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LTTP: Final Fantasy VI



Often considered by fans to be the best in the series, is the only one as of now I've finished. I did play a bit of the DS version of IV but stopped because it was so hard and unforgiving.

The Japanese style RPG genre. Many attribute the popularity of the genre outside of Japan to this game as the game that took it out of the niche and in to the mainstream, and I can see why. This game must have for it's time easily have been the best and certainly the highest budget title, the music and many of the sequences are legendary and still holds up today. The intro scene is freaking brilliant, I also really like the train sequence and not to mention the final battle. My favorite of them all has to be the opera scene, that was just beautiful and made Celes my favorite character in the game. As for the gameplay and battle system, it has it's ideas, but I feel it hasn't aged all that well. The enemies vs your playable characters feels very imbalanced, and very RNG based where you can often get really screwed over by either getting a back attack from them making you deal only half damage or them inflicting status based moves which are hard to prepare for. The random battle encounter rate is also extreme and there is absolutely no way to reduce it, no items, no relics. Status ailments like Petrify, Imp, Zombie and to a lesser extent Dark are just really annoying and can often be impossible to deal with properly. The game must also have the worst escape from battle sequence system I've ever encountered. Your team has to waste not just one turn but 2 often 3 in order to escape from battle meaning you are 100% vulnerable and open to attack while running away from battle. Not only that, but when you escape (and this is the worst part) your entire party doesn't escape at once. 1 or 2 of them can escape first or second round while 1 or 2 often have to wait for the next turn meaning they can be on their own vs 3-4 enemies for an entire turn open to attack. I can't believe systems like this used to be acceptable. The attack menus are also clunky with lots of empty space meaning you have to scroll your way down a lot to select your preferred attack and to my knowledge there was no way to arrange any of that to your liking. I also don't like how you are unable to see the enemies health bar, this doesn't bottler me too much for regular enemies, but for boss battles that last 10+ minutes, this is just awful. All in all you can often lose 30+ minutes of progress because you were unable to properly prepare for your next obstacle. One thing I really like about the battles and characters is the Esper mechanic. All your characters are able to after a while learn all types of attacks, spells and status ailments. This was such a relief and really helped improve on my experience.

I wasn't the biggest fan of the visuals either. Most areas look way too dark and muddy. This applies even before
World of Ruin
. All the caves are easily the biggest offenders here. The high encounter rate coupled with often cryptic puzzles and boring visuals made those easily the worst parts of the game for me. I'm not saying that the game would be improved if it was way more colorful all over the place, but there should have been more variation like in Chrono Trigger. The character designs on the other hand are amazing.

Story & characters: I really like some of the characters like the already mentioned Celes, Locke and Terra. The rest of the cast felt kind of one note which made most of their story moments fail to make an emotional connection on me, but they're harmless and fun for the most part (fuck Gau, though). But one mechanic I did not like was the moments you had to split your crew in to different teams for a dungeon. I honestly just wanted to use my main team and having to defeat difficult bosses at the end of the game with weaker teams was a huge chore. So was having to balance out the teams. The villain Kefka is considered by many to be one of if not the greatest villains in gaming history. I thought he was good, but not on that level. Maybe that's because I'm not a big fan of the untouchable maniac villain trope (don't like Joker from Batman much nor the movie No Country For Old Men for this reason). I prefer it when villains have to strive more for their schemes. But like mentioned before, the final battle against him was so freaking good which singlehandedly made me like him. The story was also enjoyable. At least up until halfway through the game when
The world has been destroyed. After Celes has recruited again the first 4 or so characters, the story seems to stop until you enter Kefka's hideout. The remainder of the game is just recruiting all your missing ones listening their sob stories and along the way level yourself up to be strong enough to face him. And after you have defeated him, nothing really happens. You escape in the nick of time, it seems like Terra is about to sacrifice herself for the rest of you to escape, but no. She survives, and is now seemingly just a regular human being with no magic capabilities because all the espers have been destroyed. None of your characters died. Nothing really happens afterwards, Celes & Locke's romance for example ended before the WoR and is never brought up again even at the end when they had the opportunity do do so

At times you may think I was slaughtering the game, but no. Is the game in my opinion overrated? Yes, but I still had an alright time with it and I really respect what it did for the genre and how it paved the way for one of my all time favorites in Chrono Trigger which came out not long afterwards. All in all i'd say it was still worth my time, even if it is pretty archaic by today's standards.
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I also thought it was very overrated. I played the GBA version many years later and never finished it because after a point it became very tedious and boring. Still i want to give it another chance one day. Maybe i'll try the PS1 version this time.

