-altruistic, if the situation calls for mediation of morals. I've learned it easier to be cynical and mistrusting in New Vegas than it is to be kind and helpful. I killed Tomas outside of Nipton because I got a gut feeling he was holding information out on me. The way he explained the situation felt insincere. (It's super-early game but I won't spoil the outcome to anyone who hasn't played the game yet.)

Speccing the guy toward guns, repair, and medicine. How useful is Survival? I usually just rely on bottles of purified water and stimpaks and use a bed whenever I'm nearby one and injured.
I picked the starting perks that gives me a crit bonus in exchange for weapon durability and the +1 agility for fragile limbs. I'm not going to reroll or change them via console, but I think I would've preferred starting with no perks.


Speccing the guy toward guns, repair, and medicine. How useful is Survival? I usually just rely on bottles of purified water and stimpaks and use a bed whenever I'm nearby one and injured.

I had a great playthrough with a high Survival character on hardcore mode, and if I can recall correctly the Old World Blues perk 'Them's Good Eatin'' ensured that you always had plenty of health items outside of Stims. I believe the restorative effects of those blood sausages/thin red paste items stack with Stims in HC mode as well.
Speccing the guy toward guns, repair, and medicine. How useful is Survival? I usually just rely on bottles of purified water and stimpaks and use a bed whenever I'm nearby one and injured.

If you're not playing hardcore mode I'd say it's not that important. For the most parts I even get along without it actually using hc mode, but I really have to buy every bottle of purified water I can find and search for food everywhere.
playing "the normal" way I would spend even more points on something else than survival I guess
I'm playing on hardcore mode right now, which I think adds enough to make things more interesting but the one thing I fear is dying companions. I feel like that is going to become very irritating. If I had the ability, that is one aspect of HC mode that I would disable. I really don't want the game to feel like an escort mission once I start using companions. Oddly enough, New Vegas is the only one of these kind of games (Fallout 3+, Elder Scrolls) that I actually choose to have companions. In the other games, I never felt that they were worth the hassle.
I'm playing on hardcore mode right now, which I think adds enough to make things more interesting but the one thing I fear is dying companions. I feel like that is going to become very irritating. If I had the ability, that is one aspect of HC mode that I would disable. I really don't want the game to feel like an escort mission once I start using companions. Oddly enough, New Vegas is the only one of these kind of games (Fallout 3+, Elder Scrolls) that I actually choose to have companions. In the other games, I never felt that they were worth the hassle.

I have to admit I do some reloading here and there. can't stand seeing the dog die :/


any tips for handling the ghosts in Dead Money?

playing on very hard difficulty on hardcore mode with project nevada and fook and it is heartbreaking sometimes. char is level 21

also stealth seems to be broken in dead money, I have around 95 in sneaking and ghosts can see me through walls....
so sneaking past them is impossible and the game suggesting me sneaking past them is insulting

will me temporarily lowering the difficulty affect achievements somehow?
will me temporarily lowering the difficulty affect achievements somehow?

I don't think there is an achievement for beating the game in a specific difficulty setting, so it should not matter as long as you keep hardcore mode
Companions dying in New Vegas is a rare event. Just don't have them start a fight without you doing it, and keep them at a distance.

Alright, doesn't sound too bad. I'll see how it goes. When I quit the first time I just picked up 2 companions but I didn't play much further so I didn't get I good sense. I just had a feeling that explosives would pose a problem.

When is a good time to tackle the DLC missions? Wait a while or do them early?
Well I think I just ruined my game. I must have pissed off the Legion too early or something. I keep getting stopped by Legionary Assassin hit squads that are way beyond my character. I'm usually able to get one of them (there are usually 5) down to about half health before I die and ED-E dies even faster. I'm fucked and I'm not sure how far back I need to go to prevent it from happening. One time I had the help of 4 NCR soldiers and the squad killed all 4 and me and ED-E without even coming close to taking a single loss.
Debating whether I should start New Vegas. Was kind of waiting to get all the DLC on Steam on the cheap before starting my first playthrough. Does the DLC work like it did on F3?
I have a save a few hours back that puts me before
killing the Legion squad in Nipton
. It's tough rollback that far but it could have been worse and I think it's the only way to prevent the assassin hit squads. I guess there are real repercussions for pissing off a faction.


Debating whether I should start New Vegas. Was kind of waiting to get all the DLC on Steam on the cheap before starting my first playthrough. Does the DLC work like it did on F3?

I'm probably in the minority here, but I didn't really enjoy any of the New Vegas or Fallout 3 DLC. They're too short/linear IMO, and don't live up the main game. I'm not really a fan of going from being a Level 30 Badass and then starting a DLC where it takes everything away from me either.


