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Indie Game Development Thread 3: Indie Jones and the Template of Doom

Talking of gifs, how do you get the fullsize gifs from gfycat? I can only get min size ones or the gfycat link :/

And onto screenshot saturday, game is progressing!

Enemy that patrols and attacks:


NPC you can talk to including camera & remembering if you've spoken before:


All combat commands implemented:


(that gif is huge sorry)


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Nice progress. Yeah, would like to see more encounters. About the UI. Sliding
sux somehow. Why not fold, dissolve, melt etc. the dialog with the background
somehow. Would be more pleasing, I guess.
Hopefully I'll be adding more enemies soon. That should be more interesting to see in action at least. As for the animations, I'll have to think on what would be ideal. The panels sliding was simply utilitarian of me I suppose.



Using Unity's audio mixer stuff, built a thing so I can transition different audio effects for gravity and zero gravity areas. Still tweaking the actual mixer effects -- how things sound -- just showing transition. It's hard to ride the line between really selling that outer space feel and still having it be playable -- for zero g I want it to almost sound like the mech is trying to simulate normal audio -- like outer space isn't a pure vacuum so the mech is amplifying and trying to piece back together the audio and that's what you hear as the pilot.

Unity's mixer snapshots seemed a bit inflexible so I rolled my own. Next step will be to add support for layering additional affects for certain conditions -- excited to do an effect for while you're cloaked because I can go wild.


Talking of gifs, how do you get the fullsize gifs from gfycat? I can only get min size ones or the gfycat link :/

When you go to the gfycat link (not the "detailed" one on white background, the regular one on dark background), you should have 5 icons at the bottom right corner. The wheel (4th icon) gives you "HD, Speed, Reverse and Open Small Gif/Open Large Gif" - open Large Gif should give you what you want!


Made this with old animation little bit ago
As was said, main character is pretty cute.
You have something on your hands, I think. :)

Hey K Monkey, what's up with "Hades"?

Hopefully I'll be adding more enemies soon. That should be more interesting to see in action at least. As for the animations, I'll have to think on what would be ideal. The panels sliding was simply utilitarian of me I suppose.
Ah, I see.


Hey K Monkey, what's up with "Hades"?

do u mean The Butcher?

he dropped off my radar including the Spider Queen ever since a change in direction few months ago. I mean, since I pretty much completed his move set and AI... I can still make use of him but the arena idea will be reworked. Same goes for the Spider Queen but not much was done with her apart from creating the animations seen here


I need to do better with getting side tracked and moving onto something new!
Dropping in to say I've been working on custom memory allocators and other things that don't show well. I like the progress I'm seeing.

(progress here also slowed by painting a bathroom and training for and finishing a 30 mile bike race)


Just released an update to the Horizon Vanguard demo, I'm pretty excited about the new stuff.

I implemented an actual scoring system that involves consecutive pistol shots, complete with a feed display on the dashboard showing you your multiplier and escalating sound cues so you can tell how you're doing in the heat of the action:


I've been really happy with this so far. It's added a lot of neat risk/reward situations to the game in a pretty elegant way.

And what would a scoring system in 2017 be without leaderboards? It took a bit, but I got a cross-platform (Steam, Oculus, standalone DRM-free, maybe someday PSVR~) leaderboard implementation that I'm happy with. If you're on a platform with friends lists, you can still filter by those. There's a separate local scoreboard, too, of course!


Finally, a pause button. This is something I put off for a little bit due to the arcade nature of the game, lol. I added some requested QoL features like a quick game restart and the ability to swap equipment between left and right hands.


Since I am no professional modeler I decided to do something in the spirit of the early 3d games, consistently with the other assets that I've created for the game. So what I did was using Virtua Fighter I Akira as a reference.

hell yes. I can relate to this, lol. Looking good!


do u mean The Butcher?

he dropped off my radar including the Spider Queen ever since a change in direction few months ago. I mean, since I pretty much completed his move set and AI... I can still make use of him but the arena idea will be reworked. Same goes for the Spider Queen but not much was done with her apart from creating the animations seen here


I need to do better with getting side tracked and moving onto something new!

