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Forza Motorsport Serie is in Decline this Generation. Can it Make a Resurgence?


a couple of devs reported that and Phil Spencer said that on one of his GiantBomb E3 interviews
of course I bet that's not true for all games, but a bunch of them... especially multiplayer games should be doing great.
for example if a friend has gamepass and tells you to get some Multiplayer game because it's great and yadayadayada and then you buy it to play with him.
Looks too much suspicious that claim.
I can see it working for really smaller indie games but for other like for exemple Gears 5 and That Obsidian RPG the sales in UK and US were lower than half of previous games not in Gamepass (in the Obsidian case it was a impressive 7:1 lead on PS4 in UK something never saw with a non-gamepass game there).

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
I love Forza, but man does it get repetitive. AI in the single player is relatively poor, and online is a worthless crash-fest.


Looks too much suspicious that claim.
I can see it working for really smaller indie games but for other like for exemple Gears 5 and That Obsidian RPG the sales in UK and US were lower than half of previous games not in Gamepass (in the Obsidian case it was a impressive 7:1 lead on PS4 in UK something never saw with a non-gamepass game there).

first party games are a bit different.
first party games is most likely the main reason people get gamepass and they will never be removed from gamepass either.
with 3rd party stuff they are only temporarily in gamepass. and because you have a discount as long as they are in gamepass many will buy them to keep them.


I tried Forza Motorsport and got bored 30 minutes in. Seems like the whole game is just running grey circles. Forza Horizon is just incredible though.

Fox Mulder

Canceling Forza Motorsports would be dumb. I never thought Forza Motorsports needed so many releases in a generation though. Just build one up over a few years and keep sharing assets between FM and Horizon.


Your undying intent to shit on Forza any chance you get is amazing E.

You cant take the fact that users here prefer the games over GTS so now youve gone on a whole tangent about sales in a brand new thread.

Is this what got you permabanned from Era?

How sad you spend your time on gaf trying with every last breath to shit on a game series you admitted to only spending less than 2 hours with.

Going on ignore now. Bye.

Sad git.
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Your undying intent to shit on Forza any chance you get is amazing E.

You cant take the fact that users here prefer the games over GTS so now youve gone on a whole tangent about sales in a brand new thread.

Is this what got you permabanned from Era?

How sad you spend your time on gaf trying with every last breath to shit on a game series you admitted to only spending less than 2 hours with.

Going on ignore now. Bye.

Sad git.
Truth > What I think... I can love or hate Forza but that won’t change the thread evidences.
I got banned on Era due a marketing unrelated comment... you can see it there on my profile.
Btw nice off topic.
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The problem with Forza is simply over-saturation. I seems like every year a new title comes out whether it be Forza or Forza Horizon, and with the amount of content in these games especially when you consider the amount of DLC these games have it just seems like a never ending thing. Eventually the fan base just get's tired and wants to play other things. I mean MS has just beat this franchise to death with title after title. They need to give the series some room to breathe for a year or two and let us enjoy the games that are already in our libraries.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
The problem with Forza is simply over-saturation. I seems like every year a new title comes out whether it be Forza or Forza Horizon, and with the amount of content in these games especially when you consider the amount of DLC these games have it just seems like a never ending thing. Eventually the fan base just get's tired and wants to play other things. I mean MS has just beat this franchise to death with title after title. They need to give the series some room to breathe for a year or two and let us enjoy the games that are already in our libraries.
I think this has some weight.

During the 360 era people were still coming around on forza. I honeslty never would of got into it if it wasnt for it being given away with a lot of 360 bundles. I borrowed it off a friends and was surprised how much I liked it. By that time Forza 4 was hitting and I was itching for more so I hopped in.

I grabbed Forza 5 because I wanted that next gen goodness. But after that there wasn't a huge reason to get more Forza. I hadn't had enough time in-between diving into 5 before 6 was hitting. I got it because I liked the franchise but there wasn't enough new there and fell off it with about a quarter amount of the time.