I have a save a few hours back that puts me before
killing the Legion squad in Nipton
. It's tough rollback that far but it could have been worse and I think it's the only way to prevent the assassin hit squads. I guess there are real repercussions for pissing off a faction.

An option would have been to rush ahead to meet with the guy in the strip. I remember that a legion guy comes up to you and calls a truce at that point. Maybe you were closer to that point than going back to nipton would send you.



I'm getting close to the end of New Vegas (I think) and I have yet to dabble with the DLC. Was just wondering if it best to play the DLC before or after completing the Main Quest?

Furthermore, is there any specific order the DLC should be played? Release order?

I'm getting close to the end of New Vegas (I think) and I have yet to dabble with the DLC. Was just wondering if it best to play the DLC before or after completing the Main Quest?

Furthermore, is there any specific order the DLC should be played? Release order?

Once you finish the main quest, the game is over. So yes, finish the DLC before the main quest ends.

Release order is fine, they're pretty much standalone stories anyway.


I have a save a few hours back that puts me before
killing the Legion squad in Nipton
. It's tough rollback that far but it could have been worse and I think it's the only way to prevent the assassin hit squads. I guess there are real repercussions for pissing off a faction.

It's rather stupid the way they implemented the Assassin/Ranger squad. They just pop out of nowhere. They know exactly where you are, which is annoying, and it happens with regularity. It also doesn't make much sense. One would think Assassins and Rangers would be at a premium to keep on throwing them at you even after you killed a dozen squads. And there's no change of thought or planning in their attacks. Very stupid.

One way it could've been done is to have an elite squad actually hunt you in the Mojave. That means they travel between various plausible locations where you've been or where you might go. They stay at each of these locations a number of days before moving on to the next one, or following your trail. They can also travel to major locations, but in those cases they stay on the outskirts.

If the player is careful he might spot the assassins before they spot him, so can have an advantage in whatever he chooses to do. When it's time for the squad to move to next location, have them actually travel on the map (like caravans), so that there's a chance the player might run into them or be spotted by them. Their travel routines can be adjusted based on any big quests the player completes.

All this significantly lowers the chance of being hit by them, but that's fine as long as you make the encounters very deadly. If the player dispatches a squad, send in another, but don't keep doing it every time a squad is killed. Playtesting can be used here to determine the max number of squads that may be sent after the player.

I'm probably in the minority here, but I didn't really enjoy any of the New Vegas or Fallout 3 DLC. They're too short/linear IMO, and don't live up the main game. I'm not really a fan of going from being a Level 30 Badass and then starting a DLC where it takes everything away from me either.

I actually like the New Vegas' DLC better than the main game. They're just more fun. As for taking your equipment away, um, I can understand players getting upset with that, but it didn't bother me much.

When is a good time to tackle the DLC missions? Wait a while or do them early?
Furthermore, is there any specific order the DLC should be played? Release order?
I'd say explore the Mojave a bit until you get to The Strip (i.e. not straight to The Strip via Primm, Nipton, Novac following the main road), and then you can start the DLC because you'd now be at a good level. I'd recommend starting with Honest Hearts as it's the easiest one, and it also scales a bit. Then Dead Money, Old World Blues, and The Lonesome Road. That order gives a nice continuity to DLC story arc. Once completed you can go back to all the DLC locations except Dead Money.
I have a save a few hours back that puts me before
killing the Legion squad in Nipton
. It's tough rollback that far but it could have been worse and I think it's the only way to prevent the assassin hit squads. I guess there are real repercussions for pissing off a faction.

I ran into this exact same issue early on as well after Nipton. What ended up working was the Ripper that I got off of one of the Legion guys at Nipton. I had almost no points in unarmed, but for whatever reason, the Ripper was extremely overpowered and after trying countless different methods to bypass and deal with the assassins, I just said fuck it and pulled it out and went through them like a hot knife through butter. I almost died multiple times and had to use a few stimpacks, but they went down pretty quickly despite how armored they were. Might be worth a shot if you haven't gone back already.
Playing Fallout 3 again made me appreciate how much better New Vegas is.

It's the other way around for me. I put on 3 just to get a feel for the world again and having played NV it made the game even better than i remembered. Fallout 3 has a certain touch NV just doesn't have.

I plan on buying the GOTY edition to play the rest of the DLC. I only played Broken Steel.
Fianally spent some good time playing this yesterday - about 6-7 hours. I was shocked how easily I forgot the basic gameplay mechanics from Fallout 3. So far, I'm really liking the dialogue. For example, the casino robot in Primm was actually funny, which is something I don't remember experiencing in F3.

I finished F3 without doing a lot of exploring (still put about 70 hours in the game), but felt like I had missed huge chunk of content. Not going to let this happen with NV, so I'm going to take my time and just wonder through the Wasteland.

