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If you were in charge, how would you deal with this WU flu/virus?

Elektro Demon

Shits and Giggles
So, we're bombarded with information about this virus, there are serious measures taken to contain this, a lot of arguing, bureocracy and shit. Some of us don't agree with these measures being forced upon us by our governments.
So, let's say you are in charge to deal with this situation. How would you respond and what measures would you take?

I'll go first.
So my country. Croatia. We have around 3,5 million people. It used to be more, but a lot of them moved out to richer parts of Europe in search of a better life.
Right now, my country is in isolation for 30 days. This is completely unneccesary. We have like 500 infected and 3 dead people. Of those 3 dead, all of them have more then 70 years.
The specific thing about my country is that is a country that relies heavily on tourism. So when this shit ends, oh boy we're fucked. Who's gonna come to all the beaches and shit?
I'd do things differently. Basically croatia has 4 regions.

Region 1 is where I'm at. Region 2 is where the capital city is, and regions 3 and 4 are sea regions.
The thing is, region 1 has very little infected people. We had 2 consecutive days without newly infected. Total number of infected in region 1 is like, 50 people.
Region 2 has a lot of infected people. The majority of infected come from these parts.
Region 3 and 4 have infected but it's not as serious as in region 2.
So, I would've closed the borders even sooner then my government has done. Ban all air travel and private citizens from traveling and entering the state. That also goes for foreign ones.
Allow only trucks to come in the country that bring supplies and shit. And while they're in the country, have the police escort them to their destination and chaperone them out of the country.
I wouldn't stop people from working with these isolation measures. It's only gonna kill the economy. I'd mandate that everyone wears mask and gloves while outside and while at work. And I'd impose severe penalties for those not wearing them. But the economy would keep moving. It would still be damaged due to poor tourism, but it's better then just plain stopping it.
Also, since my country has many islands, I'd get everyone above 65 on to those islands, temporarily, while this wu flu is happening. It's a temporary measure and I believe, a neccessary one because they're the ones at most risk.
With these measures, I think I'd solve this wu flu crisis. And if the numbers of infected keep rising, I'd isolate that specific region or county, not the whole state. That's a critical mistake that is being done right now.

So how about you, how would you deal with the crisis in your own country?
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much of the same to now except martial law would be on the table from the onset, national guard on every other street corner

i'd walk through grocers, hospitals, so on, make an effort to be on the front line wherever possible

beyond that, it's hard to fight against an invisible enemy without foresight

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Lock down the country outside essential services.
Get as many tests, and antibody tests as possible.
Make as many masks as possible, including by order.
All people must wear masks when outside.
Distribute money and food as needed.
Allow people who have had the virus get back to work.
Slowly open up areas, maintain heavy testing in those areas.
Heavy contact tracing
No travel.
Fines for breaking distancing rules or quarantine.
If numbers go up in an area and you lose contact tracing, you heed to lock it down, and make sure they do better next time.

Slow the spread, get the economy restarted slowly.


I agree with Elektro that infected areas should be isolated, not entire countries. The entire global economy will collapse after a month more or so of total lockdown, from what I remember the EU was already having issues with debt before the crisis.
If I was in charge I would create a sort of ubereats program, where all local businesses can ship their products via delivery drivers. This way people get what they need, businesses stay open and as little people are outside as possible.
Even though the drivers could be infected at some stage, having one point of contact is easier to manage then lots of people in small areas.


Or we could just sit around in our homes and wait for the miracle cure while millions perish from either covid-19 or lack of food.


those systems sound nice but people are needed to get shit done and our economy isn't ready

we're in stasis until we get out the other side of the infection curve

ugh, right in the feels
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Fights to the death tournament style in each country- a men’s bracket and a women’s. Winners are responsible to repopulate. Good luck!

Oh, and since I’m ultra mega super world overlord supreme I can choose a harem of my own to propagate with.


Neighbours from Hell
Immediately lock everything completely down for 3 weeks across the entire nation and enforce potential fines to citizens who disobey and gather in public and legal ramifications to those who severely disobey.

And if you think that's extreme, ask yourself what is gonna happen if we ever get another major virus outbreak like this one at some time in the future? And your answer is gonna be exactly that. 3 weeks of hell now, so we don't suffer months of prolonged hell later. Let this be a forewarning for us that the mortality rate globally is only 1-2% on average. Because if this had like a 30% mortality rate or worse, life as we know it right now would be game over.

I'm not a big believer in karma, but I do believe that we sometimes get "gifts" in history that are warnings to prepare us for the future. This is one. I hope we learn from it in case another plague level outbreak hits and wipes out half the continent because we weren't prepared.
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Unconfirmed Member
My head hurts just thinking about it. I'm sure there are plausible solutions but they're not going to be fun. Unless you're isolating at the Playboy mansion. That could be fun.
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Well first, do exactly all the opposite our canadian pm did.

