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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Jungler skill discrepancies are the worst, it's just so hard to win when the enemy jungler is quite a bit better than your own.

Getting stuck with an autofill jungle is not a bad reason to dodge. :/


Is there a reason Riot hasn't reverted autofill yet? It's without a doubt the single most stupid thing they've done in their entire carreer. It breaks the game, absolutely nobody likes it and they know it.

Who the hell cares if you get 5 minutes queue? Isn't that better than being forced into a role you or your team can't play and lose a game because of it? Is it so Overwatch doesn't have shorter queue times than their game? Insecure boneheads. Keep sabotaging your own game. I bet it was Ghostcrawler.

"Sorry guys, you were right, autofill was kinda terrible! But we didn't change it earlier because we couldn't accept we fucked up so soon so we let this toxic-inducing "feature" break the game for months. But, really, sorry! Sorry guys poros are sad we're so humble and cool blablabla meme tongue-in-cheek crap".

- 7.7 patch notes.


Is there a reason Riot hasn't reverted autofill yet? It's without a doubt the single most stupid thing they've done in their entire carreer. It breaks the game, absolutely nobody likes it and they know it.

Who the hell cares if you get 5 minutes queue? Isn't that better than being forced into a role you or your team can't play and lose a game because of it? Is it so Overwatch doesn't have shorter queue times than their game? Insecure boneheads. Keep sabotaging your own game. I bet it was Ghostcrawler.

"Sorry guys, you were right, autofill was kinda terrible! But we didn't change it earlier because we couldn't accept we fucked up so soon so we let this toxic-inducing "feature" break the game for months. But, really, sorry! Sorry guys poros are sad we're so humble and cool blablabla meme tongue-in-cheek crap".

- 7.7 patch notes.
I hardly even notice autofill. Honestly, they should just get rid of flex queue all together.

With that, they could remove autofill. Seems like it's mostly a mid thing.
Yeah, we're going to take some power out of Zyra in 7.3. The main change is that her plants won't auto target nearby enemy champions who haven't just been hit by one of Zyra's spells anymore (they currently do so up to 350 range).
We've got some Malz stuff in 7.3 (probably) as well. Current things in testing:

Voidlings spawn after a short delay, rather than instantly.
Voidlings gradually slow down based off distance from Malz (no slow until more than 600 units away).
Yo these are kind of huge
I played against Swain for 2 of my 4 games I played in the top yesterday and the difference between a bad player and a decent player is so obvious. One guy made my lane a huge pain in the ass, the other only contested my farm by throwing out the crow and trying to root me occasionally. Also Malphite still easy :V you can hold me down in lane but I'll still at least bring the ults to fights. Then I get tanky stats.

Yo these are kind of huge

Malz could still potentially see play in the mid lane with these changes, but I feel like that will send Zyra straight into the garbage.
I want to say she deserves it, but honestly before she started seeing play in the last few months I swear she had been basically non-existent since S3. She probably doesn't need to do so much damage for free, but if they are essentially nerfing her damage maybe they could boost her base health or health gain a little bit or something.


Yo these are kind of huge

That targetting nerf is big for sure. Even now champs can leave their range and often won't be targetted again by the plants, so they can just kill it for free. That might be a bug, but it makes for some frustrating trades when your plants just refuse to attack anything when an adc is attacking it.

They really should fix those bugs or clarify if its intentional that plants just hate to attack sometimes.
I hate when plants behave like Cannon minions and randomly switch targets without me giving them a new one.

The Malz change gives him a much needed weakness vs initiation supports since he won't get instant skillshot blockers anymore.
If it wasn't intended then it was comically short sighted.

To clarify on this: iirc we're cool with AD carries who like the stat Lethality as long as the stat itself is in a healthy spot. Lethality was a bit undertuned, but the underlying reasoning behind the change is still the same. Flat armour penetration was a super snowbally stat because of how effective it was with an early lead. You'd basically cut through the entirety of a squishy's defences. Lethality's scaling throughout the game makes it much healthier. If ADCs want to itemise into it because those carries just like that stat and how it scales vs regular crit, that's fine.
Yeah, ARpen on ADCs was a problem because once you had a Dirk you could pretty much one shot the enemy ADC. As far as bot is concerned, Lethality gives a window where late game ADCs have a chance of survival while still giving you strong early/mid game spikes.



Been a while since i had one of these


SKT players are starting to stream on Twitch now. Apparently their Azubu contract is over. Wonder how many viewers Faker will get his first time streaming.




I hardly even notice autofill. Honestly, they should just get rid of flex queue all together.

With that, they could remove autofill. Seems like it's mostly a mid thing.
not really, autofill is supposedly a support thing, or something

but yeah, remove flex and bring draft normals back pls

even if you don't get autofilled often, you probably get an autofilled player like every other game and flex is so bad that i don't know why are we sacrificing solo q match quality for it

Yo these are kind of huge
hmm, that sounds risky for zyra, but probably good idea

malzahar can go die in a fire
Pretty sure SKT doesn't let them talk in case they say something bad/leak something that could hurt the organisation. Maybe that was an Azubu thing or something though and they've changed it now idk.

makes sense

I wish NA implemented that rule. Maybe NA would actually git gud.


Not like he would speak English anyway. We need more good streams that don't talk.

