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Hyperdimension Neptunia Community |OT| Pudding Pls (*´`) () (^o^)

Nitroplus is out now for Neptunia VII, she's found via an unmarked converse event at Leanbox.

I've been playing through Neptunia U (again) and Noire on Steam the last few days, pretty disappointed with both. U has some absolutely horrible framerate issues when loading enemies in on my PC, even when put windowed at a tiny resolution (for some silly reason windowed 720p performs better than even lower resolutions). Noire is just.... boring. Flat story, no humour and simplistic, repetitive battles.

Sir TapTap

All the side games seem to suffer the same basic problem, too low of budget. I don't expect them to have a huge budget but there's lots of questionable decisions I can't believe they go through with. Even the best of them have some annoying complications (like Sega Hard Girls which is fun but the difficulty plateaus midway through due to their handling of the non-linear structure)

I kinda wish they'd consult more with the main team for the side games, which I can only assume they don't. Blanc game has some issues too. Prepare to like Neptune and Blanc a lot less after playing it, unless they're the only characters you like and you hate everyone else. Neptune and Blanc in Nep Zombies are. Not good people. At least Noire learned that she was being an asshole in her game.

Hyperdevotion Noire review is up - http://steamcommunity.com/id/pepsimanvsjoe/recommended/415480

It's a good SRPG, but the storyline/characters are kinda crap.
The "secretary" is easily the worst aspect.

They seriously need to never do the self-insert again. I'll accept it in PP as the first side game and an idol sim (that always have, but IMO don't need, self inserts) but the secretary has absolutely no value to Noire's story. Frankly I think the Neptunia games are a lot better than they would be fanservice/character-respect wise than if they included male non-villain characters. PP shows why.

Sir TapTap

Have IFI mentioned focusing on more "literal" translations or something at some point? The script for Blanc's game is...weird, and the localization has lots of really weird issues no other game has. The English voice actresses are clearly reading some Japanese grunts like "so ne!" and "zeh toh!" and it sounds...really bad. And for the few story scenes unvoiced in the dub it just...plays the Japanese voices. Which is way worse IMO. It's not many scenes, but it's really weird (it's all the "backstage talk" optional scenes and, oddly, the "you beat one of each big boss" cutscene too).

I wonder how Blanc fans will respond to her side game. She is...unquestionably a bad person in it. She's not even funny about it either. She's also the worst playing CPU character. I can't say that any of it is out of character, but it's kind of shockingly unflattering.

Then again knowing Blanc fans, blanc in a schoolgirl outfit is all they'll care about

I'll try to write up a review for Blanc Game soonish. It's not bad, but has a lot of issues it simply shouldn't. They still don't seem to be taking their side games seriously (beyond the intro songs...which they honestly seem to take TOO seriously). It's a poor show for what's easily their flagship franchise by far.
I wonder how Blanc fans will respond to her side game. She is...unquestionably a bad person in it. She's not even funny about it either. She's also the worst playing CPU character. I can't say that any of it is out of character, but it's kind of shockingly unflattering.

The Nep side games generally feel like Compile Heart have little to no input in them considering how the characters and world are always off. I gave PP and U a pass since they were seemingly cheap throwaway spinoffs, but from Noire being awful it's clear something is amiss with how the non-CH games are handled.

And I'm not surprised she's the worst if they just reused the same attacks as in U, her and Famitsu were the only two characters that didn't have broken invincible infinite loops.


And for the few story scenes unvoiced in the dub it just...plays the Japanese voices. Which is way worse IMO. It's not many scenes, but it's really weird (it's all the "backstage talk" optional scenes and, oddly, the "you beat one of each big boss" cutscene too)

This is a bizarre design choice. Maybe they couldn't secure more voice acting and there's always the discussion of scenes without dubbing that they decided to throw in the Japanese ones? I wouldn't say it's awful, just... jarring.

I was gonna get two versions of this game but I'm not sure it'll be worth £60 for a subpar story and to play multiplayer. How would you guys rate the SEGA game versus the rest of the spin offs? That one interests me the most.

Sir TapTap

Going to try and write a review for Blanc Game this week, I still need to review Megadimension too...written reviews are still really new to me. I mostly just do quick look videos.

The Nep side games generally feel like Compile Heart have little to no input in them considering how the characters and world are always off. I gave PP and U a pass since they were seemingly cheap throwaway spinoffs, but from Noire being awful it's clear something is amiss with how the non-CH games are handled.

And I'm not surprised she's the worst if they just reused the same attacks as in U, her and Famitsu were the only two characters that didn't have broken invincible infinite loops.

The side games definitely need more teamwork. I felt Neptunia U had decent writing, for how little there was of it, but this one's definitely missing a lot of the humor (and has less paired-up quotes too which is a shame).

Nah, they have decent rebalancing and no one has infinite loops anymore (and loops matter less anyway, since big bosses don't have hitstun). Blanc is just REALLY slow and doesn't output enough damage to compensate that I can tell (TBH I've never even tried her against a big boss)

Uzume is unfortunately pretty slow too. The other newcomers seem alright, though they're given little screentime. (also, for once, Iris Heart only attacks bad guys--WHAT A NOVEL CONCEPT).

I do recommend that people try characters other than the main CPUs + Nepgear, I see very little diversity beyond those characters online in both Japanese and English (review) releases so far. Uni seems quite good, I'm trying to level my Uni now.

