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Far Cry 4 or 5 for an intro to the series?

5 would have been perfect if they just let you control when the 'story points' happened in each section. You also have to play New Dawn to get the whole story with Joseph Seed, not that that's a bad thing as New Dawn is one of my favorite Far Crys.


Mouse Ball Fetishist
Kinda off-topic, but am I the only one who experienced eye strain from FC5?
I googled, but apparently no one else did.

I found the lightning too harsh and the scenery was too busy. And I'm not just talking about the foggy tutorial area.
I tried changing the settings from very low to very high, messed with the FOV, did everything.. But it still hurt my eyes.

Coincidentally, the last time a game did this to me was Blood Dragon, but in that one it was clearly the scanlines fault.


3 > 4 > 5 imo

Stay away from anyone telling you 2. Unless you like dealing with waves of respawning enemies and janky mechanics that are forced on you.

1 is cool but its just way too old now and its nothing like the more recent titles. It was made by Crytek too so it's really similar to the first Crysis.
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Stay away from anyone telling you 2. Unless you like dealing with waves of respawning enemies and janky mechanics that are forced on you.
Baby Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN

Waaaaah, i want shooting up a central African warzone to be buttery smooth waaaah

Also, waves of respawning enemies? What dope u smokin'? The camps get restaffed after you've moved on for a while, and sometimes in the midst of battle more enemies will drive up in vehicles, but people don't pop out of thin air endlessly like you seem to be suggesting!

Ur a "neo member" i withdraw my auto triggered response
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5 is mechanically best.

3&4 are same. 4 does have a next gen version with fps boost.

Personally, I found 3 a bit overrated. Vaas was cool villain but had little screen time compared to how long game is.

In 4, antagonist is much more of a constant presance.
2 or 3 IMHO.
In the second chapter there are some mechanics that in my opinion should have been kept in the others. I would give him a chance.
It's the chapter that I enjoyed the most.


Play FC3. That’s where it became modern. Then coast to FC6.
FC4-5 went downhill did nothing new. Compare the meta scores of the 3-5 and you will see after 3 things went backwards.

New dawn added rpg elements which ruined the fc formula.

Also it’s very easy to burnout on FC, so I would advice you space them out.


Neo Member
Just to add to some comments i read after my previous post.

Each FC game has its own strengths.

. FC classic/instincts/predator etc:
- The original.
- Sci-Fi tropical aventures.

. FC2:
- Realistic, dark setting
- Large open world
- Interesting specificities (malaria status, weapon degradation, currency system etc).

. FC3:
- First "insane" Far Cry (memorable villains, insanity theme etc)
- Large wildlife diversity as enemies and preys
- First game with crafting/skills
- Original standalone (FC3 blood dragon)

. FC4:
- More vertical gameplay
- Karma system involving allies
- Larger wildlife roster
- Fortress system

. FC Primal:
- Crafting is key and meaningful
- Impressive fights against megafauna
- Biomes being diverse and well crafted
- Unique weapons and companion system
- Camp building is rewarding (quests, XP etc)

. FC 5:
- Open approach to the story and area.
- Large vehicle roster (planes, cars, boats etc)
- Human and animal companions
- Very diverse DLC themes.

. FC New Dawn:
- First actual sequel to a FC
- RPG mechanics (ranked enemies, weapons..)
- Original expeditions settings


If you have an HDR display then 5, no question, it's an absolute game-changer in how you experience that game. Personally I like 5 more anyway but if you're still SDR then it becomes more a question of the locale you prefer to adventure in.


I love far cry but 3, 4, and 5 are all very similar to play so it would be tough to play all of them back to back. 3 is the best of the bunch in my opinion.


As a big fan of Far Cry I would say don't bother,just wait for Far Cry 6.....it will feel fresher and more fun.All the main games since 3 have been more of the same with the a few new game mechanics added here and there.


Baby Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN

Waaaaah, i want shooting up a central African warzone to be buttery smooth waaaah

Also, waves of respawning enemies? What dope u smokin'? The camps get restaffed after you've moved on for a while, and sometimes in the midst of battle more enemies will drive up in vehicles, but people don't pop out of thin air endlessly like you seem to be suggesting!

Ur a "neo member" i withdraw my auto triggered response

Oh noe, I'm just a "neo member" lmfao


I'd start with Far Cry 5, as its gameplay has been heavily refined (improved) from previous entries in the series.

They're all worth playing, though. Don't let the typical "Ubisoft boring open world" criticism deter you; people saying that are generally parroting Jim Sterling because they have no wit or insight of their own, have most likely not played the series in-depth, and are generally worth ignoring entirely.
FC5 was my first. I really loved it! Montana is a beautiful setting to fly planes and helis and wingsuit in, then relax with some fishing. Or maybe some hunt’n.

Faith’s region is the best and most interesting story-wise. I really enjoyed it and found her a persuasive and charismatic villain.

I really liked the crazy hick prepper ‘muricin attitude the game had. It really enhanced the feeling of freedom in the game.

