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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

It doesn't see play because there are no cards supporting it now except for Unleash, and Hunter might as well not exist. I don't think the nerf had too much to do with it. Once GvG/Naxx rotated out, it lost a lot of its strongest synergistic cards (Creeper, Shredder, Muster, Imp-plosion).

old KJ would be great if it weren't for Keleseth. He pairs really well with firefly as well.


Does anyone have an inexpensive deck that he/she could share so I can defeat Lich King as Warrior? That's the only class I left in order to unlock Arthas.

I've tried the Murloc package deck but it seems that I would get demolished by turn 6 via Blizzard. Also tried a Grim Patron deck but seems like I'm not playing the deck correctly (fatigue kills me). Any guidance is much appreciated.


Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone have an inexpensive deck that he/she could share so I can defeat Lich King as Warrior? That's the only class I left in order to unlock Arthas.

I've tried the Murloc package deck but it seems that I would get demolished by turn 6 via Blizzard. Also tried a Grim Patron deck but seems like I'm not playing the deck correctly (fatigue kills me). Any guidance is much appreciated.
Keep trying with Murlock until you hit the 50% chance he doesn't have blizzard or be greedy with Armani berserker in patron.


Does anyone have an inexpensive deck that he/she could share so I can defeat Lich King as Warrior? That's the only class I left in order to unlock Arthas.

I've tried the Murloc package deck but it seems that I would get demolished by turn 6 via Blizzard. Also tried a Grim Patron deck but seems like I'm not playing the deck correctly (fatigue kills me). Any guidance is much appreciated.

The easiest way in my opinion is to get to turn seven and brawl with nothing on the board and play out The 0/7 taunt with Kelthuzad and just hang out until you get midnight drake and then hang out until midnight drake is at a million attack and kill the last spectral and kill the lich in the same turn.


Does anyone have an inexpensive deck that he/she could share so I can defeat Lich King as Warrior? That's the only class I left in order to unlock Arthas.

I've tried the Murloc package deck but it seems that I would get demolished by turn 6 via Blizzard. Also tried a Grim Patron deck but seems like I'm not playing the deck correctly (fatigue kills me). Any guidance is much appreciated.

He doesn't always have blizzard so don't get too discouraged. I remember decks having lots of berserkers but I cheated with alarm o bot so idk
HTC APAC stats

24/24 Jade Druid no agro
23/24 Priest 21 of em Highlander and 2 Silence.

No rogue decks or Hunter decks.

Full stats.



Does anyone have an inexpensive deck that he/she could share so I can defeat Lich King as Warrior? That's the only class I left in order to unlock Arthas.

I've tried the Murloc package deck but it seems that I would get demolished by turn 6 via Blizzard. Also tried a Grim Patron deck but seems like I'm not playing the deck correctly (fatigue kills me). Any guidance is much appreciated.

do you have scaled nightmares? there is a trick with a bug with a taunt minion.

do a brawl on LK turn 7 frostmourne summon, then you summon kelthuzad + public defender and LK will attach only with the left 2/6 minion until the minion is 1 HP, then will stop attacking and that way you can wait until you scaled nightmare grows until it become ginormous.

I didn't had scaled nightmare, so I did it with frothing berserker and then trying to kill the public defender at 1 health to revive it again with kelthuzad and make the frothing berserkers giant.
The easiest way in my opinion is to get to turn seven and brawl with nothing on the board and play out The 0/7 taunt with Kelthuzad and just hang out until you get midnight drake and then hang out until midnight drake is at a million attack and kill the last spectral and kill the lich in the same turn.

You're thinking of Scaled Nightmare, but this is the exploit I used too. If he only has one 2/6 minion on his side (after a Brawl) and you put out KT and the 0/7 taunt, he won't attack into it (because it'd only come back with more health.) So you can stall indefinitely until you can put a Scaled Nightmare out and have it be able to one-shot him.

Although this isn't exactly "cheap," as it requires both Scaled Nightmare (an epic) and Kel'thuzad, a legendary from a Wild-only adventure.


Unconfirmed Member
Wow, my jade druid just lost to a Mill Demon Warlock. I guess Gnomeferatu is more than a River Croc in that deck.


Does anyone have an inexpensive deck that he/she could share so I can defeat Lich King as Warrior? That's the only class I left in order to unlock Arthas.

I've tried the Murloc package deck but it seems that I would get demolished by turn 6 via Blizzard. Also tried a Grim Patron deck but seems like I'm not playing the deck correctly (fatigue kills me). Any guidance is much appreciated.