7 I got because enough time had passed and I wanted dat Xbox One X enhanced Forza game. I enjoyed 7 a lot but I didn't drop as much time in it as i did 5. But i definitely did more than 6.

I think it makes more sense to have 1 of the motorsport games every 4 years or so.


The problem with Forza is simply over-saturation. I seems like every year a new title comes out

they are taking a break at the moment... the question is for how long. most likely Forza 8 will be a launch title.

since Forza 4 they came out bi-yearly for each series. so Forza 4 (2011), Horizon (2012), Forza 5 (2013), Horizon 2 (2014) and so on... until Horizon 4, which is the latest game. and since then a year has past.
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I think this has some weight.

During the 360 era people were still coming around on forza. I honeslty never would of got into it if it wasnt for it being given away with a lot of 360 bundles. I borrowed it off a friends and was surprised how much I liked it. By that time Forza 4 was hitting and I was itching for more so I hopped in.

I grabbed Forza 5 because I wanted that next gen goodness. But after that there wasn't a huge reason to get more Forza. I hadn't had enough time in-between diving into 5 before 6 was hitting. I got it because I liked the franchise but there wasn't enough new there and fell off it with about a quarter amount of the time.

7 I got because enough time had passed and I wanted dat Xbox One X enhanced Forza game. I enjoyed 7 a lot but I didn't drop as much time in it as i did 5. But i definitely did more than 6.

I think it makes more sense to have 1 of the motorsport games every 4 years or so.

That's how I feel expecially considering all the DLC for this series. Imagine getting the collectors edition with the seasons pass and putting all that time in to really enjoy the game only to have the new one come out a few months after you've really put your time in and want you to do it all over again with pretty much the same cars but bundled in car packs and the whatnot. They've turned it into the COD series of racing now.


they are taking a break at the moment... the question is for how long. most likely Forza 8 will be a launch title.

since Forza 4 they came out bi-yearly for each series. so Forza 4 (2011), Horizon (2012), Forza 5 (2013), Horizon 3 (2014) and so on... until Horizon 4, which is the latest game. and since then a year has past.
I read some rumors (lol there is zillions) that Forza 8 is not a launch title but 2021 title.
they are taking a break at the moment... the question is for how long. most likely Forza 8 will be a launch title.

since Forza 4 they came out bi-yearly for each series. so Forza 4 (2011), Horizon (2012), Forza 5 (2013), Horizon 3 (2014) and so on... until Horizon 4, which is the latest game. and since then a year has past.

They really have a good thing with the Forza Horizon series. I hope they just slow down with pumping out titles and just improve the experience of the game that is already out.


I read some rumors (lol there is zillions) that Forza 8 is not a launch title but 2021 title.

if it is a 2021 title then I hope they really REALLY have some big changes...
this also means that Horizon 5 is ways out most likely... especially with them developing Fable 4 at the momen... UUHHMM I MEAN... "Open World Fantasy Action RPG"

They really have a good thing with the Forza Horizon series. I hope they just slow down with pumping out titles and just improve the experience of the game that is already out.

the real highlights IMO are the DLCs for Horizon 3 and 4.
the Hotwheels DLC for Horizon 3 was great, with loops and crazy sky tracks.
and the Lego DLC for Horizon 4 which feels like a mix between a Collectathon and a racing game
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
if it is a 2021 title then I hope they really REALLY have some big changes...
this also means that Horizon 5 is ways out most likely... especially with them developing Fable 4 at the momen... UUHHMM I MEAN... "Open World Fantasy Action RPG"

the real highlights IMO are the DLCs for Horizon 3 and 4.
the Hotwheels DLC for Horizon 3 was great, with loops and crazy sky tracks.
and the Lego DLC for Horizon 4 which feels like a mix between a Collectathon and a racing game
Hot wheels dlc was soooooo good.


