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Indie Game Development Thread 3: Indie Jones and the Template of Doom


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Nice man! Keep it up. I remember your first post of this game here, love your progress

Thank you so much! I've invested so much time and effort into this game and it largely feels like it's become completely lost in the vast flood of indie games. So it feels awesome to hear at least someone out there actually remembers and likes it.

Great work! I'd recommend looking closer at your UI. I think I liked it before better. As a rule of thumb, only display the HUD elements which are required. Just my two cents. Keeping working away at it. Iteration over time leads to a great game!

In my mind at least, the player would probably almost always leave the ui windows closed. That's why I designed all of them to be able to slide in and out of view quite easily. The only recent UI changes were the action log window and the introduction of class emblems to help identify what class each party member is. I will agree without a doubt that some of my UI elements could definitely be smaller though.I'm hoping you just didn't notice that the windows were all retractable. I'm a bit hesitant to chop away at things. As with heckmanimation I greatly appreciate your words of encouragement and feedback. I've been taking the time to iterate over a lot of things to help inch it all closer to greatness. I'll keep on keeping on until I'm happy with it :)
Here's a GIF showcasing some of the improvements made this week:

This looks really good but I feel GUI is bit problematic.

I'd move the log into one of right corners - currently it's just above really busy part of screen while nothing is happening there.

Also left GUI panel feels too big - it gives really uncanny feeling with much smaller margin on left side compared to right side


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
This looks really good but I feel GUI is bit problematic.

I'd move the log into one of right corners - currently it's just above really busy part of screen while nothing is happening there.

Also left GUI panel feels too big - it gives really uncanny feeling with much smaller margin on left side compared to right side

There's no room on the right for ui windows because there's already 2 there. You don't see them in the gif because they're collapsed in. All the ui windows in my game have that functionality so that the player can choose have a more cinematic gaming experience. I will have to figure out something with my UI though for sure. If nothing else it really needs to be sized down in several areas, it's just too bulky and intrusive atm. I'll get it figured out eventually :)

On a more exciting note, Quests Unlimited is now officially released on itch! I'll still be actively developing it for the time being. There's certainly still some polishing left to be done but the desired gameplay experience is there so I wanted to get it out there and into people's hands. Similar to early access where people's impressions and comments will have the opportunity to help mold the finished product.

Anyhow, here's the store link: https://oxrock.itch.io/quests-unlimited

And here's a trailer I made for this special occasion: https://youtu.be/SooV3NOn90I


Been working on a game since the Christmas holidays. Aiming to launch in the Android Play Store on January 30th at 8pm. Is this thread still alive?


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Been working on a game since the Christmas holidays. Aiming to launch in the Android Play Store on January 30th at 8pm. Is this thread still alive?

I will keep this thread alive through sheer force of will! :p

It's been a few weeks since my last update but I had company stay a few weeks for the holidays followed by me immediately getting sick so I was out of commission for a while. But I'm back now and put in the time this week to make some pretty significant changes, so i'll just get right to it.

One of the issues often brought up is the UI, generally how it can feel a bit intrusive at times. So this week I spent some time moving things around, cleaning up some clutter and I think it's much improved. I'll be showing an updated picture a little further down.

In line with UI concerns, some expressed concern about there not being a standard health and mana bar present in the UI to gauge your party's current well-being. So I decided to re-purpose some UI real estate to give the party proper health and mana bars.

You may also notice that the huge block of texts depicting party member stats is now missing from the UI panel o the left of the screen. I decided that this information was not important enough to warrant the screen space it was taking up. Member stats can now be viewed in the character information screen accessed by clicking the green plus symbol on each individual party member area on the left UI panel.

The biggest change this build has got to be member skills buttons. Displacing the stat texts of each party member are now buttons allowing actual interaction with the game world! The member's special abilities as well as buttons for drinking potions are now available on the left UI panel. party members will still automatically use their skills similar to before but now they do them on a longer timer. In other words, to be as efficient as possible you'll have to tell them to use their skills and drink potions via these newly implemented buttons because the time saved is substantial. The buttons also have working cooldown indicators to help you easily ascertain which are ready to use.


(screenshot of the updated UI)

In this most recent build party members can have different levels. Party members who are dead at the time of an enemy kill will not receive any of the exp from that kill. That means it's all the more important to upgrade the tank's gear to be able to survive encounters. There are currently measures in place to help members who are falling behind but it will still take strategic equipment upgrading to help them make up for lost exp.

This final change is just an upgrade in the way the potion management system works. Basically, you can now sell potions to the vendor in town. In the inventory window on the bottom right you can specify how many of each potion you'd like your party to have each time they resupply in town. Previously the party would only buy potions to reach the minimum amount of each potion specified by the user. That functionality remains in tact however, now the party will sell it's surplus potions to the vendor for a profit as well.


(a look at things in action)

Before I wrap this up, I just wanted to let everyone know that this game WILL be on steam in a few weeks. I imagine a nice chunk of time this week will be spent setting up the store page and ensuring all that's going smoothly. Until then it's currently available on here: https://oxrock.itch.io/quests-unlimited.


I will keep this thread alive through sheer force of will! :p

It's been a few weeks since my last update but I had company stay a few weeks for the holidays followed by me immediately getting sick so I was out of commission for a while. But I'm back now and put in the time this week to make some pretty significant changes, so i'll just get right to it.

One of the issues often brought up is the UI, generally how it can feel a bit intrusive at times. So this week I spent some time moving things around, cleaning up some clutter and I think it's much improved. I'll be showing an updated picture a little further down.

In line with UI concerns, some expressed concern about there not being a standard health and mana bar present in the UI to gauge your party's current well-being. So I decided to re-purpose some UI real estate to give the party proper health and mana bars.

You may also notice that the huge block of texts depicting party member stats is now missing from the UI panel o the left of the screen. I decided that this information was not important enough to warrant the screen space it was taking up. Member stats can now be viewed in the character information screen accessed by clicking the green plus symbol on each individual party member area on the left UI panel.

