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Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia |OT|


I still think it's kinda ironic though.

Stuff like the world map, villagers, branched and multiple tier promotions, monsters, etc. that people know from Awakening and Fates actually came from Gaiden.

Granted, there's an equal amount of stuff that never appeared again like dungeons, spells costing HP, crazy ass Archers, etc.
Did any other FE have unbreakable weapons? This is my first FE since the remake of 3 on DS so this was a pretty big change for me.
Fffffuuu. Didn't realize that the free DLC only gives the item to the current party. Now Celica has the Pitchfork, but Alm needs another Cleric real bad. Are there any other pitchforks that Alm can get? I don't want to waste the merchant on it.
I was almost on the last floor from the Thabes Labyrinth dungeon and lost two hours of progress thanks to a crash. Yeah, I'm not doing that again... The dungeon wasn't that challenging to begin with, so playing it again would be just a chore.

But besides that I had a very good time with the game. I'm not sure If I want to go back to Fates again, because I never cleared Conquest and I really dislike some of the newer mechanics in this game. And no full voice acting is also bothering me a lot now. I really hope they will keep that for the future games.

I hope the mechanics for Mila's Turnwheel make an (optional?) return in the future. Being able to try different strategies in Hard/Classic without losing much progress when things turn south is pretty great. Playing casual mode and just throwing your units towards the enemy without a care just isn't the same.

Yes, pls. Mila's Turnwheel was by far the best addition to the game. I would really love using it in the current games, which have way more deeper mechanics, to try different things. Or make it optional for those, who dislike it and get rid of the non-perma-death for example.
I like Mila's Turnwheel. I hear some people say that it makes the game easy but as far as I see it just saves you from having to restart completely since losing any character is a game over state for me and I know other people play that way too.

Did any other FE have unbreakable weapons? This is my first FE since the remake of 3 on DS so this was a pretty big change for me.

Most have breakable weapons. I think certain games have the odd Holy weapon or two that can't be broken.

Like Ragnell in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn can't break.

I recall there was an older FE game that gave you Holy weapons except they had limited durability.

Trying to remember which one it was.


Oh, I keep meaning to mention this. I really like what they based (final boss character design spoiler)
Duma's human form

http://i.imgur.com/ewPycZB.png (Final boss character design spoilers... kinda)

It's super neat we finally know
who the background guy on the original Gaiden boxart
is hehe


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

I just now put together

Spoilers for Echoes and Mystery of the Emblem (FE3)

Sirius/Camus/Zeke is wearing Conrad's mask in FE3!? Am I wrong?

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
It's kinda neat that they made one boss character very similar to the old boss portraits, but something about his symmetric scars and wide eyes are really weirding me out

He's like if you fused the two Nijimura Bros. together.
I like Mila's Turnwheel. I hear some people say that it makes the game easy but as far as I see it just saves you from having to restart completely since losing any character is a game over state for me and I know other people play that way too.

Most have breakable weapons. I think certain games have the odd Holy weapon or two that can't be broken.

Like Ragnell in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn can't break.

I recall there was an older FE game that gave you Holy weapons except they had limited durability.

Trying to remember which one it was.
quite a few of them. I can't remember about Falchion, but in Juggdral all of the Holy Weapons could break (though, because it was Juggdral, you could repair them), in the Elibe games all the S-Rank weapons had 20 uses (not a big deal in Blazing Sword because you only got them for a chapter, but notable in Binding Blade because you got Durandal pretty early), in Magvel all the S-Rank weapons and Eirika and Ephraim's prf weapons also had 20 uses.


I like Mila's Turnwheel. I hear some people say that it makes the game easy but as far as I see it just saves you from having to restart completely since losing any character is a game over state for me and I know other people play that way too.

I'm kind of mixed on Mila's Turnwheel. It saves time by not making us go through things we completed already, which is nice, but at the same time it feels a little too much like save states to me. I think that's a problem because it can encourage very reckless strategies, since if it fails we can just turn back time, change the order a little until the RNG does what we want.