Hot wheels dlc was soooooo good.

it was... damn, now that I have a decent PC I might have to play it again on PC (cross buy + save FTW lol) at 60fps. Kinda sad that it never got a 60fps mode on One X, but I guess the game was way too CPU heavy and Horizon 4 was designed for One X from the ground up to get it to 60fps.
looks great in HDR at 4k tho, so at least it got that :)


I think the FM series had a bad gen. 5 was a terrible game, 6 was what 5 should have been, and 7 was like a 4K patch on 6. The basic gameplay didn't change from what we saw in Gran Turismo 1. I've played that shit so many times I just don't feel like doing it anymore. They really need to rethink it IMO. Sport got a lot of shit for lacking content but it did feel like something different. The DLC for Forza 6 did some interesting things though.
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What can be done? I get bored on that type of career too (just finished GT6 for the trophies) and I loved the career in GTS that focus in teaching you how to race correctly.

But I know that if I have to play again another career like GTS I will start to fell bored again (same lessons that I already leaned).

The AI in these games are a no go too.

Turn 10 says they are changing things up in Forza 8 pretty drastically. I'm eager to see what they come up with. Some sort of multiplayer mixed into the career mode like GTS might be necessary.

I got lots of ideas but its hard to sort them all out. My biggest wishes would be these: Slow down progression at the start and have the player focus on their first car for a good while, making it more viable to upgrade it than buying a new car. Next would be to get rid of prize cars or cut wayyy back on them. Sometimes these games feel more like Pokemon trying to collect all the cars. Get rid of AI difficulty options. Make difficulty instead on an event by event basis, but they probably won't do this anymore because they want to be accessible. To spice up the AI, add in an RNG system where maybe one driver in the pack will be complete trash or below average and then maybe once in a while you will come across an extremely difficult AI but if you race again you might come up with different results from the AI, also giving them somewhat random parts in their cars and tuning builds could give them more personality as well and spread the pack out.

If you want to get crazy, some kind of story mode could be interesting. Sports games have them now so why not?
Some sort of sponsorship system could be cool.
I got a crazy idea of letting you pick your driver's persona like in Oregon Trail games maybe with some RPG-like stats. Like you could pick from a rich guy who starts with an exotic car but maybe slightly lower stats in some areas or from a young street racer guy with a Honda starter but no money etc.
Maybe it's time to put some kind of a hub world in. Even Gears has done it and I bet it won't be long before Call of Duty does it too.

I know crazy ideas seem weird for a driving simulation game but the career mode in these are not simulations of a real career, if they were the drivers would want to kill themselves from doing nothing but racing in their life only spending their prize money on their next car, no life, no wife, no house, doomed to drive in circles for the rest of his days.


Turn 10 says they are changing things up in Forza 8 pretty drastically. I'm eager to see what they come up with. Some sort of multiplayer mixed into the career mode like GTS might be necessary.

I got lots of ideas but its hard to sort them all out. My biggest wishes would be these: Slow down progression at the start and have the player focus on their first car for a good while, making it more viable to upgrade it than buying a new car. Next would be to get rid of prize cars or cut wayyy back on them. Sometimes these games feel more like Pokemon trying to collect all the cars. Get rid of AI difficulty options. Make difficulty instead on an event by event basis, but they probably won't do this anymore because they want to be accessible. To spice up the AI, add in an RNG system where maybe one driver in the pack will be complete trash or below average and then maybe once in a while you will come across an extremely difficult AI but if you race again you might come up with different results from the AI, also giving them somewhat random parts in their cars and tuning builds could give them more personality as well and spread the pack out.

If you want to get crazy, some kind of story mode could be interesting. Sports games have them now so why not?
Some sort of sponsorship system could be cool.
I got a crazy idea of letting you pick your driver's persona like in Oregon Trail games maybe with some RPG-like stats. Like you could pick from a rich guy who starts with an exotic car but maybe slightly lower stats in some areas or from a young street racer guy with a Honda starter but no money etc.
Maybe it's time to put some kind of a hub world in. Even Gears has done it and I bet it won't be long before Call of Duty does it too.