Such a shame, I loved the design of this spider!

I've finally gotten back to Annie's cutscene. Got everything ported into Unity now, added lighting, dynamic tail/hair physics and particles etc; it's really exciting to see it all coming together! (ignore the weird looking cowboy at the end, and the fact that the track runs out!)



Just released an update to the Horizon Vanguard demo, I'm pretty excited about the new stuff.

I implemented an actual scoring system that involves consecutive pistol shots, complete with a feed display on the dashboard showing you your multiplier and escalating sound cues so you can tell how you're doing in the heat of the action:

Nice, nice! How does the SSR feels in VR given the issues at the borders of
the screen?

I would do a slight improvement in adding some Frensel to the water surface
such that the reflection increases more towards grazing. Up-close you may
render a ground texture. This can also improve the SSR issues, for the
reflection is pushed further out. It will also look more realistic if you so


I made a caterpillar

First game for your kid? :) Will join. xD


Get back in the window!
Really good graphics. But I don't know, I somehow don't like the coloring of
it, looks a bit uniform to me. I'm missing some vibrant colors or, say, color
contrast to emphasize some aspects or to better differentiate parts from each
other. Hmm.

Sàmban;250640726 said:
Shit looking calm...

...shit all fucked up now
Very nice! I like that fuzzy style! Post some animations!

Such a shame, I loved the design of this spider!

I've finally gotten back to Annie's cutscene. Got everything ported into Unity now, added lighting, dynamic tail/hair physics and particles etc; it's really exciting to see it all coming together! (ignore the weird looking cowboy at the end, and the fact that the track runs out!)

Btw; That's a lot of dithering used, like way too much. It kills a lot of
resolution! You may try a smaller pattern which just covers the bands
sufficiently. This would also increase the resolution again. :)


Btw; That's a lot of dithering used, like way too much. It kills a lot of
resolution! You may try a smaller pattern which just covers the bands sufficiently.
This would also increase the resolution again. :)


Yeah, it was a bit of a rush job. Once the music has been scored and I've finished polishing it I'll post up a proper video! Funnily enough though, it actually looks better when quoted and shrunk slightly.

If only someone had an advanced GIF tool with many options, eh!?



I do enjoy a good combo system so this looks like a great addition

Such a shame, I loved the design of this spider!

I've finally gotten back to Annie's cutscene. Got everything ported into Unity now, added lighting, dynamic tail/hair physics and particles etc; it's really exciting to see it all coming together! (ignore the weird looking cowboy at the end, and the fact that the track runs out!)


I will get back t the spider I'm sure of it once I get down more of the levels :)

Hats off to you for all that animation work.. looks incredible


Nice, nice! How does the SSR feels in VR given the issues at the borders of
the screen?

I would do a slight improvement in adding some Frensel to the water surface
such that the reflection increases more towards grazing. Up-close you may
render a ground texture. This can also improve the SSR issues, for the
reflection is pushed further out. It will also look more realistic if you so

The SSR issues at the borders are less noticeable in VR, I think, but you can catch it if you're looking for it. That's a good suggestion, though! I'll have to toy with the material later.


I've finally gotten back to Annie's cutscene. Got everything ported into Unity now, added lighting, dynamic tail/hair physics and particles etc; it's really exciting to see it all coming together! (ignore the weird looking cowboy at the end, and the fact that the track runs out!)


That animation work looks great! At the risk of sounding incredibly ignorant, what program did you use? I'm just really fascinated by the whole process.


Lol! Charming.

Hats off to you for all that animation work.. looks incredible

Thanks very much!

That animation work looks great! At the risk of sounding incredibly ignorant, what program did you use? I'm just really fascinated by the whole process.

Not a problem, how long have you got! The quick answer is 3DS max, but my actual process is ridiculous when I say it aloud!

