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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities

Free stuff handed out at races can be really iffy. The gels they gave out at one were disgusting and made me feel ill almost instantly, only took it during a training run so it wasn't the end of the world, but won't go near those again. Another fun one at the weekend - the first "water station" instead had this horrible orange fizzy shite that just unsettled my stomach and made me belch my way through the following couple of miles, I'd have been better off nipping down to the river and swigging some of that.


Gels always make me feel gross. I've had good luck with the Clif Shot Bloks. I usually take 2 before, and a few during a race.

Edit after reading below: Bananas always work well for me, even when I eat them somewhat last minute.
Yeah I avoid anything that looks like it has something dairy based pre and post run unless it's a formal breakfast they cook. I generally stick to the granola bars/banana.
Trying to get comfy at 100/week. Been running mostly easy since that 10K a cple of weeks back.

Here I am, thinking about taking a really easy week (or maybe even a week off) to rest (been feeling too tired these past few days and I don't really want to push it too far and then regret it) and there you go making me feel like a lazy p.o.s ;b

Placed 156/1310 today which I'm happy with. Running pace was 7:10/mi which for me is a personal best during a tri. Very little sun and 65°F made it more comfortable.

I'm late, but congrats on the PR!

Bang on 53.00. Cant complain. Managed 90 seconds faster then last year.
Not terribly faster but felt smarter and more efficient. No walk breaks, mostly steady pace last 2k where my fastest. Feel good afterwards and not a wreck last last year.

But I nearly got sick afterwards. I think I should have gotten up earlier for breakfast to let things settle more. Ill need to remember that because I have a few more lined up over the next 3months.

Also to settle my stomach I decided to take one of the free yogurts a sponsor where handing out. FYI if your job is ever handing out yogurt, DONT LEAVE YOGURT IN THE SUN!

Very nice results! As usual Fistwell has already gone over the important points. The more you run the more you'll know your body.

Gels always make me feel gross. I've had good luck with the Clif Shot Bloks. I usually take 2 before, and a few during a race.

Edit after reading below: Bananas always work well for me, even when I eat them somewhat last minute.

Have you tried GU gels? I think they are at the right point between liquid and solid to be quite palatable. They also make a stroopwafel which is nice.


Here I am, thinking about taking a really easy week (or maybe even a week off) to rest (been feeling too tired these past few days and I don't really want to push it too far and then regret it) and there you go making me feel like a lazy p.o.s ;b
Hey, don't feel bad, it's about volume, not distance. Lots of kms at zero intensity is still fairly low volume. Also, rest obviously has its use and is important. If your body tells you to take time off, it probably has reasons to! Enjoy the rest! Embrace your inner sloth! :)
I almost went with Ghost 9's a actually, it was a toss up between them and the Wave Rider 19's. I just happened to find a great deal on the WR19 so it made my choice easier. After my run I can say they feel great. Nice improvement over my New Balance. The only problem was that they get warm, not quite as breathable as my New Balance. Granted, it was pretty hot and humid out today, but it was getting toasty in there. It could be my socks as well. I should invest in some breathable socks. Are these Saucony socks alright? - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JM8MWTI/?tag=neogaf0e-20
Oh, a deal, I actually got a discount on my Ghost 9's too. I haven't had any problems with my feet getting warm, is it really hot in there? I just use normal charcoal socks and they're quite thick. Maybe it's because I typically run at night so I don't get hot down there.

Yep I am in white shirt.
You look great, wish I had abs that show beneath my shirt too. What's a 3x2 relay, by the way? 3 people on a team with 2 miles each? I assume those are your teammates then?

I cannot freakin wait. This is the Triathlon I saw in person 2 years ago and thought "this looks so awesome, but I could never do this."

I am so ready.

Water temp is like 79, so no wetsuit this time. Rain likely during the bike and run. Should be a fun time. Bring it on ;)
Good luck, and take care! I'd join one but I am afraid of the depths and I can't bike.
Trying to run every day, but realistically 5 days a week.
You should always include a rest day. 5 days a week is already more than enough, you'll lose a lot of weight quickly if you keep that up, but then again maybe that's one of your goals. What are your goals?