The biggest change this build has got to be member skills buttons. Displacing the stat texts of each party member are now buttons allowing actual interaction with the game world! The member's special abilities as well as buttons for drinking potions are now available on the left UI panel. party members will still automatically use their skills similar to before but now they do them on a longer timer. In other words, to be as efficient as possible you'll have to tell them to use their skills and drink potions via these newly implemented buttons because the time saved is substantial. The buttons also have working cooldown indicators to help you easily ascertain which are ready to use.


(screenshot of the updated UI)

In this most recent build party members can have different levels. Party members who are dead at the time of an enemy kill will not receive any of the exp from that kill. That means it's all the more important to upgrade the tank's gear to be able to survive encounters. There are currently measures in place to help members who are falling behind but it will still take strategic equipment upgrading to help them make up for lost exp.

This final change is just an upgrade in the way the potion management system works. Basically, you can now sell potions to the vendor in town. In the inventory window on the bottom right you can specify how many of each potion you'd like your party to have each time they resupply in town. Previously the party would only buy potions to reach the minimum amount of each potion specified by the user. That functionality remains in tact however, now the party will sell it's surplus potions to the vendor for a profit as well.


(a look at things in action)

Before I wrap this up, I just wanted to let everyone know that this game WILL be on steam in a few weeks. I imagine a nice chunk of time this week will be spent setting up the store page and ensuring all that's going smoothly. Until then it's currently available on here: https://oxrock.itch.io/quests-unlimited.

That looks great. I'm just sad it's not my cup of tea or else I'd support it right away. But keep it up. I'm sure there are others lurking this thread that are into it.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
That looks great. I'm just sad it's not my cup of tea or else I'd support it right away. But keep it up. I'm sure there are others lurking this thread that are into it.
Idle games aren't for everyone, so I understand. Hopefully there's enough people interested to keep this passion project from flopping though.

Another week has passed which means more progress to announce! This week has gone largely as I expected based on last week's update. But there are still a few things to go over.

First off, charisma actually does something now!I know, a stat that actually serves some function, how novel. Previous to this change, items were sold and bought at a set price. Now how much an item costs and how much you can get for selling it are affected by the party's charisma modifier. There will most certainly need a lot of balancing to keep this balanced and useful but I'm happy it's finally made it's way into the game.

The next change is the health awarded for each point of constitution which has nearly been doubled. This is done in an effort to increase the longevity and "epicness" of fights. This also allows for more interaction with the party during fights by utilizing their abilities and popping potions and such.

There's also been some balancing of the party's ability to auto cast their skills. There will now be a delay before they can use those abilities whenever starting a new fight. This is an effort to reward actively playing the game while still allowing the game to autoplay adequately.

As I posted last week, a lot of this week was spent meeting all the criteria for publishing this game on steam. That took up more time than I'd like to admit but I'm happy to say that all the requirements for submitting my game have been met and now it's only a matter of time. I know steam is the platform of choice for a great many people so I'm excited about introducing my game to a large new group of players.

That pretty much sums up the progress made this week. There's nothing new visually to showoff so I'll spare all your bandwidth by not posting something you've all seen already. This week I'm hoping to get some semblance of a tutorial system in place to help introduce players to what options are available to them in game. When I get that working as I'd like I'll upload the new builds to itch.io as well as steam. That will probably be the build that's used for the steam launch.

If this game IS your cup of tea and you'd like to support development then you can find it for sale here: Buy Quests Unlimited here!


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Whats up Everybody? I'm back again to keep everyone up to date about progress (or lack thereof) made this week in Quests Unlimited. For reasons that will remain nameless, I had to create a new trailer this week. I just love redoing work I was actually pretty happy with! Anyway, let's get started with the update!

First things first, there's a new trailer! I may as well get that out of the way since I mentioned it already. I spent a considerable chunk of time putting together a trailer to replace the one I'd previously made. That's a lot of time invested gathering footage and splicing it all together into something at least somewhat coherent. At least I had a song that I already liked! This one turned out to largely just be a copy of my original trailer but with some key differences to make certain people happy.

With that out of the way, I'm also happy to say that there's now an in game tutorial! The tutorial explains how to take advantage of some important features that I fear many didn't even know about. So do yourself a favor and complete the tutorial to ensure that you're getting the most out of the game(assuming you own the game of course, if you don't, you should!).

In case nobody noticed, the latest build is actually available now at https://oxrock.itch.io/quests-unlimited. This build introduces not only the tutorial but the advances made in last week's post that I never made live. So if you haven't yet, I suggest you update the game via the itch.io app. Alternatively you can just redownload the whole thing (it's only like 250MB at most). Assuming all goes well, this will be the last build update until the game is available through steam early access. Then of course updates will continue as normal.

That about wraps it up for this week. Have any questions, comments or praise(lawl, yeah right)? Feel free to leave it below and I'll be sure to read it. Until next week, happy questing!
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Great update oxrock oxrock . I enjoyed reading that. Congrats on the progress made with your game too.

Indie game development is a labour of love. I'm just getting back into the swings on things again at the moment. I plan on creating a new C64 game (in assembly) just for something different :D. Hopefully I'll have something to add to this thread with over the next six months.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Great update oxrock oxrock . I enjoyed reading that. Congrats on the progress made with your game too.

Indie game development is a labour of love. I'm just getting back into the swings on things again at the moment. I plan on creating a new C64 game (in assembly) just for something different :D. Hopefully I'll have something to add to this thread with over the next six months.

What kind of game did you have in mind? I've never actually really considered developing for an outdated platform like that. I can't imagine it'd be financially viable honestly, but if it's a passion project on the side it'd certainly be an interesting learning experience.

Now on to my dilemma. Does anyone have any experience with https://www.videogamepromo.com/ or similar services? I've been searching youtube for channels that are idle/incremental game friendly and coming up with a rather short, unsatisfactory list. Anyone have any advice on how to get your game in some youtube videos? On a side note, I always kind of thought my game would also work well being streamed on twitch for hosts who are afk. Any ideas on how I might be able to leverage that? Honestly I'd at least 24/7 stream it myself if my internet wasn't so completely awful.
What kind of game did you have in mind? I've never actually really considered developing for an outdated platform like that. I can't imagine it'd be financially viable honestly, but if it's a passion project on the side it'd certainly be an interesting learning experience.