Kev Kev

i didnt play it for the first time until about 5 years ago and it blew my socks off. it became my favorite final fantasy, even after playing 7, 8, 9, and 10 multiple times before i ever touched 6. it was amazing and completely lived up to the hype imo.

so i have to disagree with the overrated opinion. id say it even exceeded expectations for me. it was so good. so, i guess its just different strokes and all that.

try out ff10 for a great battle system. just replayed that one recently and it probably has the best battle in the series.
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Neo Member
Yes, it's overrated.

I dislike Espers because each one gives a different stat bonus on level ups that you can't respec.
Really only STR and MAG boosts are worth leveling up from Espers. HP and MP boosts are negligible, Stamina is pretty useless, and speed isn’t really an option until real late. The game is already easy without the bonus stats anyway.

Mopey bloke

I haven't seen anyone attribute the mainstream success of Final Fantasy to this game. It was definitely VII. VI didn't sell especially well., or grow the fanbase for the series in a tangible way.

Agreed on the game being a bit rough on spots, and character arcs aren't very satisfying. Yet speaking of battles and traversal, it was ahead of the curve. This game isn't grindy, and the battles are quick enough. Random encounter rate is high, but you get a moogle charm for the last third of the game that alleviates the issue.


I haven't seen anyone attribute the mainstream success of Final Fantasy to this game. It was definitely VII. VI didn't sell especially well., or grow the fanbase for the series in a tangible way.
I'm aware of that. I was more speaking relative to what came before this game, and also in regards to the entire genre.

Often considered by fans to be the best in the series, is the only one as of now I've finished. I did play a bit of the DS version of IV but stopped because it was so hard and unforgiving.

The Japanese style RPG genre. Many attribute the popularity of the genre outside of Japan to this game as the game that took it out of the niche and in to the mainstream, and I can see why. This game must have for it's time easily have been the best and certainly the highest budget title, the music and many of the sequences are legendary and still holds up today. The intro scene is freaking brilliant, I also really like the train sequence and not to mention the final battle. My favorite of them all has to be the opera scene, that was just beautiful and made Celes my favorite character in the game. As for the gameplay and battle system, it has it's ideas, but I feel it hasn't aged all that well. The enemies vs your playable characters feels very imbalanced, and very RNG based where you can often get really screwed over by either getting a back attack from them making you deal only half damage or them inflicting status based moves which are hard to prepare for. The random battle encounter rate is also extreme and there is absolutely no way to reduce it, no items, no relics. Status ailments like Petrify, Imp, Zombie and to a lesser extent Dark are just really annoying and can often be impossible to deal with properly. The game must also have the worst escape from battle sequence system I've ever encountered. Your team has to waste not just one turn but 2 often 3 in order to escape from battle meaning you are 100% vulnerable and open to attack while running away from battle. Not only that, but when you escape (and this is the worst part) your entire party doesn't escape at once. 1 or 2 of them can escape first or second round while 1 or 2 often have to wait for the next turn meaning they can be on their own vs 3-4 enemies for an entire turn open to attack. I can't believe systems like this used to be acceptable. The attack menus are also clunky with lots of empty space meaning you have to scroll your way down a lot to select your preferred attack and to my knowledge there was no way to arrange any of that to your liking. I also don't like how you are unable to see the enemies health bar, this doesn't bottler me too much for regular enemies, but for boss battles that last 10+ minutes, this is just awful. All in all you can often lose 30+ minutes of progress because you were unable to properly prepare for your next obstacle. One thing I really like about the battles and characters is the Esper mechanic. All your characters are able to after a while learn all types of attacks, spells and status ailments. This was such a relief and really helped improve on my experience.

