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FINAL FANTASY Community Thread: XV Mainline Entries and Counting

Kalnos said:
I know many people on gaf and even on real life that calls me crazy for saying such a thing but its matter of opinion, I loved the music score and for me this is particulary important on a videogame, don`t know why but for me the music from FINAL FANTASY VIII is the best work of Nobuo, the music trascend on the story in a way that made the story more important for me and at the same time I love the GF, love how they made the radical change from FF7 learns skill through equipments to GF and many more examples that I can give, but at the end of the day it depends on the taste of people and I know that there must be someone else on GAF that thinks that FF8 is the best of all.


Reluctant Member
Aeana said:
I always feel sad to see people say that.
They do "destroy" what was built up in 10, but that is the entire point of the story. It takes on the idea of what happens to a world once it is no longer living under the threat of constant danger, and I thought it actually did that really well. Lots of people just don't know what to do next, some people seize an opportunity to make a quick buck by exploitation (see: Zanarkand), etc. The game is about people finding a place in their new world, and yes I think the feelings of anger and disappointment toward the inhabitants of Spira is totally natural and it is exactly what the developers wanted to evoke in the first place.

While I can see what you're getting at, it still felt to me like a story that didn't need to be told. I guess I feel the same way about it as I do about long novel series. I like stories that can be perfectly contained in one arc. It isn't much like life to be sure, but there is something about leaving the story on a perfect ending that I absolutely love. Anything else seems superfluous. I felt that way about X more than I do most game endings, so I think for me it was particularly saddening. I don't hate the game for it though, I really did enjoy it.

Beth Cyra

arnoldocastillo2003 said:
I know many people on gaf and even on real life that calls me crazy for saying such a thing but its matter of opinion, I loved the music score and for me this is particulary important on a videogame, don`t know why but for me the music from FINAL FANTASY VIII is the best work of Nobuo, the music trascend on the story in a way that made the story more important for me and at the same time I love the GF, love how they made the radical change from FF7 learns skill through equipments to GF and many more examples that I can give, but at the end of the day it depends on the taste of people and I know that there must be someone else on GAF that thinks that FF8 is the best of all.
There are more then a few people on Gaf who think that VIII is the best overall FF.

I'm one of them as well.


arnoldocastillo2003 said:
I know many people on gaf and even on real life that calls me crazy for saying such a thing but its matter of opinion, I loved the music score and for me this is particulary important on a videogame, don`t know why but for me the music from FINAL FANTASY VIII is the best work of Nobuo, the music trascend on the story in a way that made the story more important for me and at the same time I love the GF, love how they made the radical change from FF7 learns skill through equipments to GF and many more examples that I can give, but at the end of the day it depends on the taste of people and I know that there must be someone else on GAF that thinks that FF8 is the best of all.

FF8 has the best love story of any FF game.

Laguna and Raine
TruePrime said:
There are more then a few people on Gaf who think that VIII is the best overall FF.

I'm one of them as well.
I will forgive every shitty thing Squeenix has ever done, if they come out with FFXII HD. I've restarted the game like 6 times, and I love it, but the graphics whore in me keeps pulling me away to the hot new "game of the week."

Beth Cyra

I will forgive every shitty thing Squeenix has ever done, if they come out with FFXII HD. I've restarted the game like 6 times, and I love it, but the graphics whore in me keeps pulling me away to the hot new "game of the week."
That probably wouldn't change with a new release.

I find it unlikely they are going to push XII or X HD for that matter to compete with big budget games coming out now like Uncharted 3, VS XIII and other HD power house games that will be out by the time it releases.
So I'm no longer an outcast for thinking VIII is the best of the series?
Aww yeahhhhh!
The Garden invasion is still one of the best bits of a game I've ever played.

Beth Cyra

Boney said:
the one that really doesn't get any love is 4wol
I haven't given it any love.

I don't like the Art (I prefer Nomura's style) and the import thread was littered with bad impressions so I didn't want to waste the money.
Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
So I'm no longer an outcast for thinking VIII is the best of the series?
Aww yeahhhhh!
The Garden invasion is still one of the best bits of a game I've ever played.

