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Killzone: Mercenary |OT| No allegiance, no honour, only money


I quite like both but I haven't had the chance to hop into MP with SF to see how it functions there. If the mission structure in Mercenary was a bit better I'd like it a whole lot more. Missions get a little too straight forward (not enough Goldeneye esque detours or disabling of alarms) and getting spotted by one enemy immediately agros every enemy.

If they improve those two things for a sequel (please please please!) it will be spectacular.

Also, if soultron is reading this I just wanted to say that your posts on balance has really helped me appreciate the game. Even though I'm still sticking to Team Deathmatch, it got me thinking about counters, and in general really opened the game up for me.


So, I've played a lot of Killzone Shadowfall recently. I think Mercenary is the better game. Gunplay is just better.

I agree with this 100%. Mercenary is one of my favorite games this year but I could not get into Shadowfall SP or MP at all. I ended up selling a few days after I got it.
So, I've played a lot of Killzone Shadowfall recently. I think Mercenary is the better game. Gunplay is just better.

Haven't played SF yet, but I've put nearly 48 hours into Mercenary and my guess as to you asserting that would be because it maintains more of the weight that KZ2 had... Is that fair enough to say?
Haven't played SF yet, but I've put nearly 48 hours into Mercenary and my guess as to you asserting that would be because it maintains more of the weight that KZ2 had... Is that fair enough to say?

Well, I don't really know. Mercenary just feels better.
And the campain in Mercenary is pretty engaging, while the Shadowfall campaign is pretty terrible and boring in some parts.
Multiplayer just doesn't fit my personal preferences. In SF you have basically two sides of a map and one spawns on the one side and the other team on the other side. You then run pretty much the same way everytime to a certain spot where you meet your enemys. I don't enjoy that as much as the random spawns in Mercenary, where people are all over the map.


The characters got old for me in Mercenary really quickly, the only remotely interesting guy gets killed off early and you're left with 'MONEY MONEY MONEY' guy for the rest of the game. Shadow fall jumps around a lot, but Sinclair is more interesting than every cast member in Mercenary combined I swear and he's not even as the star of the cast. Danner isn't even a character! Ugh.

If we do get more DLC maps, I want Wasteland Bullet to make a return, a lot of people didn't like it because they were dumb, but the two lane segmented railcar approach gave the map a lot of strategical value and made suppression and clearing very important for defending and achieving objectives.


But there might also be size to consider, since most Mercenary maps are pretty small, and there's a reduced player count. It might also be why we're getting two of the (relatively) smaller maps.

With that in mind... Radec Academy? Though I've like to see Corrinth Crossing/Salamun Market make a come back, they might be too big for 4v4, Vekta Cruiser could be possible.

Were there even any KZ3 maps worth adding?


So.... when do valour cards update, Ive been playing my ass off since Sunday evening and i'm now actually top player of the week yet im still stuck with a king as my valour card.


So.... when do valour cards update, Ive been playing my ass off since Sunday evening and i'm now actually top player of the week yet im still stuck with a king as my valour card.

They should be updating once a day. Maybe you haven't exited the game, or try turning your vita on then off.


They should be updating once a day. Maybe you haven't exited the game, or try turning your vita on then off.

I've been exiting the game after each play session just incase that effects it but i have been stuck on king all week.

I know its midnight to midnight they tally up the scores but maybe they issue new cards at a different time?

Guess ill keep checking throughout the day
My copy is waiting for me on my porch! I've been dying to try this out, I kind of enjoyed KZ3 MP with the Move so I'm looking forward to trying this one...but dual analog is going to be a whore to get used to!

Anyways, if you want someone new to kill repeatedly in MP, add me: CartmanPat


This is pissing me off now.
Played a lot of multiplayer last night i came 1st and second constantly in warzone with like 42 kills and 16 deaths on occasions.

still in top 5 in career leaderboard for the week.

Still no ace
everyone around me has an ace yet im stuck with a king.
So annoying. on plus side i got my spangled trophy last night finally after someone tranqed me and i fell behind some geometry. :D

just aces high, 100 mp matches and another 3000 enemy kills to go.
Love this game but hate that fucking aces high trophy
Yo killzone vita peeps, new update is out. As far as patch notes thats important, it reduces the last patch and frees up 800MB off your mem card. So anyone with an 8Gb mem card, be happy
yay :D


Following Features are added.
* Reduced patch footprint (by 800 megs)
* Adds "quit" functionality to mplayer end-game summary screens.
* Start-up valor Screen now presented on daily basis.