Now on to my dilemma. Does anyone have any experience with https://www.videogamepromo.com/ or similar services? I've been searching youtube for channels that are idle/incremental game friendly and coming up with a rather short, unsatisfactory list. Anyone have any advice on how to get your game in some youtube videos? On a side note, I always kind of thought my game would also work well being streamed on twitch for hosts who are afk. Any ideas on how I might be able to leverage that? Honestly I'd at least 24/7 stream it myself if my internet wasn't so completely awful.

My current 8-bit game design is just a platformer with an additional unique gameplay element (the equivalent of my "portal gun" so to speak). I'm creating it to teach myself the assembly programming language.
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Working on a small game called SILENT VOID for PS Vita and PC. It will be a tactical game with some basic RPG elements. The game is powered by Unity but I decided to make my own scene editor with a cutscene and dialog tools. At the time I started dev on the game, Unity didn't have a builtin tool for cutscenes. And I am not a big fan of using asset store.
Editor is running inside the game. Any change can be tested inside the editor or full play mode. Recently implemented C# runtime compilation. I can write new code in Visual Studio and use it right away inside the editor standalone. Before this, with any gameplay code change, I would have to go back to Unity and build the whole project. Takes time. These days pretty much jumping all around from modelling, texture painting, programming to writing a small screenplay. Plan is to finish the game in 2018.

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Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
My current 8-bit game design is just a platformer with an additional unique gameplay element (the equivalent of my "portal gun" so to speak). I'm creating it to teach myself the assembly programming language.

Lowest I've gone is c++, might be interesting to tackle assembly at some point though. As far as your redacted offer, I can understand why you'd edit things like that out to maintain anonymity. No worries.

Working on a small game called SILENT VOID for PS Vita and PC. It will be a tactical game with some basic RPG elements. The game is powered by Unity but I decided to make my own scene editor with a cutscene and dialog tools. At the time I started dev on the game, Unity didn't have a builtin tool for cutscenes. And I am not a big fan of using asset store.
Editor is running inside the game. Any change can be tested inside the editor or full play mode. Recently implemented C# runtime compilation. I can write new code in Visual Studio and use it right away inside the editor standalone. Before this, with any gameplay code change, I would have to go back to Unity and build the whole project. Takes time. These days pretty much jumping all around from modelling, texture painting, programming to writing a small screenplay. Plan is to finish the game in 2018.
Have any gameplay gifs to show off?
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What kind of game did you have in mind? I've never actually really considered developing for an outdated platform like that. I can't imagine it'd be financially viable honestly, but if it's a passion project on the side it'd certainly be an interesting learning experience.

Now on to my dilemma. Does anyone have any experience with https://www.videogamepromo.com/ or similar services? I've been searching youtube for channels that are idle/incremental game friendly and coming up with a rather short, unsatisfactory list. Anyone have any advice on how to get your game in some youtube videos? On a side note, I always kind of thought my game would also work well being streamed on twitch for hosts who are afk. Any ideas on how I might be able to leverage that? Honestly I'd at least 24/7 stream it myself if my internet wasn't so completely awful.

I don't have any experience with sites like that but it seems like a huge ripoff. You might be better off searching youtube for streamers making videos with games similar to yours. Maybe streamers with subs in the thousands instead of millions since they'll be more open to small devs like us.


Hey all, it's been awhile but Chiaro and the Elixir of Life is finally on Steam for wishlisting! We have a gameplay teaser, a character trailer, some screenshots and information. We're also running an AMA and t-shirt giveaway in r/Vive, if you're interested about VR dev swing by! :D



Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
I'm going to be a bit lazy this week and just paste my DevLog update, hopefully that won't get me in any trouble.

Hello everyone. I hope you all had a great week. I'm back again with update information on Quests Unlimited. This week has largely been devoted to fixes and creating new art for the game. Let's just get right into it.

As for fixes done this week, we'll start with the charisma system. Recently I finally implemented charisma's effect on the party (increasing your sales prices, reducing the price to buy items) but I didn't have any caps in place. In other words, your party could earn 1000% bonus to your sale price with a ton of charisma or it could earn 0% (in other words you get nothing). So I put some limits in place to ensure that parties will at least get 50% sale price even at 0 charisma and it now maxes out at 200% buy/sale bonus with having a lot of charisma.

I also tackled a bug introduced in a recent build that made it so that the 3d healthbars couldn't be disabled. After searching a while I was able to determine that it was simply a byproduct of some commented out code that happened due to testing something else. Suffice it to say, this has now been fixed.

We also now have a loading screen when entering the tutorial. It can be a bit jarring to have your game freeze for a few seconds while a game loads so I thought it was pretty important to update the loading screen functionality to include the tutorial as well.

I've been wanting to include more variety of creatures in our game's world so I've spent some time this week working on a new one. I'm primarily a programmer and not an artist so creating something that isn't abysmal can take me a considerable amount of time. What I'm about to show you is a work in progress and I haven't gotten the animations crafted for it yet, but none the less I want you all to be informed about what's going on. So here's the newest creation that will hopefully be joining the game soon:


Hopefully you can at least tell that he's a wolf. As I said, he's a work in progress but hopefully we'll have him in game by next weekend.

The last tiny bit of news I have for you all is that Quests Unlimited is now "coming soon" on Steam! You can see the page here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/777420/Quests_Unlimited/

And with that, I bid you all a farewell for now. As always I'll be back again next week with news of any changes. I hope you all have a wonderful week and make it back to join me next time. Until then, happy questing!


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Hey all, it's been awhile but Chiaro and the Elixir of Life is finally on Steam for wishlisting! We have a gameplay teaser, a character trailer, some screenshots and information. We're also running an AMA and t-shirt giveaway in r/Vive, if you're interested about VR dev swing by! :D

Looks awesome, good luck!


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Happy Saturday everyone! I'm back to bring everyone up to date on the latest Progress in Quests Unlimited. This update should be short and sweet so let's get right to it.

Remember that wolf I was working on last week? Well now he officially has animation and is in the game. Wolves spawn as part of a pack of 4-7 and don't stick to normal questing zones like other mobs. Wolf packs like to attack unsuspecting parties at campfires! That's right, no longer will your party always be safe while recuperating from battles.

