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How many of you will buy Next gen consoles at Launch?

How many of you will buy next gen consoles at launch?

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I'll be rockin' the PCMR. I'll buy a PS5 down the line as for me, at the moment, it isn't a reason to grab one at launch. Series X i have absolutely no use for since Microsoft has their games on PC.


What's with people saying they will buy them just to fleece people on ebay?

What a dick move, at the expense of us all. I hope those people make loss and get banned if it could be proven.
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Buy one at launch or wait a few years??

What the hell.. Where is the “not at launch, but a few months after” option?

I may or may not get one at launch, but I sure as hell won’t wait “years” to get one.
Prob PS5 for me at launch because I can play Halo Halo Infinite on Xbox One. I do really want the XSX though. I just feel like they're shooting themselves in the foot by making all their next gen games on the one as well. Kills the incentive to upgrade.


Wish I could. Dollar going through the roof in Brazil they will have the price of a car probably.

Maybe if I sell one of my kidneys.
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I’ll wait a few months just in case there’s a major defect in the first couple of batches and pick one up after the craziness dies down in March or April.


I was initially going to buy a PS5 at launch, but I think I'll wait until there are at least a few games I want to play. Given that I've been losing interest in gaming over the past two years, that might take a while.


Depends what games are available at launch. If one or more interests me then Ill splurge ona PS5, probably. If not Ill make do with my current PC+PS4 for a little longer


ps5... because all of my games are digital... at least 2TB of games... not including the “rented” PS plus free games
i preordered a a ps4pro... that would tell you that a xbox is a no go.


I'm going PS5 on launch, like always. Gotta have me them Japanese games that often don't get released elsewhere, though Switch and PC have been doing great in that regards. I was planning on getting the XSX day 1 but my X is still plenty new and with nothing really coming out exclusively for the XSX for over a year it'd be daft of me to grab one at launch. Though launch line-ups could change my mind pronto, I'm still eager to see what Xbox Game Studios are working on, the new Fable and potential Initiative games could be amazing, and if that rumored Japanese exclusive title is true Xbox would definitely swing me back to snag one on day 1.

Still though I kind of doubt it, I'm still burnt out on most western developed games and certain ... stylistic choices most seem to make. At least with most Asian games the lady and I still get that plus the new controller seems pretty cool and console-ish. We still appreciate old media, so super tech may be nice but ultra resolutions and tranny flops don't matter as much to us whereas we can still play more games on PS5. Xbox can change that though...


I'll get a PS5 eventually as I love Sony's exclusives. Very up in the air on when. I haven't upgraded to 4K yet, and thus need a new receiver and TV to take full advantage of next gen. PS4 was also a wasteland in terms of exclusives for like a year and a half so I regretted early adopting it. So I'll probably only buy at launch if there's a killer exclusive that's not cross gen AND a clear slate of exclusives slated to come out in the first year.

Xbox Series X I'm totally undecided on. I've just played the few Xbox games that interested me this gen on PC. But my PC will need an upgrade to handle next gen games, and a costly one as I probably need to at a minimum upgrade both the GPU and CPU. I haven't used my gaming PC as much as I thought I would as few PC exclusives interest me, few MS exclusives appealed to me, and anything online I get on PS4 as that's were the friends I game with play.

MS has acquired a bunch of studios, so maybe they'll have more games that interest me. If so, I'll decide then whether to upgrade my PC or get a series X. But I lean toward just sticking with PS5 and Nintendo. I already can't keep up with all the games I'd like to play on those two anyway.


PS5 - I've held off on PRO long enough waiting for it to come out and I'm waiting to play TLoU2, Cyberpunk 2077, and FF7R on it.
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