I wasn't the biggest fan of the visuals either. Most areas look way too dark and muddy. This applies even before
World of Ruin
. All the caves are easily the biggest offenders here. The high encounter rate coupled with often cryptic puzzles and boring visuals made those easily the worst parts of the game for me. I'm not saying that the game would be improved if it was way more colorful all over the place, but there should have been more variation like in Chrono Trigger. The character designs on the other hand are amazing.

Story & characters: I really like some of the characters like the already mentioned Celes, Locke and Terra. The rest of the cast felt kind of one note which made most of their story moments fail to make an emotional connection on me, but they're harmless and fun for the most part (fuck Gau, though). But one mechanic I did not like was the moments you had to split your crew in to different teams for a dungeon. I honestly just wanted to use my main team and having to defeat difficult bosses at the end of the game with weaker teams was a huge chore. So was having to balance out the teams. The villain Kefka is considered by many to be one of if not the greatest villains in gaming history. I thought he was good, but not on that level. Maybe that's because I'm not a big fan of the untouchable maniac villain trope (don't like Joker from Batman much nor the movie No Country For Old Men for this reason). I prefer it when villains have to strive more for their schemes. But like mentioned before, the final battle against him was so freaking good which singlehandedly made me like him. The story was also enjoyable. At least up until halfway through the game when
The world has been destroyed. After Celes has recruited again the first 4 or so characters, the story seems to stop until you enter Kefka's hideout. The remainder of the game is just recruiting all your missing ones listening their sob stories and along the way level yourself up to be strong enough to face him. And after you have defeated him, nothing really happens. You escape in the nick of time, it seems like Terra is about to sacrifice herself for the rest of you to escape, but no. She survives, and is now seemingly just a regular human being with no magic capabilities because all the espers have been destroyed. None of your characters died. Nothing really happens afterwards, Celes & Locke's romance for example ended before the WoR and is never brought up again even at the end when they had the opportunity do do so

At times you may think I was slaughtering the game, but no. Is the game in my opinion overrated? Yes, but I still had an alright time with it and I really respect what it did for the genre and how it paved the way for one of my all time favorites in Chrono Trigger which came out not long afterwards. All in all i'd say it was still worth my time, even if it is pretty archaic by today's standards.
Think of the time period it release.. back in 93-95? It was the best rpg among with Lufia 2, Lunar 2 etc.


I personally loved the party splits. Made sure you took care of the rest of your team.

Gogo is OP, lol. Also kind of comedic/parody. Literally joins your party shits and giggles.

Strago is OP too if you train him and learn his Lores (Blue Magic). Gau is a pain to train, but if you do, he has some great rages that can wreck house.
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Thankful I got to play this as a kid in the 90s. One of my favorite games of all time. You had to play these games back in the day when their prospective console generation was still ongoing - otherwise yeah you can say they are over-rated if you play them a decade or two later....

Often considered by fans to be the best in the series, is the only one as of now I've finished. I did play a bit of the DS version of IV but stopped because it was so hard and unforgiving.

The Japanese style RPG genre. Many attribute the popularity of the genre outside of Japan to this game as the game that took it out of the niche and in to the mainstream, and I can see why. This game must have for it's time easily have been the best and certainly the highest budget title, the music and many of the sequences are legendary and still holds up today. The intro scene is freaking brilliant, I also really like the train sequence and not to mention the final battle. My favorite of them all has to be the opera scene, that was just beautiful and made Celes my favorite character in the game. As for the gameplay and battle system, it has it's ideas, but I feel it hasn't aged all that well. The enemies vs your playable characters feels very imbalanced, and very RNG based where you can often get really screwed over by either getting a back attack from them making you deal only half damage or them inflicting status based moves which are hard to prepare for. The random battle encounter rate is also extreme and there is absolutely no way to reduce it, no items, no relics. Status ailments like Petrify, Imp, Zombie and to a lesser extent Dark are just really annoying and can often be impossible to deal with properly. The game must also have the worst escape from battle sequence system I've ever encountered. Your team has to waste not just one turn but 2 often 3 in order to escape from battle meaning you are 100% vulnerable and open to attack while running away from battle. Not only that, but when you escape (and this is the worst part) your entire party doesn't escape at once. 1 or 2 of them can escape first or second round while 1 or 2 often have to wait for the next turn meaning they can be on their own vs 3-4 enemies for an entire turn open to attack. I can't believe systems like this used to be acceptable. The attack menus are also clunky with lots of empty space meaning you have to scroll your way down a lot to select your preferred attack and to my knowledge there was no way to arrange any of that to your liking. I also don't like how you are unable to see the enemies health bar, this doesn't bottler me too much for regular enemies, but for boss battles that last 10+ minutes, this is just awful. All in all you can often lose 30+ minutes of progress because you were unable to properly prepare for your next obstacle. One thing I really like about the battles and characters is the Esper mechanic. All your characters are able to after a while learn all types of attacks, spells and status ailments. This was such a relief and really helped improve on my experience.