Having a limit to how many times it can be used is great, and the maps are so straightforward here there's no real loss in being able to break the strategy part of the game, but if it's brought back in a future game I would want it to have something more. Something like the game remembering how specific fights play out, so if say a boss crits a unit, we can't just go back and change a little bit around and suddenly that unit doesn't get hit by a crit the next time they try fighting the boss.

It's not really a big deal to me if they don't fix it up, it still has its benefits so I certainly wouldn't mind seeing it again, but I think there's still room for improvement.


I have one archer in my Celica squad.

Have you already reclassed Atlas into something else?
Though I guess even if you were to reclass him immediately, it'd take a while before he became useful.

I thought there were a couple more that used the same silly portrait, but apparently they're a bit different:

By the way, I really like the variation in protraits for all the boss commanders in Echoes. I kind of expected to see a couple of copies or recolours for those that only have a couple of lines for their battle, but so far they're all very different. It's nice.

I think that one's supposed to be a pompadour - looking at how they translated the Polnareff hair, I kind of want to see what that would look like in Echoes' style. It wouldn't look as offputting as Slayde, at least.

The variation in boss portraits was a pleasant surprise for me as well - especially with how they went and turned characters that were previously generics into named bosses in the final map; again with their own portraits.


The growts on my second savefile are just stupid, Kliff lvl 1 sniper (from lvl 10 archer) , 16 atk, 14 def. He has more def than my armor knights. Also 21 Attack level 1 Sage Tobin. lmao


I finally finished the story. Overall a pretty good job on the remake. There were some good improvements and additions (most notably the presentation, writing, and dungeon crawling), and yet I could still feel it was a simpler, old school RPG at its core. I'm also glad it freshened up the series, because I got bored of Fates fairly quickly after being so similar to Awakening. I just wish they had updated the maps in Echoes, because most of them were either empty or deliberately annoying. The game really needed more variety, because by the end it was such a slog. I'm feeling so burnt out now, I don't think I'll continue to the post-game. Still pretty enjoyable for the most part, and well worth playing.
Oh, I keep meaning to mention this. I really like what they based (final boss character design spoiler)
Duma's human form

http://i.imgur.com/ewPycZB.png (Final boss character design spoilers... kinda)

It's super neat we finally know
who the background guy on the original Gaiden boxart
is hehe

Oh damn I always assumed he was supposed to be Rudolf (yeah, it looks nothing like him, but... yeah). Nice catch.
Equipping weapons and shields will teach m Arts, and I'm wondering if there are any considered essential for certain characters. For example, I have Celica using an Iron Sword, which I plan to have her use until she learns all of its Arts. Or is that a waste of time and I'd be better served using Steel right now?
Equipping weapons and shields will teach m Arts, and I'm wondering if there are any considered essential for certain characters. For example, I have Celica using an Iron Sword, which I plan to have her use until she learns all of its Arts. Or is that a waste of time and I'd be better served using Steel right now?

Most arts aren't so great, however there are some notable ones.

Most notably the Royal Sword's


Equipping weapons and shields will teach m Arts, and I'm wondering if there are any considered essential for certain characters. For example, I have Celica using an Iron Sword, which I plan to have her use until she learns all of its Arts. Or is that a waste of time and I'd be better served using Steel right now?
If it isn't clear, you can only use an item's arts while you have it equipped.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Those lava/poison swamp levels in Celica's route weren't too bad when I realized the easiest trick---have Genny "ferry" people over. She isn't effected by Terrain due to one of her skills, and she heals everyone around her enough to offset the damage loss.

She's really been an MVP. Never thought I'd love healers so much, but all three of them (Genny, Silque, and Tatiania) have been super awesome.
Those lava/poison swamp levels in Celica's route weren't too bad when I realized the easiest trick---have Genny "ferry" people over. She isn't effected by Terrain due to one of her skills, and she heals everyone around her enough to offset the damage loss.

She's really been an MVP. Never thought I'd love healers so much, but all three of them (Genny, Silque, and Tatiania) have been super awesome.