Anyone seen bunnyfufu's stream? Jesus christ he needs to shut up. What an annoying dude
makes sense

I wish NA implemented that rule. Maybe NA would actually git gud.

What are you talking about? Why would not talking while they're streaming make NA get good? I don't think players are prohibited from speaking using voice and chat, he was just saying they weren't allowed to talk on their stream.
New champ update blog

Happy with Talon though he needs buffs
Rengar doing too much damage without sacrificing CC immunity, believe he can be brought to a balanced state but might need more work for that
Happy with Kat but paying attention on her balance as people master her
LeBlanc might be pushing the Assassin/Mage thing a bit too much, might address it later

Next class update: Tanks and defensive items, wants tanks to get more out of defensive stuff than other classes - aka fuck you Fizz

VGU team A finishing Galio, working on Eve next (yessssssssssss), will still have permanent stealth, Eve will still be sexy
VGU team B finished Warwick, working on Urgot next

Oh and Breezy, once Eve and Urgot are done Swain becomes one of the top priority reworks

Aatrox cries in a corner listening to Nightwish
I love seeing my team freak out when I tell them I'm in placements >:)

Its like telling them "pls lets lose harder than usual"

New champ update blog

Happy with Talon though he needs buffs
Rengar doing too much damage without sacrificing CC immunity, believe he can be brought to a balanced state but might need more work for that
Happy with Kat but paying attention on her balance as people master her
LeBlanc might be pushing the Assassin/Mage thing a bit too much, might address it later

Next class update: Tanks and defensive items, wants tanks to get more out of defensive stuff than other classes - aka fuck you Fizz

VGU team A finishing Galio, working on Eve next (yessssssssssss), will still have permanent stealth, Eve will still be sexy
VGU team B finished Warwick, working on Urgot next

Oh and Breezy, once Eve and Urgot are done Swain becomes one of the top priority reworks

Aatrox cries in a corner listening to Nightwish

So, still RIP Bot lane
New champ update blog

Happy with Talon though he needs buffs
Rengar doing too much damage without sacrificing CC immunity, believe he can be brought to a balanced state but might need more work for that
Happy with Kat but paying attention on her balance as people master her
LeBlanc might be pushing the Assassin/Mage thing a bit too much, might address it later

Next class update: Tanks and defensive items, wants tanks to get more out of defensive stuff than other classes - aka fuck you Fizz

VGU team A finishing Galio, working on Eve next (yessssssssssss), will still have permanent stealth, Eve will still be sexy
VGU team B finished Warwick, working on Urgot next

Oh and Breezy, once Eve and Urgot are done Swain becomes one of the top priority reworks

Aatrox cries in a corner listening to Nightwish


He's also higher on the priority thingy because of his skin situation

See, there was a bright side to not getting Dragon Master Swain

I saw that edit

Dragon trainer swain

The crazy thing is rito can make a whole event around it. You have dragon trainers and dragon slayers against dragon master swain and his dragon squad. Give darius a dragon skin, yorick too(with that sick skin Idea i posted previously), shyvana, dragon knight morde make a whole event around it.

Gos rito. You would make millions.
Aatrox doesn't really need a full remake. Likely to get something smaller either via a roster update or a Shyvana-like mini-update.
Yeah but that's why, he'd get worked on if Riot went with the Diver update, but they chose Vanguards instead. He surely doesn't need a fully new kit but I think he needs more work than Shyv, like a new ability or two.
Yeah but that's why, he'd get worked on if Riot went with the Diver update, but they chose Vanguards instead. He surely doesn't need a fully new kit but I think he needs more work than Shyv, like a new ability or two.

I mean Vanguards as a class needs more work than divers, and it doesn't exclude Divers from being the preseason update. He'll get work done but sometimes there are higher priorities.


Tanks and not divers as the next class update, eh? Well..."tanks", more like a particular subset of tanks. Going by what's in the post and assuming Riot will be doing up to 5 champions...

Alistar (not likely due to recent mini-rework)
Amumu (mentioning that Riot wants initiating tanks to not be Amumu copies makes me think that Amumu is going to be left unchanged.)
Braum (not likely, not really an initiator, kit is still solid.)
Cho'Gath (not likely since Riot is doing exploratory changes. Also not an initiator)
Gragas (not really played a frontline initiator tank)
Leona (not likely due to recent mini-rework)
Malphite (most likely in the class rework. His niche as the anti-AD tank is too restrictive. Kit is too simple).
Maokai (definitely in the class rework. The second top lane goes tanky again he shows up)
Nautilus (...maybe? Kit doesn't have a huge amount of counterplay.)
Poppy (...maybe? Rework is still fresh, but kit is sort of busted).
Sejuani (the mention of "these champs function like Amumu, need more identity"...may as well have said Sejuani is in the class rework and stop beating around the bush.)
Shen (recent update, not likely)
Sion (arguably the best designed tank in the game, if anything Riot wants to take his design philosophy as the base template for all upcoming work in the class update)
Tahm Kench (not really a vanguard tank, but even his mini-rework Riot has had trouble balancing his solo queue vs. pro strength. They could use this as an opportunity to give him another mini-rework)
Volibear (big candidate for the class update.)
Zac (not a big issue, I think. When he's strong it's usually a numbers issue. Could use some more counterplay.)

My picks for the rework candidates in bold.
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