The one thing I didn’t like was how quickly the game threw rando enemies at you. You’d be standing there on the pier, fishing and minding your own business, and then a bunch of crazy cultists would jetski by you like hooligans shooting up the joint and a random bear or whatever would kill your fishing buddy. And that’d happen every minute or so! I’m gone fishin, leave me alone game AI!


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Doesn’t matter about intros into gaming series, there’s 6 final fantasy you’re supposed to play before 7 but nah.
The one thing I didn’t like was how quickly the game threw rando enemies at you. You’d be standing there on the pier, fishing and minding your own business, and then a bunch of crazy cultists would jetski by you like hooligans shooting up the joint and a random bear or whatever would kill your fishing buddy. And that’d happen every minute or so! I’m gone fishin, leave me alone game AI!
I hated that at first but now that I’m replaying it again on the XSS for that 60fps deliciousness it really adds a lot of random fun and comedy to the game. Sure it’s over the top but it’s one of the most “alive” open worlds I’ve played in because of it.

There’s nothing like a crazy shootout, trucks exploding, running around sliding and finding cover, barely surviving the encounter. Just as you start walking away and are about to heal a bear or hawk swoops in from nowhere and just finishes you off.

It’s glorious!

Catching Bald Eagle GIF
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That's a pretty exactly opposite reason to why i did it lol

Whatever, fc2 is awesome

You're free to like whatever you like, but personally it's garbage. Most of the mechanics in the game got in the way of having fun. Respawning enemies, your guns jamming, dealing with malaria, etc etc, all that shit got tedious and annoying. Missions were repetitive, script was awful. The AI being completely broken to the point where enemies just bee line towards you instead of taking cover doesn't help at all.


You're free to like whatever you like, but personally it's garbage. Most of the mechanics in the game got in the way of having fun. Respawning enemies, your guns jamming, dealing with malaria, etc etc, all that shit got tedious and annoying. Missions were repetitive, script was awful. The AI being completely broken to the point where enemies just bee line towards you instead of taking cover doesn't help at all.

Your idea of having fun is your own...

I love it because it's different, i don't play all games to coast through them, you're not GTAing the fucking place you're participating in a senseless war. Of course camps respawn, there's a nation of child soldiers standing by to be exploited in their defence.

What you say are janky mechanics that get in the way of your gunning down mofos are in actual fact a suite of mechanics that multiply immersion, make every clearing in every jungle ravine a possible flashpoint, every bullet fired possibly your last, increase tension and atmosphere; encourage you to slink through the trees listening and set forest fires rather than vroom around running npcs over and cackling with your friends.

They don't instantly respawn in your lap, they refresh some time after you've moved on -- your experience of "respawning enemies" was probably a patrol that drove up while you were busy raging at your jammed rustbucket ar-15 lol

If you actually played the damn game you'd know that after completing the opening map and its lieutenants you go to a new, different map... With the next "rank" lieutenants doing the same kind of missions for the same factions.. it's all a self perpetuating disasterpiece that you can't change with just your one set of limbs. In the end you kill yourself by touching of a giant bomb to destroy part of a mountain and free refugees who have been surrounded, guess this wouldn't fit with your power fantasy? Doesn't mean it's a shit game.

I mean, if that's not for you, fine, but your reasons amount to "my happy meal is at the counter and i cbf going to get it", so maybe keep it to yourself lol, just tell the op "far cry 2 is for masochists" instead of calling it a crap game with crap mechanics.. because it's not, papers have been written about it deconstructing videogame expectations, they haven't been written about it sucking.


Your idea of having fun is your own...

I love it because it's different, i don't play all games to coast through them, you're not GTAing the fucking place you're participating in a senseless war. Of course camps respawn, there's a nation of child soldiers standing by to be exploited in their defence.

What you say are janky mechanics that get in the way of your gunning down mofos are in actual fact a suite of mechanics that multiply immersion, make every clearing in every jungle ravine a possible flashpoint, every bullet fired possibly your last, increase tension and atmosphere; encourage you to slink through the trees listening and set forest fires rather than vroom around running npcs over and cackling with your friends.

They don't instantly respawn in your lap, they refresh some time after you've moved on -- your experience of "respawning enemies" was probably a patrol that drove up while you were busy raging at your jammed rustbucket ar-15 lol

If you actually played the damn game you'd know that after completing the opening map and its lieutenants you go to a new, different map... With the next "rank" lieutenants doing the same kind of missions for the same factions.. it's all a self perpetuating disasterpiece that you can't change with just your one set of limbs. In the end you kill yourself by touching of a giant bomb to destroy part of a mountain and free refugees who have been surrounded, guess this wouldn't fit with your power fantasy? Doesn't mean it's a shit game.

I mean, if that's not for you, fine, but your reasons amount to "my happy meal is at the counter and i cbf going to get it", so maybe keep it to yourself lol, just tell the op "far cry 2 is for masochists" instead of calling it a crap game with crap mechanics.. because it's not, papers have been written about it deconstructing videogame expectations, they haven't been written about it sucking.