I used gaffer's deck with Grim patron and frothing berserker.

Patron on 5, and buff your berserker on turn 7 ++
Is it just me or is anyone else in a "funk" about this game? All I'm seeing is either people getting in their Druid/Pirate Warrior wins before the nerfs or people playing Raza Priest in anticipation for it to become the next OP deck.. a deck I'm still 3 legendary cards from being able to try, and god know's how I can grind the dust.

Only thing that's keeping me interested is the 9 wins vs. the Lich King thing for the Arthas skin.
I'd hold off on calling raza priest the next OP thing cause the meta could open up decks that perform very well against it, like rogue or hunter. Perhaps even zoolock/handlock.

I've a very solid winrate vs priest with current rogue builds that are aiming to beat druid/murloc paladin, so I could tech better against priest and dominate them harder or just even run a more explosive rogue build.
I'd hold off on calling raza priest the next OP thing cause the meta could open up decks that perform very well against it, like rogue or hunter. Perhaps even zoolock/handlock.

I've a very solid winrate vs priest with current rogue builds that are aiming to beat druid/murloc paladin, so I could tech better against priest and dominate them harder or just even run a more explosive rogue build.

how does rogue perfom well against raza priest?


I'm convinced that Pirate Warrior decks draw the same cards whenever played. I see the same exact group of cards played every single fucking time despite a 30 card deck.


Unconfirmed Member
I'd hold off on calling raza priest the next OP thing cause the meta could open up decks that perform very well against it, like rogue or hunter. Perhaps even zoolock/handlock.

I've a very solid winrate vs priest with current rogue builds that are aiming to beat druid/murloc paladin, so I could tech better against priest and dominate them harder or just even run a more explosive rogue build.

Evolve Shaman should be good. I feel they're especially held back by basically everything that's getting nerfed and are already fairly strong as it is. It's helped in all the same ways Hunter and Zoolock is, but is just generally stronger.


how does rogue perfom well against raza priest?

Not sure about the other guy but I use a mirqcle rogue list with 2 questing, 2 saps, and a vanish. Usually try to 4/4 Edwin on turn 2 with coin/counterfeit and then if they silence that same with questing. Having a 4/4 questing going into auctioneer turn is usually good cause they won't be able to deal with both threats. Basically just pressure them early while they're doing nothing and sap any threats and kill them before they get their combo pieces. If you just keep in mind the removals it's pretty easy to play around them.

Also had really good success against priest with mill rogue. Again since not usually much pressure early it allows you time to get your mill pieces together. It's even better against big priest...don't think I've ever lost although I did get lucky by having 2 saps in hand when one went Barnes into ysaarj.
17K dust and im too greedy to spend it.

Also anyone else hope that the next expansion will go back to being 1 legendary class card? Because man its so hard to make decks without the Death Knights.
Not sure about the other guy but I use a mirqcle rogue list with 2 questing, 2 saps, and a vanish. Usually try to 4/4 Edwin on turn 2 with coin/counterfeit and then if they silence that same with questing. Having a 4/4 questing going into auctioneer turn is usually good cause they won't be able to deal with both threats. Basically just pressure them early while they're doing nothing and sap any threats and kill them before they get their combo pieces. If you just keep in mind the removals it's pretty easy to play around them.

Also had really good success against priest with mill rogue. Again since not usually much pressure early it allows you time to get your mill pieces together. It's even better against big priest...don't think I've ever lost although I did get lucky by having 2 saps in hand when one went Barnes into ysaarj.

I've tried both and they are spotty matchups imo. The removal now just lines up to well for Priest.

If you're presenting 4/4 threats they have Dragonfire Potion, silence and are even running some direct damage and spell power with thalnos. A 4/4 edwin in particular is very unthreatening and everything post 5 gets killed by Anduin's battlecry or just by machine gunning them down. They will win in fatigue after all.


17K dust and im too greedy to spend it.

Also anyone else hope that the next expansion will go back to being 1 legendary class card? Because man its so hard to make decks without the Death Knights.

I think overall it's better for the meta the fewer powerful neutral legendaries there are. I don't want to face the same deck over and over with the only difference being my opponent's hero power.

I don't think they should make choices detrimental to the game because it'd be cheaper for some players.
how does rogue perfom well against raza priest?