An annoyance is the game has a slow leveling curve and a ton of characters, so you basically lock yourself into a character when playing online or doom yourself to grinding. The game would be better if level 50 were the max IMO (and stat scaling adjusted to 50 levels instead of 99). You can reasonably hit 50 in a few days of play, 99 basically requires a couple hours of super boring grinding or many more hours of actual play.

You don't really NEED to be level 99, but it's frustrating to switch to a new character to have some fun and find they're massively underpowered.

This is a bizarre design choice. Maybe they couldn't secure more voice acting and there's always the discussion of scenes without dubbing that they decided to throw in the Japanese ones? I wouldn't say it's awful, just... jarring.

I was gonna get two versions of this game but I'm not sure it'll be worth £60 for a subpar story and to play multiplayer. How would you guys rate the SEGA game versus the rest of the spin offs? That one interests me the most.

There's only like 10 scenes and they're very hard to get on accident, leaving them silent wouldn't have hurt but honestly it couldn't have been that much of a budget-breaker to voice them IMO. It's just one of those annoying things that really drive home the lower budget (without seeming very reasonable) that makes the presentation look bad. IMO leaving the Eng VAs saying "SO NE!" is worse too, I dunno what the fuck is up with that.

Why two versions? I definitely think it's worth a play for the online (and I recommend playing that as soon as possible because online is increasingly hard to play for any game that's not an FPS as the release date slips away). But they clearly aren't taking the side games very seriously yet.

I just hope they're finally taking side games seriously by the time Vert gets one.

I would say the Sega Girls game is probably the best spin off but I have no concept of how good the writing is, other than the chrono trigger and Sonic Adventure vibes are nice. If it's story is as bland as Blanc's I dunno, there's no clear winner. SeHa has the same problem all the other side games have, some really great ideas and some very visible lack of polish that drags them down.

I really hope the main and "side game" teams collaborate much more for future entries, the Rebirths have a bunch of problems that really drag down what should be the definitive games to play and improvements one team makes don't end up in the others' games (V2's quality of life features are missing in rebirth, Rebirth 3's quest item finding thing is absent in V2). It'd be a real shame if Game 5 doesn't have Sega Hard Girls' extra mobility options, moving through stages is finally kinda fun.
I do recommend that people try characters other than the main CPUs + Nepgear, I see very little diversity beyond those characters online in both Japanese and English (review) releases so far. Uni seems quite good, I'm trying to level my Uni now.

When it comes out look for the one guy online playing as Uzume, Peashy or Uni and you'll very likely have found me, lol.


Why two versions? I definitely think it's worth a play for the online (and I recommend playing that as soon as possible because online is increasingly hard to play for any game that's not an FPS as the release date slips away).

To play with my partner, Blanc has always been his favourite and he platinumed U where I gave up and got bored. We'd get a copy each but I'm not sure if the multiplayer will be worth that but I've heard good things from you so I might wait till it reaches £20-ish.

The SEGA girls game definitely looks to be fun from the screens and small discussion I've heard. I think that ones a definite for me.
Thanks for your input though TapTap, you always write very insightful posts about the series.

Do we know whose developing Verts game?

Sir TapTap

Oh yeah, I posted an unedited video of 2 hours of English Blanc vs Zombies footage, about half with 3 players half with 4. We mostly fight the big bosses since the non-boss missions are super short and easy.

Which is a shame, I kinda wish there were more levels where I could mash up a bunch of normal enemies with friends and have it not be totally plain. Even just as sort of a "who can beat the most" thing. Like usual there's a lot of untapped potential, I know IF and Tamsoft are both capable of better.

Seems to be Compile Heart going by a couple of the confirmed staff members working on it.

It's not Vert's Game, but due to the confirmed dev it seems to probably be a mainline entry or something? CH's involvement seems greater than they've ever done for a side game anyway.

But at least Vert will apparently have greater involvement, which, if combined with it being a main game, would be about as good as a side game anyway.

What's weird is the series can't really decide if they want to keep forcing Neptune excessively hard or not. There's TWO Neptunes in Megadimension yet she's largely ignored in the last arc (thankfully), then she shows up to crash Blanc's game (she is every bit the main character as much as Blanc), but she's actually pretty passive in the Sega Hard Girls' game.

They really need to stop pushing Neptune so hard IMO. Every time they fourth wall break with an awkward "I'm the protagonist I'm so great" I dislike her more. Neptunia is a series about a BUNCH of great characters, trying to force a single protagonist on it is not good.

To play with my partner, Blanc has always been his favourite and he platinumed U where I gave up and got bored. We'd get a copy each but I'm not sure if the multiplayer will be worth that but I've heard good things from you so I might wait till it reaches £20-ish.

The SEGA girls game definitely looks to be fun from the screens and small discussion I've heard. I think that ones a definite for me.
Thanks for your input though TapTap, you always write very insightful posts about the series.

The game's mostly good for multiplayer IMO, depends how much you'll enjoy and play that, I guess. The story run is okay, but like I said nothing that great. It's not even as funny as say, one of the 3 arcs in Megadimension.

OMG Aero

They really need to stop pushing Neptune so hard IMO. Every time they fourth wall break with an awkward "I'm the protagonist I'm so great" I dislike her more. Neptunia is a series about a BUNCH of great characters, trying to force a single protagonist on it is not good.
They aren't going to stop, the game is called Neptunia for a reason. The best we can hope for outside of better side games is that the next mainline game is like VII's G arc and is split into character routes.