There's some rules and limitation in place for these wolves you'd all do well to learn about. Firstly, wolf packs don't start spawning until your party's average level is 15. Second, wolf packs spawn on a variable timer between 5-15 minutes. Third, the campfire they'll be waiting for you at isn't necessarily the campfire that your party is utilizing at the moment. Fourth, wolf packs can and will fight anything they come across. That means if another wolf pack spawns in their area, they're gonna fight each other leaving only a partial victorious wolf pack for you to fight.

I put together a small wolf demo gif for you all to see his animations:

The Steam release is inching ever closer, February 13th is just 3 days away! Be sure to keep an eye out for Quests Unlimited and maybe give it a nice review if you enjoy it.

That about wraps it up for this week's updates. Next week I hope to start introducing steam achievements and maybe work on cloud saves a bit. I thank you all for reading and hope to see you here again next week. Until then, happy questing! :cool:
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That wolf looks pretty good! How did you put the animation together? (and what'd you use to make the gif?) :)


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
That wolf looks pretty good! How did you put the animation together? (and what'd you use to make the gif?) :)
First off, thank you. It's rare that I get any kind of praise for my artwork. Although I try to do everything I remain a programmer at heart. As for the wolf's animation, I imported him into blender, rigged him and then animated him. As for making animated gifs, I always use screen to gif.

Quests Unlimited is now available on the Steam Store!!!!
Quests Unlimited

Any who are interested can find it at the link I posted above. This is my first release to Steam and I'm excited that so many people will have a chance to see my work! I hope all goes well.
I just was pointed to this thread the other day! I'm the "Kitty" half of the 2 person dev studio Robot Loves Kitty, and I'm happy to be here! I'm seeing some neat projects in my quick browse through past posts in this thread that I just did! I'll put together a little something about the game we're working on and post it soon to add to the list of projects here!

Also, Oxrock, Congratulations on the Steam release, I hope it's gone smoothly so far!


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
I just was pointed to this thread the other day! I'm the "Kitty" half of the 2 person dev studio Robot Loves Kitty, and I'm happy to be here! I'm seeing some neat projects in my quick browse through past posts in this thread that I just did! I'll put together a little something about the game we're working on and post it soon to add to the list of projects here!

Also, Oxrock, Congratulations on the Steam release, I hope it's gone smoothly so far!

It started out a little rocky, but after a couple frenzied days of uploading hotfixes, things seem to be mellowing out. Thanks, and I look forward to seeing what you're working on.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Well I'm back everyone. This has been quite an exciting week and although things got a bit bumpy, I seem to have weathered the storm. Quests Unlimited launched on Steam early access and I've gotten a lot of community feedback on the game already. Some of that feedback pertaining to bugs that I had no idea existed! So let's get straight to the patch notes this week:

  • Lowered the scaled power of enemies.
  • Slightly increased primary stats gained on level up for all classes.
  • Added tooltips explaining stats and abilities.
  • Greatly increased campfire regeneration rates.
  • Cleric should no longer be able to cast heals while dead.
  • Game should no longer get "stuck" after fighting wolves at campfires
  • Tooltip has been modified to be easier to read and stay within the screen
  • The amount of upgrades an item has should now be visible on tooltip
  • Lowered the cooldown for members to starting casting at fight onset
  • Fixed a bug causing items in inventory not to load correctly.

I'm not gonna lie, it was a bit of a frenzied effort to get those changes into the game to help get everything running smoothly. I'm glad it's done though because I think the game is a lot better as a result. Sadly this took up all my dev time this week and I didn't get to progress at all with steam achievements. I think that's OK though, improving gameplay satisfaction should be paramount in my mind. I think achievements and cloud saves are going o be backburnered for a little bit while I hammer out some quality of life changes that users have been asking for.

So what's on this week's to-do list? More choice when creating parties is something I'm hearing about a whole lot. People want to be able to choose their party's composition as well as name their new companions. Honestly, part of me wants to hold on to the random assignment currently in place, but I also realize that it's pretty tedious to keep restarting the game and hoping you get something good, especially with load times. So I'll be working on a solution that hopefully satisfies all involved. Hopefully you'll hear all about it in next week's update.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
I'm back again everyone, if I'm persistent enough perhaps eventually I won't be the only one updating this thread! This week I've been hard at work on Quests Unlimited implementing a feature I've heard requested numerous times now. That's right, party names and classes are no longer completely random and are now customizable. Part of me is crazily nostalgic for annoying RNG mechanics that you just have to power through, but many users complained about this aspect of the game and I honestly can't blame them. Loading into the main scene over and over again hoping for a decent generated party could be time consuming. So I relented a bit for the sanity of my players.

When starting a new game, you'll now be loaded into a new scene allowing you setup your party before entering the gameworld for the first time. It should also provide a bit of information about the available classes for those new to the game. Those wishing for a truly random experience can simply leave all fields empty when creating a party and everything will be generated for you just as it was previous to this patch.

Patch notes:
  • Added the functionality to customize new parties
  • Created an interactive scene to accompany the above functionality
  • Introduced combat music to the game. Music will now fade between the the standard background music and another piece indicating your party is in combat.
  • Patched previously but never indicated: I fixed the party idle bug and reintroduced wolves into the game.

I also made an animated gif to showcase a bit of the changes made this week:

That's all for this week. Next week I'm hoping to finally add some steam achievements into the game. It's been something on my list for quite a while now but kept getting pushed back because of other pressing concerns. I've not messed with the steam API before so I'm sure I'm in for an adventure! If you have any questions or comments, as always you can just post below. I'm always around. And if you happen to accidentally tell everyone you've ever met about this game, I wouldn't complain about that either :p


Neo Member
Hey Everybody
My name is Kuba. I’m new to neoGAF. I was told that this is the place for indie developers to share progress as they develop their games.

So I’m working on Something called Soulblight. Here’s all the basic info on the project:


Soulblight is a dark, unforgiving, top-down action roguelike luring you to cross the thin line between good and evil. Instead of XP grinding, it introduces a Tainting Mechanics. While traveling through the shattered reality of the Sanctuary, you will receive personality traits based on your choices. These will be the main source of your strength. To harness them, you will have to act accordingly. Becoming an alcoholic means that you will be rewarded for getting drunk, but from that point being sober might prove to be unbearable.