This was amazing. I loved Squall's speech before hand. It was awkward but it worked because how he was put in that postion it should have been awkward.

Plus The Oath in an amazing piece of music.


One of my favorite moments in any Final Fantasy is in 9 early in the game when you get out of the forest/cave and come to the plateau above the clouds and find the village of Dali. That moment is like a breath of fresh air and the music is so relaxing you feel safe for the first time since the game started.
Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
So I'm no longer an outcast for thinking VIII is the best of the series?
Aww yeahhhhh!
The Garden invasion is still one of the best bits of a game I've ever played.
F*ing AWESOME that part and the assassination attempt was the most epic one on all the final fantasy, even better that FF7 avalanche terrorist attempt.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Oh! We're at the "rank your favourite FFs" part of the thread already? My stars.

I don't have a central favourite FF. I like to lump them into groups, though. Wall-O-Text comin' through!

Favourites with regards to battle system/ability system: FFV, FFX, FFX-2, FFXII (and I liked FFIX's way of distributing abilities as well)

Final Fantasy X-2 took Final Fantasy V's implementation of the job system and modified it to something even more special. While I liked FFV's job system very much, I absolutely loved ATB Kai and the evolutions FFX-2 made to it via the Dressphere system. The on-the-fly job switching system allowed for so much flexibility and different combinations of jobs between characters and across the party to modify the party dynamic and synergy. Sure, you can play with three dark knights, but where's the fun in that? I really liked tinkering with this system and seeing what I got out of it. Trying to beat Trema without the Cat Nip tactic by using jobs that aren't ideal for the situation was pretty fun.

I like ADB and CTB. I don't care much for the Sphere Grid system in FFX, but I really enjoyed CTB. It was fun, despite essentially boiling down to RPS matches sometimes. In a way, I felt it was a bit more tactical than other FFs, but in other ways, I felt it wasn't. The player has plenty of time to choose their next action, see the turn order, and decide what to do next. I also liked how Aeons were implemented; essentially becoming other party members. I did not play the international version of FFX, so I'm not sure if there were any changes to the battle system or Aeon growth system to improve either of them.

ADB was quite a treat because I really liked not having to go into a separate screen for a battle and chaining enemies for more XP, and I liked how well the gambits were implemented, especially in IZJS. IZJS is awesome in its own right; better than vanilla FFXII and improves upon its shortcomings in terms of the license board (also L1 to speed up the game is really helpful).

Favourites with regards to narrative and/or overall presentation: FFIX, FFVI, FFII (ports/remakes)

As I've said before, I like Final Fantasy IX because it feels like an idealized interpretation of what Final Fantasy is. The characters have their whimsical sides, but also their serious sides. All of them can be silly at times, but they all have their personal struggles to deal with. The character whom I felt exemplified this quality perfectly was Vivi, for spoilered reasons. I felt like the silly moments complemented the absolutely serious and dark moments of the game perfectly. I don't really like how Disc 4 goes (except for Memoria, because I thought that stuff was kind of cool), or how Disc 3 ends very much, but the rest of the game is absolutely wonderful. The score is quite excellent, and the town design is absolutely gorgeous. Dali, Lindblum, Treno, Alexandria and Black Mage Village are some of my favourite towns in gaming just because I like their designs so much.

I guess you could say I like FFII because I like Suikoden and other political narratives like that? Aside from the great music, I thought the narrative was pretty good. I think it can be improved in some areas (in terms of pacing), but I liked it. As long as you play the game without beating up your party members in an attempt to level up quickly, it becomes less of a chore to get through. I'd like to think it's one of the darker FF narratives, but gets overshadowed because of its battle/ability system. Once again, I think FFII benefitted the most from its re-releases and ports.