Sir TapTap

They aren't going to stop, the game is called Neptunia for a reason. The best we can hope for outside of better side games is that the next mainline game is like VII's G arc and is split into character routes.

I see no reason they couldn't. The name's a brand, like Windows 10. They don't have to remove Neptune, just stop giving her 400% more lines than every other CPU. It should be a cast of protagonists.

They've already shown they're capable of learning. V2 is a big step up from Victory's NEPTUNE AND PLUTIA SAVE THE WORLD (and also some other assholes are here IDK also we forgot Uni and the Lowee Twins even existed)

Sir TapTap

I will say this, writing in Blanc's Game is better than Victory if only for the fact there's no mischaracterization/character assassination. Plutia is never shown attacking innocent people, Vert is not shown to be a crybaby or have breast envy (Uni and Blanc still do but eh, it's established at this point), Uzume is one of the better written characters despite being new. Neptune, while I dislike her insistence on being involved, isn't an asshole like she is in Victory. Blanc...kinda is though.

Is it just the recording, or does the framerate always tank when Noire uses her multi-slash move (the one that used to be a triangle combo finisher in U)?

I don't think it's the recording, it wasn't streamed so the source should be pretty solid.

Bosses are always missing some animation frames when you're not hosting (or maybe it's because I've been on bad hosts), but there's definitely some frame drops here and there depending on how much is going on. Usually during EXE moves (where you can't inteact anyway).

I don't think Noire's standing Triangle slash tanks the framerate in general, I use that move constantly because it's OP. Framerate just tends to be up and down. Game could definitely use a PS4 version...I wish they'd realize that the west would probably buy more on PS4 anyway. 1080p/60FPS would make this feel a lot better and probably solidly put it into "best side game" territory (not counting Sega, which I can't properly evaluate yet. But that game could ALSO use a PS4 version and also has some perf issues)


Ugh, my backlog of Neptunia games is growing lol. Got PP, Noire, and now Blanc on Preorder. Probably going to double dip on Megadimension steam edition.

I've started playing the Sega Hard Girl's game and I'm liking the story and enhancements to the game play from the mobility aspects (kind of janky thou) to the battle system. It would be nice, if some these aspects get put in the Cyberdimension game. I'm not a fan of the countdown number on quests, but I don't know if that'll really be an issue or not. I think I'm almost done with the Mega Drive arc and I wonder how that number will effect the other arcs any. Also as noted before, difficulty spikes per area and time are weird. The Copy clone characters concept is weird, but I'll take it.

Mini-Histy is still the best Histy. IF x Segami are pretty good protagonists so far. Neptune isn't bad as the supporting eggplant junk bike as well. This version of Plutia is the most sleepy yet and so prone to getting run over. So so many Sega Hard Girls. Still, it's weird that the Game Gear Timeline supposedly comes after the Saturn Timeline..well if I read that correctly, which doesn't make much historical sense.

Fun all around, but I'm probably going to take a break after the Mega Drive arc as I was in the middle of Tokyo Mirage #FE and I have to plow through that to get back to this, then Blanc, then Noire and PP.


I'm painstaking trying to finish my Nep U platinum, the lily trophies are so grindy, which is the only reason I'm still playing this one.

But personally I love most of the Nep games but I have things I dislike about each of them. I haven't platinum'ed the rebirths yet, but I have a informed opinion of them. since I'm on my iPhone I can't really convey what I really want to into words atm.

But I really love the franchise and I see how far it's come since the first game.

Sir TapTap

Ugh, my backlog of Neptunia games is growing lol. Got PP, Noire, and now Blanc on Preorder. Probably going to double dip on Megadimension steam edition.

I've started playing the Sega Hard Girl's game and I'm liking the story and enhancements to the game play from the mobility aspects (kind of janky thou) to the battle system. It would be nice, if some these aspects get put in the Cyberdimension game. I'm not a fan of the countdown number on quests, but I don't know if that'll really be an issue or not. I think I'm almost done with the Mega Drive arc and I wonder how that number will effect the other arcs any. Also as noted before, difficulty spikes per area and time are weird. The Copy clone characters concept is weird, but I'll take it.

Mini-Histy is still the best Histy. IF x Segami are pretty good protagonists so far. Neptune isn't bad as the supporting eggplant junk bike as well. This version of Plutia is the most sleepy yet and so prone to getting run over. So so many Sega Hard Girls. Still, it's weird that the Game Gear Timeline supposedly comes after the Saturn Timeline..well if I read that correctly, which doesn't make much historical sense.

Fun all around, but I'm probably going to take a break after the Mega Drive arc as I was in the middle of Tokyo Mirage #FE and I have to plow through that to get back to this, then Blanc, then Noire and PP.

Mobility in the SeHa game is GREAT, next mainline RPG absolutely needs those controls. Though I'm pretty sure the extra climbing/crawling/running animations are why only IF and Segami are party leaders (that and even if they could re-use the nep gang's animations they'd have to animate the 4 hard girls + segami). Due to budget + license issues the Sega girls have some clear drawbacks on the game (all weapons are visually identical probably because licensing guidelines)

The countdown timer is not a problem. Just keep playing the game. Can you read Japanese then? I enjoyed the game but have very little concept of the story.