I'm finding a lot of units super useful in echoes compared to the other FE games I've played. Knights aren't handicapped with non-existant move, archers (which I always used anyway) can attack at point blank and have huge bow range to help chip away at enemies (I just wish their accuracy wasn't so bad), healers can actually contribute a lot, especially when they promote and get seraphim (easily one of the better spells thanks to high accuracy alone). I'm not sure how much of this is due to the different stat.growth mechanics though. Mages are still more or less as broken as normal, especially since they can be so damn tanky in this game. Always taking 1 damage and having spells cost hp does help mitigate this.

Honestly, if the map design and objectives were a bit more inspired, this could have been the best FE game in my opinion. Mind you, I'm still on Act 3, so that may change later, since I've heard the hp sponging gets worse. Still though, I do hope they decide to take some cues from this game for the new FE.
By the way, I really like the variation in protraits for all the boss commanders in Echoes. I kind of expected to see a couple of copies or recolours for those that only have a couple of lines for their battle, but so far they're all very different. It's nice.

This started since FE7. There were no repeating portraits for enemies in that game, unless it was a generic soldier.


Fates gave unique portraits to all bosses. Although in that case it seemed to have quite a few generic units as bosses, so it really could have used some palletswaps.

In a related note, I hope (Fate's) capture system returns again someday. It was neat to have characters who were clearly designed to be npc villains as party members.


Witch randomly teleports behind my unit, crits and kill him, another witch also teleports and attack another one of my units. Turnwheel back right before their movements and they just move normally without targeting anyone. Now I know why they gave players such a forgiving mechanic. lol
Whose idea was it to make witches completely random? I don't even want to imagine what it was like to deal with them in the original.

Also, I don't remember 1RN being this unforgiving on FE 4, I think about 1/3 of the attacks fail to connect. Low percent crits seem to activate more often too, and it fucks up my carefully planned Exp distribution every single time. lol

I'm having a blast with the game but some issues are definitely starting to show on act 3. So far, trash mobs in general have been a way worse problem than map design, both inside dungeons and in the world map. They're just not very interesting to fight for the most part and they spawn way too frequently on the world map. Like, waaaaay too frequently.


I shot people I like more for less.
Finished up
act 6
tonight, hard/classic. Really enjoyed the game overall. I guess strategy-wise it wasn't stellar, since most maps are pretty mediocre and you just push your best units with little thought, but the production values I thought were really great. The voice acting helped a lot to make a lot of these characters likeable, and really loved the character portraits too. The soundtrack was awesome as well. Dungeons were okay. Didn't really like or dislike them. Story is serviceable enough, liked it better than Awakening and Fates at least. Overall, just a lot of fun and really liked my time with it.


Despite having a FE itch since Heroes released, I didn't expect to enjoy this remake so much given how unremarkable the original experience was. The story, the full voice treatment with competent actors, the classic RPG experience with perfectly executed story, characters and world building (the best since Radiant Dawn, although the bar was not exceptionally high in this regard), the more basic battle interaction, etc. It was just right up my alley after Awakening and Fates and personally one of the best remakes I have ever played, close to 10/10 in my book. I wish Archanea got something more fleshed out like this instead of sticking so much to NES amount of dialogue.

I love how offensive the command arts make the game, since they can only activate in your turn and prevents silliness like heroes soloing maps with Aether in other titles. The Mila Turnwheel brings the best Tactics Ogre mechanic to recreate the "authentic" (note: ironic) nostalgic Fire Emblem experience for those like me who started with emulators back in 2000 and gives you a few chances to fight back screwy RNG situations. The quirky battle mechanics like the warps, the spawns and summonings that can turn an uninspiring battle into something interesting. Towns and quests, with those little nifty investigation sections that spawn a bit of dialogue. Dungeons are a fantastic idea that begs for lots of improvement in future games. The art style is exceptional, best one in the series so far. The whole package is amazing and much more balanced than in recent games and push the series forward, even if gameplay took a hit here and there.

And the soundtrack? Holy cow, I had never realized until now how fantastic the original score was this good, but the epic orchestra and chorus puts it in a completely different level. In goes in crescendo I was constantly getting goosebumps from Act 3 onwards all straight to the very last battle. The variety and quality in map themes is fantastic and the only low point was that the battle theme stops the song, they should go back to what previous 3DS titles did from now on.