Final Fantasy VI was a game I did not play until I was 15 or so. I remember when I was little, I rented it once, played it for a bit, and realized I didn't like it because I... didn't like the battle music...? So I took it back to Rogers Video and got Illusion of Gaia instead. It wasn't until I was in high school that I bought my own copy and gave it a fair shot. I've loved it ever since because the game has so much depth to it in terms of sidequests, equipment, recruitable characters, spells, character skills, the spritework, narrative, a good villain, and an amazing soundtrack. I love FFVI!

Great presentation: FFX, FFXII, FFXIII, the PS1 FFs

Final Fantasy X stunned me because it was one of the first games I had every played with full-fledged voicework. When I first played it, it was unlike anything I had ever seen before, so it blew me away. Ending constantly makes me tear up but I kind of think it's because of the Ending Theme that's playing during those scenes.

Final Fantasy XII's localization is absolutely brilliant, and the cutscenes and script reading were very well-directed. The environments are quite pleasant to look at, sometimes looking like paintings. I liked the quest structures and the characters (some of the character dynamics between Fran, Balthier, Basch and Ashe worked well to me).

Final Fantasy XIII, despite my criticisms about parts of it, is one of the most gorgeous games I have ever seen. There are so many places in that game where I'd spend minutes just standing around in one place and rotate the camera around just to get a full look at some of the breathtaking scenery. Looking at the Sunleth Waterscape for the first time (that one area overlooking everything else after one of the cutscenes), I just had to sit back in my chair and gasp. So pretty. Sulyya Springs, combined with its BGM, was also just as breathtaking to me. In a way, so was Oerba. SE managed to make the game's setpieces (towns included, like Nautilus) and its score so absolutely beautiful.

The PS1 FFs -- I like pre-rendered backgrounds. I've already expanded a little about how I felt about FFIX's setpieces; a lot of them were so colourful and very nice to look at while running around on the map (I recall Conde Petie being one of my favourites along with Terra and Esto Gaza when I first played through the game when I was a kid).

Final Fantasy VII has some really nice setpieces, especially in Midgar (Midgar was probably my favourite environment in FFVII mostly because of its atmosphere; the series essentially went from castles to skyscrapers) and the City of the Ancients. The soundscape for each of those areas enhance them and make them more believable. I can hear "Underneath a Rotting Pizza" and see all the metal and debris strewn about in a slum. I can hear "Opressed People" and think of Wall Market. The music for the City of the Ancients in particular is one of my favourite BGMs in that game. It really is a well-put-together game.

But I felt like FFVIII's town design went all-out. Esthar was breathtaking (and its BGM Silence and Motion was great), the Lunatic Pandora was nice to look at, Deling City was wonderfully crafted, a lot of the dungeon designs were nice to look at, but I think I like Dollet the most. The sunset landscape makes it looks even more relaxing and prettier, even though The Landing was its prominent BGM early on in the game. FFVIII's soundtrack is also quite great. Balamb Garden is also one of the coolest-looking schools ever (at least its interior is cool).

Favourites to play on a rainy day: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, FFIV, FFVII

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is one of my favourite FFs just because it's so easy to get through and you can finish it within a day. And the music kicks so much ass.

I've played both FFIV and FFVII enough times to know them pretty well without looking at any resources or trying to remember where things are or what to do, lol.

Best soundtracks: Er, all of them? Ok, um, the ones I like the most are: FFXIII, FFX, FFVIII, FFIX, FFVI, FFII, Final Fantasy Mystic Quest and FFXII.

I could take hours explaining this, so I don't think I'll do it in this post. Perhaps in a subsequent post later on in the thread.

Final Fantasy X - Besaid Island
Final Fantasy VIII - Liberi Fatali
Final Fantasy IX - Feel My Blade
Final Fantasy VI - Dancing Mad
Final Fantasy II - The Rebel Army's Theme
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Last Castle
Final Fantasy XII - To the Place of the Gods
Final Fantasy XIII - Dust to Dust

That isn't to say that the rest of the games have bad soundtracks, because I love all of them! These are just the ones I like the most. :D

The soundtracks are one of the biggest factors for me to enjoy a Final Fantasy game. Most of the time, the music is so lovingly crafted and composed in that it fits so well with its environment. They can communicate majesty, silliness, love, sorrow, confusion, intensity and comfort so well, and I really appreciate FF's music for that. A lot of the tunes seem to be easily recognizable (but that might have to do with the popularity of the series) because a few of my peers have used them for recitals (including myself for vocal and guitar recitals) and presentations, and people have recognized the pieces.