Regarding game gear/saturn's timelines, it makes sense due to Nepgear and Neptune. As far as actual release dates, they're in the same year even if the Saturn came first. It's not really a big discrepancy. The aesthetics of game gear's world fits Game Gear (the character) more too. And also Nepgear. So that's probably why.

I'm painstaking trying to finish my Nep U platinum, the lily trophies are so grindy, which is the only reason I'm still playing this one.

But personally I love most of the Nep games but I have things I dislike about each of them. I haven't platinum'ed the rebirths yet, but I have a informed opinion of them. since I'm on my iPhone I can't really convey what I really want to into words atm.

But I really love the franchise and I see how far it's come since the first game.

I hope you're doing the Neptral Tower as you do lily rank stuff. Unless I'm wrong, you should basically finish lilly by the end of the tower if you do it right.

And yeah, every Neptunia game has at least one really bad trophy. Japanese devs seem to deliberately make plat hard to get usually by really stupid means. I wish they'd konck it the fuck off.

And yeah, the franchise has really upped it's ante, not that most people are willing to credit it for that. I just wish the side games would get that same bump in quality the main games do. Since Nep U I'd say they're all roughly equal with similar levels of ups and downs, all because of lack of polish/budget too. Good ideas, solid systems, but with bad choices or other issues that hold them back.


I'm doing Neptral tower but its still like 3 runs per pair if you do the last 8-10 stages which is not very fun at this point. I'm on the last 3 pairings as I type this so platinum is very soon...but I've been procrastinating since I beat the game during launch week.

What I wanted to convey now that I'm at my PC is this...(prepare for long passionate post).

I really like the Nep franchise, but as a fan I can subject the series to criticism like anyone else can, and for somethings I totally agree with. I know the budget on the games are very low, which is why assets are reused, etc., etc. However...There has been so much improvement over time considering how many games we have now.

I'll talk about the spin-offs first since they seem to be the current issue of quality. Nep U, is a small game...both in narrative and in actual content/things to do really. I liked some of the gags as I do with the franchise but the Lack of Arfoire was something I wasn't fond of since her replacement was weak (Yeah I know right...someone actually cares about Arffy). Dengeki and Fanmitsu being playable was tight since they were world map NPC's for a few games now, their roles were pretty fitting, I just kinda wish they would have integrated them in the mainline games but it seems to the thing with Victory games is that they lack Makers for the most part(Compa and Iffy made it in V-II but with a severe lack of lines). The costume break was okay, I could toggle it actually so I thought that was nice but it does induce a rage like mechanic if they get costume broken so your EXE gauge will fill...which was something I felt could have been passed on to Senran Kagura? Anyways...

Noire, man...I'm not going to lie....as much as I like her as a character...and SRPG's...her game was not fun to play really. It wasn't boring per-say, the narrative I thought was good and they were riding the PP hype of the player being the protag(I personally loved PP though it was a glorified Nep VN with the occasional Idol event), but with Noire it was a mixed bag. Noire's Tsundere tendencies made her occasionally nice to the player but absolutely rotten to the other goddesses and "Makers" of the cast. I mean this does change later on as things progress but it seems like Noire and Co have to go through the same character development cycles when it's a new dimension...but I guess it's better than Senran Kagura 1 to 2 when they completely forget the events of the previous game. The main pain point in Noire for me was actually the requirement for the true ending...I got the true ending in every other game in the franchise except this game because the requirements are so dumb...they are tied to Lily Ranks...which are not the easiest thing to grind...now I understand that it's only Noire that needs Max Lily but it's still with EVERY OTHER GIRL. The other requirements I got down like answering all the questions per chapter and maxing out her living quarters but ugh...I still haven't seen it for the hopes I just grow the fuck up and do it at a later date.

PP is interesting for me since I really don't have anything bad to say about it. I liked how most of the game had voice acting and how I felt like I learned more about the goddesses in that game than any of the other games outside of maybe the original game/R1. That said, I understand why people wouldn't like the game because there isn't much to do in the game and getting some of the trophies are really annoying...but I did platinum the game pretty fast and enjoyed the routes...especially Nep and Noire's true ends.

I'm going to end this post here since I'm sure It's long enough. I can talk about Nep games for hours...


Is anyone doing an OT for the Neptunia x Zombie game out tonight?



The countdown timer is not a problem. Just keep playing the game. Can you read Japanese then? I enjoyed the game but have very little concept of the story.

Yesterday got pass the Mega Drive time line and the countdown timer zero'ed out and then, as per the tutorial description, the Game Gear and Dreamcast time lines disappeared. I was like, God F*ing damn it. Whelp, what do I do now that that those missions are gone? Histoire said something about how timelines that you have visited will have "stabilized" and will remain open, so I was thinking I shouldn't have wasted the countdown timer on the generic monster hunt missions and just at least started the other timelines, but oh well I'll do that on the next play through, but then the
"Monster that eats time"
event happened, and now I understand why the countdown timer is not a problem. I'm getting 'Edge of Tomorrow' and 'Ground Hog's Day' vibes and I love it. Also love how it seems that the conflict between the Goddesses and Sega Hard Girls' is all the result of
Plutia's 'collateral damage'

As for my Japanese abilities, I'd say I've learnt enough to know I haven't learned enough lol. Still, I'm getting more from context than ever before and the ability to review the dialogue in Neptunia games is a series feature that really helps and more games should do it. There are some instances in Tokyo Mirage #FE for example, where that'd be nice. Well, if anything, just to hear the Voice Actors deliver their lines again.