As someone with a 16 gig card that is almost all digital, having the extra space is very nice.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Nice; reduced space is always welcome!

I agree with the people saying Mercenary's campaign is better than Shadowfall's. Frankly I think Mercenary in general is the better game, and much more impressive for its platform.


Oh my shit, I was awe struck after just playing this game for the first time.

I am insanely impressed.
I had to move the sticks to notice I was at the first gameplay section when starting up. I thought it was a fancy pre-rendered cinematic. Nope, that's what the game looks like in engine.


This is pissing me off now.
Played a lot of multiplayer last night i came 1st and second constantly in warzone with like 42 kills and 16 deaths on occasions.

still in top 5 in career leaderboard for the week.

Still no ace
everyone around me has an ace yet im stuck with a king.
So annoying. on plus side i got my spangled trophy last night finally after someone tranqed me and i fell behind some geometry. :D

just aces high, 100 mp matches and another 3000 enemy kills to go.
Love this game but hate that fucking aces high trophy

Do we know what valour is based on? Score per minute?


Following Features are added.
* Reduced patch footprint (by 800 megs)
* Adds "quit" functionality to mplayer end-game summary screens.
* Start-up valor Screen now presented on daily basis.

As someone with a 16 gig card that is almost all digital, having the extra space is very nice.

So nice, started and game and finished it just to see the quit function. So good.


No. But I've been an Ace for about a month and it reset me to Joker this morning after the update. ~800th best player worldwide this week and I'm a joker. Doh!
I was first for 4 days and went to a joker. Fuck my life.

Updates daily now apparently instead of weekly. Week of grinding my ads off for nothing. In top 10 now hope I stay around there by midnight
No. But I've been an Ace for about a month and it reset me to Joker this morning after the update. ~800th best player worldwide this week and I'm a joker. Doh!

Wait is joker the lowest rank? I'd been assuming it was a secret one above ace for some reason!

Anyone had any slowdown since the update? I tried a quick game on shoreline and it was like a sideshow. Hopefully some one off glitch.
Wait is joker the lowest rank? I'd been assuming it was a secret one above ace for some reason!

Anyone had any slowdown since the update? I tried a quick game on shoreline and it was like a sideshow. Hopefully some one off glitch.
Definitely a glitch. Game is smooth as ever for me.

Still blows my mind how many people STILL dont do the objectives in Warzone.


I was having good luck with randoms in Warzone before the update. I think the update brought a wave of players back, at least temporarily. I've been connecting with a lot of folks that ignore objectives since.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Holy shit, this game is a lot of fun. Picked it up from Amazon when it went on sale for $19.99 and I'm certainly glad I did. Really amazed at the visuals it's pulling off on the Vita and the shooting feels great. I usually suck complete ass at first person shooters with analog stick controls, but I'm doing quite well in this. Maybe it's because I'm so close to the screen.

I'm still not far into it, but I think I like this better than Shadowfall.
Forgive the repost - I just thought this would be more appropriate in the Mercs OT rather than a SF one...

KZSF is a screensaver for your PS4 - bought it day1 and sold it a few days later. What's nutso insano is that KZMercs for Vita is fantastic - both singleplayer and multiplayer. There are so many smart things going on in that game - like when in multiplayer a player tries to melee you from the front you have the opportunity to counter (as real life would logically allow), also the load-out you build in single player transfers to multiplayer and vice versa. That's just to list a few.

It might sound crazy, but I've been having way more fun playing KZMercs than all of the PS4 franchise monsters like COD:Dogs & BF4.

And I know this sounds batshit insaneo - but being an old school FPSer - I'll tell you something that a lot of peeps may take for granted....

Some people would see the x8 maximum players on KZMercs as a limitation, but on the contrary - it brings back the intimacy and competitiveness to the FPS. There was something happening in Doom II or even in dem Quake salad days when the levels were small enough (think Level 7 or DM3) & there were only so many players - it bred rivalry. Knowing you can go find somebody that just gave you the business was way more fun then let's say being a faceless nameless statistic on a "Battlefield".

