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Katawa Shoujo |OT| (VN, Free, Waifus, etc)


Poet Centuriate
CHEEZMO™;92758714 said:
Don't like Shizune at all. Even when you reach the end of her route (which fucking dragged) and find out why she's the way she is I still didn't give a fuck. She's just not nice, and Hisao in her route is a total bellend too.

The best thing about it was all dat Misha but then that just makes me sad and pissed.

well know you just have to do the best girl in the game's route!


Obsidian fan
well know you just have to do the best girl in the game's route!

Gonna be difficult to activate my waifu modules harder than Hanako did


Obsidian fan
So how do you start on Lilly? I just tried and ended up with Hanako again. Do you go into town instead of the library?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
CHEEZMO™;93073792 said:
So how do you start on Lilly? I just tried and ended up with Hanako again. Do you go into town instead of the library?

There are so few story choices you might as well just look up what to say. I tried to wing it a couple times and ended up falling off of the building to my death both times.


Funny, Lilly was the first one I got, when I wasn't really trying to get anyone particular and just rolling with the choices. I got all the others first try when gunning for them, but had to look up how to get the Kenji ending, I couldn't get it by myself :lol

Shouldn't be any problem looking it up.


...Excuse me Hanako, would you please sit down from the throne and sit on the number 2 seat...? Thank you, sweetheart <3

Emi, could you shuffle to the number 3 seat please? Thank you.



Goddamn it gave me diabetes just by playing it. So incredibly sweet, almost unbearably so. Un-fucking-believable. Simply amazing. Simply marvelous.

Cliched as hell but since I am weak to that kind of stuff it got me... It got me bad. I was surprised that my smile at the end was that large.

Ohhh boy..... The next routes I am gonna play (Shizune/Rin) need to do something out of this world to eclipse the feel I got from Lilly's.

Welcome to the rightful light brother, now you know the simple, pure truth: Lilly is best girl in the game.

It´s funny because in my first run I was interested in Hanako until I fell in that quiet room with an elegant blonde girl taking tea. After that point I somehow managed to not blow the path (that good ending, holy shit). I was so moved with it that I couldn't play the game anymore (lol, I know). For me Katawa Shoujo only has one path and one ending, I wouldn't change it for anything.

Love to see the thread is still active (and hear that song again hahaha).


Poet Centuriate
CHEEZMO™;93073792 said:
So how do you start on Lilly? I just tried and ended up with Hanako again. Do you go into town instead of the library?

Act one spoilers again:

  1. "Yeah, of course."
  2. "Ask about the library."
  3. "She has a point. Attack aggressively!"
  4. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
  5. "She was cute."
  6. "Go talk with Hanako."
  7. "Yes."
  8. "Hey, come on. Cut me and Lilly some slack..."
  9. "Take it easy."
  10. "Sorry, I'm not in very good condition."
  11. "Go for a walk into town."


So, I uh, have never, ever played a VN before. Hell, I never really knew what they were. But I saw this thread, and it was free, so why not?

Interesting. I played through it all in one sitting. I didn't know anything about routes or whatever, I just played it. Got Emi, and glad I did. She seemed the most fun. The story was sweet and I liked almost all the characters except your neighbor, the blind guy. Ugh. After my first interaction with him I just pressed skip every time I saw his face. So chatty about nothing, god damn.

I came into this with an open mind, and I have to say I rather enjoyed it. I noticed there was an option to remove all the adult scenes, which may have been for the better, but if I did I would have missed one fairly funny scene, so I'm glad I left them on.

Also, is it normal to not have voices in these kinds of games? Even if it was all in Japanese I think voiceovers would have really lent it more personality. But the soundtrack was good, so there's that.


So, I uh, have never, ever played a VN before. Hell, I never really knew what they were. But I saw this thread, and it was free, so why not?

Interesting. I played through it all in one sitting. I didn't know anything about routes or whatever, I just played it. Got Emi, and glad I did. She seemed the most fun. The story was sweet and I liked almost all the characters except your neighbor, the blind guy. Ugh. After my first interaction with him I just pressed skip every time I saw his face. So chatty about nothing, god damn.