You should always include a rest day. 5 days a week is already more than enough, you'll lose a lot of weight quickly if you keep that up, but then again maybe that's one of your goals. What are your goals?
Losing weight is definitely one of my goals. I lost 20 pounds just through diet change earlier this year, so I'm at 180 (6'1" for reference) and I'd like to get to 175 while putting on some lean muscle through running and lifting.
Losing weight is definitely one of my goals. I lost 20 pounds just through diet change earlier this year, so I'm at 180 (6'1" for reference) and I'd like to get to 175 while putting on some lean muscle through running and lifting.
Oh, neat. I actually started running with only the goal of making myself have better endurance on hikes. I was obese before, then I surprised myself when people got surprised I lost a ton of weight by running, so much so that someone mistook me for a kid. Anyway, after that, I cut my running from 5 to 3 days, and now I use the other days for the gym, and I'm slowly gaining muscle.

So you go to the gym too?
Oh, a deal, I actually got a discount on my Ghost 9's too. I haven't had any problems with my feet getting warm, is it really hot in there? I just use normal charcoal socks and they're quite thick. Maybe it's because I typically run at night so I don't get hot down there.

You look great, wish I had abs that show beneath my shirt too. What's a 3x2 relay, by the way? 3 people on a team with 2 miles each? I assume those are your teammates then?

Good luck, and take care! I'd join one but I am afraid of the depths and I can't bike.

Those are not abs hahaha. They are fat rolls. I am hoping to finally lose some bodyfat % this fall/winter training season. Thanks for making me feel good for a moment. :) And yes, 3x2 means 3 people 2 miles each. They were my teammates. Been training with them in the half group for 6 months and 1 year respectively.

Had a great night. rode my bike 14.6 miles at respectable speed then ran 1.5 with only a 15 minute gap to take a business meeting. I've decided I am going to start a run streak as of Saturday. I plan to run at least 1 mile every day from now on. Hope it goes well.


Oh, neat. I actually started running with only the goal of making myself have better endurance on hikes. I was obese before, then I surprised myself when people got surprised I lost a ton of weight by running, so much so that someone mistook me for a kid. Anyway, after that, I cut my running from 5 to 3 days, and now I use the other days for the gym, and I'm slowly gaining muscle.

So you go to the gym too?
Yeah I've been running on the treadmill every week day while lifting MWF.


It's nice when you have a good run. Nothing special, just finishing feeling fresh, nailing target pace, reasonable HBR range. Nothing spectacular, just all nominal and according to plan. Now bring on the football game, beers, and that 800m final (go Bosse go!). Guess I'll watch Van Nikerk crush the field too though I have less of a horse in that race.
It's nice when you have a good run. Nothing special, just finishing feeling fresh, nailing target pace, reasonable HBR range. Nothing spectacular, just all nominal and according to plan. Now bring on the football game, beers, and that 800m final (go Bosse go!). Guess I'll watch Van Nikerk crush the field too though I have less of a horse in that race.

In complete contrast to your perfect run I was distracted thinking about who-knows-what, tripped, fell and scrapped my elbows pretty bad (meh, cosmetic damage amirite) and bruised my toe pretty badly (going to have to keep an eye on this one!). Managed to keep on keeping on just fine though :D
Well I ran my first interval session in months with my club today. I was expecting the worst because I just did my first 20 mile week since my spring Marathon and I know I'm behind. Was pretty happy to do my first 2 mile interval at about 8:18 each and the second 2 mile interval closer to 8:10. I guess I'm in better shape than I thought still. I'll get 2-3 more solid runs in this week then fall training formally starts Saturday.


In complete contrast to your perfect run I was distracted thinking about who-knows-what, tripped, fell and scrapped my elbows pretty bad (meh, cosmetic damage amirite) and bruised my toe pretty badly (going to have to keep an eye on this one!). Managed to keep on keeping on just fine though :D
Oh man this happens every few months or so to me. I often run on sidewalks around here and every once in a while my mind wanders and BAM I hit a crown and I'm on my way down. Thankfully last time I was running with a handheld water bottle and it absorbed much of the impact. I wasnt so lucky late last year and still have a round scar on me knee from grinding skin off :(


That stings! Used to happen to me with some regularity a few years back. In one case I think I actually damaged a tendon that later that same year gave me a lot of trouble. :(

So Bosse won (brilliantly)! Van Niekerk destroyed everyone so bad, he ended up jogging across the finish. No emotion, no fucks given. At some point I thought it was a rerun of his semi. Mekhissi finished 4rth in the steeple. He came back and finished with the 3rd, but he had let the leading 3 gap him too much, too hard to come back. Jager finished 3rd after leading most of the race. Kind of a courageous/dumb race. I think he could have hoped for better.