Have a question about a character in Nipton
He was yelling he'd won the lottery, and when I saw the town was burning, my suspicion was that he was crazy and had burn the town down. I went after him and shot him. Was he an important NPC that I might need later?


No, he is not important. He is just there to provide information on the current situation in Nipton. When you explore Nipton you learn more about the "lottery".
Have a question about a character in Nipton
He was yelling he'd won the lottery, and when I saw the town was burning, my suspicion was that he was crazy and had burn the town down. I went after him and shot him. Was he an important NPC that I might need later?

ah the poor guy haha.
lucky enough to survive all this legion lottery shit and you shoot him. I don't think it will have any consequences though so don't worry
I just wanted to check in and say I've been playing the hell out this. Also, Legion Assassin squads can still be tough but my companions and I are able to take them down now. It was about level 12 when I decided to piss them off again and it worked out much better (The first time was level 6 or 7 and the assassins squads were pretty much impossible to kill as far as I was concerned).

I just arrived at Camp Mccarran, I think I'm level 16 and I haven't entered New Vegas yet.
ah the poor guy haha.
lucky enough to survive all this legion lottery shit and you shoot him. I don't think it will have any consequences though so don't worry

It's too bad they fixed his respawning. You'd walk around the south for a bit and there he'd be, running away from radscorpions in the desert.
damn I was too late.

Pick a bar? What the hell does that mean?

I saw this posted on NMA, good stuff:


"I knew from the map in order to reach the next objective and progress the story I should turn left after leaving the office so of course I turned right because that's how I do."

I want this tattooed somewhere haha.

very interesting video, I would have never found the words to express the certain feeling I get comparing fallout 3 and new vegas like he did. I mean there are gameplay differences but he did a really good job in pointing out what makes the atmosphere and gaming experience so much better in nv. It also shows what the mass effect series did wrong. they're games not fucking movies
thanks for sharing


Have a question about a character in Nipton
He was yelling he'd won the lottery, and when I saw the town was burning, my suspicion was that he was crazy and had burn the town down. I went after him and shot him. Was he an important NPC that I might need later?

Swanick? I kill that asshole in all of my playthroughs, he's not important.

Just don't kill Boxcars.


I've just finished my fist playthrough through Fallout New Vegas, and goddammit, it has the most satisfying ending ever, no hyperbole!

Granted it hasn't a big epic AAA cutscene, but just some slides and a voice over. The greatest thing is that it is based on everything I did during the game, in the MANY choices I did, people I helped or tribes that I crushed to ashes.

It tells, in a nutshell, what happend in most locations I interacted with (or not). For example,
I didn't do a thing about the Poweder Gangers, and the ending showed that they continued been a problem for years. The Fiends attacked the NCR during the final battle killing a lot of people. The Brotherhood of Steel made a truce with the NCR (as I got the to do near the end of the game), the Great Khans were crushed to a few survivors and so on and so forth.

And I didn't do everything. There is still so many possibilities to explore just reloading the last sabe before the point of no return, or even starting from the beginning doing everything different that I don't know what I going to do next.

Dear Chrono Trigger, I'm sorry, but Fallout New Vegas is my new best RPG from all the time. I even thing this is one of the games get the closer to a real RPG, like in the RPG games without a video game/PC.

I know people in this thread have played this game to death, but I just wanted to write about my feelins after I finished the game.


if you haven't you should try fo1/2 if you liked new vegas so much

it's aged better than most and both are absolutely amazing games (imo fallout 2 is as good as wrpgs have ever gotten) that have all the things you've enjoyed about new vegas

and in new vegas too there's room for playing the game ten times over and still find new shit to do, it's so fucking good I can't believe it was released in this day and age


I tried fallout 1 a while ago. I was walking across the map and was jumped by some rad scorpions who were barely scratched by my pistol. So it was shuffle towards the side of the combat zone, end turn, scorpions shuffle after me, shuffle towards the side a bit more, end turn, scorpions shuffle after me, shuffle once more to side of map, decide this is absolutely not fun, uninstall game.


I tried fallout 1 a while ago. I was walking across the map and was jumped by some rad scorpions who were barely scratched by my pistol. So it was shuffle towards the side of the combat zone, end turn, scorpions shuffle after me, shuffle towards the side a bit more, end turn, scorpions shuffle after me, shuffle once more to side of map, decide this is absolutely not fun, uninstall game.

...and you just threw the whole golden era of wrpgs out the window
Swanick? I kill that asshole in all of my playthroughs, he's not important.

In my first game, I thought his ticket might have something to do with a casino in New Vegas, so I killed him in cold blood. :(

And I didn't do everything. There is still so many possibilities to explore just reloading the last sabe before the point of no return, or even starting from the beginning doing everything different that I don't know what I going to do next.

