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Infamous: Second Son |OT| Smells Like Beanie Spirit


Holy Crap, all that artwork and text and effort for a parody magazine? God damn, incredible!
Edit: didn't know fake magazine pages were BurnOutBrighter's thing. He/she should do every OT from now on.
Awesome title as well, nice Seattle reference


Uhm, the only two games I was looking for and we get these OTs...

Could we get an OT with actual text next time? :p This sucks for reading on an iPhone and also for doing text search...


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Really love the concept of this OP. Great job.

Still contemplating purchasing the game. I didn't end up finishing the first two.

Sorry I'm not meaning to troll the thread with that statement. Just wanted to pop in to salute the OP, carry on.
Wow, that OP has some real love and care in it. Thanks a ton. Someone please help me, I don't want to spoil the game and yet that spoiler thread sits there, so juicy, so full of information... Surely I can just peek and learn how many powers there are. SURELY?

God this week is going to be agony.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
"Dat Class" hah! nice touch.

So fucking excited for this. Last few days have upped my need so hard ... can't wait to go super villain on this bitch. Tried to order a Collectors Edition from amazon and it's all sold out :( sad stories ..

either way.. can't wait.


SO EXCITED for inFamous. Finally beanied my avatar yesterday, and have the CE on preorder at Amazon since the GAF thread. Finally, next-gen can begin. :D

edit: and the op finally loaded. Glorious.
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