Main Features
* A unique Tainting Mechanic designed to encourage role playing
* Tons of weapons, armor, and utility items
* Dynamic and tactical combat build around stamina management and distance control
* Optional stealth approach that complements fighting
* Randomly generated, visually breathtaking levels
* High difficulty level emphasized by permadeath mechanics
* Gameplay-driven narrative

Home Page: https://www.mynextgames.com/
Soulblight on Steam:


Every week I’m doing a small update on the progress of our work. I usually add a screen or gif and recently I started recording a short video commentary in a form of vlog. Here’s the one for this week:


This week we've been experimenting with a new way of presenting dialogs. We’ve decided to go with this:


And if you’d like to know in more details what we’ve been doing her’s my weekly vlog update :)


Hope you guys like my little update :)

Cya Around

Been working on this for a while. It's a roguelike, fast paced shooter with a lot of slow motion. In other words it's Max Payne meets Binding of Isaac.

Each level is generated out of set rooms, after each level you get an upgrade that changes how your gun works (e.g. bouncy-, explosive-, bulletssplitting or maybe all three at once). After 2 levels you meet a boss, you kill him and you rescue a baby (there's a story in a design document, I promise).

I released a new alpha today if you are curious, you can get it at my itch.io page and I would love some feedback. Cheers!




New in this version is:
  • New weapon: Rapid P, short range super fast rifle. Forces you in close and moving around. Great fun!
  • TUTORIAL! Learn how to play the game properly.
  • Added Schrodingers box. This allows you to randomize different values in the game for new challenges (e.g. enemy health, your damage etc.)
  • New upgrades (Shield & Bullet Split)
  • New enemy skin(s).
  • Enemies now slow down correctly
  • You now turn into a baby
  • A bunch of different tweaks and improvements, check dev log.
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Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Hey Everybody
My name is Kuba. I’m new to neoGAF. I was told that this is the place for indie developers to share progress as they develop their games.

So I’m working on Something called Soulblight. Here’s all the basic info on the project:


Soulblight is a dark, unforgiving, top-down action roguelike luring you to cross the thin line between good and evil. Instead of XP grinding, it introduces a Tainting Mechanics. While traveling through the shattered reality of the Sanctuary, you will receive personality traits based on your choices. These will be the main source of your strength. To harness them, you will have to act accordingly. Becoming an alcoholic means that you will be rewarded for getting drunk, but from that point being sober might prove to be unbearable.

Main Features
* A unique Tainting Mechanic designed to encourage role playing
* Tons of weapons, armor, and utility items
* Dynamic and tactical combat build around stamina management and distance control
* Optional stealth approach that complements fighting
* Randomly generated, visually breathtaking levels
* High difficulty level emphasized by permadeath mechanics
* Gameplay-driven narrative

Home Page: https://www.mynextgames.com/
Soulblight on Steam:


Every week I’m doing a small update on the progress of our work. I usually add a screen or gif and recently I started recording a short video commentary in a form of vlog. Here’s the one for this week:


This week we've been experimenting with a new way of presenting dialogs. We’ve decided to go with this:


And if you’d like to know in more details what we’ve been doing her’s my weekly vlog update :)


Hope you guys like my little update :)

Cya Around

When I read your comments about your game I thought it sounded pretty cool. When I watched your trailer, I really didn't see any of that stuff represented. Your trailer is what sells your game to people who know nothing about it. Make it exciting while showcasing the best selling points of your game. The main take away I have after watching the trailer is that you get to die repeatedly and you apparently have to stealth attack everything. I doubt that's the case for your game, but that's what your trailer is telling me.

Been working on this for a while. It's a roguelike, fast paced shooter with a lot of slow motion. In other words it's Max Payne meets Binding of Isaac.

Each level is generated out of set rooms, after each level you get an upgrade that changes how your gun works (e.g. bouncy-, explosive-, bulletssplitting or maybe all three at once). After 2 levels you meet a boss, you kill him and you rescue a baby (there's a story in a design document, I promise).

I released a new alpha today if you are curious, you can get it at my itch.io page and I would love some feedback. Cheers!




New in this version is:
  • New weapon: Rapid P, short range super fast rifle. Forces you in close and moving around. Great fun!
  • TUTORIAL! Learn how to play the game properly.
  • Added Schrodingers box. This allows you to randomize different values in the game for new challenges (e.g. enemy health, your damage etc.)
  • New upgrades (Shield & Bullet Split)
  • New enemy skin(s).
  • Enemies now slow down correctly
  • You now turn into a baby
  • A bunch of different tweaks and improvements, check dev log.

What is the story of your game? That seems like a pretty important thing to bring up in your first post about it. You rescue babies and also turn into them? I'm all for weird, just let me know what I'm getting into.

Glad to see other devs posting about their work in here. Hopefully that trend continues.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Happy weekend everybody! It's been a week so I'm back with my weekly update. This week I've finally manage to implement something I've been droning on about for a long time now so I'm happy to get right into things.


First and foremost, Quests Unlimited now has functioning Steam achievements! Being this is my first game on steam, I've never worked with their API before but I'm so happy I was able to get this going finally. It's one of those things that just kept getting pushed back and felt like it was taking forever to get done. The stats and achievements in place are not as robust as some, but it covers the basics and can now quite easily be added onto.

Other than that, this week was largely spent on bug fixes and tweaking things a bit.

Patch notes:
  • Steam Achievements introduced
  • Fixed bug that caused party members to equip inferior equipment when loading saves.
  • Fixed bug causing equipment pieces to be renamed strangely (items currently affected will not be altered but no new strangely named items should be created/loaded)
  • Fixed bug causing monsters to spawn at higher level than player party.
  • Slightly incentivised the Charisma stat for all classes when choosing equipment.

There's also another thing I thought up that people might enjoy...


If you'd like to leave your mark on the game by submitting quests for the game, you now can! Information about how can be found here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/777420/discussions/0/1693788384143395413/

That about sums it up for this week. Hopefully my players are as excited about the new achievements as I am. Hopefully there'll have even more wonderful things to be excited about next week! Thank you all for reading and as always, I'll be back again next week posting about whatever I've been up to.
What is the story of your game? That seems like a pretty important thing to bring up in your first post about it. You rescue babies and also turn into them? I'm all for weird, just let me know what I'm getting into.