Regarding game gear/saturn's timelines, it makes sense due to Nepgear and Neptune. As far as actual release dates, they're in the same year even if the Saturn came first. It's not really a big discrepancy. The aesthetics of game gear's world fits Game Gear (the character) more too. And also Nepgear. So that's probably why.

That makes sense in the Neptunia universe, but historically the Game Gear came way before the Saturn console, right?

I can talk about Nep games for hours...

Just perused the majority of that to avoid any spoilers as I haven't played Noire and PP, but so how do you feel about the mainline games?

Is anyone doing an OT for the Neptunia x Zombie game out tonight?

Go for it.


Previous post didn't have anything "spoiler worthy" but anyways...

about the mainline games...

Ignoring the original game, Mk.2 and especially Victory were pleasant experiences overall with the exception of not liking Mk.2's Conquest ending, which I'm not looking forward to getting again in Rebirth 2.

With Victory, it was the game that was the pivotal change of the franchise, it's battle mechanics were solid and the flow was good enough they used it as a base for the remakes. The only two nitpicks I have for Victory was the lack of Makers on disk(I did buy them though) and Plutia/Iris Heart as a character. I just don't like Iris Heart, her design is awesome but her character isn't something that ever grew on me. I hear in the last two spin offs she gotten better but I'll reserve that judgement until I play them.

Victory-II is arguably one of the best games in the franchise, only getting edged out by Rebirth 1 for me because out of all of them Rebirth 1 has the best overall narrative to me. The way V-II handles Scouts, Dungeon Exploration, and even combat is so well done that it's hard to find flaws out side of the formula. However the flaws you do find do hurt. The notable one being the re-balancing of skills and abilities. SP Skills are not very strong in this title, at the start of the game, they are pretty good but require alot of SP since at the beginning you don't have alot of SP points. mid to late game, they are almost pointless as doing normal attack strings net you more damage...even more than EXE skills. Which segways to my next problem. EXE Gauge being tied to Transformations. If spending EXE gauge in this game wasn't bad enough, going into NEXT forms is very costly, both in terms of time and in meter. Not to mention it isn't worth using their EXE finishers since they revert you back to the base form after completion. Short to say, outside of it looking cool...you should never really want to use EXE skills in V-II.

As far as the Rebirths go, Rebirth 1 is the best out of the 3. It took the strongest thing the original game had, which was it's narrative and made it better while giving players a more refined version of Victory's combat. Rebirth 2 and 3 have some new scenes here and there but are largely the same as their original games, which isn't so much of a bad thing, but I it really came down to me feeling like "I've already did this". This is unfortunately the reason why I have yet to clear Rebirth 2 & 3, I will get around to it, but outside of a few new scenes, text and Finally being able to play as Chika...I don't have alot of motivation in playing them right now.

TLDR; I really liked Victory, Rebirth 1 is the best game in the series followed by the latest entry V-II. Rebirth 2 and 3 weren't all that interesting since they didn't change as much as Rebirth 1, for better or worse.

Sir TapTap

This sounds rude but I'll read your posts and reply later TheRook. Not good at reading this much this early lol.

Here's my Blanc vs Zombies review.

I'll gladly play with some people in here or in the blanc OT, PSN's in my profile. Please say you're from NepGAF so I know who it is.

Also love how it seems that the conflict between the Goddesses and Sega Hard Girls' is all the result of
Plutia's 'collateral damage'

That makes sense in the Neptunia universe, but historically the Game Gear came way before the Saturn console, right?

I'm actually super annoyed to hear Plutia's back to being an asshole in Sega game. Her writing is god awful in Victory. IMO most character writing is bad in Victory save for villains but I think I've posted about this before.

No, Game Gear is only a few months before saturn at least according to Google.


Neptunia is finally coming to mainland China with a Simplified Chinese language release!



Fuze Entertainment has just unveiled today what they expect to be the rival for Ps4 and Xbox one in China. Formerly known as Ouye during it’s crowdfunding process, the Fuze F1 in an Android powered gaming machine with very similar design to Western consoles, with the starting selling price around
¥ 899 (around $140). The console body is cloned from the Ps4 and the controller is what you would expect from a third party Xbox One dealer. It’s no surprising the Fuze F1 is also called the “Frankenstein Console” by critics.

Even so, the Fuze F1 seemeed to have attracted the attention of big game developers. According to ZhugeEx Blog, Fuze Entertainment has partnered with many foreign games companies such as Koei Tecmo, Codemasters and Comcept. Among the several titles in development for the console, there’s also some interesting ones such as both of Keiji Inafune’s Kickstarter games. A reminder that Fuze Entertainment was behind the KS funding of Red Ash.


The Chinese gaming market just opened recently, with a ban over Xbox One and PlayStation 4 being lifted back in September 2014. Let’s wait and see if Fuze F1 can manage to compete with the giants of the industry.

Notice that in the picture of games, Re;Birth 1 is shown and the title uses Chinese writing. If you want a better shot of the writing, you can see it in this picture a little to the right of the dead center.



In the next Nep game there'd be a representative for Fuze and the character will be the butt of all jokes in the entire history of the franchise.

Sorry, not sorry.


In the next Nep game there'd be a representative for Fuze and the character will be the butt of all jokes in the entire history of the franchise.

Sorry, not sorry.