Edit: Man can I feel my legs today. ;'o
Did the mile race, an out-and-back in some pretty persistent rain. First section over a sodden field with an extra special properly slippy slop section to dance over before reaching the paved path - wasn't really expecting this for a summer mile race when booking. Had a wait of over 2 hours from registration until my wave started, faster expected times going in later waves, it had churned up a bit by then but mostly only in the transition bit.

My watch crapped out and put my finish over a mile away in another town, so lost the last fifth of the race to the crop. The bit that was left had my heart rate average at 195 and max out at 213, can't imagine what it actually peaked at as I absolutely hammered the final 200m failing at chasing someone down but helping get the time down to respectable. But... urgh... does anyone really enjoy this short stuff? It's torture. Suppose that's what these super fast types manage and deal with all the time, but anything under 5 miles is done with before it feels like it gets going and is rarely pleasant ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It's nice when you have a good run. Nothing special, just finishing feeling fresh, nailing target pace, reasonable HBR range. Nothing spectacular, just all nominal and according to plan.

Edit: Man can I feel my legs today. ;'o

The price you pay for yesterday's pleasure.


Racing the mile is tough, it requires strength and endurance (and that's not even getting into slick slippery surfaces). It's long enough that you have plenty of time to feel and contemplate the pain of going faster than your body thinks reasonable.

The price you pay for yesterday's pleasure.
I'd say dull satisfaction of everything going according to plan, rather than actual pleasure, but, yeah. Running is a cruel mistress. Legs feel better now though.


My last two runs finally felt like proper runs again. I can feel my stamina coming back but I still can't commit to a strict running schedule so my runs will still have a lot of variance for a while.

Last year I was so motivated I hated every day that I couldn't run. Now I'm making stupid excuses and it pisses me off even though I only have myself to blame...

Any suggestions to get motivated again or do I just have to suck it up and get my ass out there whether I want it or not?


Any suggestions to get motivated again or do I just have to suck it up and get my ass out there whether I want it or not?
We're all different, but of the things that I use to trick myself: not pressuring myself to go if I don't want to, making sure to not go too fast and avoid making it painful, trying a different route, going to nice/pretty/different places, making it about exploring more than running, getting a new pair of shoes, using running as a functional thing (commuting run, to avoid public transport, it's not for the little money it saves, but running serving a purpose makes it more motivating to me), having new music or some interesting podcast/audio book to listen to, (semi-) time trialing myself on tracks or nice quiet secluded roads where I know the distance, seeing what kind of 400 / 800 / 1000 / 1600 time I can bang out with complete recovery, allowing myself to eat whatever hot garbage I want for the amount of calories I burn, running on pure hate after having an argument, weighing myself and seeing how heavy I am, thinking of the benefit I'll get from my run (or from being consistent with my runs), plotting to beat panda-zebra's 10k pr, focusing on my breathing and listening to ambient music (helps me zone out).

I know some people also get a kick from trying to beat strava segments.


I had my first ever DNF on Monday... 6 mile road race, and I had to bail after 6km due to sore Achilles. It was sore going in, so I really shouldn't have been running but I figured I could handle 6 miles. So depressed over this, and I feel like I'm going backwards. After getting PR's in every distance early in the Summer, July-August has taken its toll on me. I don't think I'm comfortable running in the heat.
I'm running a half in Oakland with a friend this weekend. Definitely not ready for it so we will see how it goes! I'm hoping better race fueling and adrenaline will compensate for my lack of long runs. I can do 7 miles pretty ok now, but that is the longest I've run in my training.

I'm going to pace myself early and walk up any hills I deem too physically demanding. Still aiming for 1:55 considering the course is supposed to be hilly.
Racing the mile is tough, it requires strength and endurance (and that's not even getting into slick slippery surfaces). It's long enough that you have plenty of time to feel and contemplate the pain of going faster than your body thinks reasonable.