Glad to see other devs posting about their work in here. Hopefully that trend continues.

Thank you for checking it out! The story isnt fleshed out but the sure i can share my mind draft. There are a bunch of redneck drug addicts that kidnap babies, you were one of them and then escaped (this will be the tutorial). You grow up, put on a suit and promise to rescue the babies.

When you get the baby they show up in the hub, you can then send them to school or work and some of them will return to help you. Like merchants or opening up features, like the Schrodinger Box I included in the latest alpha, which lets you modify the ingame values for different challenges.

Nevermind the time paradox on how fast they grow up or that some might return as a lizard.



Neo Member
When I read your comments about your game I thought it sounded pretty cool. When I watched your trailer, I really didn't see any of that stuff represented. Your trailer is what sells your game to people who know nothing about it. Make it exciting while showcasing the best selling points of your game. The main take away I have after watching the trailer is that you get to die repeatedly and you apparently have to stealth attack everything. I doubt that's the case for your game, but that's what your trailer is telling me.

Well I won't lie to you. Your're gone die a lot :p and this is what we were trying to convey ;) As I mentioned Soulblight is about line between good and evil. But this is not a binary choice. Here's a short paragraph on how it works:


Before entering each level of the Sanctuary you get to choose a Taint that represents a certain personality trait. That choice will shape your future experiences as each Taint unlocks a new way of gaining power - a custom mechanic designed to encourage role-playing. Tainting Mechanics channels your will to survive into actions that are aligned with your hero’s personality. Let’s have a look at some examples:


As you go deeper into the Sanctuary you’ll be able to add more Taints to your character’s personality making the shifting levels of the dungeon itself a skill tree of a kind. However with each new Taint you’re a step closer to the point of no return. Are you sure you know where it is?


And here's the update for this week :)


Hello everybody
As you know for last couple of weeks we've been running Beta tests for Soulblight. This week we finally warped them up. It's time to summarize it :)

We run two rounds of test in which participated almost 500 people! We’re still going through the feedback but we’re quite satisfied as a lot of people really enjoyed what we’ve prepared :) The thing with which we were pleasantly surprised was the replayability. Although the beta test build included only one short level, most of people spend on it way over 1.5h that we anticipated to be the average.


But not all our predictions were so much of the point. Testers found the game to be quite challenging (exactly how we wanted it to be:) )


Although the feedback we’ve received was very positive it also helped us pinpoint few elements worth improving. To give more exposure to our characters in the camp we’ve decided to redesign the way we present the dialogues:


And to allow players to customize the controls we’ve added the control schemes. You can now select the one you like from 2 gamepad schemes and 6 keyboard schemes (2 of which support the mouse)


“Ok, so what's next?” - you ask. Well... with beta tests behind us we start to sail toward the release... but more on that soon :)

Meanwhile, Cya around

P.S And here's the dev vlog for this week :)


Hey guys, I make my living as a TV marketing producer, but gaming has always been my passion. I was thinking of editing game trailers, and was wondering if that type of service would be something any of you might find useful. In the past, I've made things like this for fun:

It would be nice to work on something different, and something I'm actually passionate about.


Neo Member
was thinking of editing game trailers, and was wondering if that type of service would be something any of you might find useful. In the past, I've made things like this for fun:

How much would you charge for the trailer of the an indie game?


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Hey guys, I make my living as a TV marketing producer, but gaming has always been my passion. I was thinking of editing game trailers, and was wondering if that type of service would be something any of you might find useful. In the past, I've made things like this for fun:

It would be nice to work on something different, and something I'm actually passionate about.

Are you just looking for passion projects to do as a hobby or looking to make a career of it? If you're just doing it for fun, I have no doubt that many indie devs would send you game footage or keys just to see what you could do with it because it's basically a no lose scenario. If you're looking to get paid then you're probably going to have to accept low or no payment until you've built up a respectable portfolio of projects you've completed.


Thought I'd post my project here as well!

I'm working on Neon Noir, a mobile arcade shooter. You can learn more about it here: https://www.patreon.com/ronipalermo. The game is trying many different things in terms of design and controls. The goal is to create awesome pure action games for mobile, and only for mobile. Neon Noir is my first attempt at finding the correct gameplay formula that is accessible and yet deep. One of our main challenges lied in finding a way to play a fast-paced shooter while harnessing the knowledge users already have about using a phone. So we went with a mix of virtual controls and touchscreen interaction. I'll post some videos here...

You move the character by sliding a finger over the virtual analog stick, in the bottom left corner of the screen. You shoot by tapping on top of enemies. Precision is important, as you can miss tougher opponents. Semi-automatic weapons use taps, automatic weapons holds to fire. There's a cover system, combo system. The idea is to find a way for players to engage comfortably with the game using as little as a single finger. So the game is designed for single-handed gameplay. You could play in the subway, the train, riding the bus, walking on the streets...

We have a working alpha build and we're looking for testers. If anyone's interested, just PM me your e-mail and platform of choice, Android or iOS.


Today was one of the coolest and most surreal days of my life. Taylor Gray (Ezra in Star Wars Rebels) voicing our VR hero Chiaro:



Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Thought I'd post my project here as well!

I'm working on Neon Noir, a mobile arcade shooter. You can learn more about it here: https://www.patreon.com/ronipalermo. The game is trying many different things in terms of design and controls. The goal is to create awesome pure action games for mobile, and only for mobile. Neon Noir is my first attempt at finding the correct gameplay formula that is accessible and yet deep. One of our main challenges lied in finding a way to play a fast-paced shooter while harnessing the knowledge users already have about using a phone. So we went with a mix of virtual controls and touchscreen interaction. I'll post some videos here...

You move the character by sliding a finger over the virtual analog stick, in the bottom left corner of the screen. You shoot by tapping on top of enemies. Precision is important, as you can miss tougher opponents. Semi-automatic weapons use taps, automatic weapons holds to fire. There's a cover system, combo system. The idea is to find a way for players to engage comfortably with the game using as little as a single finger. So the game is designed for single-handed gameplay. You could play in the subway, the train, riding the bus, walking on the streets...

We have a working alpha build and we're looking for testers. If anyone's interested, just PM me your e-mail and platform of choice, Android or iOS.