Raza priest has a limited number of answers and suffers from the 1 of inconsistency. If they draw supremely well, usually meaning they got raza+kazakus+anduin, it can be rough for sure. But I've actually won a fair amount of those games because of the power of valeera dk. If they DK before you, you can start dropping giants. They have few answers to 8/8s. Ideally they DK first and then you DK with 2 arcane giants. But with vanish lists you don't even need to go that far, you can set up 1-2 turns lethals from there.

It also depends on which direction the raza priest decks go. Jade druid isn't gonna disappear and neither will pwar.

How the meta shifts is too complex to really predict, but I think rogue will definitely be better post nerfs and has a good match up vs raza priest.

If raza priest actually dominates hard, I could see backstab being ditched for more threats. This really goes back to original point and that is rogue runs enough legit threats that raza priest can't answer them all.
going by VS only mill rogue is favoured everything else is a bit below 50/50.

I just don't see how miracle rogues threats are any less limited than priests removal. On the contrary I'd say we have less threats than they can remove overall.

Valeera DK is powerful but she eventually loses in fatigue.


Weird question, seeing people's reactions over the nerfs, do people really just play top tier decks every time? Is everything really just about Ladder viability?


Weird question, seeing people's reactions over the nerfs, do people really just play top tier decks every time? Is everything really just about Ladder viability?

most of the time... yes.

people usually craft decks targeted for legend ranks. and not just on reddit, here on gaf and other places is the same.
going by VS only mill rogue is favoured everything else is a bit below 50/50.

I just don't see how miracle rogues threats are any less limited than priests removal. On the contrary I'd say we have less threats than they can remove overall.

Valeera DK is powerful but she eventually loses in fatigue.

Don't assume VS is the holy grail of match up winrates. They're not parsed by rank and we're talking about post-nerf meta here.

As for threats vs answers, priest has 1 shadowword death and 1 anduin. You have at least 2 QAs, 2 giants, 1 van cleef, not counting flex slots like mimic pod, 4 drops, and valeera DK. Post-nerf it might be more threats than that, more reach, and potentially other things I am not thinking of atm.

Valeera DK isn't aiming to win in fatigue. That is largely irrelevant. If you're losing in fatigue it means you're making mistakes in other areas to get you to that point.

Weird question, seeing people's reactions over the nerfs, do people really just play top tier decks every time? Is everything really just about Ladder viability?

I think a ton of people care about meta variety. But there are people who are just heavily biased towards one deck or one class. Or just get angry over stupid stuff in general.
Don't assume VS is the holy grail of match up winrates. They're not parsed by rank and we're talking about post-nerf meta here.

As for threats vs answers, priest has 1 shadowword death and 1 anduin. You have at least 2 QAs, 2 giants, 1 van cleef, not counting flex slots like mimic pod, 4 drops, and valeera DK. Post-nerf it might be more threats than that, more reach, and potentially other things I am not thinking of atm.

Valeera DK isn't aiming to win in fatigue. That is largely irrelevant. If you're losing in fatigue it means you're making mistakes in other areas to get you to that point.

I mentioned Vs because it matched my experience that it's not a favourable matchup.

For the 2 giants they have anduin and shadoword, for van cleef and questings they have silence(s) and dragonfire potion and other board clears. They even run pint sized + horror at times making it so 4/4 questings just aren't safe to set up.

I bring up fatigue because Anduin HPs don't have to go to face they are perfectly capable of clearing giants with damage until we are out of threats and wait for us to die to fatigue.

Priest forces rogue to play slower than it sets out to be.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Can I ask what is so dumb about this, besides the Druid's misplays? Druid could of had a much better chance winning that game.

Going all in on the Crypt Lord against Priest was dumb, but if I had been playing basically any other deck and had not been able to double rez my Obsidian Statue, I would have lost that game. His top decks were insane.


RIP Wild. There's literally zero reason to ever touch that mode again. Gg.

Turn 5 infinite 5/5s in one class -- gets nerfed.

Turn 5 infinite 8/8s for every class -- "this was always intended".
I mentioned Vs because it matched my experience that it's not a favourable matchup.

For the 2 giants they have anduin and shadoword, for van cleef and questings they have silence(s) and dragonfire potion and other board clears. They even run pint sized + horror at times making it so 4/4 questings just aren't safe to set up.

I bring up fatigue because Anduin HPs don't have to go to face they are perfectly capable of clearing giants with damage until we are out of threats and wait for us to die to fatigue.

Priest forces rogue to play slower than it sets out to be.

I think you're approaching the match up wrong if you're losing to fatigue. The real threat is losing to machine gun. Even when you count every possible removal they have, that doean't mean they'll have them all and it's your job to figure out the most optimal way to approach their removal each game. Even with silence, you should be ahead in threats and ahead in the capability to deploy them than they can draw all their answers.

