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Just Cause 3 |OT| Procedural Chaos


Debating whether or not to pick up my PS4 pre-order. How bad are the framerate issues? Does it at any point approach unplayable?

There are constant fps drops on ps4. Nothing unplayable but it gets bad. Especially in some towns or military bases and you start fucjing shit up fps will drop to a crawl sometimes. At least in my experience


Similar to JC2 I'm not sure if it's even worth doing to main missions alltogether. They don't seem to reward you with anything and the map is fully accessible from the start.

I bailed out on doing main missions in JC2 fairly early on and still had tons of hours of playtime just messing around.

Every region has a
as defense for the region's main base, the only way to disable it is doing story missions if Region 1 is anything to go by. So come to think of it you're kinda "forced" to continue the main story.

Also - why doesn't anything grant me Gears except challenges? What's the point of doing the random missions that pop up everywhere if you don't get rewards? Same goes for picking up audio logs, or lighting shrines.

Bad game design is why


It is so much better than JC2 it is not even funny. It just feels like a better production all around. A couple of shots:



Awesome, cheers 'creed.


Which ones?, I want to see for myself. (not that I don't believe you, it's just you can't beat seeing something with your own eyes)

There is a specific town where it turned to shit for me, let me look it up on the map :)

Now that ive freed that city the fps isnt so bad anymore there.
I have it downloaded and ready to go on PC for a couple of days now but the reaction so far has me wondering if I shouldn't wait a little while for a patch or two?


Yeah its in the city Fortalessa that the fps turns horrible for me. Even walking around there feels weird, I dont know if its the framepacing or the fps. I uploaded two vid to youtube.




That is without any enemies and the fps drops like crazy

Thanks, yeah, some framedrops, looks like the engine is locked to the framerate, so it slows down as well, which system BTW?

I'll check out Fortalessa myself as well.


I have a question regards a base maybe a little spoiler .
does anyone know the combination to get inside the Mountain base? Edit got it!! 3421


Thanks, yeah, some framedrops, looks like the engine is locked to the framerate, so it slows down as well, which system BTW?

I'll check out Fortalessa myself as well.

Ps4 and yeah it looks like game speed is tied to fps which makes it worse


I microwave steaks.
Just picked up the steelbook at target, it does not come with the original game case if you were wondering. Opted for the ps4 version.
Disappointed that the shooting's still as underwhelming as ever, but they've nailed the traversal this time around, especially the wingsuit. Two things though, I really need an alternative, less 'busy' crosshair and the motion blur when moving the camera is just awful, awful, awful. So bad I needed 3 awfuls.


GTX 970

I think I can probably brute force it but just wanted to check.

The GPU is better than mine so you should be able to tweak enough with the settings to get 60 FPS, though you might have to make concessions with 1080p since apparently people with similar range as you aren't getting smooth results either (for reference I have a 760 and am running 900p with everything optimized for performance through GeForce Experience, and 80% of the time I get 60 FPS). Apparently there are some game specific drivers coming out today? Hopefully those will boost the performance a good deal.
I'll hang on for the drivers then.

Seems so weird that Avalanche made Mad Max, which was beautifully optimised, only a few months ago and now they have swung in almost the opposite direction with JC3.


Anyone with the PS4 version getting a invalid code error inputting the day one edition dlc that was in the game case? I've been trying since yesterday and it's still not working.


What we can say right now with a fair amount of confidence is that the GTX 950 paired with a Haswell Core i3 processor can easily run Just Cause 3 at 1080p maxed with SMAA anti-aliasing and 8x anisotropic filtering and stay well north of 30fps. Our 'go to' card for budget PC gaming - the GTX 750 Ti - does struggle though, dipping to a minimum 23fps even with shadow quality pared back to the high setting (though overclocking can help).

From the DF performance anaysis

Are they legit?

I am playing now. Pre-loaded it to Steam on Sunday. Have had it purchased for 2 weeks at $26.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Seriously whoever came up with the gear mod system in this game is a thundering asshole.

Hey guys, here are a bunch of unlocks that allow for all of the fun shit!
- Oh they are all locked behind an in game currency system
- The only way to earn said currency is to do horribly boring, poorly design mini games
- Oh and the currency isn't universal. You have to do specific challenges to unlock specific gears. So no focusing on the mini games you can stand, you get to do them all!

Why the fuck am I not unlocking this shit by causing chaos? W H Y
Bloody ridiculous, Amazon hasn't delivered it today ... a pre order that i've had since JUNE! They say that I have to wait 3 more days. 3 MORE DAYS. NOOO.

Oh well guess it's some more Battlefront for me.
Played for six hours today and I'm loving it. I've only done the first couple of story missions (enough to unlock the wingsuit, basically), and I've just been zooming around destroying bases and coming to grips with the new mechanics. It feels like exactly the improved sequel to Just Cause 2 I always wanted. Much as I adore that game, I already feel like I could never go back to it because JC3's wingsuit is just so good.

Wingsuit's a gamechanger, I absolutely love the sticky rockets (just like Batman: Under the Red Hood!), and the new realtime checklist thing that lets you know exactly what you need to destroy to completely take over an area is such a great addition. Vehicle handling is way better than JC2, too; still not exactly great, but I feel like I just need to spend some more time with it to get a feel for the handbrake turns, whereas JC2's vehicles were just a lost cause from the very beginning. I still haven't even unlocked the Rebel Drops or Fast Travel, so I suppose I should do a couple of story missions.