There's a regular mile race up in the NE that is on a flat, fast hard surface along the coast each month, a few places have those. If there was one near here I could give that a few goes and get a feel for it. 5k can be horrible enough, repeatedly kicking your own arse to get back on it and shift, but 1 mile seems like you have to constantly be in that mode. 2 people passed me last night and I decided to sit on their shoulders. That was a mistake, their pace shortly after dropped right off and at the time it felt too easy. I took too long to kick on and get on with my race, there's more need for it to be your own thing and I'm not used to that as I use others for pacing.

allowing myself to eat whatever hot garbage I want for the amount of calories I burn, running on pure hate after having an argument

I'm definitely getting to appreciate the former more and as for the latter, it worked so well for my brother, clearly need to make myself more disagreeable in order to wring that last bit of fire out.

plotting to beat panda-zebra's 10k pr

fucking lol, I thought you just did the other week!

I had my first ever DNF on Monday... 6 mile road race, and I had to bail after 6km due to sore Achilles. It was sore going in, so I really shouldn't have been running but I figured I could handle 6 miles. So depressed over this, and I feel like I'm going backwards. After getting PR's in every distance early in the Summer, July-August has taken its toll on me. I don't think I'm comfortable running in the heat.

DNF feels horrible. I had one in a race I'd been building myself up for, a local one and the first time they held it. Having family at the finish line with 4 of us running only added to the pain. Urgh.


We're all different, but of the things that I use to trick myself: not pressuring myself to go if I don't want to, making sure to not go too fast and avoid making it painful, trying a different route, going to nice/pretty/different places, making it about exploring more than running, getting a new pair of shoes, using running as a functional thing (commuting run, to avoid public transport, it's not for the little money it saves, but running serving a purpose makes it more motivating to me), having new music or some interesting podcast/audio book to listen to, (semi-) time trialing myself on tracks or nice quiet secluded roads where I know the distance, seeing what kind of 400 / 800 / 1000 / 1600 time I can bang out with complete recovery, allowing myself to eat whatever hot garbage I want for the amount of calories I burn, running on pure hate after having an argument, weighing myself and seeing how heavy I am, thinking of the benefit I'll get from my run (or from being consistent with my runs), plotting to beat panda-zebra's 10k pr, focusing on my breathing and listening to ambient music (helps me zone out).

I know some people also get a kick from trying to beat strava segments.

Those are great suggestions and I'm already using some of them. I've been eyeing some new running shoes, partly to get motivated but also partly because I think my current pair is cursed... I got the pair I'm currently using and in the beginning they were a little uncomfortable (compared to my old pair) and I got a knee injury shortly after that but I know the injury was not related to my shoes... Totally makes sense, right? :p
I've only put 250ish km on my current pair so I can't really justify buying new shoes. My old pair lasted me around 600 km...

I do run the same trails all the time, though which is boring but I like the little 5,5K loop I have right outside my apartment. The recent heat definitely played a role in skipping some runs. It's cooled off a little in the last few days so at least that's something.

I can't go for a run today because I'm visiting my grandma after work but I'll definitely go for a run tomorrow. Hopefully it rains. I never skip a run when it's raining!


I've only put 250ish km on my current pair so I can't really justify buying new shoes. My old pair lasted me around 600 km...
Oh but you can! 1) alternating shoes will make both pairs deteriorate more gradually than if you ran all the time in one pair, 2) alternating shoes giving you different rides (different bounce, different drop, etc.) is (supposed to be) great at preventing overuse injury, you stimulate the musculo-tendino-skeletal system in different ways. Recently picked up a pair of adidas adios, coming from mostly nike frees, the change was brutal. The first run in them, I felt like I had to "re-learn" how to run, paying attention to foot strike, posture and so on. I actually don't know how beneficial or healthy that is, but I sure as hell run differently in nike frees and in adios.

So, yeah, if you spend the money on a new pair now and alternate between shoes, the shoes will last longer (maybe?), and alternating rides does something to you that someone somewhere said was good (I think?). More than enough justification (for me! I have way too many pairs!). :)
Those are great suggestions and I'm already using some of them. I've been eyeing some new running shoes, partly to get motivated but also partly because I think my current pair is cursed... I got the pair I'm currently using and in the beginning they were a little uncomfortable (compared to my old pair) and I got a knee injury shortly after that but I know the injury was not related to my shoes... Totally makes sense, right? :p
I've only put 250ish km on my current pair so I can't really justify buying new shoes. My old pair lasted me around 600 km...

