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Final Fantasy XV needs to sell 10 million units to succeed in team's goal

I really would like the game to do well. My own hype for it died within the years that it's been in development but I still do look forward to playing it one day.

10 mil isn't easy. We'll just have to see how it turns out.
Maybe the PS4k version that people were joking about yesterday may not be so unlikely, a 2017 GOTY PC / PS4K would easily do another million.


I just said exactly this to someone last night.

The event had a very clear underline of "Please please buy this game even if you don't like FF/anime/Japanese games in general."

Don't get me wrong, it was easily one of the very best conferences I've seen (being there in person was so rad), but I do also think there was a sort of quiet desperation that could be felt. A cry for help.


Can't say I'm shocked.

Judging from the conference last night and all the tie-in shit with the CGI movie, anime mini-series, and the few other things, Square is pushing and will continue to push this game hard, really hard.
But we already know no game in the series has sold this much except for apparently ffvii.

These are numbers that gta could make. Final Fantasy though?

They aren't GTA numbers. V sold 11m in a day. It's currently sitting at over 50m. 10m really isn't as much as people are making it out to be now in terms of just how common it is for games to get there. A new IP like The Last of Us is currently sitting at nearly 10m units.


Even if we're extremely generous, it won't move more than 1.5 million copies in Japan. 1 million is a lot more realistic.

This series historically has done a fair bit worse in Europe than the U.S., so I would say at least 5 million in the US.

So. basically impossible then.

That's a lot of copies.


The OP link says around 5 million (half of FFXV projection), unless they have wrong information, which could be true given the state of fact checking these days lol.

Their LTD shipments are approximately 10 million, but The Witcher 3 is a game that is very, very on target with the current market in the West between the success of games like Skyrim and shows like Game of Thrones, and is a very highly rated product that won 200+ game of the year awards.

This is... not that by any stretch of the imagination.


Stella Returns: FFXV-2

I know they backtracked and said they aren't planning on sequels, but I'm betting they're gonna happen anyway. These sales expectations all but confirm it.
The OP link says around 5 million (half of FFXV projection), unless they have wrong information, which could be true given the state of fact checking these days lol.
CDPR recently announced the Witcher series as a whole has sold around 10 million with the Witcher 3 making like half of that if I recall correctly


I think it's time for Square Enix to start finding someone to merge with when they inevitably have to be saved from this game.

I don't understand the line of thinking of putting literally all of your eggs into one basket. They've gone insane.
Damn, but it is expected that FF15 should sell a big number to recoup the development costs, but 10 million is a large number that i don´t think they will achieve.


FF is still a massive series. Look at the hype for the FF7 remake. I'm sure a ton of casual gamers will be interested in checking out what FF15 looks like. I think they could hit that number.
Maybe a decade ago but no so much anymore.

And people really need to stop using forums and internet reactions to speculate how much a title would sold because if that was a good indicator then almost every single Ubisoft game would be bombing.


Junior Member
I will laugh and cry so hard if the game somehow bombed and sold for like only 2 or 3 millions, less than half targeted number.

Will need another realm reborn.
Their LTD shipments are approximately 10 million, but The Witcher 3 is a game that is very, very on target with the current market in the West between the success of games like Skyrim and shows like Game of Thrones, and is a very highly rated product that won 200+ game of the year awards.

This is... not that by any stretch of the imagination.

Good thing that they've casted two Game of Thrones actors then.


The OP link says around 5 million (half of FFXV projection), unless they have wrong information, which could be true given the state of fact checking these days lol.

They have wrong information, then.

The Witcher 3 has sold over 6 million the first 6 weeks of sales, confirmed by CDProject.

the end of final fantasy most likely, mobile ports x mobile sequels may be it the rest of the way
will you help change the future?

I have two copies pre ordered, the super deluxe to keep sealed and the limited one to play x keep
so 2/10,000,000 so far B^)


But that was a different time. To put things into perspective, the best selling game during FF7's generation was Mario 64 at 12m. By comparison, GTAV sold 11m in a day. Games simply sell a lot more now.
I get you, but FF7 has been rereleased on every platform under the sun over the last 19 years to get where it has and Final Fantasy will never be GTA levels of popular.

I think FFXV can do 10 million, but maybe not in the window Square needs for it to be a total success? It might takes years to reach 10mil and Square needs to recoup that investment immediately.
Doesn't surprise me. The budget must be massive.

I also dont see that happening. 5 million sure. If its good maybe even 7 million.

But 10 seems out of reach in my opinion


Yeah, they mentioned that as an approximate goal about three years back in a financial report. I see that wasn't just corporate puffery.

On the one hand, this is the sort of product that looks like it should be a 10 million copy game based on production values and scope.

On the other hand, I get the feeling it's also going to have enough rough edges and cultural dissonances to end up at 4-6 million instead.

It looks like a game stuck between two worlds (or more specifically, two geographic regions), and also like a first attempt at making an open world action RPG in an effort to be in tune with the market.

I'm expecting a Metacritic average in the 77-83 range, with a lot of people making positive statements about the direction of the series, but having a laundry list of complaints and flaws.

I'm curious to see how Square Enix ends up changing their game development going forward if this ends up hitting around half its target.

A 77-83 score range would already make it a failure.
I want this to be great, and so far its looking quite good - but for any company to make a game that will only be profitable if it sells 10 million copies seems a little misguided.
People got turned off the moment they heard it was a multigame thing, at least around my friends that casually like FF7, so I don't know.
I kno this place is down on ff after 13 buy the ffvii remake and ffxv will be fine. Im not usually confident on sales because o usually dont care but this will be a funny thread to return to


I will laugh and cry so hard if the game somehow bombed and sold for like only 2 or 3 millions, less than half targeted number.

Will need another realm reborn.

RIP Square Enix and any big budget JRPGs if this happens.

Who knew, it only took 15 entries to get the real FINAL fantasy.


Square why are you doing this to yourself.

The game was in development for a decade.

Think of how much they've spent during that time period. Maybe they realize that it's not going to break even at this point... Just do the best they can to recoup some of the cost, and hope that the game starts moving the company in the right direction again.


Did The Division or Destiny even sell that much? I'm guessing Destiny did since it was also PS360. Still 10 million sounds crazy for a Japanese single player rpg. That is a lot of burden to put on PS4 owners since xbox one will probably not do well.


How long is the "lifespan" of a game like this? Like by the end of 2016 probably. well, good luck. JP sales aren't going to help much this time, probably won't even hit a million there.


Their LTD shipments are approximately 10 million, but The Witcher 3 is a game that is very, very on target with the current market in the West between the success of games like Skyrim and shows like Game of Thrones, and is a very highly rated product that won 200+ game of the year awards.

This is... not that by any stretch of the imagination.

Yup, it's definitely an uphill battle.

Using my friends as an example, so many have shown resistance to the latest footage because they can't get their head around/get comfortable with the concepts shown.

FF is still very Japanese in aesthetic. It won't be easy to get the masses onboard.
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