I, like anybody, appreciate the technology & understand growth is exponential - thus we'll soon be seeing 50v50 matches even on consoles, but I think we're forgetting what playing with your friends means in FPSers. (Finding them and killing them, respawn, repeat)


Glad to see more people are picking it up. The fact that i will probably never reach the sales of Killzone Liberation is a damn shame. Both titles deserve more.


Finally got my aces high trophy thanks to a guerilla dev sorting my card out manually. Top 3 for 2 weeks and server kept giving me a 8. Just another load of mp games to play and plat is mine
Finally got my aces high trophy thanks to a guerilla dev sorting my card out manually. Top 3 for 2 weeks and server kept giving me a 8. Just another load of mp games to play and plat is mine

Thats awesome man. Feel like a plat may be in the cards for me as well, especially with the upcoming maps.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Forgive the repost - I just thought this would be more appropriate in the Mercs OT rather than a SF one...

KZSF is a screensaver for your PS4 - bought it day1 and sold it a few days later. What's nutso insano is that KZMercs for Vita is fantastic - both singleplayer and multiplayer. There are so many smart things going on in that game - like when in multiplayer a player tries to melee you from the front you have the opportunity to counter (as real life would logically allow), also the load-out you build in single player transfers to multiplayer and vice versa. That's just to list a few.

It might sound crazy, but I've been having way more fun playing KZMercs than all of the PS4 franchise monsters like COD:Dogs & BF4.

And I know this sounds batshit insaneo - but being an old school FPSer - I'll tell you something that a lot of peeps may take for granted....

Some people would see the x8 maximum players on KZMercs as a limitation, but on the contrary - it brings back the intimacy and competitiveness to the FPS. There was something happening in Doom II or even in dem Quake salad days when the levels were small enough (think Level 7 or DM3) & there were only so many players - it bred rivalry. Knowing you can go find somebody that just gave you the business was way more fun then let's say being a faceless nameless statistic on a "Battlefield".

I, like anybody, appreciate the technology & understand growth is exponential - thus we'll soon be seeing 50v50 matches even on consoles, but I think we're forgetting what playing with your friends means in FPSers. (Finding them and killing them, respawn, repeat)

Admittedly I don't have much experience with this series (briefly played KZ2 and KZ3, have played a little of Shadowfall), but yeah- Mercenary just shits all over the other games IMO. Plays much better. Guerilla Cambridge should take over development for the console versions. Would love to see a PS3 or PS4 "HD port" with cross-play.


Yeah, since finishing it and playing the MP for a while, I sort of put it down as other games came out, but my playtime of the MP is pretty consistent these days. I think I'll be playing it for a long time just like PSABR. It's just such a good MP shooter.

Also I finally got around to trying the game on hard (doing the demolition variation of the first mission) and I came away impressed that it seems the AI is amped up more so than any health reduction or Damage buffs. The AI will take a few more hits (I think) but they'll flank and take cover much more logically.

The game actually feels better!


So how active has the online been lately?
Today I played some matches but none of them were ever full, and many were like 3v1 and such :(
So how active has the online been lately?
Today I played some matches but none of them were ever full, and many were like 3v1 and such :(

Just wanted to try the "Quit Match" functionality of the new patch and immediately ended up in a 4v4 game (in Europe). Seems alright!


Update 4 is due in January and is being designed to improve Matching and to help reduce join-game connectivity problems, as well as adding an auto team-rebalancing feature.
Following that is the big one: Update 5. Two new multiplayer maps for FREE, and the release of offline Botzone for Mercenary and Guerrilla Warfare modes.
Also in the first few months of 2014 will be Update 6, in which we’re working towards continued refinements and adding support for playing Killzone Mercenary on Vita TV (only applicable to territories where Vita TV is available).

Sucks to know we won't get the new maps until January at the earliest, but at least they're coming.


So close yet so far


So how active has the online been lately?
Today I played some matches but none of them were ever full, and many were like 3v1 and such :(

I'm still finding full matches too. The new "quit match" option between maps in the lobby is a godsend.

Still working towards the contracts challenges. Almost there... 6 more! :)

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Howdy everyone, just got this game and really want to get into the MP
my psn name is velocialume add me!


Just picked this up! Only played a little of the first mission, but really excited about the game! Haven't delved into MP yet, but if anyone wants to play PSN ID is same as GAF name! Merry Christmas to all!
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