I do run the same trails all the time, though which is boring but I like the little 5,5K loop I have right outside my apartment. The recent heat definitely played a role in skipping some runs. It's cooled off a little in the last few days so at least that's something.

I can't go for a run today because I'm visiting my grandma after work but I'll definitely go for a run tomorrow. Hopefully it rains. I never skip a run when it's raining!

You want to alternate shoes. There is ample evidence both increases the lifetime of the shoes and reduces injury. My personal observation is that by alternating you give your shoes time to actually dry out/ actually let the foam uncompress more. Plus each pair of shoes is slightly different so you are using your feet/legs a bit different each time. Currently I rotate 2 pairs of the same shoes but in the future I am considering running in two different styles to see what difference is made.

Today was a pretty shitty day. I broke up with my GF of almost 5 years. I just put 15 miles on my bike and am about to head out to do at least a mile. Hopefully the running will get my mind off things.


Oh but you can! 1) alternating shoes will make both pairs deteriorate more gradually than if you ran all the time in one pair, 2) alternating shoes giving you different rides (different bounce, different drop, etc.) is (supposed to be) great at preventing overuse injury, you stimulate the musculo-tendino-skeletal system in different ways. Recently picked up a pair of adidas adios, coming from mostly nike frees, the change was brutal. The first run in them, I felt like I had to "re-learn" how to run, paying attention to foot strike, posture and so on. I actually don't know how beneficial or healthy that is, but I sure as hell run differently in nike frees and in adios.

So, yeah, if you spend the money on a new pair now and alternate between shoes, the shoes will last longer (maybe?), and alternating rides does something to you that someone somewhere said was good (I think?). More than enough justification (for me! I have way too many pairs!). :)

You want to alternate shoes. There is ample evidence both increases the lifetime of the shoes and reduces injury. My personal observation is that by alternating you give your shoes time to actually dry out/ actually let the foam uncompress more. Plus each pair of shoes is slightly different so you are using your feet/legs a bit different each time. Currently I rotate 2 pairs of the same shoes but in the future I am considering running in two different styles to see what difference is made.

Thanks for the heads up guys! I guess I have no choice but to treat myself to a new pair!

Today was a pretty shitty day. I broke up with my GF of almost 5 years. I just put 15 miles on my bike and am about to head out to do at least a mile. Hopefully the running will get my mind off things.

I'm sorry man. That sucks. :(
I know I would definitely go for a long run if I was in that situation.
5k+ last night (course was 3.22 miles, 1/8th of a mile long, thanks to 2 marshalling mistakes - oops!). 100s of runners but not a very strong field at the front, but I'll take a 3rd place finish any time, any race - confidence-boosting :)

Today was a pretty shitty day. I broke up with my GF of almost 5 years. I just put 15 miles on my bike and am about to head out to do at least a mile. Hopefully the running will get my mind off things.

Ah crap :/ I'd be off into the woods/hills to lose myself for a few hours, don't think I'd trust myself on a bike if I wasn't in the right frame of mind for it, probably end messy.


Sup running GAF! I started running a couple months ago and have lost about 40 pounds (also dieting and just recently started going to the gym). I'm running about 3 miles a run at a 12 minute pace now every other day. I hated it at first, but lately I look forward to not thinking about anything work/life related and just getting out there. Most importantly, I like myself a lot more and running is a big part of it.
Sup running GAF! I started running a couple months ago and have lost about 40 pounds (also dieting and just recently started going to the gym). I'm running about 3 miles a run at a 12 minute pace now every other day. I hated it at first, but lately I look forward to not thinking about anything work/life related and just getting out there. Most importantly, I like myself a lot more and running is a big part of it.

Congratulations on keeping with it! I'm glad dieting, running and lifting have introduced such a big positive change into your life. If you have any running questions don't hesitate to ask :D (gym-wise your best bet is mdsfx I think, there are some RunGAFfers that also lift, myself included, but I don't know if we are a lot).

I also like to think as running as some me-time where I can just think about whatever or nothing at all. It has become a very important part of both my mental and physical well being.
Thanks for the heads up guys! I guess I have no choice but to treat myself to a new pair!

I'm sorry man. That sucks. :(
I know I would definitely go for a long run if I was in that situation.