It actually is very possible for Fuze to get a representation. It's not a simple case of "That console exists, so we may as well throw in a reference to it" because unlike most platforms there is a Neptunia game actually being released on it.

Sir TapTap

Do we have confirmations those things in that image are really happening? I know the Android Cactus team and that's...weird, but not impossible. The logo does look official though.

In the next Nep game there'd be a representative for Fuze and the character will be the butt of all jokes in the entire history of the franchise.

Sorry, not sorry.

They already mocked mobile games in Rebirth 3 lol. One of the better additions. PC and mobile were already clearly marked as "not worth a CPU" in Victory too. Though lots of people who don't get out much insist that Peashy is the PC CPU (she isn't, PC Engine is not PC)

It actually is very possible for Fuze to get a representation. It's not a simple case of "That console exists, so we may as well throw in a reference to it" because unlike most platforms there is a Neptunia game actually being released on it.

They don't give Playstation extra representation because the games (were) PS exclusive, nor have they added anything for PC after being ported to them. IF anything they treat Noire and Uni unreasonably badly. I really doubt they'd care. Fuze would be garbage for references anyway. The reason they use consoles and not PC is because of rich, specific history and specific games to reference. PC is too nebulous to reference and a new thing has almost nothing to reference. That's why Next forms are mostly just visual (and why people thinking they'd replace all the CPUs were nuts)
Looks like I'm not getting Blanc tomorrow, despite pre-ordering the LE less than 2 mins after orders opened mine hasn't been shipped despite others in Europe already getting it 1-2 days ago. That ruins my weekend plans entirely.

Sir TapTap

Looks like I'm not getting Blanc tomorrow, despite pre-ordering the LE less than 2 mins after orders opened mine hasn't been shipped despite others in Europe already getting it 1-2 days ago. That ruins my weekend plans entirely.

That sucks, but if you've dealt with them before you should know they usually ship day of release and it it to you around friday. I'll gladly play with you when you can get online though, I have one level 99 character already so I can play any level.

I'll be busy with Uncharted until friday at the absolute earliest though, so IMO this kind of works out anyway...if you got uncharted as well

OMG Aero

Looks like I'm not getting Blanc tomorrow, despite pre-ordering the LE less than 2 mins after orders opened mine hasn't been shipped despite others in Europe already getting it 1-2 days ago. That ruins my weekend plans entirely.
Whereabouts in Europe are you? I'm in the UK and got an email about two hours ago saying that it had been shipped and would arrive tomorrow (although I had rearrange it for Saturday otherwise I wouldn't be in to sign for it).
That sucks, but if you've dealt with them before you should know they usually ship day of release and it it to you around friday. I'll gladly play with you when you can get online though, I have one level 99 character already so I can play any level.

I'll be busy with Uncharted until friday at the absolute earliest though, so IMO this kind of works out anyway...if you got uncharted as well
How much of it do you have to play to do multiplayer stuff? I wasn't going to start it as soon as I get it because I'm not done with VII yet, but I'd be down for some multiplayer too providing you don't have to do a bunch of story stuff to unlock it.

Sir TapTap

How much of it do you have to play to do multiplayer stuff? I wasn't going to start it as soon as I get it because I'm not done with VII yet, but I'd be down for some multiplayer too providing you don't have to do a bunch of story stuff to unlock it.

Technically you can start multiplayer at any time and completely ignore story mode, all characters are unlocked from the start in multiplayer and multiplayer missions are only unlocked by playing multiplayer.

However, story mode does a better job of letting you play as a low level character and mission 11-5 (I think, whatever has 2 huge metal dogoos) plus the one hit kills cheat (unlocked by beating the game) is the ideal way to grind characters to a good multiplayer level.

The only real barrier to entry in multiplayer is your ability to beat missions, but you'll want to be ~30-40 to start going the more dangerous boss missions. Story Mode will easily get you at least one character around that range (plus unlocking the grinding level), multiplayer missions are less fun to get up to that level IMO. It's probably okay if you only use ONE character though, instead of spreading it around. Playing multiple characters in this game is harder than it should be.

It's sort of the same problem every multiplayer game with levels has. IMO games like this should have much lower level caps and differentiate by gear, skills and cosmetics not levels which determine if you should even bother fighting a boss. Wish there was a "match host level" option for games like this. I just manually did it in Borderlands 2 with a save editor, too many people behind me.

Also the story mode has 0 to do with any other game in the series, so you don't have to stay away before beating megadimension unless you just want to enjoy one story at a time.
Whereabouts in Europe are you? I'm in the UK and got an email about two hours ago saying that it had been shipped and would arrive tomorrow (although I had rearrange it for Saturday otherwise I wouldn't be in to sign for it).

UK. I sent them an e-mail earlier and they replied saying they expected it would be dispatched today, still not got a dispatch e-mail though. Crossing my fingers that it's just a case of the dispatch notice being delayed.

That sucks, but if you've dealt with them before you should know they usually ship day of release and it it to you around friday. I'll gladly play with you when you can get online though, I have one level 99 character already so I can play any level.

I'll be busy with Uncharted until friday at the absolute earliest though, so IMO this kind of works out anyway...if you got uncharted as well

Nope, haven't got Uncharted, I was using this to tide me over until Overwatch and Fire Emblem Fates. I'll probably take you up on the multiplayer offer once I've got a little bit of the story cleared.
So I did actually get Blanc today (the box was damaged though, grumble grumble), only played a couple of hours but going by the trophies I'm already halfway though? When exactly do Uzume, Plutia and Peashy unlock, because so far aside from Green Heart I really don't like any of the changes that have been made to their movesets from Nep U.