I wasn't the biggest fan of the visuals either. Most areas look way too dark and muddy. This applies even before
World of Ruin
. All the caves are easily the biggest offenders here. The high encounter rate coupled with often cryptic puzzles and boring visuals made those easily the worst parts of the game for me. I'm not saying that the game would be improved if it was way more colorful all over the place, but there should have been more variation like in Chrono Trigger. The character designs on the other hand are amazing.

Story & characters: I really like some of the characters like the already mentioned Celes, Locke and Terra. The rest of the cast felt kind of one note which made most of their story moments fail to make an emotional connection on me, but they're harmless and fun for the most part (fuck Gau, though). But one mechanic I did not like was the moments you had to split your crew in to different teams for a dungeon. I honestly just wanted to use my main team and having to defeat difficult bosses at the end of the game with weaker teams was a huge chore. So was having to balance out the teams. The villain Kefka is considered by many to be one of if not the greatest villains in gaming history. I thought he was good, but not on that level. Maybe that's because I'm not a big fan of the untouchable maniac villain trope (don't like Joker from Batman much nor the movie No Country For Old Men for this reason). I prefer it when villains have to strive more for their schemes. But like mentioned before, the final battle against him was so freaking good which singlehandedly made me like him. The story was also enjoyable. At least up until halfway through the game when
The world has been destroyed. After Celes has recruited again the first 4 or so characters, the story seems to stop until you enter Kefka's hideout. The remainder of the game is just recruiting all your missing ones listening their sob stories and along the way level yourself up to be strong enough to face him. And after you have defeated him, nothing really happens. You escape in the nick of time, it seems like Terra is about to sacrifice herself for the rest of you to escape, but no. She survives, and is now seemingly just a regular human being with no magic capabilities because all the espers have been destroyed. None of your characters died. Nothing really happens afterwards, Celes & Locke's romance for example ended before the WoR and is never brought up again even at the end when they had the opportunity do do so

At times you may think I was slaughtering the game, but no. Is the game in my opinion overrated? Yes, but I still had an alright time with it and I really respect what it did for the genre and how it paved the way for one of my all time favorites in Chrono Trigger which came out not long afterwards. All in all i'd say it was still worth my time, even if it is pretty archaic by today's standards.

to be faire, story wise I feel it's still one of the best out of the main FFs, and that's saying something. as for the game play, I mean it IS a game from 1994. it's restricted by the technology and taste in design at the time, so I don't think it's fair to criticize it base on modern standards. plus remember back then we didn't have any websites to look up guides and a lot of the things that are tropes now we're not even a thing back then. most people just have to play through the game the hard way and learn about all the story and secrets for themselves, so everything seems fresh and awe struck.


I often go back and forth between final fantasy 6 or Chrono trigger as best rpg ever made. Ff6 is legendary and a classic. How someone can say it’s overrated is beyond my understanding.
Well, I'd love for you to reply to any of the points I layed out! One thing I forgot to mention which is related to my visuals complaint is that the world map looks extremely dry. Absolutely nothing about it is visually appealing.


Think of the time period it release.. back in 93-95? It was the best rpg among with Lufia 2, Lunar 2 etc.

Yup, for me it was my favorite FF game and the build up for the next installment was excruciating. Was up in air if 7 was supposed to be SNES or N64. Then finally on PS reveal.

Edit: to this day it's the only sound track I ported to my iPhone, love Terra's Theme
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I personally loved the party splits. Made sure you took care of the rest of your team.

Gogo is OP, lol. Also kind of comedic/parody. Literally joins your party shits and giggles.