I can totally see why it's getting 6s and 7s from reviewers, because it is ultimately the same open world checklist-ticker that JC2 was. It's hardly pushing the genre forward, and if you didn't like 2 then 3 is still going to do nothing for you. For me, though, it's everything I wanted; amazingly fun basic gameplay and a big ol' playground to go nuts in. And, randomly, David Tennant!
I know a lot of places are giving it 8s but I am having so much fun in the beginning that I can see myself giving it a 9 or 9.5 personally if it keeps up.


Don't know what it is about this generation, but many games appear to be really dividing opinion, certainly in terms of reviews anyway.
Getting quite a bit of lag and choppiness on PC, but then again, I haven't updated my drivers in a while. I'll see how it compares once the drivers are up to date.


I am enjoying the challenges quite a bit. They are just addictive and give you something to do other than going nuts and blowing shit up. It's yet another way that this is simply a better game with more to do than JC2. The design of the world is also far superior and is laid out more like a gorgeous playground.


Just a shame some of them take sooooo bloody long to load!

The loading times are my only gripe. But I have not encountered anything like 5-15 minutes yet, lol. Typically 30-40 seconds, which can be annoying when they happen over and over, but it's hardly a deal breaker. The game itself is killer.


The loading times are my only gripe. But I have not encountered anything like 5-15 minutes yet, lol. Typically 30-40 seconds, which can be annoying when they happen over and over, but it's hardly a deal breaker. The game itself is killer.

The first Heli frenzy one is a killer, about 40-50s, but I reckon that is due to all the explosive objects having to be reset.

Other challenges like wingsuit, car race and air race ones seem to load fairly quickly.
Impressions after one hour (PS4)

- Graphics are bad (this is not next gen/ current gen), Mad Max looks better (Explosions are awesome though)
- Car controls are fucking awful, it's like Deadly Premonition. Congratulations, Avalanche,
- Story and dialogue is awful
- AI is not in this game. There is no AI, seriously.
Not having performance issues on my computer like some others are. Maxed out settings, and the game still looks rather ugly. Still not on the Just Cause 3 drivers that released.

Might just end up refunding this though. Gameplay's not all that fun. Keyboard and mouse controls are pretty bad, even when just navigating menus. I can't do the wingsuit challenge without a controller. Cars control poorly. The opening couple missions are weird. I don't remember handholding in Just Cause 2. I would have preferred it if they gave me everything and let me at it, rather than treating me like this is my first time playing a video game or something. Feels like a Nintendo game in that aspect.

Then you've got all these baddies shooting at you, causing the whole bleeding screen effect, despite the fact that your character is basically a god. There needs to be a fine line you draw at some point where you just say screw it and make the player invincible, or give me a health bar somewhere, because making my screen constantly red, despite the fact that I'm not going to die, is really distracting.

So far I've just been taking over bases or whatever, and the fact that it's not just "kill all the baddies" is weird to me. It feels like a treasure hunt, looking for whatever red explosive I missed. Doesn't help that some of the bases are rather large.

I hope I bought this through Steam. Gonna have to check.

Impressions after one hour (PS4)

- Graphics are bad (this is not next gen/ current gen), Mad Max looks better
- Car controls are fucking awful, it's like Deadly Premonition. Congratulations, Avalanche,
- Story and dialogue is awful
- AI is not in this game. There is no AI, seriously.
Agree on all points. I've skipped every cutscene so far. If I could skip the dialogue when not in cutscenes, I would do that as well.


I am enjoying the challenges quite a bit. They are just addictive and give you something to do other than going nuts and blowing shit up. It's yet another way that this is simply a better game with more to do than JC2. The design of the world is also far superior and is laid out more like a gorgeous playground.

True enough. The wingsuit and every other maneuverability option that exists now in JC3 has kind of been added into my pantheon of best traversal options in games alongside things like web swinging in Spider-Man 2, in that it's exhilarating when you manage to pull it off, that it demands a bit of skill and that it's also treated as something of an extreme sport in how certain challenges are laid out. Mobility is just as much fun as causing a ruckus in my opinion.
Don't know what it is about this generation, but many games appear to be really dividing opinion, certainly in terms of reviews anyway.

I think in general some are fine with more of the same with a little evolution and others want to see much more innovation. I think quite a few games are getting unfairly dinged because some weren't expecting the software this gen to be more about improving in babysteps.
I think in general some are fine with more of the same with a little evolution and others want to see much more innovation. I think quite a few games are getting unfairly dinged because some weren't expecting the software this gen to be more about improving in babysteps.
As someone who only really experienced Just Cause 2 when the multiplayer mod came out on PC, I wasn't expecting to be playing the same game that came out 5 years ago, minus the multiplayer mod.
Impressions after one hour (PS4)

- Graphics are bad (this is not next gen/ current gen), Mad Max looks better (Explosions are awesome though)
- Car controls are fucking awful, it's like Deadly Premonition. Congratulations, Avalanche,
- Story and dialogue is awful
- AI is not in this game. There is no AI, seriously.

I actually think the graphics look excellent. I'm not sure how someone might say that unless they are not a fan of the art style.
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