Overall, a much refreshing and much needed take in the series after the 3DS games. I can only fantasize with the kind of experience that FE Switch is gonna be. I now want a story, soundtrack and characters this amazing with full voiceover, with open map, towns, better dungeons and so on. Alm, Celica and the whole cast end up being memorable because every one gets his time to speak and shine, whether in the main story, supports, villages or flashbacks, with Clive, Berkut and Ferdnand being a highlight for me given how much I like knight stories.

If they manage to get it right, FE Swith could be something really special. I have only high hopes for it. In the meantime, I'm going back to Echoes to try again the post game, since I got screwed in one of the lowest floors of the secret dungeon and spent my 12 spins of the turnwheel trying to save as many characters up to turn 3 to retreat and then evacuate with minimum loses lol.


I want more dungeons like Duma Tower and Fear Mountain. Those were really fun. Just finished Duma Tower tonight, and aside from the design being really straightforward, I enjoyed it and have no real complaints.

If they bring back the feature (which I greatly hope they do), the map should be able to be zoomed out/looked at in full. Also, minibosses having their own battle stages would be very welcome an addition. That or change the battle stages more in the dungeon itself, and have no more than one miniboss on each stage.

I'm a bit salty that I have to use Alm's army now to progress his side. Mostly because I fed up a Unit that I wanted to finally promote in Celica's. But now I've made all the progress I can on her side until clearing his. All the extra time spent strategizing to make sure they got the maximum number of kills. D:

oh also mandatory Celica is an idiot lategame
gosh what a horrible way to destroy a character

Edit: YES at the battle theme stopping the song being bothersome. The map music is PHENOMENAL and it gets cut out by a dumb five second battle jingle that may be catchy but is stopping something much better

And yeah the music has been astounding.
There's a "random" battle in Chapter 3 that's driving me up the fucking wall. I can't beat it and Alm has nowhere else to go but engage in this fight. What's so frustrating is that the enemy gets the first turn, making it almost impossible for me to get every unit out alive. I don't know what do do. :/

Burning Justice

the superior princess
There's a "random" battle in Chapter 3 that's driving me up the fucking wall. I can't beat it and Alm has nowhere else to go but engage in this fight. What's so frustrating is that the enemy gets the first turn, making it almost impossible for me to get every unit out alive. I don't know what do do. :/

Are you standing on a village or dungeon spot, by any chance? If you are, you can just keep entering and exiting the village/dungeon to pass days until the enemy moves, so it doesn't ambush you. I had that happen to me once, and that's what I did.
There's a "random" battle in Chapter 3 that's driving me up the fucking wall. I can't beat it and Alm has nowhere else to go but engage in this fight. What's so frustrating is that the enemy gets the first turn, making it almost impossible for me to get every unit out alive. I don't know what do do. :/
Have you tried selecting "Wait" on the world map until the enemy squad moves?


Yesss, my copy finally arrived.

I'm on an hour or so in, but my god what is going on with the growths in this game? With the exception of Alm, every other unit is lucky to gain more than 1 stat point per level. I tried redoing level ups with Mila's Turnwheel but that doesn't seem to work.

Am I just getting unlucky or what?


Yesss, my copy finally arrived.

I'm on an hour or so in, but my god what is going on with the growths in this game? With the exception of Alm, every other unit is lucky to gain more than 1 stat point per level. I tried redoing level ups with Mila's Turnwheel but that doesn't seem to work.

Am I just getting unlucky or what?

Stat distribution for level ups are determined at the beginning of a given battle, so if rewinding you need to make sure the unit won't gain enough EXP to get to the next level within the current map or dungeon enemy encounter, so they can level up on the next one.

And the growth rates are just like that - improved from what they used to be, even. I don't think you can get empty level ups until late in the game, at least.

I was surprised they bothered to give you a unique animation for hitting a wall with a Stinger - the melee actions you can perform in dungeons serve such a minor role gameplay-wise that I didn't expect them to include smaller details like that.
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