I know crazy ideas seem weird for a driving simulation game but the career mode in these are not simulations of a real career, if they were the drivers would want to kill themselves from doing nothing but racing in their life only spending their prize money on their next car, no life, no wife, no house, doomed to drive in circles for the rest of his days.
Looks interesting.

The part of raise a driver like RPG seems like B-Spec in GT5 but with the player doing the races (B-Spec uses a bot AI to do the races).
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Why would you make this thread? You're a hardcore Sony and GT fanboy. The decline is made up in your own head. The GT crowd on this forum is something else, I have to say. From doctoring photos to outright lies to claiming to have vast knowledge of Forza because you played Forza 5 for a few minutes at a trade show (and that one was the OP), yall say some really bizarre shit.

I'm not a fan of what Sony did to GT this gen and don't play the game so I stay out of threads about it and don't have it on my mind. Weird that you guys can't do the same regarding Forza. I mean... you're going to sit and tell us that you, ethomaz, actually did research for a series you'll never have any intention of playing whatsoever? Why?


Why would you make this thread? You're a hardcore Sony and GT fanboy. The decline is made up in your own head. The GT crowd on this forum is something else, I have to say. From doctoring photos to outright lies to claiming to have vast knowledge of Forza because you played Forza 5 for a few minutes at a trade show (and that one was the OP), yall say some really bizarre shit.

I'm not a fan of what Sony did to GT this gen and don't play the game so I stay out of threads about it and don't have it on my mind. Weird that you guys can't do the same regarding Forza. I mean... you're going to sit and tell us that you, ethomaz, actually did research for a series you'll never have any intention of playing whatsoever? Why?
No matter what you think about GT fans the thread is a reality.... your others false accusation I won’t even bother to reply.

I really loved what PD did with GTS.
Let’s see what Turn 10 will do with FM8... seems like they are changing a lot of things.

I did the research because Afro asked if not I should never had the material for the thread.
The intention is simple there is a decline in sales of each new integration of Forza Motorsport this gen... it is a forum so what do you think about that?

I never though I will broke some hearth with an actual informative thread... some other salty user even made a parody thread :messenger_tears_of_joy:

PS. My thread is more usefull and interesting for discussion than most threads created on GAF... I should make more contribution to the community in the future.
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No matter what you think about GT fans the thread is a reality.... your others false accusation I won’t even bother to reply.

I really loved what PD did with GTS.
Let’s see what Turn 10 will do with FM8... seems like they are changing a lot of things.

I did the research because Afro asked if not I should never had the material for the thread.
The intention is simple there is a decline in sales of each new integration of Forza Motorsport this gen... it is a forum so what do you think about that?

I never though I will broke some hearth with an actual informative thread... some other salty user even made a parody thread :messenger_tears_of_joy:

PS. My thread is more usefull and interesting for discussion than most threads created on GAF... I should make more contribution to the community in the future.

No shit? That's what fanboys and apologists do.

Also I'm aware that this thread is a reality. I'm posting in it right now. The premise of the thread, however, is all in your head.
No matter what you think about GT fans the thread is a reality.... your others false accusation I won’t even bother to reply.

I really loved what PD did with GTS.
Let’s see what Turn 10 will do with FM8... seems like they are changing a lot of things.

I did the research because Afro asked if not I should never had the material for the thread.
The intention is simple there is a decline in sales of each new integration of Forza Motorsport this gen... it is a forum so what do you think about that?

I never though I will broke some hearth with an actual informative thread... some other salty user even made a parody thread :messenger_tears_of_joy:

PS. My thread is more usefull and interesting for discussion than most threads created on GAF... I should make more contribution to the community in the future.
Off topic but...
Do you spend a huge portion of your time each day, staring in the mirror? Forever talking out loud, just to hear your own voice? The way that you justify everything you do, and try to convince everyone else that you are right, is utterly embarrassing.