Sir TapTap

So I did actually get Blanc today (the box was damaged though, grumble grumble), only played a couple of hours but going by the trophies I'm already halfway though? When exactly do Uzume, Plutia and Peashy unlock, because so far aside from Green Heart I really don't like any of the changes that have been made to their movesets from Nep U.

The game's trophies are mostly very easy, other than the 5k combo trophy that seems to be blatant cruelty, unless there's some way to cheese it. Also almost none of the trophies are tied to multiplayer, which is like half the gameplay.

Most of the moveset changes were made to remove infinite combo loops with no downtime, lol. Noire is very OP and Nep/gear are still very good even though they're not as broken. Uni and Vert are very fun IMO. Blanc and Uzume are slow, most of the rest of the cast is at least decent. Yellow Heart and Iris Heart seem alright (though Iris' wide range focus is probably wasted in large boss fights). You might want to mute Peashy if you play with Japanese voices though, jesus christ.

The main CPUs and Nepgear are very, very common online though so it'd be nice to see some other characters though. Uni seems viable and fun due to her range and mobility, I've been thinking of grinding her to 99 too.

You start unlocking the newcomers around chapter 9 I think, one per chapter. Also you can play as anyone anytime in Multiplayer, but it's good to finish story mode for easier grinding. You can grind to 20 in like 1 minute and 99 in I think under an hour? 20 is a good time to try the basic multiplayer and 40 is about the lowest you can get away with for the Big Bosses.
Most of the moveset changes were made to remove infinite combo loops with no downtime, lol. Noire is very OP and Nep/gear are still very good even though they're not as broken. Uni and Vert are very fun IMO. Blanc and Uzume are slow, most of the rest of the cast is at least decent. Yellow Heart and Iris Heart seem alright (though Iris' wide range focus is probably wasted in large boss fights). You might want to mute Peashy if you play with Japanese voices though, jesus christ.
I mean, they certainly succeeded, but they didn't have to make the combat system feel so sluggish and unresponsive or drastically cut the number of enemies you fight at once to do that. Estival Versus doesn't have infinites yet it remains as snappy and smooth as Nep U was. So far only Green Heart and Tamsoft feel like they still flow well, Uni is alright but her HDD form is terrible.


I haven't played with anyone in Multiplayer yet but I've solo'ed alot of them. I got up to 5 Star Quest and it's just now getting to be somewhat of a challenge. I'm noticing that the missions at this level are leaning towards co-op.

I just got Iris Heart to 61, She does a crap ton of damage with her Hold Square attack you unlock at Tec lv 5. It's very good against large bosses~

Anyways if you guys are down, I'm cool with running a few 5-Star quest


I has question(s?),

I've just started the 3rd chapter for V2, while it's mechanically my fav HD game so far, it's just not drawing me in similar to how V1/rebirth3 didn't draw me in, but anywy!! Are there any major spoilers for V2 in megatagmension? I'd like to make a start on that but don't want spoilers, so a bit hesitant. And by spoilers I mean references to events in V2 etc, as some games have referenced other games endings or whatever etc if I remember correctly. I defo know one did.

Also this may not be a spoiler, and not sure if I want to wait and see but for V2
all promotional material and bits and pieces here and there that I read said next forms had new/changed personalities or at least gave the impression that they will. From my brief encounter with them at the end of chapter 2 this didn't seem to be the case, kinda dissapointed if they don't have new/changed personalities as that was one of the things I was kinda excited to see. I could just play more and find out, or maybe this was something lost in translation. Either way /rant :p

Sir TapTap

I haven't played with anyone in Multiplayer yet but I've solo'ed alot of them. I got up to 5 Star Quest and it's just now getting to be somewhat of a challenge. I'm noticing that the missions at this level are leaning towards co-op.

I just got Iris Heart to 61, She does a crap ton of damage with her Hold Square attack you unlock at Tec lv 5. It's very good against large bosses~

Anyways if you guys are down, I'm cool with running a few 5-Star quest

Do I have you or Azure on PSN? I got a couple requests but I didn't recognize the names. I made a discord chat for voice chat and stuff, I can try to play and maybe stream if I can get a full team of 3-4. I have Noire at level 99 but I still have several 5 star and Special quests to finish.

I has question(s?),

I've just started the 3rd chapter for V2, while it's mechanically my fav HD game so far, it's just not drawing me in similar to how V1/rebirth3 didn't draw me in, but anywy!! Are there any major spoilers for V2 in megatagmension? I'd like to make a start on that but don't want spoilers, so a bit hesitant. And by spoilers I mean references to events in V2 etc, as some games have referenced other games endings or whatever etc if I remember correctly. I defo know one did.

Also this may not be a spoiler, and not sure if I want to wait and see but for V2
all promotional material and bits and pieces here and there that I read said next forms had new/changed personalities or at least gave the impression that they will. From my brief encounter with them at the end of chapter 2 this didn't seem to be the case, kinda dissapointed if they don't have new/changed personalities as that was one of the things I was kinda excited to see. I could just play more and find out, or maybe this was something lost in translation. Either way /rant :p

Megatagmension is entirely unrelated to the other games beyond characters. The closest thing to a spoiler is Plutia/Peashy's transformations, which have been common knowledge for years. And IMO V2 has a pretty great story, but it takes a while to get going and you have to think about some things, they really integrate the Dreamcast well.