I honestly don't do mobile gaming much but I think the control setup you have for this game seems spot on. I'm generally not a big fan of using virtual sticks for mobile games but I don't see how you'd get intuitive movement otherwise, especially since you're using screen touch to shoot. Looks nice.

Time to make it official!
Soulblight will go Live on Steam MAR 15th!

Best of luck!

Today was one of the coolest and most surreal days of my life. Taylor Gray (Ezra in Star Wars Rebels) voicing our VR hero Chiaro:


That's pretty damn awesome.


I honestly don't do mobile gaming much but I think the control setup you have for this game seems spot on. I'm generally not a big fan of using virtual sticks for mobile games but I don't see how you'd get intuitive movement otherwise, especially since you're using screen touch to shoot. Looks nice.

Thank you so much, we're working hard at it to make it fun and accessible. If you want to give the game a try, just PM me your email and platform and I'll put you in the tester list. We'd love feedback from as many people as possible.
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Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Hey all, I got done a little ahead of schedule this week so I figured I'd get my weekly update out early as well. There's some changes in here people have been clamoring for so I'm happy to announce them.

First off, you can now lock items you're wearing to ensure they aren't replaced automatically.


You can also now click an item in your inventory to equip it to appropriate party members! This will automatically lock the newly equipped item so that it's not replaced. When you click an item that can be equipped in your inventory, a list of eligible party members is displayed and you can simply click the button for the member you wish to equip the new item. Simply click the red exit button if you've changed your mind about equipping the item.

The rarity of an item is also now clearly observable!


The rarity hierarchy is as follows: Grey < White < Green < Blue < Purple <Orange < Red
With grey being the most common and red being the most rare. The rarity is determined by how close to a perfect set of stats the item has for it's level. So based on stat preferences, a green or blue item can still be preferable for your character over a purple item for example.

You may have also noticed a new "Reset" button above in the equipment upgrade window. This button reset any temporary changes you have made so you can start fresh without reopening the window.

Oh, and there's also EXP bars now! The smaller green bar beneath the health and mana bars indicate each member's level progress.


I'm pretty happy with the progress made this week. A few of these changes are things players have been asking about for a while now so it's nice to finally get it out to them. Questions? Comments? As always, I'm more than happy to answer those below.


Are you just looking for passion projects to do as a hobby or looking to make a career of it? If you're just doing it for fun, I have no doubt that many indie devs would send you game footage or keys just to see what you could do with it because it's basically a no lose scenario. If you're looking to get paid then you're probably going to have to accept low or no payment until you've built up a respectable portfolio of projects you've completed.

I'm really looking to build up a portfolio. I may do a few "at cost" to start - i.e. I'd have to charge for acquiring music, if you don't already have any to use, etc. It wouldn't be "free" per se, but I wouldn't be making anything from it, either.


Neo Member
Soulblight hits Steam on Thursday meanwhile this weekend we were presenting and testing it at Create Together Conference in our home town Czestochowa :)








Neo Member
Hello fellow indie devs, I've been lurking these parts for a couple years now and have been impressed by your work and the sense of community and support you dont see too often in other groups in the web. We have become NeoGaf members now and finally want to jump in and show you what we got cooking! Introducing our game GunnSwitch, coming to Steam, PC, MAC, LINUX by 2019/2020:





Neo Member
Our first little preview trailer of the caves section in the GunnSwitch demo releasing later this year.

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Neo Member
Hi Everybody
So we're finally here - Just a moment ago Soulblight when live on Steam. :)

As you might know Soulblight is a personal project for us. For this special day I asked our story designer Jurek to tell you about it:


Hi, Jurek here
Today I wanted to tell you about a week when I got really annoyed with Kuba - Soulblight's designer, programmer and generally the heart and soul of the project.

With our release date approaching Kuba wanted me to write something personal about our game and about what we wanted to say with it. I wasn't really happy with the idea, for two reasons. Firstly, everything I wanted to say with Soulblight I already said in the game using all the tools we had to convey it. I feel that retelling it here would spoil it for those who are actually going to play the game. And secondly, I don't think it's ever a good idea to interpret any piece of art form for someone else. That's something that has to come to every single person individually.

But Kuba insisted. We argued a little bit about it, I tried to explain that I don't know anything about marketing, and of course as a writer I had to throw in "I'm not a salesman" somewhere into the discussion. But it still didn't change his mind.

So I sat down and tried writing knowing that I will fail so that I could show him the results and say "See, I told you so!"


I tried approaching it from many different perspectives. I started by explaining why we wanted to make a difficult game. The obvious reason being that those are the games that we ourselves enjoy. We like the challenge whether it be a From Software production or something conjured by the likes of Bennett Foddy. I would also slip in something about how what we wanted to say would not work had the game been easy.

But I wasn't quite happy with the result so I tried another approach


I started writing about what kind of a gamer is a rogue-like player? Someone who is willing to lose all the in-game progress with every attempt and what does that say about them and their determination? Then I started to wonder what would happen if they were presented with another way? A short cut. Would they take it? What if we tempted them enough? Then I touched a little bit on morality systems in video games and how we wanted to incorporate them in Soulblight.

But again it seemed that with every word I wrote I got further away from what's my personal take on this game.


So I wrote about how the idea of Soulblight came to be. I explained how Kuba surprised me when he told me about wanting to make a story-driven rogue-lite. I didn't expect that since it's not typical of a game of that genre.

But I didn't feel that it was good enough either. I told Kuba that I don't know what else to do, but he annoyingly (to me at that time) said "keep trying and remember keep it personal". I felt hopeless and angry.

I needed some way of venting my frustrations. So instead of writing I, naturally, started to procrastinate. After a while I decided to pick up a controller and play our game, you know to "look for inspiration". It successfully managed to distract me from what I was really supposed to do. So I played and I died a couple of times, as I usually do. But I didn't quit, knowing what's waiting for me as soon as I'm done. With each play through I got a little bit further. After a couple of hours of playing something unthinkable happened. I managed to beat that one boss that I always lose to. I couldn't believe it. I had to adjust myself in my seat as I continued to play. I got a little further then I beat another level and then another boss. That's when my palms started to sweat as I knew I was getting closer and closer to the end. Then another boss fell. Despite the fact that I knew exactly what would happen next I got nervous and a thought came to my mind "Oh my God, I'm going to do it! I'm going to beat this game!". After an evening of avoiding responsibilities I did it, for the first time since the beginning of the production process I managed to beat our game from beginning to end.