The games I lose to raza priest are when they draw each of their super good cards on curve and my draw is sub-optimal, and I lose to their pressure not from fatigue. I can't think of a position where I lose to fatigue in that match up. I think you have to basically throw away your threats for that to happen (or make other mistakes like overdrawing).


priest can still be rolled over by good aggro or midrange openers.
not to mention quest mage is really bad mu unless they get super lucky with the draw and antonidas is in the bottom of mage deck.


RIP Wild. There's literally zero reason to ever touch that mode again. Gg.

Turn 5 infinite 5/5s in one class -- gets nerfed.

Turn 5 infinite 8/8s for every class -- "this was always intended".

ben brode just mentioned on reddit that the giant decks with naga sea witch are about 50% winrate and hasn't been optimized yet, they plan to act on a nerf if they see it going too far from there.
I think you're approaching the match up wrong if you're losing to fatigue. The real threat is losing to machine gun. Even when you count every possible removal they have, that doean't mean they'll have them all and it's your job to figure out the most optimal way to approach their removal each game. Even with silence, you should be ahead in threats and ahead in the capability to deploy them than they can draw all their answers.

The games I lose to raza priest are when they draw each of their super good cards on curve and my draw is sub-optimal, and I lose to their pressure not from fatigue. I can't think of a position where I lose to fatigue in that match up. I think you have to basically throw away your threats for that to happen (or make other mistakes like overdrawing).
I am probably approaching it wrong seeing my lack of success in the matchup but the way you describe sound like playing it slow which gives them all the more time to draw their super good cards in the first place.
Same as I think people machine gunning you down instead of your threats are doing it wrong as they are nigh guaranteed to win in fatigue while they can lose to you if you get to hit them a couple times.
Since, IIRC, about a third of you are MTG players, I thought I'd mention the MTG full digital game reveal is starting in two minutes.

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/magic

Discuss it in this thread instead preferably: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1429991

While I am interested in this, I don't think Magic can make the transition to digital format due to the number of phases and "in response to" timings of the game.

However, MODO needs a huge update for sure.


Unconfirmed Member
ben brode just mentioned on reddit that the giant decks with naga sea witch are about 50% winrate and hasn't been optimized yet, they plan to act on a nerf if they see it going too far from there.

I do not understand how people are screwing up with that deck to only have a 50% winrate. I want to see what people are doing to cause them to lose with it. It's not like it's patron warrior levels of difficult.

The only thing I notice people don't do that I do is focusing really hard on getting to 25 health in control matchups. Like never hero power their face, and UI your own face.

Maybe other people are being too greedy with it? Or too aggressive? Or mulliganing wrong? I'm honestly very curious.
RIP Wild. There's literally zero reason to ever touch that mode again. Gg.

Turn 5 infinite 5/5s in one class -- gets nerfed.

Turn 5 infinite 8/8s for every class -- "this was always intended".

ben brode just mentioned on reddit that the giant decks with naga sea witch are about 50% winrate and hasn't been optimized yet, they plan to act on a nerf if they see it going too far from there.
Aggro can wreck it harf. It's very much like a dumber Quest Rogue.

lol playing wild
Lol playing with 1/4 of your collection.

Since, IIRC, about a third of you are MTG players, I thought I'd mention the MTG full digital game reveal is starting in two minutes.

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/magic

Discuss it in this thread instead preferably: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1429991
I honestly can't enjoy MtG anymore. Manascrew is too frustrating. Eternal helped me understand this.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I can't go back to a PC only card game. I get it takes time to launch on multiple platforms, but too many card games already out there they allow cross save and play on all of my shit.


Unconfirmed Member

Aggro can wreck it harf. It's very much like a dumber Quest Rogue.

Lol playing with 1/4 of your collection.

I honestly can't enjoy MtG anymore. Manascrew is too frustrating. Eternal helped me understand this.

Naga Giants wrecks control and midrange so damn hard that you have plenty of room to throw in all the anti-aggro tech you want. You can basically make aggro 50% winrate like that and still keep your 90% winrate against control.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeeepp. Already seeing TONS of priest on the ladder. Big Priest and Razakus. Gonna have to start teching silences into everything.
I think they might regret the soft nerf on spreading plague. Hopefully the innervate nerf lives up to my expectations and throws the deck out of whack because of how often innervate smooths out your curves or accelerates your game plan.
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