You are wildly overstating how complex this game was, and your bias is clear with how bent you are on dismissing my opinion. Like I said, man, it's perfectly fine if you like the game. Don't let me take that away from you by stating my own opinion of the game.


You are wildly overstating how complex this game was,
My enjoyment of the game about as insulated from your opinion as dust on the moon is insulated from fish turds in the Pacific lol

I think it was me who said it's perfectly fine for you to not like it :p let's all be superior shall we? Anyway, enough has been said. Selected reading to support my "position" that the game is complex.

I've said my part, let's leave it to others.
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Far Cry 2 for the best atmosphere and gameplay systems. Then you'll play the rest of the series and wonder "what happened?"

That game was ahead of its time. From a pure gameplay perspective its the best out of the series. I also prefer the story which is grounded in realism, Far Cry 3 and onward went off the deep end with the crazy... literally. Not that the rest of the games are bad, but Far Cry 2 does it much, much better. It's a more refined and tight 25hr or so experience that is enjoyable all the way through. The rest of the series is filled with typical Ubisoft bloat...
It gave me some frustration, but I really enjoyed it. I would have loved to see the series continue in this direction. The survival elements, the fire physics, the sandbox design, etc...

could have used a few more enemy types though.

Also, it was the first FPS game in which I encountered the ability to “slide” by dashing and crouching, which felt very freeing at the time. Maybe someone else did it first, but it was more rare to see that mechanic back then.
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My enjoyment of the game about as insulated from your opinion as dust on the moon is insulated from fish turds in the Pacific lol

I think it was me who said it's perfectly fine for you to not like it :p let's all be superior shall we? Anyway, enough has been said. Selected reading to support my "position" they the game is complex.

I've said my part, let's leave it to others.

Why are you still in my notifications?

Are you seriously this pressed by me not liking your favorite shooter?


5 was a slow burn for me. The first area with John Seed was my favorite part followed by Jacob's region. Faith's region was the most boring part for me. Probably because I went through her area last and I was ready for the endgame.
And the choir music on the radio's was pretty immersive as well. Currently playing New Dawn and it's pretty much almost required based on the canon ending of 5.
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Why are you still in my notifications?

Are you seriously this pressed by me not liking your favorite shooter?
Educating you on why you're wrong doesn't imply I'm pressed by your ignorance, it implies I'm procrastinating on an internet forum

I'm still in your notifications because you're taking last words that repaint your position like a scrub and trying to hit it and quit lol, how's that for unwelcome notifications?



Educating you on why you're wrong doesn't imply I'm pressed by your ignorance, it implies I'm procrastinating on an internet forum

I'm still in your notifications because you're taking last words that repaint your position like a scrub and trying to hit it and quit lol, how's that for unwelcome notifications?


Fam, you've been baiting me with disrespect the second I explained why I thought the game was trash.

You are pressed. You just simply have too big of an ego to admit it.
Fam, you've been baiting me with disrespect the second I explained why I thought the game was trash.

You are pressed. You just simply have too big of an ego to admit it.

The truth hurts sometimes. I tried to like FC2 so many times, and I can certainly see why some people like it with some of its unique mechanics, but man that game went out of its way to ruin my fun.

I'd be having a good time, raiding some outpost or exploring the area, then BAM, I have malaria, no pills, and not enough time to get new ones. Have fun dying. Also, my gun is now jammed, I'm on fire and I'll never find that diamond I just spent the last hour searching for. And I sneezed, so the entire continent of Africa now knows where I am and is shooting at me.

It's stunning to me what a huge leap forward 3 was for the series. Stripped away everything from 2 that did not work, then went out of its way to make it fun.


The truth hurts sometimes. I tried to like FC2 so many times, and I can certainly see why some people like it with some of its unique mechanics, but man that game went out of its way to ruin my fun.

I'd be having a good time, raiding some outpost or exploring the area, then BAM, I have malaria, no pills, and not enough time to get new ones. Have fun dying. Also, my gun is now jammed, I'm on fire and I'll never find that diamond I just spent the last hour searching for. And I sneezed, so the entire continent of Africa now knows where I am and is shooting at me.

It's stunning to me what a huge leap forward 3 was for the series. Stripped away everything from 2 that did not work, then went out of its way to make it fun.

Far Cry 3 was the 'COD4: Modern Warfare' for the franchise. The series trimmed all the fat and glowed up on everyone. The game was so good they literally copy-pasted the whole game for Far Cry 4 and Far Cry 5.

With Far Cry 2 you could tell they were trying out too many things at once and they failed to make the core gameplay actually fun to play. It was a chore moving from point A to B (... and back to A because all the enemies would've respawned).


I liked the setting and archery in 4.

Plus, there's just no feeling like killing that fourth rhinoceros so you can fully upgrade your wallet. Lol.


2 or 3.

Seriously, 4 and 5 get tiresome so quickly.
I disagree. If you play 5 like 2 you can get pretty much the same experience. Fuck all the trophy stuff though, turn that off or ignore it.

My memories of 2 will stay with me forever, it's such an under rated game -- but the core gameplay is better now.
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