Strago is OP too if you train him and learn his Lores (Blue Magic). Gau is a pain to train, but if you do, he has some great rages that can wreck house.
But there was a really easy way to make sure all your characters were strong so you didn't have to worry about your other party members being weak.
Don't bother to get anybody until you level the hell out of the first 3 people you get in the world of ruin. The level of each character is based on those characters so if you've already leveled them up to level 60 or so then any character you get in the world of ruin will already be really strong.


I agree. I started FF6 like 4 or 5 times, only finished it once.
The encounter rate is absolutely crazy. Like OP said, caverns are infuriating. You get attacked literally every 5 steps at best, and yes, the game just loves to get you back attacked and makes running away much more unfair than necessary.
Story and characters are great, but the gameplay just isn't fun to me.

German Hops

Something about this game. I always thought it sucked so many started out on Final fantasy VII and missed this game due to having a PlayStation not an Snes. There are qualities about this game that I wonder if you would not get unless you grew up playing games at that time then got to that game. It just blew you away with detail.

STORY: Fantastic story. Really takes you for a ride. There are parts where you are not even sure who to trust or why you are.

CHARACTERS: Brings in lots of characters who all play an important roll. I rather like this approach as apposed to the one or two main character idea.

GRAPHICS: Pushing more colors on the Snes than any game at the time. Beautifully done, and I love the Color pallet used. It is not a super bright game. Greens and browns, all toned down a bit. Gives the whole world a Mood.

MUSIC: Well, just play it, or ask anyone. The music in this game is almost the best part which is amazing considering how good the game is.

REPLAYABILITY: Not sure about the rest of you, but I have started this game over so many times, mostly because I can't bring myself to end it, I just start over, I love the game and the story. A very good RPG for Replay Value.

CRITISISUMS: Well as you can see, I'm a big fan of the game, so any criticism is usually just a minor thing. As in, I wish there where more things outside of the path of the story to do. Not that there are not any, just, Id like more, but mostly because I just want MORE new stuff to do in the game. As far as the Original Snes version that came out here in the states, I wish it was a little harder. I hate knowing we get these dumbed down versions.

BEST VERSION ?? I have to go the GBA port. Awesome translation; even better than what Reed Woosley could do.
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Dr Bass

If you think “nothing happened” with the story in the second half I don’t think you got it at all.

There is a difference between a story based on characters and their growth vs something that relies purely on plot devices to move things forward.

The plot in FF6 is as cliche as any FF can be. It’s the characters and their personal stories that set that game apart. Yes it is simple by today’s standards in some ways but that doesn’t mean it’s worse. The ending is basically one massive pay off as you see how each character has personally grown over the course of the game. That’s far more interesting than “this happened, then this happened …”

FF6 is a masterpiece of its era. Still the best FF imo. 😉
And what do you meant by " nothing" happen at the end? They destory Kefka, no more magic and no more ray of judgement. The world might still be shit, but it can go up from that point.


I love FF6 but in all fairness, the fact it was my first FF ever probably play a large part in it.

Still - I love the art direction, the bizarre steampunk-cross-renaissance pre/post-apo setting, its cast of characters and the choral storytelling, the music, and how the second part of the game open up to allow sandbox play. It's a weird FF game, with a strong personality but at the same time allowing a large degree of freedom and plenty of different ways to relate to it and its story.

I dislike Espers because each one gives a different stat bonus on level ups that you can't respec.
Back in 1994, respecing wasn't a mechanism you would expect from any mainstream RPG.
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Reseterror Resettler
Yeah, it was definitely a "you kind of had to be there," thing for FFVI, but it, along with to a lesser extent II and IV, we're really responsible (for better or worse) for a lot of what contemporary Final Fantasy became. The art style, the score, the juxtaposition of technology and magic, the storyline intertwined with the game play, it wasn't really revolutionary so much as...WWIey. it took what had been established before it and hammered it into a nice, easily accessible, digestible form. It was an RPG with trenches and guns instead of swords and muskets, if you will.

That's what impresses me about it. For it's technological limitations, it still feels like it has more in common with FFVII than FFV or IV. Nostalgia be damned, it's what I consider the first "modern," Final Fantasy. Others have been more refined, prettier, deeper, more challenging, etc, but damn, does it have HEART.