I use Max's biped system for rigging/animating the characters (the constraints and other tools make everything much quicker than manually creating a skeleton). The facial animation (and in this case the simple sheep character) is animated using morph targets (also known as Blendshapes). When that's all done I export everything out into an FBX file. After that I then import it back in to allow for additional stretch and squash (which the biped system doesn't allow). The final step is to export to another FBX, pull it into Unity and then spend a few more days on lighting, sound, particles etc.

This is by far the most ambitious I've been both in terms of animation and a cutscene, so I hope to streamline the process and improve the quality of each one as I go!



Yeah, it was a bit of a rush job. Once the music has been scored and I've finished polishing it I'll post up a proper video! ...
I see.

... Funnily enough though, it actually looks better when quoted and shrunk slightly. ...
That's because the image gets filtered while adding shades which aren't in the
palette. Looks better, but there is a downside to scaling dithered images, i.e.
they usually produce much more objectionable patterns when being scaled.

This situation could be alleviated. If it's know that the image was dithered,
then one can apply a specific dithering removal algorithm trying to reproduce
the "continuous" shades again. With the pattern removed one can scale the
image without the issues indicated above. But there is a problem when wanting
to apply such an algorithm, for, such algorithms usually need to know which
dithering technique was used for the image.

That is to say, if we could flag within a gif what dithering technique was
used, we could remove the dithering when displaying the animation leading to
an improved image quality esp. when you wanna scale them down. Just an idea.

... If only someone had an advanced GIF tool with many options, eh!?
;) Still considering.

You know, one usually thinks that larger dither patterns like 8x8 Bayer for
example is pretty good, which it actually is, technically, because it is known
that about 64 shades are enough to reproduce continouse tone for the eyes from
dithering between black and white. Nice as it seems, there is a disadvanage.
What isn't know is that the resolution (definition to be more precise) of the
image decreases in inverse proportion with the increase of halftone shades. So
if we have a few more true shades than just black and white (which usually is
the case), we don't need that much dithering and will as such preserve more of
the resolution when using a smaller pattern (like a 4x4 or even 2x2). The goal
is to try to reproduce as much true shades as possible (good quantization) and
use the smallest but least objectionable pattern which still covers the bands

The SSR issues at the borders are less noticeable in VR, I think, but you can catch it if you're looking for it. That's a good suggestion, though! I'll have to toy with the material later.
If you have some performence left you may also try some faint gloss making it
even harder to tell the difference. Fresnel + some faint gloss would help to
tone down the hard mirror reflection you have, which, in my book, clutters the
screen a bit too much.


I never posted in here about my game Iconoclasts. Been making this thing for over 7 years straight, more than that in prior attempts.

It's kinda structured like Metroid Fusion in terms of progression, with a focus on a narrative about some troubled people. But also a lot of bosses. :)

There's here if you want links to more information places. Just thought I'd try to join the thread.





I never posted in here about my game Iconoclasts. Been making this thing for over 7 years straight, more than that in prior attempts.

It's kinda structured like Metroid Fusion in terms of progression, with a focus on a narrative about some troubled people. But also a lot of bosses. :)

There's here if you want links to more information places. Just thought I'd try to join the thread.



Amazing! Looks incredible. You working on it all alone?


I never posted in here, but my game Iconoclasts is rapidly approaching a release date announcement. Been making this thing for over 7 years straight, more than that in prior attempts.

It's kinda structured like Metroid Fusion in terms of progression, with a focus on a narrative about some troubled people. But also a lot of bosses. :)

There's here if you want links to more information places. Just thought I'd try to join the thread.




Wow, didn't think we'd see you here! Been following Iconoclasts for most of these seven years already, but I'm very glad to see it here as well, and I'm eargerly looking forward to the release :-D Welcome to the thread, then, and here's hoping we'll hear more from you!