I always wonder if people like yourself, realize how awkward you must be like in a room full of people. Who types their thoughts outloud on a forum, and then turns around and answers your own question in the same response? How do you recommend yourself to contribute more to the GAF community, when literally everyone here is against you?! Lol this has got to be the most obvious, yet oblivious troll.


No shit? That's what fanboys and apologists do.

Also I'm aware that this thread is a reality. I'm posting in it right now. The premise of the thread, however, is all in your head.

The premise of the thread is actually a reality.

Off topic but...
Do you spend a huge portion of your time each day, staring in the mirror? Forever talking out loud, just to hear your own voice? The way that you justify everything you do, and try to convince everyone else that you are right, is utterly embarrassing.

I always wonder if people like yourself, realize how awkward you must be like in a room full of people. Who types their thoughts outloud on a forum, and then turns around and answers your own question in the same response? How do you recommend yourself to contribute more to the GAF community, when literally everyone here is against you?! Lol this has got to be the most obvious, yet oblivious troll.

And mostly in GAF like the content I apresenta to the community just some small minds incapable of thinking and discuss arguments thinking that real information is a trolling attempt just because you don’t like what you read.

I’m curious... why do you keep shaming yourself?
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And mostly in GAF like the content I apresenta to the community just some small minds incapable of thinking and discuss arguments thinking that real information is a trolling attempt just because you don’t like what you read.

I’m curious... why do you keep shaming yourself?





All this concern about Forza Motorsport being in decline when Gran Turismo's decline is at and all time high and its reviews are at an all time low.

As if we don't know exactly what you're trying to accomplish with this thread.

Did you get that PlayStation tattoo yet?
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All this concern about Forza Motorsport being in decline when Gran Turismo's decline is at and all time high and its reviews are at an all time low.

As if we don't know exactly what you're trying to accomplish with this thread.

Did you get that PlayStation tattoo yet?
Which tattoo? I don’t like tattoos btw.

About the Forza Motorsport decline this gen?
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Who cares? It's a thread made in bad faith lol.

What's the point?
So why did you enter in the thread?

No matter how the thread was made... the content is true and worth of discuss.

To be fair most comments are fine... you can read it... they have valida discussions.
But you? You don’t.
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Why I entered the thread is not of consequence, why you created however is.

This fanboy shit is getting old, kiddo.

You say don’t care but entered into the thread instead to discuss the subject start attacking the subject.

That looks like salty and you do care a lot.

Tou can be fanboys and have opinion to add to community... now the fan body like you that just attack without nothing to add is really getting tired.
But hey keep the good “work”.
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Maybe it's because even fans, and I include myself, have become tired of the series. I think Motorsport 3 was my favourite regarding content and structure.
And to be honest I've already become tired with the Horizon series too, my personal favourite is Horizon 2.

The Motorsport series started out copying Gran Turismo and it may of deviated from it a little but it needs more change now. I'm sick of them repeating all the cars, hundreds of cars with different generations of the same vehicle. Just drop that and keep iconic ones, but add more tracks and include classic tracks too. Make it about Motorsport not just cars.

Airbus Jr

Litigate my emotions, daddy!
How many forza motorsport game xbox really need in a single gen?

Probably only one

They can keep adding more content and dlc...let the community grow....

Look at how FM perform this gen....

Some players are in FM5..the others are on FM6 and FM7....the community are scaterred all over the place...

You cant make too many of these racing sims theres just simply not enough space...
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I've wrote it once before but I believe that forza motorsport should be free to play like forza motorsport 6 apex is on pc.

That way loads of people will download it and will be able to purchase the cars and tracks that they want if any and I'd want there to only be the one version like iracing that keeps being continually updated in graphics, physics and services etc

Also I have an idea for game type that is basically battle Royal that is an eliminator, not sure if position after each lap or lap time but I'd have a go and this adds something like the eliminator on horizon 4.

Also it will keep players on one game
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