Cutty Flam

How does this compare to Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars? I've had this notion in my head for some time, that because FFVI and Super Mario RPG were made within two years of each other and both ended up on the Super Nintendo that they're also both of extremely high quality and very similar in exploration, team members or partners, and item management


How does this compare to Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars? I've had this notion in my head for some time, that because FFVI and Super Mario RPG were made within two years of each other and both ended up on the Super Nintendo that they're also both of extremely high quality and very similar in exploration, team members or partners, and item management
They are both very good games. Admittedly, SMRPG is was more geared toward people less familiar with RPGs, but even if you are experienced, it can still be a good time. I think there's enough differences in the style, graphics, and gameplay, that they stand very distinctly apart. If you ever played Paper Mario, it takes very heavily from SMRPG (and is even considered a spiritual sequel), you'll understand a lot of the gameplay.


I actually stopped my playthrough of SMRPG 10+ years ago at around 40% or so through. Didn't feel it was anyhere near as good as Paper Mario 1 and especially TTYD. I gotta go back to it some time.
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You are all wrong with any criticism! The game is perfect dammit! :)

My only critique would be general Leo... Needed more of that duder .

There is so much hidden in it too... Damn you cursed shield!

I have played it through dozens of times. The GBA version is the best due to the extra content but has weaker audio.
It was awesome at the time, but I can imagine that those would be the impressions of someone coming into it fresh. Video games have evolved quite a bit. I don't think I could stomach the random encounters nowadays either.


FF6 never had a proper remake or update like almost all other FF games. that's why the younger players here don't appreciate it. this came out before Chrono Trigger so it was even less evolved.

FF6 has the best depth of all FF games. the characters are the most developed all around and are not mere foil. not just their personalities but also their skills. each is unique and develops differently. developing those skills was the great fun of this game. the Sage had to survive monster special magic to learn the spells. FF6 is full of secrets like the cursed shield and hidden characters. one character's story can only be experienced if you have him in the party if you stay in the Inn.

modern FF games have lost their original depth. that's why I'm exited for the FFxNioh game. I hope it will restore what was lost in the franchise


FF6 has some weird naming of the items. Fenix Down and Tincture. Also, there are Tonics and Potions. Some equipment I will have to look in the menu to see what it is. I wish you could press select for a description like in FF9.
FF6 has been my "I really should play it"-game since it came to PS1.
I've just never got to do that for many reasons. I even got the SNES Classic to play FF6. But to this day I haven't started it..

FF7 (with Witcher 3) is my favorite game of all time and many people say that 6 is a better game, so I really should play it.

Cutty Flam

FF6 has been my "I really should play it"-game since it came to PS1.
I've just never got to do that for many reasons. I even got the SNES Classic to play FF6. But to this day I haven't started it..

FF7 (with Witcher 3) is my favorite game of all time and many people say that 6 is a better game, so I really should play it.
I’ve heard a ton about this game, have seen multiple gifs of it around the internet being used. There has to be something special about this game. It crossed my mind to get a SNES Classic for this game as well

And a question for those that have finished FFVI

Does FFVI have Culex in it?

Naked Lunch

FF6 is the pinnacle of the franchise.
The gameplay of 6 is so good - theres even a character where you have to do street fighter moves.
FF7 especially was such a step back - it was all flashy FMV and no gameplay substance.

The two player mode of FF6 is something no one talks about but we used the hell out of that back in the day - a way to play a massive story with a friend.

Calling FF6 overrated is pure blasphemy. Nonsensical.
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Now I am at this part. I screwed up the Blitz.

I'm the very rare gamer who never played fighting games or anything that required flowing input chains before playing FF6. This fucking fight, man, especially on GBA. I almost went nuts lol, especially coming off of FF4 that didn't have the "minigame" battle command gimmicks.

But gimmicks is mean - I learned and adapted, and the unique character commands is one of the things I like most about FF6's battle system. Every character feels unique out of and in combat. Obviously before different characters had different attacks and abilities, but you are still selecting "Steal" or selecting "Fira" or whatever and watching them do it perfectly, sans a miss. It put a little more "roleplaying" into using their special abilities.
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I notice that the game waits untill you lose allot of HP before telling you how to do the Blitz. If you get killed, you can do the Blitz early in the fight on the restart.
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