In other news: Day 1 of animation integration, aaand... it's done already :-D I'm integrating sounds and voice over now, so expect clips with sound soon! Feels good to be back in the actual prototype :v




Wow, didn't think we'd see you here! Been following Iconoclasts for most of these seven years already, but I'm very glad to see it here as well, and I'm eargerly looking forward to the release :-D Welcome to the thread, then, and here's hoping we'll hear more from you!

In other news: Day 1 of animation integration, aaand... it's done already :-D I'm integrating sounds and voice over now, so expect clips with sound soon! Feels good to be back in the actual prototype :v

Thanks! I'm not as vocal about my game as would be useful.

Your animations look great. I'd love to move on to non-pixel stuff. It just was never realistic before, hah.

What did you create this in?

Ah, it was created in Construct Classic, but that software was abandoned ages ago for Construct 2, which I never tried. I foolishly stuck with CC and have been lucky enough to now find MP2 Games to make it actually run on a decent, ported engine for Playstation and PCs. MP2 did stuff like port Freedom Planet from Multimedia Fusion.


Thanks! I'm not as vocal about my game as would be useful.

Your animations look great. I'd love to move on to non-pixel stuff. It just was never realistic before, hah.

Coming from you, this means more than you know - your own work was a pretty big inspiration to get me started :)

Ah, it was created in Construct Classic, but that software was abandoned ages ago for Construct 2, which I never tried. I foolishly stuck with CC and have been lucky enough to now find MP2 Games to make it actually run on a decent, ported engine for Playstation and PCs. MP2 did stuff like port Freedom Planet from Multimedia Fusion.

C2's pretty great, but I hear there's a number of things possible in CC that weren't ported over (and same thing with C2->C3), so as long as it works out for you... On the porting side, would you happen to know if MP2 does ports for C2 stuff, as well?

all of this talent in animation on this page is great to see :)

It's certainly the most gif-heavy it's been for a while - crashes my mobile browser, even :-D Would Missile's Magic GIF Solution save us all from this? :-D
Konjack, I didn't realize you also made Noitu Love 2. By pure coincidence, I just tried that today during lunch. Loved how it played and look forward to more when I'm done with Cuphead.

Iconoclasts also looks great!
hell yes. I can relate to this, lol. Looking good!

Thank you! I also like your menu very much. Reminds me of a fake cg interface of an old cyberpunk movie, like Johnny Mnemonic or something. I mean it in the good way, of course!

I've finally gotten back to Annie's cutscene. Got everything ported into Unity now, added lighting, dynamic tail/hair physics and particles etc; it's really exciting to see it all coming together! (ignore the weird looking cowboy at the end, and the fact that the track runs out!)

The expressiveness of the character is really great. The whole scene is actually quite mindblowing for me.

I never posted in here about my game Iconoclasts. Been making this thing for over 7 years straight, more than that in prior attempts.

It's kinda structured like Metroid Fusion in terms of progression, with a focus on a narrative about some troubled people. But also a lot of bosses. :)

Glad to see you here (though I am myself a new poster)! Iconoclasts looks incredible, to say the least. Those 7 years of work really show.

So...ehm, after all these glorious gifs I'm a little bit embarrassed to post mine, but what is a programmer supposed to do if he's working on a solo project? So I started painting the texture over the torso of the low poly, VFI Akira inspired, model that I posted previously. It took me quite a while to unwrap the faces correctly after marking the seams, so I'm quite proud of that. Unfortunately, even after downscaling the texture to oblivion, it still looks kinda bad, though admittedly it's not finished. Supposedly it's a very tight t-shirt, though the absence of decals or other finer details (that I plan to put later) makes it look like naked skin.



Some behind the scenes shots of Ice Caves of Europa:

Right-click and view-image to see full resolution



Here's a Gfycat video of one of the later levels (Click to view video):

@konjak - Iconoclasts looks awesome, I've been following the progress for years!


Oh, those disgusting hentai artists. I mean there's so many of them, though. Which one? Which one are we talking about?
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