No, Next Form personalities are largely the same. Vert's is a bit more cold and serious, but honestly there's barely any dialog to go off anyway. HDD personality changes have almost always amounted to "more serious" and they're in more serious situations anyway which makes apparent changes possibly coincidental so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I seriously doubt it's lost in translation other than the better inflection of the much more expensive Japanese voice actresses. Even then they've mostly fixed up some awkwardness as the localizations went on (like Blanc talking like white heart 90% of the time and Uni not being deeper in HDD).

It's no magical girl series anyway, I don't really find the transformations super interesting beyond being badass combat forms. And considering how Plutia, the biggest change in personality, was handled...yeah maybe it's best they're just basically the same but more serious.


Megatagmension is entirely unrelated to the other games beyond characters. The closest thing to a spoiler is Plutia/Peashy's transformations, which have been common knowledge for years. And IMO V2 has a pretty great story, but it takes a while to get going and you have to think about some things, they really integrate the Dreamcast well.

No, Next Form personalities are largely the same. Vert's is a bit more cold and serious, but honestly there's barely any dialog to go off anyway. HDD personality changes have almost always amounted to "more serious" and they're in more serious situations anyway which makes apparent changes possibly coincidental so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I seriously doubt it's lost in translation other than the better inflection of the much more expensive Japanese voice actresses. Even then they've mostly fixed up some awkwardness as the localizations went on (like Blanc talking like white heart 90% of the time and Uni not being deeper in HDD).

It's no magical girl series anyway, I don't really find the transformations super interesting beyond being badass combat forms. And considering how Plutia, the biggest change in personality, was handled...yeah maybe it's best they're just basically the same but more serious.

Thanks for the answers, still kinda dissapointed though :p
I don't know what it was but anytime in the series they went HDD I enjoyed some (most?) of the dialogue for those forms, maybe it was just the change in the tone or pace compared to the rest of the game, but was always feeling like there could have been more dialogue for those forms. Maybe that's just me though! (Still find the scene of Neptune transforming so she could ride a roller coaster as she was too short funny)

Agreed on the Plutia thing, although them overusing it was the biggest issue for me. Will still enjoy regardless. Never watched or, well anything with a magical girl series so don't know what the cliche's for that are etc xD, always compared/thought about HDD forms kinda like super saiyan style transformations I guess though (maybe it's all the same).

Will get started on megatag tonight then, again thank you for the answers.


Do I have you or Azure on PSN? I got a couple requests but I didn't recognize the names. I made a discord chat for voice chat and stuff, I can try to play and maybe stream if I can get a full team of 3-4. I have Noire at level 99 but I still have several 5 star and Special quests to finish.
Looks like I just missed you getting offline.

I solo'ed most of the 5 star missions including the final battle. I guess I have to get Plutie to 99 to fight to max lv variant so I'll try and do that with you guys if your up for it. I didn't have discord but I recently downloaded the app, if anyone else is down for multiplayer just shoot a PM.
Do I have you or Azure on PSN? I got a couple requests but I didn't recognize the names. I made a discord chat for voice chat and stuff, I can try to play and maybe stream if I can get a full team of 3-4. I have Noire at level 99 but I still have several 5 star and Special quests to finish.

Nope, I finished up the story on Sunday but I did it at level 22 so I'm probably still way too low to start multiplayer. My PSN is Azure-Firebird if you want to add me, I don't know what yours is.

OMG Aero

So I just reached the part in VII where the game is asking me to choose between a Hyper Dimension route or Heart Dimension route and since the game says I only get to play one I'm wary of which one to pick.
Without spoiling anything, is this a choice between the true ending and a normal ending? Or are both of those completely different stories and the idea is that you pick one, then go through new game plus to see the other route?


They paths affect which party members you get to use for a little while as those members fight different bosses but the teams will unite for the finale.

@SirTapTap, I finished fighting the Dark CPU's and Fake CPU's in Blanc's game. I think the Dark CPUs drop their own processor unit set, the fakes drop the alternate color processor unit sets at aseemingly 100% drop rate. Dark White dropped something called New Cast...idk what it is or what's it's used for.

Edit: nvm new cast is a new processor unit for Orange Heart.
So I just reached the part in VII where the game is asking me to choose between a Hyper Dimension route or Heart Dimension route and since the game says I only get to play one I'm wary of which one to pick.
Without spoiling anything, is this a choice between the true ending and a normal ending? Or are both of those completely different stories and the idea is that you pick one, then go through new game plus to see the other route?

It doesn't change the ending you get, you basically tackle a different series of bosses with the candidates for a little while - the main difference is that each route has backstory that you won't find out on the other route. I didn't do the Hyperdimension route, but Heartdimension route goes into Uzume and Umio's backstory and I thought it was really good.


Unconfirmed Member
Since it's been a bit since the Steam version came out too, has anyone online written up a walkthrough for Neptunia U yet, that's actually in text and not a video? I really want to get back to playing it, but the "hints" for how to beat the stage still seem so vague for me, and I really don't want to go back and swat monsters for an hour, without being able to figure it out what to actually do. I was stuck on one or two because I thought I was fulfilling the goal but apparently wasn't.
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