I came into this with an open mind, and I have to say I rather enjoyed it. I noticed there was an option to remove all the adult scenes, which may have been for the better, but if I did I would have missed one fairly funny scene, so I'm glad I left them on.

Also, is it normal to not have voices in these kinds of games? Even if it was all in Japanese I think voiceovers would have really lent it more personality. But the soundtrack was good, so there's that.

It's actually not a Japanese game, and it wasn't made with much of a budget. Some of the higher-tier professional VNs (Steins;Gate, for example) are fully voiced.

Kenji's quality changes a lot depending on the route. I liked him in Lily's.


Also, is it normal to not have voices in these kinds of games? Even if it was all in Japanese I think voiceovers would have really lent it more personality. But the soundtrack was good, so there's that.

No idea about that but consider that the game was done completely by volunteers, adding voice acting on top of the text would've been difficult probably.


And i still need to finish Rin's route...


I was asking more on a "if I were to look into more VNs, would I find VA" kind of question.

Also, that's interesting that this is not a Japanese game. Fooled me. And that's not a negative.
I still have Hanako as my number one. Though it's more of a tie between her and Rin. Lily is in second for me because of the cliche stuff but it's not bad.


I have this stupidly big grin from listening to this game's music.
It is so wonderful, absolutely among the top OSTs ever as far as i'm concerned.
(Meaning my OST top list is kind of odd, not in order: The Elder Scrolls, Halo, Katawa Shoujo, Mass Effect, others i can't name without thinking).


Obsidian fan
I have this stupidly big grin from listening to this game's music.
It is so wonderful, absolutely among the top OSTs ever as far as i'm concerned.
(Meaning my OST top list is kind of odd, not in order: The Elder Scrolls, Halo, Katawa Shoujo, Mass Effect, others i can't name without thinking).

I was actually just thinking about this. Seriously good OST that contributes in large part to THE FEEEEEELLLSSS.


Poet Centuriate
CHEEZMO&#8482;;93132475 said:
I was actually just thinking about this. Seriously good OST that contributes in large part to THE FEEEEEELLLSSS.

It's free to download too!

I have this stupidly big grin from listening to this game's music.
It is so wonderful, absolutely among the top OSTs ever as far as i'm concerned.
(Meaning my OST top list is kind of odd, not in order: The Elder Scrolls, Halo, Katawa Shoujo, Mass Effect, others i can't name without thinking).

Top soundtracks for me: Katawa Shoujo, Clannad (Nagisa's Theme/Dango Daikazoku gets me every single fucking time. Song fucking ruins me.), Zaion, Inception, Star Wars (duh), 5 Centimeters Per Second, The Social Network, Portal 2


I noticed that i tend to avoid listening to some of the sadder and somber songs though. They're great during the scenes but outside of them... uncomfortable. I prefer upbeat and epic music in general. Helps.
Hokabi is great.
I played this sometime ago, and while I liked the stories, I couldn't cry to them. Wonder why.

I mean I cried to Les Mis for crying out loud.

Also, Cheongsam Lilly FTW


So a lot of people had problems with Emi's "angry" sprite but I felt it worked totally as it should.

Emi has problems with getting close to people. So when she got mad at Hisao when with her mom, I felt that it was less "derpy lazy sprite" and more that she's handling and saying things with cynicism and a snark. She's smiling because she expected shit would get bad getting closer emotionally to Hisao.

IDK. This is me trying to recall things back from when it came out. I haven't played since so I may have my memory all fuzzy.
The fucking main menu track alone is murder
Oh yes. It used to be a nice tune til I was done with everthing.
So a lot of people had problems with Emi's "angry" sprite but I felt it worked totally as it should.

Emi has problems with getting close to people. So when she got mad at Hisao when with her mom, I felt that it was less "derpy lazy sprite" and more that she's handling and saying things with cynicism and a snark. She's smiling because she expected shit would get bad getting closer emotionally to Hisao.

IDK. This is me trying to recall things back from when it came out. I haven't played since so I may have my memory all fuzzy.
I remember someone taking about this. I think when I say her expression I thought it was fine.


Goddamnit my article is always ignored when people talk about KS getting press in mainstream media. KotakuAU not up on those SEO rankings. Goddamnit.

That said, some interesting points.

Could you relink it? I read it a while ago, but wanted to look at it again.
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