5k+ last night (course was 3.22 miles, 1/8th of a mile long, thanks to 2 marshalling mistakes - oops!). 100s of runners but not a very strong field at the front, but I'll take a 3rd place finish any time, any race - confidence-boosting :)

Ah crap :/ I'd be off into the woods/hills to lose myself for a few hours, don't think I'd trust myself on a bike if I wasn't in the right frame of mind for it, probably end messy.

Thanks guys. It was the right thing for both of us as we were both miserable. I'm not upset so much as sad I won't be able to talk to someone I spent 5 years of my life with. I'm sure running/cycling will keep my mind clear.

Sup running GAF! I started running a couple months ago and have lost about 40 pounds (also dieting and just recently started going to the gym). I'm running about 3 miles a run at a 12 minute pace now every other day. I hated it at first, but lately I look forward to not thinking about anything work/life related and just getting out there. Most importantly, I like myself a lot more and running is a big part of it.

Hey man fantastic fucking job. Keep up the good work. Don't worry about speed. Your #1 priority is to build a solid running base. Your base is just miles. As you build your base you will get faster. Please feel free to ask us any questions!
Wrapped up summer training at the club with one of the hardest hill workouts I've ever done. I almost fell out of my car trying to get out at my apartment.

Was shocked to see that for fall training they placed me in the 1'35" Half group. Guess I've got some work to do.


So I went for a quick 5.5K run last night and it went great. It definitely helped that it rained pretty hard. I love to run during rainy weather.
5K time was 32 minutes. I only really pushed a little harder towards the last 2K and considering how shitty some of my runs a few weeks ago during hot weather went I'm really happy with my time. I think this was a PB since coming back from my knee injury.

I also treated myself to a new pair of running shoes.


I also treated myself to a new pair of running shoes.
I haven't been keeping track of this thread as much as I used to (too much work and Trump madness) but props to all you posters crushing it - some amazing accomplishments here!

I feel in good marathon shape for October (want to have a fun run at sub 03:30.) Will try my hand at a half race in a few weeks to see where things stand.

Question: any of you use/have used compression socks with any success? Been running on Nike elite cushions for years now but I notice my recovery time after hard runs is getting longer (probably an age thing.) Want to see if compression socks help but those suckers are expensive.


No firsthand experience with compression. What little reading I did seemed to indicate placebo effect. I recall a comparative study (citation needed!) in which people who believed in it benefited marginally, while others did not at all. I also remember a more recent read about compression being showed to reduce muscle vibrations, but not having any actual physiological benefit. *shrug*

I'm skeptical of it, so this may be selective memory and bias confirmation.
I set my goal for the year on runtastic as 700 miles, so thats 14 miles a week apparently which is easy. I'm already at over 400 miles, considering that was my entire goal for last year and I fell short of it I think thats quite good.
I've run in compression tights and I basically feel the lack of compression when I take them off afterwards, if they do something it's either subtle or placebo. Haven't had the balls to try compression socks though, a bit scared of messing them up.


I've been suffering with shin splints since late last year and have been using calf compressors. They really help a lot. I've tried with and without and performance and recovery and shin pain is always better with.

I don't care if it's all in the mind - that's generally the biggest hurdle with running anyway :D
I've been suffering with shin splints since late last year and have been using calf compressors. They really help a lot. I've tried with and without and performance and recovery and shin pain is always better with.

I don't care if it's all in the mind - that's generally the biggest hurdle with running anyway :D

Yep. I wore compression sleeves to help get through/past shin splints and they helped me feel a bit better (and warmer on chilly days, especially with some of that orange liniment thai boxers use). They gave me a bit more confidence so worth it for that alone even if they didn't actually give any real benefits.

Doing a half marathon on Sunday.

I'll just treat it as a long run I guess. I have gone the distance but never in a race. Should be fun.

Its mah birthday. Wanna do something.

Doing a half marathon on Sunday.

I'll just treat it as a long run I guess. I have gone the distance but never in a race. Should be fun.

Its mah birthday. Wanna do something.

As always I suggest going out a little slower and aim to negative split. I generally have PR'ed when executing the negative split.


i'm building up to race in the Peterborough (uk) half marathon in October. in my practice runs i always hit a walkabout 18k in and my time average time drops from ~6:30/km to well over 7/km

is this where negative split would help?
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