Indifferent towards (this does not mean I dislike them): FFIII, FFXIII, FFI remakes/ports

As much as I appreciate FFIII's multiple maps, the implementation of the job system, its soundscape and its towns, I don't really feel much towards FFIII. It's strange. I like it, but I don't really care much for it.

I generally have a it's ok/dislike relationship with FFXIII, though. Perhaps it's because I've played it twice, thought it was ok but not great on my JP playthrough, and ended up disliking it more on my ENG playthrough. Perhaps it's because I went out my way to get the game's platinum? After a while, playing the game felt like a bit of a chore, especially when you got to the portion of the postgame where killing turtles is essential to getting money and weapons. There are other criticisms I have about FFXIII, but I think I'll just leave it here.

But then there are parts of FFXIII that I really enjoyed battle-wise--all three being in postgame (Atticus, Vercingetorix and the Raktavija x 2 battles). Those were the most fun I had in FFXIII, and I wished the rest of the game had been like that. I could modify my optima setups and try different things with each boss to see if they would make the battle even more fun. When I got to the point where I stopped using the Poison/Tri-Defender strategy on the final mission, I felt really good about it. Or even against Atticus--when I stopped using Defenders in that battle, the battle felt faster-paced, a bit unpredictable and even more intense. That is what I wanted from FFXIII. It is too bad that I had to wait until postgame for that kind of experience, though. I have expanded on FFXIII's presentation and why I liked it already.

Perhaps I don't feel much towards FFI because FFI vanilla was my first FF game and I don't really care much for it. I did enjoy the AE of FFI, though, but not as much as other FF games.

Dislike: Vanilla FFI. Once you play a port/remake, you cannot go back.

Best remake: FFIV DS for the Augment system, localization and extra scenarios.

These are probably my favourite parts of FFIV DS. Rather than playing through FFIV for the billionth time using the same ability growth system and experience the exact same story again (I've played through FFIV on SNES and PSX a lot, so I knew it pretty well), FFIV DS brought a lot of new things to the table. I don't really like the graphics much, but that game played really well. Upping the difficulty a little, introducing augments and including the extra story bits made the game worthwhile and increased the replayability factor.

I didn't care much for Whyt, though.

But as much as I like FFIV DS, I also like FFIV: Complete Collection as well for offering a traditional experience in a new and improved skin. I like both of them, I guess.

Best Spinoffs: Hikari no 4 Senshi: Final Fantasy Gaiden / Final Fantasy: The 4 Warriors of Light and Final Fantasy Tactics

I don't really feel like I have to explain FFT, but Hn4S... I really loved it. I didn't think I was going to like it because I was hearing how bad it was from a lot of places. I didn't think not being able to select targets in battle, or having a limited inventory would be great, but these things did not detract from the game to me. FF Gaiden felt a lot like a love letter to older games in the series to me. Akihiko Yoshida's artwork is very wonderful to look at in this game, and Naoshi Mizuta's score hits all the right marks. I wasn't going to import the soundtrack until I heard how great it was in-game.

I have not played FFXI that much because I just don't have the time or money to invest in it, but the soundscape for the game itself is damn good. My favourite vocal song in the entire series is Distant Worlds, so it must be doing something right in the musical department.

I have not played FFXIV much either. It was pretty bad when I played on my friend's account, however. Good lord.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Boney said:
the one that really doesn't get any love is 4wol
4wol is what it is. Its a bit lacking in some areas that are um... yeah. But Dissidia does a LOT of good things. The premise was big to start with and I don't think that a lot of people believed that it was even possible to make a good game out of all that bulk. The game being 'good' is an accomplishment, it being outstanding in every way is what needs a lot more appreciation. At least IMO


TruePrime said:
That probably wouldn't change with a new release.