As a game creator you hope to invoke partilucar feelings in people playing your game. But because you yourself designed it, wrote it and seen it numerous times you can't know for sure if you achieved that effect. So the only thing you can do is to hope that it's there and that the players will know what you meant. And when I finally beat the game, despite hundreads of hours of testing I have a feeling that maybe they will. That's when I thought "Maybe that's something worth telling people about?".


That's all I wanted to say. Sorry it took this long to say it, but if I was to shorten this whole thing to a single line, I don't think it would do us any good - "Soulblight - it's more fun than writing a paper".

Lastly, if you got through this whole text, I applaud you. That's a good indicator that you don't give up easily, so maybe, just maybe you're the person we're speaking to.

That's it from me. I really hope you'll enjoy our game.

*Before writing this I didn't realize that I'm this childish.


Neo Member
Hello Everybody
Hope you didn't think that I will stop posting after the launch :)

Although the game is released we're still putting some extra effort into it. If you haven't noticed Sunday night there was an update. Here's a short change log:
  • Slightly decreased shop prices
  • The Dead pixel issue in the middle of the screen fixed
  • The info about game progress and best run time added to the save slot
  • Minor fix in the Sound pipeline (hope this was the thing causing sound staggering. I can't be 100% sure as I wasn't able to reproduce it :( )
  • Slight Taint power adjustment for the purposes of balance
  • Other minor bug fixes
Also for thous of you who has been following us since the kickstarter. You might remember this stretch goal:

Forgot to mention It earlier but although we didn't reach this stretch goal we decided we can't imagine our game without it - the game has two endings :)

Cya Around

For thous who follow my weekly dev vlog here's the missing one form the last week (I recorded it but didn't have time to post it)

And here's another one I recorded yesterday


Neo Member
Hey Everybody
Before we move on to this week's topic Let's tackle the official part first - New Soulblight update has just went live :) Here's the change log:
  • New Language Support: French
  • New Language Support: Italian
  • Stamina Cost of Block lowered (We want for it to be more useful for heavy armored characters)
  • Pad control schemes with inverse block and dash buttons added
  • Every locked chest will now contain at least one item
  • Slight re-balance of Dr. Morikay Boss fight. (More info here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/530930/discussions/0/2650805212060856683/)[/li]
  • Other minor bug fixes
Ok so now let's move to the topic at hand - What's next for Soulblight


Although the game has already been released we'd like to continue improving it on weekly basis. I've sat down this week and wrote up a roadmap. I decided it would be best to keep you guys up to date so here's the plan for 3 upcoming weeks:
  • Taint Room progression
  • Leaderboards
  • Two additional taints
If you guys have any ideas on what you'd like to see added to the game feel free to post them on our subreedit - r/MyNextGames

Cya Around

And of course dev vlog for this week :)

And here's combat mechanics discussion thread I mentioned:


Hi Guys... been a while.. miss keeping up w this thread. I've been head down working on Friktal (project finally has a name :) I've really been losing myself in this project. I've been making stuff since I was a teen (over 40 now... so older than dirt) and this is by far the most fun I've had on a project. There is something really mind blowing about playing w fractals... and especially fun to see what is created when feeding music data into the fractal math in realtime. Some of the crap I've seen is mind blowing... humbling.. and a little on the sanity testing side. Root systems, faces, creatures, eyes that blink, heart like structure that beats.... odd effects like heat distortions, distorted mirrors, portals to different areas.... all pop into existence not because I programmed it to but because that's just what the math does w that given music. I know.... sounds all woo woo... and I admit there is some looking-for-shapes-in-clouds-esc brain trickery at play, but it still tests my sanity at times. And in VR..... what a mind screw this project is. I can't wait for 4k+ per eye and the beast of gpus to drive it.

If you look at the videos... keep in mind this is realtime interactive. Direct control w a controller to fly where you want, pause the morphing/beating to explore something cool... fast-forward and rewind morphs which still allowing the music to drive it. And.... sadly everything about this project is hard to capture in a video... the VR element... the interactivity... and video compression really really sucks so much of the crisp rez/life outa it... so... can't wait to get a test build out to dev friends. Coming very soon. Join our discord server if you would like to get the build when it goes up: https://discord.gg/kNXYb7p

I'll only include a single gif for adding something moving to the post... as without the music and more rez.... the effect is quite lost:

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Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
So happy to see more people posting here finally! :)

Hi Guys... been a while.. miss keeping up w this thread. I've been head down working on Friktal (project finally has a name :) I've really been losing myself in this project. I've been making stuff since I was a teen (over 40 now... so older than dirt) and this is by far the most fun I've had on a project. There is something really mind blowing about playing w fractals... and especially fun to see what is created when feeding music data into the fractal math in realtime. Some of the crap I've seen is mind blowing... humbling.. and a little on the sanity testing side. Root systems, faces, creatures, eyes that blink, heart like structure that beats.... odd effects like heat distortions, distorted mirrors, portals to different areas.... all pop into existence not because I programmed it to but because that's just what the math does w that given music. I know.... sounds all woo woo... and I admit there is some looking-for-shapes-in-clouds-esc brain trickery at play, but it still tests my sanity at times. And in VR..... what a mind screw this project is. I can't wait for 4k+ per eye and the beast of gpus to drive it.

If you look at the videos... keep in mind this is realtime interactive. Direct control w a controller to fly where you want, pause the morphing/beating to explore something cool... fast-forward and rewind morphs which still allowing the music to drive it. And.... sadly everything about this project is hard to capture in a video... the VR element... the interactivity... and video compression really really sucks so much of the crisp rez/life outa it... so... can't wait to get a test build out to dev friends. Coming very soon. Join our discord server if you would like to get the build when it goes up: https://discord.gg/kNXYb7p

I'll only include a single gif for adding something moving to the post... as without the music and more rez.... the effect is quite lost:

I love the way this stuff looks. Is there any gameplay involved currently? I'm honestly unsure of how that may work but it looks cool regardless.
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