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Kingdom Hearts Unchained |OT| - It's not an X - [UP] Worldwide Release

My old account doesn't seem to be recoverable for some reason. If I'm making a new account when would be a good time to jump in as far as rerolling and starting with good medals?


My old account doesn't seem to be recoverable for some reason. If I'm making a new account when would be a good time to jump in as far as rerolling and starting with good medals?
Now, tomorrow has an EX banner you can reroll on multiple times. Plus there's a gift of 3k jewels coming soonish
My old account doesn't seem to be recoverable for some reason. If I'm making a new account when would be a good time to jump in as far as rerolling and starting with good medals?

Roxas Ex comes out tomorrow, So that might not be too bad, plus a HD Xion as mercy. Would be a pretty decent way to start off. :p
Thanks for the tips!

It might take awhile to pull for it because the EX banners have worse odds than JP Ex banners.
But if/when you do get one. It will be very worth it.
You will get like 1% if not .01% of people who own that medal.

Especially because most people pulled for Seph Ex instead, since Seph Ex was the best tier 6 because he did one hit.

random rant

Roxas Ex/Xion Ex will probably be the rarest tier 6 ex medals if I had to guess.
Unless they make Xion EX tier 5+ for pulls. The Tier 4+ for pulls is what makes it so annoying.

Honestly, if the Seph EX/all EX banners were tier 5+ the pull rates would have been bad still compared to JP, but A LOT better than tier 4+

Tier 4 has what like 20-40 medals?
While Tier 5 has I think 10-20 or something?

The pull rate in Japan was out of 8 medals for Seph Ex....


I would bang a hot farmer!
I thought the same as you guys but at least I got mid-80s before topping it off with mirrors so I don't really care.
I've officially decided, I'm going to start saving all my jewels for Ava HD EX.

Namine HD with extra attack + Ava EX on the last 2 slots of Counterpoint should be pretty great.

This set up would make me no longer need to use T& A, plus I'd never need to use HPO or any kind of defense medal again.

It's going to be a long wait though...
We should be getting Tier 7 in January/February since we are about 5 months behind. That's right before the anniversary though. That scares me to think that it might not have a mercy pull since SENA is only nice during the anniversary.

Also getting a BRAVE GENIE would be amazing
Dream set up would be 0.2 Kairi, ikairi2, Brave Genie, hd namine, and Ava Ex.
It's supposed to be when we get the pet system, but that was delayed in JP, so I wonder if it will be delayed for global too.

Ah I see. Ok I won't wait then. They basically give like 6k jewels shortly after the tutorial is done now so that's good enough for 2 pulls.

Is it actually possible to pull the EX Roxas and the Xion in 1 or two pulls or do you have to pull at least 5 before getting the Xion?
Ah I see. Ok I won't wait then. They basically give like 6k jewels shortly after the tutorial is done now so that's good enough for 2 pulls.

Is it actually possible to pull the EX Roxas and the Xion in 1 or two pulls or do you have to pull at least 5 before getting the Xion?

It's technically possible to get HD Xion in 1 or 2 pulls but its unlikely.


I just noticed, have they been giving us <200 jewels per daily jewel quest all week? WTF?

Also, is it possible to do this one "activate DB1" quest objective in a mission with a single egg that dies with 6 hits if I don't have any keyblades without all slots unlocked? There's one Treasure Trove material quest with such objective I haven't done and I'm not sure if I can do it anymore. I'd need to be hit by an enemy but I can't NOT kill the enemy in a single turn because all my keyblades have all slots opened meaning the minimum number of attacks is 6.

EDIT: Hmm.. now it didn't die in 6 hits and I got the objective done. I'm almost certain I've done this mission before and killed it in a single turn (without using multihit special attacks). So nevermind, I managed to do it.
I just noticed, have they been giving us <200 jewels per daily jewel quest all week? WTF?

Also, is it possible to do this one "activate DB1" quest objective in a mission with a single egg that dies with 6 hits if I don't have any keyblades without all slots unlocked? There's one Treasure Trove material quest with such objective I haven't done and I'm not sure if I can do it anymore. I'd need to be hit by an enemy but I can't NOT kill the enemy in a single turn because all my keyblades have all slots opened meaning the minimum number of attacks is 6.

EDIT: Hmm.. now it didn't die in 6 hits and I got the objective done. I'm almost certain I've done this mission before and killed it in a single turn (without using multihit special attacks). So nevermind, I managed to do it.

Maybe you killed it using medals with the extra attack trait? There's really no choice not to use it if it's active.


EDIT: Hmm.. now it didn't die in 6 hits and I got the objective done. I'm almost certain I've done this mission before and killed it in a single turn (without using multihit special attacks). So nevermind, I managed to do it.

did you have medals with Ground Def trait? It pretty much negates any defense the eggs have.


I just noticed, have they been giving us <200 jewels per daily jewel quest all week? WTF?

Also, is it possible to do this one "activate DB1" quest objective in a mission with a single egg that dies with 6 hits if I don't have any keyblades without all slots unlocked? There's one Treasure Trove material quest with such objective I haven't done and I'm not sure if I can do it anymore. I'd need to be hit by an enemy but I can't NOT kill the enemy in a single turn because all my keyblades have all slots opened meaning the minimum number of attacks is 6.

EDIT: Hmm.. now it didn't die in 6 hits and I got the objective done. I'm almost certain I've done this mission before and killed it in a single turn (without using multihit special attacks). So nevermind, I managed to do it.

Most of the boss Eggs outside of the weekend raids have more HP (10-12 HP or something like that).