I didn't even know there was a Powder Gang-controlled prison in my first game. Nor that the Mormon Fort had any quests, or the Caravan company, or the Kings, or the Fiends et cetera.
Swanick is actually coded to wander off and get killed by radscorpions etc anyway, so think of it as a mercy killing. Besides, he was a powder ganger - just another degenerate profligate begging to be put down! True to Caesar.
Since this popped up I guess I'll bring it up here.

So I'm playing Dead Money on the PC, and apparently I bugged a save. The game has been playing fine for the most part with almost no crashes until now during Dead Money I crash every so often, right around the time I
put Dog/God in front of his charges before the Gala event.

I looked this up and it seems like people are saying that using the Reloading Tables/Work Benches around the villa with Gun-runner's Arsenal installed screws up your save. Anyone have experience with this? I really just want a quick work-around so I can finish it without having to go back to a pretty old save.


Can somebody help me out. I'm playing on 360 about 8 hours in and my save wont load and my next save is 3 hours back. This happen before but my last save was only like 15 mins behind so I wasn't too mad. But I really don't want to lose 3 hours is there a known fix for this, it has happen twice about to throw the game in the toilet.


Can somebody help me out. I'm playing on 360 about 8 hours in and my save wont load and my next save is 3 hours back. This happen before but my last save was only like 15 mins behind so I wasn't too mad. But I really don't want to lose 3 hours is there a known fix for this, it has happen twice about to throw the game in the toilet.

It's been a while but I think the solution was to start a game then load the save or something.


Oooo a Fallout New Vegas thread. My kind of place.

I recently gained all the achievements on FO3 and decided that if any game deserved to be in my 100% completion list, it should be New Vegas. Started a new character after downloading it digitally and used a friends DLC disc to pick of GRA as I had previously bought the other DLCs when I last played the game.

I've just been working on levelling up for now, and decided to knock out Old World Blues first as you get some pretty mean gear and a lovely home which I've found to be incredibly useful in the past. I've hit a snag though. I'm only one quest away from being able to leave but I'd much rather pass a speech check instead of [Old World Blues quest spoilers]
killing all of the brains in The Think Tank, so I can leave Big MT.
I've been levelling myself by doing a clockwise patrol of the place and killing stuff but It's getting a tad bit boring.

I was wandering if anyone knows the location of a speech skill magazine so I can boost it and pass the speech check. Would be very helpful. Also the location of a stash of pre war books would be fantastic so I could get my speech up
using the conversion to blank books feature of the Book Chute.

Thanks in advance.


Oooo a Fallout New Vegas thread. My kind of place.

I recently gained all the achievements on FO3 and decided that if any game deserved to be in my 100% completion list, it should be New Vegas. Started a new character after downloading it digitally and used a friends DLC disc to pick of GRA as I had previously bought the other DLCs when I last played the game.

I've just been working on levelling up for now, and decided to knock out Old World Blues first as you get some pretty mean gear and a lovely home which I've found to be incredibly useful in the past. I've hit a snag though. I'm only one quest away from being able to leave but I'd much rather pass a speech check instead of [Old World Blues quest spoilers]
killing all of the brains in The Think Tank, so I can leave Big MT.
I've been levelling myself by doing a clockwise patrol of the place and killing stuff but It's getting a tad bit boring.

I was wandering if anyone knows the location of a speech skill magazine so I can boost it and pass the speech check. Would be very helpful. Also the location of a stash of pre war books would be fantastic so I could get my speech up
using the conversion to blank books feature of the Book Chute.

Thanks in advance.

have you checked the fallout wiki?


have you checked the fallout wiki?

I managed to level up again and did it that way, just to find out I needed a science of 100 to pass the next part. Luckily I used Dr Kleins scientist clothes, a magazine, some mentats and the mood lights in the sink to boost it to 100 and I managed to
convince the scientists of the Think Tank to keep working under Dr Mobius as his brain was now in my body, which it actually wasn't.

I'm now working on the NCR and Wild Card ending achievements. I've reloaded a save more times then I can count.


Can someone help me with this fucking broken game? Colonel Moore glitched out on me and I can't talk to her, and I'm trying to do Mr. House/ Wild Card but everyone in Caesar's Legion is attacking me.

What the fuck am I supposed to do? There's literally no other way to progress the main storyline.


Can someone help me with this fucking broken game? Colonel Moore glitched out on me and I can't talk to her, and I'm trying to do Mr. House/ Wild Card but everyone in Caesar's Legion is attacking me.

What the fuck am I supposed to do? There's literally no other way to progress the main storyline.

I think the only time you have to talk to the NCR in either of those two quest lines is for
the NCR president thing
right? In which case you should talk to the ranger at the welcome desk.
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