I find it unlikely they are going to push XII or X HD for that matter to compete with big budget games coming out now like Uncharted 3, VS XIII and other HD power house games that will be out by the time it releases.

FF12 in HD looks amazing. Its art direction makes it look better than many current gen games, imo.

Beth Cyra

Skilletor said:
FF12 in HD looks amazing. Its art direction makes it look better than many current gen games, imo.
Yeah but Art direction isn't changing when going to HD.

If Art direction and some AA is all that it takes to make it look on par with stuff like Uncharted and Vs then why bother waiting for the game to come out, when it's easily set up that way now?


TruePrime said:
Yeah but Art direction isn't changing going to HD.

If Art direction and some AA is all that it takes to make it look on par with stuff like Uncharted and Vs then why bother waiting for the game to come out, when it's easily set up that way now?

Why does it have to look on par with Uncharted?

The game is rough on the eyes playing on ps3. I imagine he meant something similar to SotC/Ico or every other HD collection that's come out. Not a full on remake.

Beth Cyra

Skilletor said:
Why does it have to look on par with Uncharted?

The game is rough on the eyes playing on ps3. I imagine he meant something similar to SotC/Ico or every other HD collection that's come out. Not a full on remake.
Because they specifically brought up the fact they are pulled away by the best looking games.

As it stands it still won't keep up with those. If he just wants it to look cleaner and like Shadow then cool.
artwalknoon said:
One of my favorite moments in any Final Fantasy is in 9 early in the game when you get out of the forest/cave and come to the plateau above the clouds and find the village of Dali. That moment is like a breath of fresh air and the music is so relaxing you feel safe for the first time since the game started.


That and the part where Dagger and Steiner are waiting at the station together. Those two parts always get me.


I know it's kind of a superficial thing, but one of the reasons why I like playing FF9 is because the font in the Japanese version is absolutely wonderful to look at. Don't like the English font at all, so I only play the game in Japanese these days.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Professor Beef said:
Seifer not being in Dissidia was criminal.
Yeah.. that sucked. Not sure who I would've taken out to put him in though.Laguna is a keeper, Shan though? Word.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Aeana said:
I know it's kind of a superficial thing, but one of the reasons why I like playing FF9 is because the font in the Japanese version is absolutely wonderful to look at. Don't like the English font at all, so I only play the game in Japanese these days.
What does the Japanese version font look like?

Edit: Ah, yeah, that looks better.


Narolf said:
Some Dissidia fanarts -- top-notch quality, Nomura-like.

Oh my, how did I miss this. I really like it.


Dark Schala said:
What does the Japanese version font look like?

Edit: Ah, yeah, that look better.
It is incredibly clear and very easy to read. I just love the balance between the kana and kanji, and the slightly rounded edges on everything.
Watching the Evil Forest scene again, and it's still amazing. I want an HD FF9 so bad. :(
DY_nasty said:
Yeah.. that sucked. Not sure who I would've taken out to put him in though.Laguna is a keeper, Shan though? Word.
I liked Shan. I like the style Laguna brings, but if I had to choose between the two I would pick Seifer in a heartbeat.


Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
So I'm no longer an outcast for thinking VIII is the best of the series?
Aww yeahhhhh!
The Garden invasion is still one of the best bits of a game I've ever played.

VIII was fun despite the stupid Draw system. I enjoyed the whole "battle school students" thing it had going & also Laguna's side. The Dollet landing mission + the music was cool, and is one of the things I fondly remember. lol.


A few weeks ago while unemployed at the time I replayed some FF games starting with 7, then 8, then 9. I didn't beat any of them I just messed around in the first few hours. But playing those games again made me re-experience why those 3 games in particular were so special. I think they came at the right time in my life, I was a young teenager then and the warmth and comfort of the prerendered backgrounds and Uematsu's music really are something special. It also made me remember that cg cutscenes used to be special like little rewards after a good stretch of game play. So good.
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