Lol, when my friend Whatsapped me about 15k jewels I thought he had saved that much, not that SENA gave it to everyone. :'D

Now... To mercy pulll Xion or not to mercy pull Xion...

EDIT: OOH, 3-pipped Maleficent Dragon. I already have another one.
FAKE-EDIT: OOH, 125% Guilt
FAKE-EDIT#2: OOH, poison resistance +20%



Spent that 15k so fast...... lmao.

Xion 177% + 800Hp. Not bad. Also, got T-V, HD Van?, KA6.

I'm pretty sure I don't need to pull for a very long time now. Probably save for a couple pulls for HD Xion and then wait for future medals.


Got my fifth pull for Xion. I currently have 14,4k jewels and get another 500 tomorrow for 450 daily logins. Together with the regular logins I should get enough jewels for 5 pulls on the reprint of the 0.2 Kairi Banner and also be able to buy one of the Ansem Boards.

I just have to think if I am using Brooms to guilt Xion, which would probably be a good idea. Hell, I have Lord of the Dead who kicks ass, copying that would be awesome, especially since Xion would also be guilted (hopefully).


Saint Nic
I don't play this game anymore, but had to log in for my free 15k! Have 22k that I'll probably just buy all the avatar boards with and then go back into hiding, haha.
That moment when you have to choose between extra attack, ground def -60% and aerial def -60%...

Any word about feeding medals to pets? Whether that's a thing or not?


Weeee got HD Xion and with that I have my first copy medal.

Now time to buy the avatar boards and time to start hoarding for whatever game breaking medal is coming up next.

I also still have 120 proud quests left. I'm still kicking myself for not doing them as they got released. No wizard Mickey for me :(


Oh neat, 15k jewels to celebrate KH's 15th year anniversary. Guess I should be grateful they didn't make it 1,500. And it beats out JP's 10k 2nd Anniversary gift. Seems like SENA finally got tired of being upstaged. Hope we're still getting that advertised 3k jewels when we update later.

I'm tempted to 5-pull for HD Xion, but I feel like I should be saving these jewels for something else. But with the guilting campaign happening this week I should probably take that as a sign to pull now instead of later.
Is the 15k bonus only today? Cause if so I'm definitely doing all my rerolling today.

Maybe... they haven't said anything about it on twitter nor on notifications.
It's really unlike them.

You could do like 7 pulls per account right? I'd do it today for sure.

edit/sidenote: For some reason I was thinking 15k is 3 pulls. But it's 5 pulls. That's awesome. That's a free mercy pull right there..
I'm tempted to pull for Roxas Ex, it'd be great for my set up. But I know with my 12 Seph Ex pulls, to stay strong, and not pull.

I might pull for Xion Ex if it's tier 5+ and not tier 4+
There's some variance with pulls for any specific card right? Like which sub skills it gets or something? What are some easy things to look for to know you got a good version of a card?


There's some variance with pulls for any specific card right? Like which sub skills it gets or something? What are some easy things to look for to know you got a good version of a card?
The skills that come with pulled medals are pretty worthless nowadays. Don't worry about those, we have avatar boards that dump on those skills. Some medals can come boosted if it's featured on the banner, but that's a pretty low rate. If you get roxas EX i'd just stop re-rolling, not worth the time to get him boosted (i think).

i'm ready to raid
I forgot Tsum Tsum banner was still going lol..
Throw attack boost 3/4 & lux+ for the ultimate raid boss medal I guess. lol

There's some variance with pulls for any specific card right? Like which sub skills it gets or something? What are some easy things to look for to know you got a good version of a card?
Like Skittles said, once you get Roxas Ex & HD Xion, you are fine and should save jewels for 0.2 Kairi next week.
0.2 Kairi and Roxas Ex alone will make you good for a long time but you might as well get HD Xion since you will already be pulling.

Roxas EX and HD Xion will be perfect for Fairy Stars when that comes out in global.
The skills that come with pulled medals are pretty worthless nowadays. Don't worry about those, we have avatar boards that dump on those skills. Some medals can come boosted if it's featured on the banner, but that's a pretty low rate. If you get roxas EX i'd just stop re-rolling, not worth the time to get him boosted (i think).

i'm ready to raid

I forgot Tsum Tsum banner was still going lol..
Throw attack boost 3/4 & lux+ for the ultimate raid boss medal I guess. lol

Like Skittles said, once you get Roxas Ex & HD Xion, you are fine and should save jewels for 0.2 Kairi next week.
0.2 Kairi and Roxas Ex alone will make you good for a long time but you might as well get HD Xion since you will already be pulling.

Thanks for the help guys!
I got a Roxas EX on my way to Xion and I don't have the M&Bs to guilt either one.

Sad day.

I just need one more to guilt something though. I should guilt the Roxas first right? Both are 3 orbed. Not sure if you can even pull them with less orbs though.


Is there a reason today's daily challenge gave 180 jewels instead of 200? Seems nitpicky after getting 15k jewels for nothing but still
Is there a reason today's daily challenge gave 180 jewels instead of 200? Seems nitpicky after getting 15k jewels for nothing but still

What are you talking about? Our daily jewel rations went UP from 150 jewels to 180 jewels, not down to 180 jewels from 200 jewels... (1984 reference)

1984 reference
There's a scene where their chocolate rations are reduced but the paper spun it as an increase from an even lower amount.


Neo Member
Went ahead and got Xion HD with the free 15k jewels, and after that and getting one of the Ansem avatar boards, I still have over 10k jewels saved. Still need two more Mickey and Broom's to guilt her though. Also, I'm closer to guilting a few other medals, and managed to guilt my HD Riku, 120% the first time. Overall, a good day lol.
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