Which is immediately close the borders to non canadians and refuse entry to all illegal immigrants that entered through the borders in Quebec without any medical check

Then close everything down for 3 weeks

But no we had to wait because Canada is so inclusive


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Since we are exporting a lot Tourist in your country, I want to sincerely appologise, that you going to have another war, since you will get poor. But don't worry Germany starts to get poor too, so we are in for a treat.
Well, it's all too late anyway.
The measures that are done at the moment here all across Europe is the best they can do.
Next time will be interesting. Shut off air travel as soon as a country has an infectious disease running rampant.
And simply be better prepared.

Elektro Demon

Shits and Giggles
Since we are exporting a lot Tourist in your country, I want to sincerely appologise, that you going to have another war, since you will get poor. But don't worry Germany starts to get poor too, so we are in for a treat.
The EU is planning to help, but I wonder will it be enough?
The sad thing is, in 30 years the state only invested in tourism, because fuck other sectors.
And now that will bite em in the ass. Well, all of us, not just the politicians.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
The EU is planning to help, but I wonder will it be enough?
The sad thing is, in 30 years the state only invested in tourism, because fuck other sectors.
And now that will bite em in the ass. Well, all of us, not just the politicians.
EU is doing jack shit with this. Well maybe after, but during, we have to secure our own supplies. And basically EU, thanks to the officials in there working for their own country, just doing nothing. Jugoslavia, did not have any industry? Truth to be told, that I only know about building Yugo in Serbia, which is..different country now. Anyway I wonder from what money, you build that highways, because back in 2009 on the trip to Makaraska..nobody drove there and they were better than in Germany.

And in here basically 1km of Highway cost 1 billion CZK, yes a lot of corrupcy in here, but still...
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Elektro Demon

Shits and Giggles
EU is doing jack shit with this. Well maybe after, but during, we have to secure our own supplies. And basically EU, thanks to the officials in there working for their own country, just doing nothing. Jugoslavia, did not have any industry? Truth to be told, that I only know about building Yugo in Serbia, which is..different country now. Anyway I wonder from what money, you build that highways, because back in 2009 on the trip to Makaraska..nobody drove there and they were better than in Germany.

And in here basically 1km of Highway cost 1 billion CZK, yes a lot of corrupcy in here, but still...
Yugoslavia had an insane industry. It was self sufficient, everything was built in house because it was forbidden to import stuff. Tractors, cars, trucks, furniture, textile, electronics etc. Basically everything.
After the dissolution, everything was privatized. And you know how privatization goes with slavic people.
We still have a solid industry but it's not like it used to be. Around 40% percent of the total state's income comes from tourism. It shouldn't be that much, imo. It's not good to rely that much on a single sector.
Create a food army.

Motherfuckers in chemical warfare gear driving around in military trucks delivering groceries to every household. Imagine you answer the door and this 7 foot monster in a gas mask is handing you a fruit basket.

Freeze rent payment.

$500 a month to every citizen regardless of their tax filing situation.

Set up smaller more sporadically spread "hospitals" by utilizing local institution like public schools in addition to already running hospitals.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Yugoslavia had an insane industry. It was self sufficient, everything was built in house because it was forbidden to import stuff. Tractors, cars, trucks, furniture, textile, electronics etc. Basically everything.
After the dissolution, everything was privatized. And you know how privatization goes with slavic people.
We still have a solid industry but it's not like it used to be. Around 40% percent of the total state's income comes from tourism. It shouldn't be that much, imo. It's not good to rely that much on a single sector.
When we were Czecho-slovakia we were too self suffiecient, but after the fall of iron curtain...well like you said privatisation steal that away. It's pretty sad. But we kind of have Škoda (not only cars, but other one in Plzen which makes heavy duty shit), Tatra lot of food industry, Alcohol industry (mainly beer, wine) ...it's still working, but all is in some join venture or bought by some foreing company. So yeah, not good but still it stimulates Czech economy pretty well. We actually send more stuff to EU than we got back, so at least money in here is not that bad. I don't have an objection, because especially here around Prague is pretty good life.
Select a group of people from the population that are most likely to survive covid-19. Pay the volunteers to be injected with Covid-19, ala 'flu-testing' facilities (where people get paid to have the flu).

Once this segment of the population is immunised, I would have them do all of the necessary jobs.

Ask companies to volunteer their workforce for mandatory immunisation, so that each company has a workforce than can keep the factory/business ticking over.


My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
I think my country is doing the right thing now. (Australia). Hope it continues. Prior to now it was a clustfuck.

It boggles my mind how our government had no systems in place for when a worldwide pandemic breaks out. Don't they have some highly paid "what if...?" people sitting around coming up with ideas and safeguards. I hope they are taken to task once this shit is over.
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